Chapter 419: Last Hit!

Gao Ye might have temporarily broken free of the Demonic Abyss Eye’s control, but his soul suffered great damage for it.

During the tug-of-war against the mental chains, the problem of his soul not being compatible with the nervous system and body showed up again.

He was like a puppet that had its strings cut. Even though he had broken free of the puppeteer’s control, he could not recover his ability to move on his own.

He also could not stop the Demonic Abyss Eye from climbing up his head.

The Demonic Abyss Eye laughed savagely.

Meng Chao could not stop it in time. It swung its blood-filled tentacles and stabbed Gao Ye’s eyeballs.

Then, its originally round body gained an oval shape while it squirmed and stuck to Gao Ye’s brain like a mega leech.

Gao Ye let out a pained cry.

His large body started squirming and swelling up uncontrollably again.

“This is...” Meng Chao’s mind raced, and he instantly came to an understanding.

The Demonic Abyss Eye had given up on controlling the Ultimate Sandworm through Gao Ye’s soul.

Instead, it decided to take him over. Its tentacles stabbed into the Ultimate Sandworm’s body and connected to his nervous system so that the Demonic Abyss Eye could personally control the terrifying body that was basically a mega tunnel boring machine.

This action would deal a major blow to Gao Ye’s soul but also its own soul. The Ultimate Sandworm’s body would also be completely crippled after this.

This was the final trump card, a killing move that the Demonic Abyss Eye could only use once.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, it would not use it.

For once it did, the Demonic Abyss Eye and Earthquake would merge into one.

‘No! I can’t let them complete the fusion!’

Meng Chao’s skin crawled.

He wanted to jump up and release a fatal strike before the Demonic Abyss Eye could take control of the Ultimate Sandworm’s body completely, but the Demonic Abyss Eye released a mocking and brutal light from its eye. It swung its spike-covered tentacles and formed a death net in front of it, as if it was tempting Meng Chao to jump into its arms.

Meng Chao cussed in his heart.

Even if the creature’s fighting strength was the weakest among all Supernatural Entities, it was still a Supernatural Entity.

Though it might be heavily wounded and drained of spirit energy, as long as it was on full guard, Meng Chao could not break through its defenses with ease.

‘What should I do?’ Meng Chao felt really anxious, but he had no ideas.

Even if he were willing to fight with his life on the line, he needed the monster to reveal an opening...

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

At that moment, the blasts of a firearm suddenly came from behind the Demonic Abyss Eye.

The storm of bullets and fierce wave of flames instantly surrounded it from behind and turned it into a burning fireball.

This attack might not have been able to kill the Demonic Abyss Eye, but the creature did scream in pain because it was caught off guard.

Meng Chao was caught off guard as well. Then, he saw a slim figure armed to the teeth behind the Demonic Abyss Eye. Spirit flames surrounded her while she levitated in the air heroically.

“Big Sis Ya?” Meng Chao was surprised and delighted. He could not believe his own eyes.

Didn’t Lu Siya run away?

Why did she appear on the other side of the tunnel?

That’s right. Her main occupation was a mine explorer. Changing the structure of stone and clearing tunnels was her specialty.

On the surface, she had run away in the other direction, but once she fled into the darkness, she opened a brand new tunnel and went behind the Demonic Abyss Eye so that this monster would be surrounded by enemies.

How vicious! It was exactly like what Big Sis Ya would do!

The Demonic Abyss Eye was enraged.

It screeched in the flames.

Lu Siya felt as if she was struck by an invisible hammer, and her suspended body started swaying.

She had to have been struck by the Demonic Abyss Eye’s mind attack.

Then, the creature tossed two tentacles to strike her body at supersonic speed.

Lu Siya’s battle armor was torn to shreds.

She coughed up blood and fell from the air.

But her actions gave Meng Chao the chance to strike.

“Die, you monster!”

At the moment Lu Siya fell from the air, Meng Chao jumped up.

The Golden Scythe’s mandiles were held in a reverse grip in his hands, and they were like huge daggers that stabbed deep into the Demonic Abyss Eye’s eyeball.

The Demonic Abyss Eye’s brain had sunken into an unstable state when its temperature kept increasing at rapid speeds because it had to release high-intensity mind attacks within a short period of time.

Before this, it had also been attacked by Li Yingzi, Luo Wu, Meng Chao, and Lu Siya.

Their attacks might not have been fatal, but they interfered with its calculation abilities and judgment.

Then, when Meng Chao broke free of the defense net it formed with its tentacles, it finally reacted to the situation. Countless blood-filled tentacles went to bind Meng Chao like spike-covered pythons.

Countless fine wounds instantly appeared on Meng Chao’s limbs.

But to a returnee whose soul had been refined multiple times by the flames of the apocalypse, this degree of pain was really just a cooling breeze on a summer afternoon.


Meng Chao’s eyes were bloodshot. It looked like he wanted to fight against the Demonic Abyss Eye with his glare alone. Without caring about his wounds, he poured all his energy into the Golden Scythe’s mandibles and stabbed them fiercely.

This time, the Demonic Abyss Eye let out a shocked and enraged cry.

A layer of red panniculus carnosus instantly covered the area above the huge eyeball.

The eyeball might have seemed weak, but it immediately shrank into itself like a heart and clamped down tightly on Meng Chao’s mandible.

The mandible was only able to sink three inches into the flesh before Meng Chao felt that he had run into an iron wall. He could not push forward any further.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and tried to send surging spirit energy into the mandibles so that the Demon Subduing Pole’s power, which was several times greater than the force of his spirit energy, could blast into the Demonic Abyss Eye’s brain through the mandible.

If he had a sharp weapon created by a genius craftsman in his hands right then, this strategy might have worked.

But no matter how sturdy the Golden Scythe’s mandible was, it could not withstand the contest of strength between the two monsters—Meng Chao and the Demonic Abyss Eye.

Crack! Crack!

Meng Chao heard an ominous sound.

Then, he saw fine cracks on the thin and long mandibles.

He knew that if the stalemate continued, the Golden Scythe’s mandibles would shatter.

But he was already enveloped by the Demonic Abyss Eye’s tentacles.

They had charged at him eagerly and wrapped themselves around him tightly. He could not break free.

Now, either he died or the monster died.

The Demonic Abyss Eye realized this as well.

So, it ignored the fact that its brain was boiling and its soul was burning. It released an incredibly powerful mind attack.

Meng Chao felt the eyeball that was more than two meters in diameter turn into a super searchlight, and its powerful heat made him melt.

In a daze, he felt as if his skull had been flipped open and countless terrifying images were forced into his brain.

The Demonic Abyss Eye instantly grew ten thousand times. It made the tunnel burst and squashed Dragon City. Then, it became the only thing levitating in the world, like it was a deity.

Meng Chao, his comrades, family, and all the humans could only kowtow to it and worship it, as if they were as insignificant as insects, weeds, and dust.

Logically speaking, Meng Chao knew that all of this was fake. They were all just illusions that the monster created.

But they affected him emotionally, and he did not know how he should break free of the Demonic Abyss Eye’s control. He gradually fell into a murky vortex created by the illusion.

“Meng Chao!”

When Lu Siya saw that Meng Chao was being swallowed up by the Demonic Abyss Eye’s tentacles, she panicked so much that she screamed.

But Meng Chao was not the one who responded to her. The Demonic Abyss Eye just threw another mind attack at her.

Lu Siya felt as if someone had just thrown a battleaxe at her face.

The next second, just like Meng Chao, she saw a huge eyeball that was like a God levitating in the world.

Both of them were immersed in the final and strongest mind attack from the Demonic Abyss Eye after it decided to take the risk and burn its own brain. They could not get out of it.

At that critical moment, the Ultimate Sandworm suddenly let out a thunderous roar, even though its nervous system had been taken over by the Demonic Abyss Eye when its tentacles stabbed into it.

He threw his head back and viciously slammed it against the ceiling of the tunnel.

The Demonic Abyss Eye was on his head.

That slam was basically the same as a train carrying more than its maximum capacity during morning rush hour charging at full speed.

The Demonic Abyss Eye was caught off guard and suffered a heavy physical blow.

Even though it was not injured, the mind attack, which had been like an endless tidal wave crashing at Meng Chao and Lu Siya, stopped for an instant, and a flaw appeared in the illusion.

In a daze, Meng Chao saw a small black dot that was like a speck of dust above the giant eye that shone like a sun shining far away.

When he focused on it, he found that it was Gao Ye!

In the mental world, Gao Ye broke free of his ugly form of a worm and regained his human appearance.

But he was no longer the middle-aged man with disabled limbs and great suffering on his face. Instead, he was in his early twenties and appeared to be high in spirit.

This young adult turned his head around to cast a deep glance at Meng Chao with a relieved smile on his face.

Meng Chao did not know why he was certain that this was Gao Ye.

But for some reason, when he heard the young adult’s roar, he found that his soul and Gao Ye’s goal had strangely resonated with each other.

He saw Gao Ye jumping high, just like Meng Chao did, and like a moth rushing to the flames, he pounced on the God-like eyeball.

Then, as if dust had entered the eyeball, it started blinking rapidly.

The illusion shattered just like that.

At the end of the day, what was fake would remain fake.

The monster would never be God.

And humans were not dust either.

Even if the monster was really God and humans were really dust, there was no law that stated that dust must submit to God.

“Gao Ye...”

Meng Chao could no longer sense Gao Ye’s mind.

He knew that Gao Ye had turned his mind into a weapon, a burning bomb that exploded in the Demonic Abyss Eye’s face.

He burned his humanity, soul, consciousness, dignity, and pride to break the Demonic Abyss Eye’s mind attack.

“Professor Gao Ye...”

Meng Chao could sense that there was something burning flowing out from the depths of his soul.

No. It was not flowing out. It was surging out like a flood from a dam.

Wherever the flood went, the spirit energy would feel as if it was boiling, and each of his cells gained explosive power.

This power even enveloped the Golden Scythe mandible that had almost shattered, which made the cracks that had spread out in a spiderweb to shine, as if they were lively runic symbols.

With the power from spirit energy, the sharpness and sturdiness of the mandible immediately increased by several degrees.

Meng Chao had been unable to send the mandible any further into the iron wall before, but now, with a slurp, the entire mandible sank into the Demonic Abyss Eye’s eyeball.

The tentacles that bound Meng Chao’s limbs shriveled up, charred black, and were torn apart as Meng Chao’s limbs swelled up and spirit flames gushed out of his pores to burn them!

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