Chapter 450: Big Brother Wolf

The Blood Flower’s bewitching presence had always been present in the abnormal beasts’ offense against humans, be it in the White Spirit case, Gao Ye’s case, the destruction of the underwater tunnel construction site, or the ambush on Noble Descent Hotel.

Based on Meng Chao’s memories of his previous life, the Blood Flower played a crucial role during the second half of the Monster War as well. It was one of the major contributors to the monsters’ faster evolution.

Since the Blood Flower was a unique organism between a plant and a fungus, it had the ability to stimulate the activity in the cells of carbon-based life forms. The specialists wanted to research its structure as well and its secrets to weaken its infectious and pervasive properties, along with ways to make the Blood Flower useful to humans.

But based on what Meng Chao knew, even the zombie research center and the famous biochemical labs in Dragon City were never able to gain much of a breakthrough when it came to the research regarding Blood Flowers.

The abnormal beasts, however, were ahead of them in terms of their research toward Blood Flowers. Half a year ago, they had already managed to turn them into a biochemical weapon and used it in the war to create large numbers of undead.

The Deification Capsule contained components of the Blood Flower... so was it related to the abnormal beasts?

The outdoor lab could not answer the question, since it only had basic equipment to examine living beings.

Fortunately, at that moment, the army stationed nearby arrived at the base.

Communications were soon restored. The wireless network was also connected to the headquarters of Soaring Dragon Construction, which was located in Dragon City.

Meng Chao used the communication network in the base to contact Ye Xiaoxing, leader of Group 9 of the abnormal beast research department. He told him about his experience over the past few months in the wild and what he learned that day. He shared everything about the Deification Capsule and his observations: the strengthening and subsequent tragic fates of the humans after they took the medicine.

“Has the abnormal beast research department ever heard of the Deification Capsule?” Meng Chao asked.

“Based on what I know, no. But the research department is not in charge of investigating gene medicine that has not been approved, anyway,” Ye Xiaoxing told Meng Chao. “Besides, the illegal workshops that produce the Three Missing Criteria Drugs usually don’t have names for their drugs.

“When they talk to others in the black market or the deep market, they make up all sorts of strange names. Today, they’ll call it the Deification Capsule, tomorrow, they’ll call it the Soul Burning Pill. The day after tomorrow, they’ll call it the Divine Medium Pill. The name itself won’t be able to make you think that it’s problematic.

“Speaking of which, you said that a normal person will gain supernatural powers after he takes the pill? But it also has a high chance of mortality? You usually don’t hear of such domineering drugs.

“I’ll report your discoveries to the drug monitoring department. Later, the people over there will contact the manager of Soaring Dragon Construction’s base and they’ll take over the case.”

“Is that so?” Meng Chao frowned a little and asked, “Captain Ye, are you saying that the drug monitoring department will be in charge of this investigation?”

“Is there something wrong with it? Investigating forbidden drugs has always been the job for the drug monitoring department!” Ye Xiaoxing stopped talking for a moment. Perhaps he remembered Meng Chao’s crazy instincts during the Noble Descent Hotel case, and he raised his voice a little. “What’s wrong? Did you discover something? Do your instincts tell you that the Deification Pill is related to the abnormal beasts?”

“Well... no,” Meng Chao said. “I just think that there’s a high chance of that since, for one, there is Blood Flower components in the Deification Capsule and the abnormal beasts are the ones with the most in-depth research regarding Blood Flowers inside and outside Dragon City. Second, ever since the ambush on Noble Descent Hotel, the abnormal beasts have not done anything for a few months.

“Now, the humans’ developing lands and forward operating bases are sprouting like mushrooms after a shower. The Red Dragon Army and the exploration teams from the four great research centers have already reached the highest peaks of quite a number of mountains in Monster Mountain Range. They created a lot of maps for military use, which means they can find the abnormal beasts’ nest at any moment.

“It’s impossible for the abnormal beasts to stay quiet. They’re definitely plotting a new scheme in the dark. In any case, I don’t have any other clues in my hands now and am free, so I might as well join the investigation.”

“That’s true. You’re not an official investigator of the department, so you’re the perfect person to do some of the things that the department cannot do publicly,” Ye Xiaoxing said readily. “In any case, I’m just going to repeat what I said. The department trusts you fully. If you find any clues, you can ask for manpower and resources as you wish. Of course, it’ll be for the best if you can provide concrete proof.”

“Got it. Thanks, Captain.”

Meng Chao would, of course, not act rashly.

Besides, right now, aside from the Deification Capsule, he did not have any other clues.

While he was wondering whether he should wait for the staff members from the drug monitoring department to come over and try to get more news, Manager Jiang told him that the only girl who did not take the Deification Capsule had woken up and seemed quite stable.

She gave them another piece of information. She was a couple with the young man with a mohawk in the surveillance footage.

The mohawk young man had all the potential of his life drained. His cause of death was severe dehydration and the carbonization of his organs.

But when he was alive, he treated Meng Chao as his greatest idol.

When the girl woke up, she asked who saved her. Manager Jiang told her that it was Meng Chao, so the girl shared the knowledge about her boyfriend.

“That girl is pretty pitiful. The pathfinders in the developing land were her neighbors, classmates, and her childhood sweetheart. She might not have taken the Deification Capsule, but she watched her best friends and lover go mad through the monitor before they died of exhaustion. The mental torment is too great,” Manager Jiang told Meng Chao.

“She said that some Broken Star Club members had come to the squatter area where they lived to carry out public welfare activities. The club members even taught the children there how to cultivate. Her boyfriend also admired you the most while he was still alive. I think that if you were to talk to her a little, it would cheer her up a bit and make it easier to deal with her grief.”

“Taught children how to cultivate?” Meng Chao thought about it. “Are they the citizens of the temporary settlement in the east of the city?”

Meng Chao had only ever taught children in one area, which was where Ms. Xiao Fanghua had organized a martial arts refresher course for the children whose homes and school had been destroyed by the monsters so they could only live in temporary tents and shacks.

Since Ms. Xiao Fanghua had given birth to twins and had to nurse them, before Meng Chao went out to train in the wild, he would often go to that place as a replacement teacher. While there, he had become friends with quite a number of children.

Since the pathfinders were disaster victims who lost their homes, they had problems that forced them to run into the depths of the fog to develop the land.

Meng Chao naturally agreed to Manager Jiang’s request.

He met the haggard girl in the medical room.

The girl’s eyes were blank. Her lips were pale, and even her breathing was a little weak. It was as if she had lost the desire to live.

But when she met Meng Chao, light shone in her eyes, as if she remembered her boyfriend, who idolized Meng Chao.

However, it was precisely because she remembered her dead boyfriend that she became even sadder. Her eyes immediately filled up with ice-cold tears.

Meng Chao was scared of such situations the most. He quickly said something along the lines of “Your boyfriend ate the Deification Capsule because he wanted to fight to the end and make sure that you have a chance to survive. Since so many of you died just so that a handful of you could survive, you should cherish your life even more. You have to live well.”

The girl sucked in a few deep breaths and calmed down a little. In a quivering voice, she thanked Meng Chao for saving her life.

“It was an easy task. All the people in the wild will help each other and fight side by side if they see someone having run into monsters,” Meng Chao said. “Besides, even when I’m not around, you relied on your own strength to get rid of all the monsters. Where did you get that Deification Capsule? It’s really amazing!”

The girl was not stupid.

She could tell the power and danger of the Deification Capsule was far beyond that of normal gene medicine. To a certain extent, it could even be considered as the culprit who killed her boyfriend.

Hence, she did not intend to hide it. She said, “Little Hua got it from Big Brother Wolf.”

“Big Brother Wolf?”

Meng Chao knew that Little Hua was the girl’s boyfriend, the mohawk man who told everyone how to use the Deification Capsule in the surveillance footage.

Who was Big Brother Wolf?

“Big Brother Wolf was Little Hua’s friend. I’m not too familiar with him myself, and I don’t know his real name either,” the girl said. “Little Hua wasn’t close to Big Brother Wolf in the beginning. I know practically all of his friends, and they’re all his neighbors as well as classmates from elementary school and middle school.

“I think Big Brother Wolf is older than us by two or three years. Before, he stayed in another residential area, so we didn’t interact much with each other.

“But a year ago, when our residential area was destroyed by monsters, the residents from more than ten residential areas had to squeeze into a temporary settlement. Once there are a lot of people in an area, you get a lot of conflicts as well. Our mood was also bad.

“Little Hua often argued with other people, and he was once beaten up so badly that his head started bleeding. I think he got to know Big Brother Wolf through fighting against him. For some reason, they ended up as friends who ate and drank together.”

“So, you’re saying that this Big Brother Wolf is also staying in the temporary settlement in the east of the city?”

Meng Chao pondered this for a moment and asked, “Do you know who he is and why he has something as dangerous as the Deification Capsule?”

“No.” The girl shook her head. “Big Brother Wolf should have lived nearby. But there are tens of thousands of other people in that area. I don’t know where his house was specifically.

“He seemed like someone who is really capable. He also had a lot of friends and he knew a lot of powerful people. He was welcomed everywhere.

“Last year, he even joined a pathfinder team and stayed in the wild for a few months. Even though they did not manage to defend their developing land, he did not die. He came back covered in wounds and his spirits became even higher.

“A large part of the reason behind why Little Hua joined the pathfinders is because of Big Brother Wolf’s influence.

“As for the Deification Capsule, I only know that Little Hua got it from Big Brother Wolf. I don’t know anything else. I’ve been together with Little Hua for ten years, and he always told me everything. But when it came to the Deification Capsule, he kept his mouth tightly shut. He refused to say anything about it.

“We only knew that this super gene medicine was a new product created by some major organization. I heard that it was tested on three batches of animals and two batches of volunteers. It’s absolutely safe, so it’s just that it hasn’t been approved by the drug monitoring department and can’t be brought to the market for the time being.

“When Big Brother Wolf heard that Little Hua wanted to join the pathfinders, he went through a lot of his connections to get those capsules to protect us. I think that Big Brother Wolf said all that to trick Little Hua, and Little Hua really believed him like an idiot. I didn’t expect...”

The girl started weeping silently.

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