Chapter 422: Mystery of X

The first two pieces of information were fine.

But when he saw that the contribution points for a Supernatural Entity were only around 60,000 points, Meng Chao felt that it was too low. However, it might also be because it had not fully evolved yet.

Speaking of which, if they had completely evolved, the one dead would definitely be Meng Chao. He would have no chance to lie in a medical cabin in comfort and happily count his contribution points.

But the third piece of information was even more amazing.

‘I’ve been working hard for half a year, and the progress for the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities has only reached 25%. Now, I only read part of the Demonic Abyss Eye’s memories, and you’re telling me that the quest progress increased by 21% in one go?

‘Isn’t that a bit too ridiculous!’

Meng Chao then connected the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities and the X-shaped eye together.

The reason for that was simple.

He had actually seen the bloody lake in the Bloody Moon Wolf King’s memories before.

And from the abnormal beast research department’s analysis reports, there was the possibility that abnormal beasts were genetically modified by men.

This was information known since a long time ago, so it had long since been included in the progress of the quest.

But the appearance of the X-shaped eye shocked Meng Chao a lot.

‘How could this be? Based on what Captain Ye said, the abnormal beast research department suspects that the birth of abnormal beasts is related to a satellite city lost in the fog, where it’s highly likely that it formed a symbiotic relationship with the monsters and built a monster civilization together.

‘The last time I saw this X-shaped eye was in a notebook my mother wrote more than twenty years ago. But Mom has forgotten about the things at that time and doesn’t know any details.

‘There’s something I am certain of, though, and that is that Mom never left Dragon City and went to the satellite city lost in the fog.

‘When she was a nurse, she came into contact with the X-shaped eye in an underground hospital, which was definitely located in Dragon City.

‘Why is it that these two seemingly unrelated clues have overlapped with each other now?

‘No. It’s not two clues, but three...’

Meng Chao’s mind raced and recalled the three times he saw the strange and unfathomable X-shaped eye at three different points of time, locations, and objects.

The first time he encountered it in his mother’s notebook, and it should have appeared there around twenty years ago.

The second time was on the back of his corrupted sister’s hand in the memory fragments of his previous life.

If he deduced things based on the timeline in this life, Bai Jiacao should completely awaken to her bloodline and become the Dark Witch ten years later. Then, the picture would be branded on her.

The third was in the depths of the Demonic Abyss Eye’s memories.

If the memories Meng Chao read were shown to him in a reverse chronological order, then the scene he saw had happened a long time ago.

‘That’s not right.’ Meng Chao carefully remembered the details of the three X-shaped eye and suddenly thought of something. ‘Those are not the Demonic Abyss Eye’s memories.

‘The Demonic Abyss Eye is huge, and its visual system is different from a human’s. The image it saw through its eye shouldn’t have been so clear.

‘I remember that I was clearly on a surgical table in a human operating theatre and saw shadowless lamps. The shape of the scalpel was also designed for the human physiological system. Those weren’t the tools to harvest monsters.

‘In other words, the one lying on the surgical table was definitely a human of average size. It was not the Demonic Abyss Eye or its former self, a Demonic Air Ripping Eye.

‘That’s right. When the Demonic Abyss Eye was being modified in the bloody lake and was in the process of evolving into a Supernatural Entity, it was injected with a large amount of human knowledge and memories. This scene was probably also implanted into its brain at that time.

‘Just who is the person who was tied down to the surgical table and forced to go through... some sort of operation or experiment? Why was the X-shaped eye on the surgeon’s scalpel? And why did those memories go to the Demonic Abyss Eye’s brain? And anyway, how are all these things related to my sister’s corruption?!’

Even if Meng Chao had reached Heaven Realm, which increased his deduction and analytic abilities, he could not smooth out all that he had learned into a clear story.

He sucked in a deep breath and quietly worked his spirit energy to ease his brain, which felt like it was about to explode. Then, he carefully recalled the details of his sister becoming corrupted in his previous life.

Honestly, though, there were no details.

In his previous life, once his parents died one after another, he was left alone with his sister and they stuck with each other.

At that time, Meng Chao only wanted to quietly refine his harvesting skills to earn money so that he could take care of his sister.

But Bai Jiacao was deeply traumatized, and she decided to become infinitely stronger regardless of the cost.

Meng Chao only had her left, so he naturally did not want to let her encounter any dangers. But he was too busy with work and had to harvest countless monsters every day.

Even normal monsters had tough flesh and sharp bones. They also had acid and poison hidden in their bodies. If that wasn’t enough, they could turn into zombies at any moment, so he had to focus all his attention on handling them.

He had to work until midnight every night and was exhausted. His fingers suffered from cramps, and when he went to the toilet, he could not even hold his prick properly.

Because of all that, it was impossible for him to constantly pay attention to Bai Jiacao.

Hence, even he did not know when his younger sister grew up or became corrupted to such a terrifying degree.

Meng Chao remembered that he had once argued fiercely with his sister in his previous life.

He could no longer remember the specific details, but at that time, he seemed to have discovered crystals and monster materials that were worth cities in his sister’s room.

They were so expensive that there was no way that a poor family like theirs could ever afford them.

He suspected the origin of those items, and he immediately demanded answers from Bai Jiacao. His sister was unhappy, and she asked him to stop butting into her business so much, but there was no way he could just stand by and not care. They argued for an entire night and even threw things. Later on, his sister moved out, and much later...

Some built people dressed in black uniforms and wearing black tactical sunglasses, which all gave off a fierce presence, visited him to ask about Bai Jiacao.

At that time, he was ignorant.

But after he returned to the past, Meng Chao discovered through keen observation that those people’s presences were really similar to the special forces of the research department and the adjudicators of the adjudicator court.

By the looks of it, his sister had offended a lot of people that she should not offend.

Did she want to take revenge for their parents, or had she discovered the secrets behind the X-shaped eye and wanted to figure out the origins of the Night Demon Blood in her body?

Logically speaking, when she awakened to the Night Demon Blood, she was still very weak and should have been captured by the related departments or mysterious organizations.

But during those two years, human civilization was at its final battle with the monster civilization, and Dragon City was in a state of chaos because the Supernatural Entities would show up once every few days to cause terrifying damage.

If they created a ranking board for the fatal threats to Dragon City, when Bai Jiacao had just been corrupted, she would not have made it to the top ten.

Because at the very least, the Nine Great Supernatural Entities would have occupied nine slots of the top ten!

Perhaps that was why she was able to escape.

When he heard about his sister again, she was already known by a lot of people—no, more accurately speaking, many of the intelligent human-like carbon-based life forms in the Other World—as the Dark Witch.

Speaking of which, the terms Night Demon Blood and the Dark Witch were very meaningful.

Even though Meng Chao did not know the truth behind the terms, if he analyzed the meaning of the words literally, then they implied magic.

Based on Meng Chao’s past memories, there was magic in the Other World.

The human-shaped life forms who were skilled in using magic were magicians.

Even though Meng Chao felt that superhumans and magicians were really just terms, and they were all, at the core, still intelligent human-shaped carbon-based life forms, this meant that his sister’s awakened abilities came from the same source as those of the creatures of the Other World.

The sister in his memories was also... incredibly cool, awesome, and bewitching, which matched the “magic” vibe!

That meant that more than twenty years ago, someone in Dragon City was already secretly researching the power of the creatures of the Other World, and they came up with at least two results in their research.

One of them was the Supernatural Entities.

The second was his sister, the Dark Witch Bai Jiacao... Maybe?

‘Is that the truth? The forces who created the monster civilization aren’t a satellite city lost in the fog, but someone lurking within Dragon City itself?

‘If that’s the case, it would explain how they’re so familiar with everything concerning Dragon City, including human civilization and our society’s structure. It also makes sense that they could infiltrate Blue Home and corrupt Lin Chuan, Gao Ye, Zhou Tianshui, and a large number of human elites...

‘Wait, that’s wrong. It doesn’t make sense. Based on what Luo Hai once told me and what I investigated over this period of time, those among the people, who created the underground hospitals thirty years ago to research the secrets of life and are still alive, are all top leaders of Dragon City now.

‘They have the world at their beck and call and can cover up whatever crimes they want. They even control the direction in which our civilization advances. Why would then there be a need for them to secretly modify abnormal beasts to attack Dragon City? That’s basically the same as them slapping themselves! It doesn’t make sense!

‘Looks like the truth is more complicated than what I can imagine. Just what sort of secrets are hidden behind the X-shaped eye?’

No matter what, having too many disorderly clues was still better than having no clue at all.

At the very least, half of the pieces of the puzzle were now in Meng Chao’s hands. As long as he was patient and lucky, he had hope of forming the outline of the truth.

He could also use the resources of the abnormal beast resource department to figure out the truth behind the X-shaped eye, which would kill two birds with one stone.

But there was a problem too.

‘This is bad. I’ve been standing out too much, and I’m too noticeable now. I’m levelling up very quickly, and my achievements are grand.

‘I’m basically a firefly burning brightly in the dark and a lighthouse shining stubbornly during a storm. I’m a hero respected by millions of citizens.

‘No matter how much the government covers up for me, my achievements might have already spread through every corner of Dragon City.

‘This will naturally make me a thorn in the monster civilization’s side.

‘It’s fine if they focus on me, but would the intelligent abnormal beasts notice that Mom was once a nurse in an underground hospital related to X-shaped eyes through the clues lying around? Would they also figure out that my sister has awakened to strength that far surpasses that of a normal high school girl?’

In his previous life, he had financial troubles and had to take care of two ill people, so he had no means to provide many cultivation resources for Bai Jiacao.

Before she became an adult, she hadn’t shown anything special that could attract the attention of various forces of power.

But in this life, Meng Chao had stuffed Bai Jiacao with so many valuable materials that she was now a plump little pig.

With the nourishment from a rich variety of resources, her Night Demon Blood had awakened beforehand, and she managed to easily get into the experimental class of one of the three super high schools in Dragon City.

She was also Meng Chao’s sister, so even if she wanted to keep a low profile, it was impossible, right?

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