Chapter 459: Surprising Robber

The heavy truck had all sorts of refrigeration and harvesting equipment in it, and it weighed dozens of tons. Even so, it was sent flying high into the air. The ceiling was reduced to a mess because of the impact, and even the entire warehouse shuddered a little.

Then, the liquified crystal fuel in the truck ignited. Together with the destructive energy from the crystal bomb, it turned into a huge fireball.

The fireball tore the truck to shreds before turning into millions of mini fireballs that spilled down like rain.

The flames were filled with rampaging spirit energy and were like napalm bombs on Earth. They even resembled the samadhi fire spoken in legends as they spilled out freely all over the warehouse.

It has to be known that the raw crystals in the warehouse were all incredibly unstable, ticking time bombs.

If they were stored carelessly, it would be too easy for them to release all their energy.

When the shockwaves of the explosion spread out, everything instantly started burning, and the entire warehouse turned into a sea of fire in just a short few minutes.

The temperature in the warehouse immediately rose by dozens of degrees Celsius.

Once the monster materials started burning and formed fatal biochemical reactions with the raw liquid of the gene medicine, a burnt and poisonous stench rose into the air.

A few of the security guards and harvesters had been sent flying by the explosion. Even if the Dragon Citizens’ body constitutions were insanely powerful, they still could not stop coughing up blood. They covered their heads and climbed away.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The automatic fire control system released jets of water, but it was all in vain.

In the face of the fierce flames, this amount of water was basically someone trying to put out a raging fire with a cup of water.

Meng Chao subjugated the three robbers who pounced on him in just a second.

Then, all he could do was watch the warehouse with a dumbfounded expression.

The stunned look on his face soon turned into words: “Everything went out of control!”

Meng Chao’s original plan was to arrive during a crucial moment, since he knew Ning Lang’s target and set out soon after them. He would then turn the tides alone and avoid all losses. After that, he would earnestly persuade Ning Lang to realize his wrongdoings and surrender to the adjudicator court. He would also persuade him to tell him the truth about the Deification Capsules.

He couldn’t be blamed for being too optimistic, though.

When he faced opponents at Lin Chuan and Gao Ye’s level in the past or Supernatural Entities like the White Spirit, Earthquake, and the Demonic Abyss Eye, he had solved his problems based on this plan.

Meng Chao was already used to fighting against enemies who were stronger than him.

But the robbers were just normal people who temporarily gained supernatural abilities with the Deification Capsules.

With his current state, they were basically handing themselves over to him, so he could just use his charisma to subjugate them.

He did not expect that while the three robbers acted according to his plan and basically surrendered to him, the last person who looked like Ning Lang would act decisively!

Meng Chao had not even moved a single finger when Ning Lang viciously pressed down on the detonator. He did not even give Meng Chao the time to run his mouth off.

Where were his moral principles?!

The three robbers were struggling to their feet.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and delivered a few kicks in succession, which dislocated all their joints. He did not even have the time to tie them up. He had to chase after the last robber.

At the moment the explosion happened, Ning Lang ran to a corner of the warehouse at the speed of a panther performing a 100m dash.

By the looks of it, he wanted to escape through the ventilation duct.

Meng Chao would not let him succeed. With a snort, he attacked first and sealed off the path leading to the ventilation duct.

But Ning Lang seemed to have anticipated this. He turned around and without hesitation fled to the wall of the warehouse.

Meng Chao snorted coldly.

When it came to storing monster materials and raw crystals, they had to prepare all sorts of complicated conditions, such as constant temperature, constant humidity, and constant pressure. Then, they had to also consider the problems of smell, radiation, and spirit energy fluctuations. The walls of the warehouse were much sturdier compared to those of normal buildings, and some parts of the walls were even embedded with lead plates and other metals.

Even if Ning Lang temporarily had the power of a one-star superhuman, it was impossible for him to create a hole in the wall.

When Meng Chao saw that Ning Lang was running faster, just like a train that had its brakes broken, he was certain that he would not be able to turn back and would crash into the metal plate that would bounce him back.

In an instant, Meng Chao came up with thirty-seven methods on how to capture Ning Lang alive once he bounced back.

The problem was that he had to subjugate him instantly without giving him the chance to fight back.

It was not for Meng Chao’s sake, but that Ning Lang might get injured.

If Ning Lang struggled, he would end up wasting a lot of his vitality. In the end, it might cause his organs to collapse or even burn. Then, the clue would go cold.

Everything moved according to his plan.

Ning Lang was about to crash into the wall.

But against Meng Chao’s expectations, with a deafening roar rose, Ning Lang actually blasted a hole in the wall, and it was more than half a meter’s diameter long!


Ning Lang seemed to have expected the hole to appear. He jumped up and crawled out through the hole.

Meng Chao was stunned silent again.

Ning Lang had actually set up crystal bombs on the external walls of the warehouse without even Meng Chao noticing.

They had actually planned their retreat so meticulously!

They also had the ability to carry out their entire plan while avoiding the CCTVs and security guards’ eyes!

The robbers’ computational abilities and executive abilities were a little over-the-top, no?!

Through the hole, Meng Chao could vaguely see Ning Lang running madly into the distance. He was about to jump over the last fence.

There was no time to think. With much more grace than Ning Lang, Meng Chao jumped out of the hole as well.

Then, he saw four ceramic balls bounce high off the ground.

Meng Chao’s pupils shrank into two dots.

He knew what they were—Sky Shockers, anti-monster bounding mines.

Hundreds of carefully made alloy shards were contained inside, along with incredibly fine metal shrapnels, which were a hundred times more numerous than alloy shards.

With the push from the impact wave caused by the explosion, the alloy shards would tear through the monsters’ flesh, and the metal shrapnel would stab into the monsters’ eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and every hole, so the monsters’ sensitive nerve bundles would taste the sharpest and most long lasting pain possible.

This sort of anti-monster mine was made to deal specifically with strength-type monsters with thick skin, like the Demonic Halberd Pigs and Iron-armored Rhinoceroses.

In truth, during the day, the Dragon Fang Commandos had used them to fight against the monster invasion at the forward operating base of Soaring Dragon Constructions.

Meng Chao did not expect that he would taste how the monsters were treated so soon.


Four anti-monster mines exploded at the same time, and the metal wave came at him from all directions. Even if he instantly activated his spirit energy and formed a defensive spirit energy magnetic field, some of the metal powder still seeped in, causing the corners of his eyes and nostrils to feel really itchy and pained. He could not help but sneeze a few times in succession.

After the final sneeze, Ning Lang had already jumped over the fence.


Meng Chao was livid now. With a growl, he drew Bloody Soul and slashed down fiercely in the direction of Ning Lang.

He was more than ten meters away from the fence, and the blade would naturally be unable to touch it, but the saber glare that charged out cut the fence in half with a loud howl. The collapsed reinforced concrete immediately pinned Ning Lang under it.

But Ning Lang’s muscles and bones had been strengthened, so it only made sense that he would not be pinned by the collapsed fence. With just a brief struggle, he got up to his feet again.

But while he was struggling, Meng Chao had already rushed over in anger. He spread his fingers wide apart and went to grab Ning Lang’s neck.

Ning Lang was like a trapped beast in a desperate situation. He could only turn around and fight with his life on the line against Meng Chao.

But their disparity in strength was not something that could be closed by just a fearlessness toward death.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Meng Chao did not use Bloody Soul. He just used the dorsal side of his left hand and broke Ning Lang’s right arm.

Then, he lowered his shoulders and crashed into Ning Lang, sending him flying. He also grabbed his backpack.

With a casual fling, a large amount of murderous weapons that were as sinister and fatal as the anti-monster mines fell out.

“Holy crap...” Meng Chao gasped in amazement.

A residential area was close to the material warehouse.

If he had not been the one who discovered the robbery but an Earth Realm superhuman who was one to two levels lower than him, he would have fallen for Ning Lang’s tricks if he were careless, and once Ning Lang ran into the densely populated residential area, the consequences would be dire.

It was highly likely that he would drag dozens and even hundreds of innocents to the grave with him!

With this thought in mind, Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and stepped on Ning Lang’s chest. He searched him from head to toe and found a lot of diabolical and ruthless trinkets as well as one metal tube that contained three Deification Capsules. Then, he finally sighed in relief.

Ning Lang was still struggling.

At that moment, even if Meng Chao had removed his demonic leather mask, his face would still be as monstrous as that of a demon.

Unfortunately, even demons needed to breathe.

And Meng Chao knew the physiological structures of monsters like the back of his hand. He had also mastered one hundred ways for monsters to asphyxiate and faint.

He pushed down on Ning Lang’s neck artery, and Ning Lang was knocked unconscious when Meng Chao was only at the third method.

When Meng Chao sensed that his heart was still beating steadily and he showed no signs of his body temperature increasing drastically, he sighed in relief.

Fortunately, by the looks of it, Ning Lang was not going to die of organ failure or self-immolation.



A series of shocking explosions came from behind him.

The ceiling of the material warehouse was thrown off by the impact and landed beside Meng Chao with crackling sounds, just like a meteor shower.

Meng Chao turned his head around and looked at the colorful fire pillars that rose into the air, and he could not stop the muscles at the corners of his eyes from twitching.

Even though he stopped the robbery, all the raw materials stored in the warehouse were destroyed overnight. His company suffered a tremendous loss this time round!

Five minutes later, Shen Yupeng brought his secret police squad, but they were too late.

The special fire trucks from the fire station arrived on time and surrounded the burning warehouse. They started releasing fire extinguishing bubbles fused with mithril-based stabilizing solution at the fire.

Meng Yishan, Qin Hu, Xie Xiaolei, and the other managers of Superstar also arrived one after another. When they saw how tragic the warehouse looked as it burned, they scowled.

The burning of monster materials, raw crystals, and raw liquid for gene medicine was different from a normal fire disaster. It involved problems such as air pollution and soil contamination. The cost from the follow-up would be incredibly high.

When they saw that Meng Chao had arrived at the site earlier than they did, they were stunned, then hurried over and asked him the details.

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