Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 421: Getting Stronger From All Sides

Chapter 421: Getting Stronger From All Sides

This familiar but unfamiliar picture caused goosebumps to break out on Meng Chao’s skin.

He widened his eyes and tried his best to see the X-shaped picture clearly as well as the person holding the surgical knife.

But he could only see a pair of profound eyes that looked like they belonged to a supernatural being through the goggles.

Immediately after, this memory became blurry.

No matter how much Meng Chao struggled, he could not break free from being devoured by the memory vortex.

“Meng Chao!”

In his daze, he heard someone calling him.

The voices seemed to belong to his tutoress Griffin Li Yingzi and Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu.

In fact, he could also sense a few superhuman presences that were stronger than Li Yingzi and Luo Wu.

‘Are those... Deity Realm superhumans?’

Meng Chao sighed in relief. He finally relaxed his tense nerves and allowed the comforting darkness to envelope him. He fell backward and fell into Li Yingzi’s arms when she rushed over to catch him.

Meng Chao had two dreams.

In the first dream, he turned into a Demonic Air Ripping Eye.

In the beginning, he was just a normal member of his race, and driven by instincts, he floated in the depths of Monster Mountain Range. He used the abilities he was born with to control and intimidate other monsters so that they would hunt for him.

He never thought about who he was, why he was there, or what he was doing. He just needed to float about, eat, evolve, control others, fight, reproduce, grow old, and die.

Later on, it seemed like a fierce fight happened. Dozens of other mind attack-type monsters waged war against the Demonic Air Ripping Eyes.

The war was not just limited to the Demonic Air Ripping Eyes, but also the countless monsters they controlled.

The war shocked the world and turned Monster Mountain Range into a sea of carcasses. Many Demonic Air Ripping Eyes died, but “he” was lucky enough to escape death. Among the endless mind controls and melee fights, “he” even became stronger.

After killing an innumerable number of enemies, “he” became covered in wounds, however. “His” body was mangled up, and while he was struggling for his last breath, he fainted.

When “he” woke up again, he was floating in a huge bloody lake.

The growth medium was one hundred times stickier than fresh blood. Not only did it repair and strengthen “his” body, it also forcibly injected all sorts of knowledge and memories into “his” brain. It enlightened “him” and opened the door to wisdom. “He” began to think of questions “he” might never be able to answer.

‘Who am I?

‘Where did I come from?

‘What is my mission?’

“He” did not know a single answer.

But “he” knew that humans knew the answer.

At the very least, the unique monsters that were “humans” claimed that they had this so-called “civilization” and looked like they knew the answer.

Otherwise, why would they have the right to claim that they were in control of “civilization”?

In the second dream, he was just a normal Dragon Citizen who failed his national college examination and lived a difficult but normal life.

Unfortunately, since both sides were injured badly during the Monster War and Dragon City lost most of its resources as well as its ability to exercise sovereignty over its territory and survive through internal circulation, it was forced to push its war machine to its maximum capacity and drive out of Monster Mountain Range.

It dragged him into the river of destiny. Against his will, he lifted a saber and killed countless beings. It left him drowned in blood and with his soul devoured.

He struggled for a long time in a hellish battlefield while living ignorantly. Then, the apocalypse arrived, and he finally realized that he and Dragon City had both walked down a path destined for destruction.

It was just like how the Demonic Abyss Eye and monster civilization from decades ago walked down the path of destruction as well.

The two dreams appeared one after another.

They were different, but subtly connected.

One of them was like a person standing beside him in front of a black lake, and the other was a blurry, distorted reflection of him in the water.

At the end of both dreams, Meng Chao saw a mysterious and unfathomable picture: Two long and narrow eyes intersecting with each other to form an “X”. Their only pupil shone with an unfathomable light as if it could see through the human soul.

Meng Chao had seen countless monstrous and fearsome monsters.

He had also gone through all sorts of extreme and terrifying things.

But he felt that there was nothing more bizarre than the X-shaped eye.

He woke up covered in cold sweat and found that he was lying in a huge medical cabin.

No, instead of saying that it was a medical cabin, it would be better to say that it was a mini indoor swimming pool filled with gene medicine and high-calorie nutritional fluid.

The gene medicine and high-calorie nutritional fluid were filled with materials from Hell Beasts and even Apocalyptic Beasts. Spirit energy spilled out of them, and a strong fragrance wafted into his nose. Before he even took the initiative to suck it in, it charged into his orifices and pores.

Meng Chao could be considered a frequent visitor of medical facilities.

Ever since he awakened to supernatural powers, he often ended up exhausted and heavily wounded. Then, he would have strange dreams and wake up comfortably in a medical cabin.

Still, this was undoubtedly the most comfortable experience he had waking up.

He stretched his back and sensed no pain. Instead, he felt that all his cells were filled with so much power that he was about to pop like popcorn.

With a thought, he could clearly analyze the dozens of monster materials and rare crystals contained in the medical fluid.

He could also sense the internal structures of the dozens of medical equipment placed in the room, along with the changes in the air from the air-conditioner above his head.

He could even hear the two nurses chatting in the corridor outside.

“Who is the person inside? How did he manage to gain such high favor from President Lu? I’ve never seen a patient use so many valuable monster materials and crystals in just a few days, and he actually managed to absorb all of them! If it were any other normal superhuman...”

“You don’t know? It’s Meng Chao!”

“Ah! The one who did all that in this battle? It’s no wonder why so many important people came to visit him. I didn’t expect that he’d be so young.”

“He has always been this young. He’s still in university. I heard that...”

The two nurses’ conversation grew too quiet as they walked away.

But Meng Chao could still sense the sound waves they released crashing against his body. The different feedback he gained from the sound waves allowed him to make an outline of their bodies, facial features, and even expressions.

Naturally, he could also scan the structure of the corridor and the decorations in it like a bat through the changes of the sound waves.

In fact, because of an unknown reason, detailed plans of how he should fight with everything beside him if an army of monsters or undead charged out from behind the corner of the corridor popped up in his mind as well.

‘What’s going on? My senses and deductive abilities seemed to have become better.’

Meng Chao recalled all that had transpired before he fell unconscious.

He widened his eyes, and a delighted spark showed up in his gaze.

‘Is this... what Heaven Realm feels like?’

He clenched his fist and swung it fiercely in the medical fluid.

The 36,000 pores in his body were all opened up, and they absorbed the spirit energy in the gene medicine and high-calorie nutritional fluid like rabid dogs.

He had finally reached Heaven Realm, the territory of first rate fighters and a stage he had never been able to reach in his previous life even after training for decades.

His senses improved drastically, and he was filled with so much power that he was almost bursting. But those were normal changes that were not worth mentioning.

Meng Chao noticed that the information he could gain and the things he could control had increased by several degrees as well.

In the past, when he looked at someone, all he saw was a simple human shape.

Now, he could form the outline of humans and monsters dozens of meters away through the vibrations of sound waves and the feedback provided by them. He could then tell their body size, their condition, temperature, even their breathing, heartbeat, and contraction of their muscles to determine how dangerous they were and their fighting strength.

No matter what he looked at, even if it was the gentle light at the ceiling, he could instantly “see” its length, width, breath, and wattage.

Meng Chao believed that the data he “saw” would have less than a 0.01 mm difference from the data obtained from tests.

And he could scan, control, and perform micro-adjustments to even more parts of his body.

His breathing, heart rate, speed of blood flow, speed of spirit energy flow, speed of adrenaline secretion, pulse rate of a certain organ, contraction and swelling of a certain muscle fiber... He could practically control everything within his body.

If a not very suitable example was to be used, then in the past, he was like an auto car.

His breathing, heart rate and hormone secretion were locked and controlled automatically by his cerebellum.

The good thing was, his cerebrum did not need to handle a lot of complicated information, and the pulse rate of his organs was automatic.

The bad thing was that he could not bring out the maximum power of his engine and car body. He could not handle all sorts of extreme environments and situations.

His current self was a manual car.

The bad thing was that he had to use a lot of focus and calculations to constantly adjust his physiological parameters.

The good thing was that he could now control all his organs and nerve bundles. In an instant, he could bring out his maximum power to negate all sorts of strange threats and problems in extreme situations.

The benefits of his calculation abilities improving far outweighed the disadvantages.

A simplest example of that could be that with just one thought, the cells at the end of his limbs could vibrate at super high speed and release the energy from the depths of the mitochondrion to form a small magnetic field.

That magnetic field could spread outward to interfere with and even control the objects around him.

Meng Chao stared at the ceiling light above him.

He controlled his magnetic field and stretched it to the ceiling light through his eyes.

It had originally been adjusted to sleeping mode, so the light was dim. In an instant, it became bright and gradually turned piercingly bright.

Meng Chao became playful. He controlled the ceiling light to flicker nonstop.

‘Is this the secret behind controlling items remotely? That’s interesting!’

He focused his mind.

Just as he was about to play around with his body and figure out his new abilities, such as the limits of how much his organs could swell up, he noticed that Kindling had become really bright at the corner of his eyes.

A thought popped up in Meng Chao’s mind. He lit up Kindling and read the rewards he gained while he was unconscious.

The first three notifications almost blinded his recently strengthened eyes that were supposed to be as strong as titanium.

[The Fire Relayer killed Supernatural Entity Demonic Abyss Eye. You greatly increased Dragon City’s chances of victory in the Monster War. Increased contribution points by 55,000.]

[The Fire Relayer awakened Supernatural Entity Earthquake’s soul, allowing him to return as the human Gao Ye. You greatly increased Dragon City’s chances of victory in the Monster War. Increased contribution points by 50,000.]

[The Fire Relayer gained part of Supernatural Entity Demonic Abyss Eye’s memories and abilities. The progress of the Mystery of Supernatural Entities has increased by 21%. Current progress: 46%. Increased contribution points by 21,000.]

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