Chapter 442: Tyrant Mammoth

At that moment, the alarms of the forward operating base of Soaring Dragon Construction were blaring. The multi-turreted cannons roared, and all the light machine guns and heavy machine guns fired nonstop. More than one hundred firing lines formed a swaying wall of fire and arduously resisted the rampaging monster horde.

Soaring Dragon Construction was just like Sky Pillar Corporation and Universe Corporation. It was one of the nine great mega corporations that had built the Survival Committee in the past and the largest environment modification and real estate property company in Dragon City.

Its main business was the development of the wild, search for water sources, and the turning of harsh environments not suited for human survival to fertile soil and pleasant scenery. Then, they would build houses there or sell the areas to other companies.

When Dragon City obtained full victory at the northern frontline, it switched to tactical offense. Over the year after that, Soaring Dragon Construction started hiring loads of people and expanded their business boldly. They set up more than one hundred forward operating bases and reconnaissance forts fifty kilometers around Dragon City.

Sometimes, they were even bold enough to set up Bulge Sections that stood out like sore thumbs but were really fragile more than one hundred kilometers away from Dragon City, but they did that only in certain directions.

The Survival Committee encouraged Soaring Dragon Constructions to set up their stations because there was a long-term lack of effective work positions in Dragon City, unemployment rate was at a constant high, the population of young adults was too high, and the internal conflict in the city was very intense. If the company continued with its work, it would be able to take up social responsibility and hire a large number of youngsters to be stationed in these bases where they would develop a brand new home for themselves.

As the industry and their territory continued expanding, the staff in charge of developing the land began to lack extended professional training, and the average quality started to fall. The management became chaotic, and they decided to just test their luck and overlook the problems of safety, so various problems kept popping up.

When they ran into a small number of monsters, they could rely on the armored squad—Dragon Fang Commandos—of Soaring Dragon Construction to fight them or hire superhuman squads to deal with the situation.

But if they ran into situations like a monster horde formed by more than one thousand monsters, the base set deep in the fog would immediately be isolated and face the problem of being surrounded by enemies.

“What’s going on? Why did such a large monster horde suddenly appear? Why didn’t the alarms warn us?”

“There’s interference in the network. Our request for reinforcements can only spread to around ten kilometers. We can’t contact Soaring Dragon Constructions’ headquarters or the Red Dragon Army’s station. They’re too far behind us!”

“The reinforcements have already set out, but we need to rely on our own strength to last at least an hour or more!”

Bad news popped up one after another.

The forward operating base had nearly one thousand people in it. Half of them were agriculturists, explorers, botanists, and environment modification engineers, so they basically had zero fighting power.

Out of the remaining half, only a dozen or so were superhumans, and most of them were only one-star superhumans or broken-star superhumans. Just two of them were at the peak of Earth Realm.

At that moment, the two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm were standing on the sentry tower right behind the back door. They were staring at the monster horde charging at them.

Their mood plummeted to the very bottom when they saw what was in front of them.

“How could this happen? Aren’t they just some Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, and Bloody Hippopotamuses? Why are the heavy machine guns having such a hard time piercing through their defenses? We have armor piercing shells!”

Puzzled and despairing cries rose from the walls ahead of the sentry tower and the machine gun bases.

Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, and Bloody Hippopotamuses were three of the most common monsters in the wild.

Since they were omnivores that ate everything, had great reproductive abilities, fearless personalities, tough skin, great power, and moved in large herds, these large creatures were stronger than canine-type and feline-type monsters. They became the main opponents that humans had to face when they colonized the wild.

To deal with these creatures’ tough and thick leather armor, they had developed all sorts of amazing weapons.

There was no need to mention rocket launchers and anti-tank rifles.

The anti-material armor piercing shells of the heavy machine guns could even leave a light armored infantry carrier vehicle full of holes in just a short half a minute.

Logically, even if they could not completely block off the monster horde, they should be able to leave multiple holes in the dozens of Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, and Bloody Hippopotamuses leading the charge. Their blood should be flying all over the place.

Yet all the monsters shone with a thick and fierce light. It was as if they had an invisible armor on their bodies, and their already terrifying defense had increased to another degree.

When the armor-piercing shells landed on their bodies, they either bounced off or got stuck in their flesh. Not a single speck of blood flew out.

Even the rocket projectiles could only batter them a little.

Yet even if their skulls were shattered and the gray goo from their brains came out, the creatures never stopped moving. They continued charging forward regardless of the cost with fierce light in their eyes.

They brought with them a terrifying feeling: no matter what, no one can break our defenses. This was fatal to the soldiers’ morale.

When the monster horde was around three meters away from the forward operating base, the faces of the defenders of the machine gun bases were stark pale. Their hearts grew unstable, and they started looking to the back frequently.

They were in the wild. They were not on any road, since there were no roads in the wild. It was also difficult for humans to outrun monsters. If that had not been the case, some people would have already chosen to run for their lives by then.

The two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm looked at each other at a loss.

They could not decide whether they should tell what they saw to the people at the base below them.

They could clearly see a superbeast that was five times larger than the Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, and Bloody Hippopotamuses at the back of the monster horde.

It was a creature with long fur that was as red as blood. It had two tusks that pointed skyward, a long nose covered in thorns that moved with the agility and fierceness of a morningstar, and two beady eyes that shone with an enchanting red light.

It looked like a roaring hill and a moving disaster.

It was the king of all artiodactyla-type monsters—the Emperor Mammoth. In its adult form, it could reach the peak of Hell Beast fighting power.

The Emperor Mammoth was also known as Tyrant Mammoth by the humans who had managed to survive encountering one of them in the wild but whose minds were broken by it. This monster had a skill that did not suit its size.

At first glance, the huge Hell Beast should be all brawns and no brains. It was just the upgraded version of Demonic Halberd Pigs and Iron-armored Rhinoceroses and relied on brute charges to deal damage.

However, despite having matchless brute strength, it was also pretty skilled in mind attacks.

It had two mind attacks that could affect large areas—War Trample and Rampaging War Song.

The first allowed it to control the pressure and even gravity dozens or even one hundred meters around it to create the illusion that it could trample everything. Along with the powerful mental shock, it would create an earthquake in the mind and body.

The second skill could affect all other artiodactyla-type monsters. It could use its vitality magnetic field to make the vitality magnetic fields of all artiodactyla-type monsters “sing in chorus”. With a magnetic field resonance, it could instantly increase the defenses, reaction speed, and bloodlust of all artiodactyla-type monsters around it.

This was similar to how a six-star superhuman could activate his or her own spirit energy magnetic field to increase the fighting strength of their companions.

It was also similar to the “War Souls” of the Red Dragon Army. They used flags, war songs, bugle calls, and other methods to make the soldiers’ minds resonate. Then, with more than one thousand minds of normal soldiers, they could form an army soul to fight against superhumans and superbeasts.

Under the leadership of the Tyrant Mammoth, the Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, and Bloody Hippopotamuses that were common monsters were able to enter a berserk stat that made them as powerful as Nightmarish Beasts, and they formed a real army.

Even if they would enter a weakened state for a long period of time or even die due to exhaustion once the effects of Rampaging War Song ended, before that happened, they were highly likely to level the forward operating base to the ground, along with the one thousand people in it.

Boom! BOOM!

Everything might have seemed to have happened over a long period of time, but the charge was actually very quick. The monster horde soon entered the minefield at the perimeter of the forward operating base.

The anti-monster mines detonated, and finally, some of the Demonic Halberd Pigs, Iron-armored Rhinoceroses, and Bloody Hippopotamuses were blasted into the air.

But the torn up monster carcasses did not bring fear to the remaining monsters. Instead, the event increased their brutality.

The Tyrant Mammoth swung its morningstar-shaped nose and easily threw the dozens of monsters in front of it away. It strode to the front of the monster horde and brought its front hooves high in the air. They were as thick as pillars supporting the sky. Then, it brought them down with a loud thud.

War Trample, activate!

A visible impact wave appeared in the shape of a fan in front of the monster horde. It spread out and disappeared.

The earth trembled. The air screamed. The anti-monster mines at the perimeter of the forward operating base all detonated, but they did not hit a single monster.

And once the astonishing impact wave crossed the minefield, it rammed into the towers and multi-turreted cannons of the forward operating base, throwing the humans controlling the heavy machine guns on the walls off of them.

The humans inside the base felt as if a loud crack of thunder had sounded beside their ears. Their minds became blank, and fear overtook them.

Earlier, the monster horde had stirred up dust, which hid the Tyrant Mammoth, so no one could see this terrifying creature.

Now, the Tyrant Mammoth was right in front of their eyes. Along with this creature that stood at the peak of all Hell Beasts came its terrifying legends. Its bloodthirsty presence and fluctuating vitality magnetic field stirred up the fear at the surface of human genes, and it could not be overcome by just facing death with a smile.

All the humans instinctively looked at the sentry towers.

It was natural for them to instinctively look for the strongest in their group.

But before the two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm could react, the Tyrant Mammoth had already stepped into the line of fire and swaggered into the mineless minefield. It swung its long nose and yanked out an automatic multi-turreted cannon from the ground to throw it at the sentry tower.


The sentry tower and the multi-turreted cannon were reduced to pieces together.

The pieces scattered everywhere and pierced various walls. The hearts of the defenders behind them leapt into their throat.

The two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm fell to the ground rather pathetically. Their eyes shone with shame, anger, and determination.

“All superhumans, stay! Provide cover for the others!”

With anger on their faces, they shouted out with despair in their voices.

Superhumans were also humans, and there was no human who did not fear death.

But from the years of fighting between humans and monsters, they knew that if all of them fled, it would only lead to no one being able to escape.

The mini-cameras around the forward operating base, on the armor of the Dragon Fang Commandos, and on the helmets of the normal workers would record their heroic attitude or shameful conduct before they died.

If they fled in the face of battle, not only would their deaths be insignificant, they would also end up as jokes and cause trouble to their families.

Even if they were really lucky and managed to escape back to Dragon City, they would end up universally condemned and dead in a ditch somewhere.

In other words, it would be difficult for them to escape death. Then, going out with a blast would mean that they would get honor, resources, and benefits for their families so that their children would have a higher hope of becoming superhumans.

And they knew just who they should hold accountable for their deaths.

Under the lead of the two superhumans at the peak of Earth Realm, all the superhumans jumped on the walls and drew their shining sabers.

Some were angry, some forced themselves to take action, some cursed their bad luck in their hearts, and some just outright cussed, but when they faced the Tyrant Mammoth and the rampaging monster horde, their backs were straight. None of them peed their pants in fear.

At that moment, a small black dot dived into the monster horde like a falcon!

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