Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 410: Third Supernatural Entity, Demonic Abyss Eye!

Chapter 410: Third Supernatural Entity, Demonic Abyss Eye!

At first glance, it was like a much larger Demonic Air Ripping Eye. It was also a huge eyeball with tentacles all over its body.

But there was a layer of really sturdy muscles covering the eye.

The muscles were beneath a thin membrane covered in wrinkles. It caused it to turn from a huge eyeball into an amalgamation of a brain and a heart.

It relied on dozens of stretchable tentacles to wrap around the objects in front of it to drag its body forward.

Even though its ball-shaped body was a little swollen, it was not slow at all.

When it arrived at the center of the abandoned train station, it extended more than ten tentacles to the area around it and dragged its body into the air.

Its body released a bewitching presence and a light that would suck a person’s soul into it.

All the insects in the area kowtowed and worshiped it, while Meng Chao felt chills all over his body. He trembled, even though it was not cold.

‘Demonic Abyss Eye!’

A fearsome name rose in Meng Chao’s mind.

This was one of the names of the Nine Great Supernatural Entities from his previous life.

Back then, Meng Chao had only conducted limited research toward the Supernatural Entities. He had only gone online to search for some information when his family’s fate was tied together with Qin Hu and the White Spirit.

Demonic Abyss Eye was one of the Nine Great Supernatural Entities. It was said to be the ultimate evolved form of Demonic Air Ripping Eyes, the superbeasts who were skilled with mind attacks. It had also absorbed a lot of abilities from other monsters who were skilled in mind control, like the Brain-rotting Insect, so it was a specialist in mind control and bewitching people. It was even better at it than the White Spirit, who was a nine-tailed Illusion Wolf.

The creature in front of Meng Chao had a strange shape and bizarre bones. It was most likely the Demonic Abyss Eye.

Just as he expected, once he made that speculation, Kindling jumped at the corner of his eyes, and a notification popped up.

[Progress for the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities increased by 3%. Current progress: 25%.]

‘Right after this guy appeared, I gained 3% progress for the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities. It’s indeed the Demonic Abyss Eye!’

Meng Chao’s mind raced, and he quickly recalled the information he had read in his previous life.

The Demonic Abyss Eye had a really unique mental technique. It could infinitely magnify the thoughts lurking in the deepest parts of the human mind.

Usually, monsters that were skilled in mind control and mind attacks would use fear to break down a human’s mental defenses. They would also hypnotize or create illusions so that the human would get lost in a nightmare and would not be able to get out of it.

There were also parasites like Brain-rotting Insects that could attach to the human body or crawl inside. They would then stimulate hormone secretion and physically change or destroy a human’s brain. They could also use other methods.

Such simple and crude methods had their limitations and weaknesses.

If the monsters created illusions, they could confuse people for a time, but when the illusions continuously violated the laws of physics, humans would easily see through them.

If the monsters tried to use fear to destroy people’s mental defenses, the humans could fight back with exciting war songs and the determination to stand together against the common enemy. They could also work together so their brain waves would bounce back and hurt the monsters.

Hypnosis and brainwashing required parasites to control the human brain by attaching themselves to it physically. Then, they could make humans turn into their own tools, but those who were hypnotized would either be muddle-headed or change drastically. They would turn into something like walking corpses that could only carry out a destructive mission once. They would definitely not be able to carry out missions for a long time or go out onto complicated undercover missions.

The Demonic Abyss Eye’s methods were much better than such low-class tricks.

Each human had all sorts of thoughts in their minds.

When they passed by the bank, they might imagine themselves being able to teleport into the vault and getting a large batch of high-purity crystals. Then, they would flee without anyone noticing them.

When they saw people who were really charming, they would also be filled with all sorts of thoughts and want to have some really amazing time with them in bed.

When they were engaged in a conflict with someone else and got really angry, they would even think about killing them.

Even the kindest person would not be able to avoid having the most evil thoughts in his or her mind.

However, a normal person possessed logic and knew morals, laws, and all sorts of societal customs that limited their actions.

When they passed by a really charming person on the streets, they might have all sorts of thoughts in their minds. They might even consider marrying that person, but once they went to the next street, they would forget about the person and the family. That was how it was for normal people.

At the end of the day, thinking such thoughts was not a crime.

But the Demonic Abyss Eye’s technique was to look for the thoughts lurking in the deepest depths of the human mind and activating them. Then, it would turn those thoughts into a brand that could not be destroyed.

The people who had the mental brands would gradually be unable to forget about certain evil and dark thoughts. They would then repeatedly strengthen those thoughts and become even more extreme. In the end, they would walk down the path of crime.

Since those thoughts were born in their own minds, no human would think that they were brainwashed.

They would retain their original minds, personalities, and memories, and they would be no different from their past selves when they worked, lived, cultivated, and handled their relationships.

However, the dark thoughts would repeat themselves like viruses. They would infect the person through and through. In the end, they would occupy their entire soul, and when the Demonic Abyss Eye needed them, those thoughts would erupt forth!

‘I see. I understand it completely now. Lin Chuan’s transformation wasn’t completely due to the White Spirit. After all, the White Spirit had just been born at that time. Its abilities were still very weak. It could only communicate with the human soul and create some illusions.

‘Similarly, Gao Ye and Zhou Tianshui were both bewitched by the Demonic Abyss Eye. Certain thoughts deep in their hearts were infinitely magnified, and they ended up as puppets for abnormal beasts!’

Honestly, Lin Chuan and Gao Ye’s thoughts were not wrong.

Ever since the appearance of superhumans and their nonstop growth, a powerful social stratum that stood above normal people and possessed special privileges appeared.

At the same time they defended Dragon City, they continuously expanded the power of their families and businesses. The solidification of the social stratum and the narrowing of the promotion channel showed up, and it was naturally not a good thing for Dragon City’s future.

Lin Chuan hoped that more resources would be given to the education of normal people so that the schools where they studied would have the facilities the descendants of superhumans enjoyed in private schools. They should also get better teachers, high-calorie nutritional meals, and other cultivation resources. That way, the descendants of normal people would have another path. They would have hope and a chance to compete fairly. The future Dragon City would then be more harmonious.

Gao Ye saw that balance was gradually disappearing when the superhumans were getting stronger nonstop. He was worried that the superhumans would be corrupted, change, and fall from grace in the future. They would no longer care about the survival of normal people. They might even turn around and oppress normal people. That was why he wanted for normal people to have a way to keep superhumans in check and use the power of monsters to contribute to Dragon City and human civilization.

In truth, even Zhou Tianshui’s ideals made sense. They needed to tighten their belts and give most of the resources to expand their territory. As long as they made the pie bigger, their internal problems would naturally be solved. Compared to the tempting pie, temporarily tightening their belts was nothing!

There was nothing wrong with the three ideals.

Meng Chao felt that even if there were some problems with the details, they were not major. They could be brought to the table and discussed normally. After all, the truth would become clearer the more it was debated. Perhaps after it was intensely discussed, all sorts of ideals would fuse together, and they would come up with something that would be the bright path that Dragon City should take.

But under the Demonic Abyss Eye’s bewitching spell, the three men took extreme paths.

No matter how correct their thoughts were, once they were infinitely extremified, they would end up being disastrous. Even the correct thoughts themselves would turn incredibly hideous.

This was what the monster wanted.

“We’re going to succeed soon!”

While he was thinking about this, Meng Chao suddenly heard a screech.

It belonged to Zhou Tianshui.

He was not dead yet, but Meng Chao had wounded him from head to toe. He crawled out from among the pests with a face covered in blood and grime. A maniacal light shone in his eyes; his ideals were fully occupied by the most extreme of the Colonization Party’s ideals. He did not care about how odd it was for him to stand together with monsters.

He staggered and pushed his way to the front.

The Demonic Abyss Eye stretched a few tentacles and gently caressed his wounds.

He grunted, feeling comforted. Then, he flailed his arms as he said, “We’ve nearly succeeded, but the brat threw a wrench into our plans. It’s fine though. We’ve already captured the brat. As long as we cut him into pieces and crush his bones to powder, we can prepare another, an even more thorough plan. We will definitely be able to completely crush the Home Party and help Dragon City walk down the right path!”

The brat he mentioned was naturally Meng Chao.

The Demonic Abyss Eye looked in the direction he pointed.

Meng Chao immediately sensed an unusual power scanning his body and brain.

He quickly used Walking Corpse and adjusted his breathing, heartbeat, and all the functions of his organs to the point where they showed signs of terrible injuries. He seemed on the verge of death.

He let his mind go blank and allowed the beats that seemed to come from hell and were ready to snatch his soul to pound in his mind while he forced himself to not use any mental power to fight against the Demonic Abyss Eye. He did not want to reveal the trump card he could only use during the most crucial moment.

The Demonic Abyss Eye stared at him only for three seconds.

But those three seconds were really torturous to Meng Chao. Each one felt like a whole year.

Just when he was about to lose it and bring out the powerful mental power from the apocalypse in like a flood to clash against the Demonic Abyss Eye, the creature looked away.

It extended more tentacles to gently wrap them around Zhou Tianshui to comfort him.

Meng Chao sighed a little.

But he felt that the Demonic Abyss Eye’s actions were really strange. It appeared that it had some special tastes.

Zhou Tianshui had been enjoying it in the beginning, but as more tentacles bound his body and tightened around him, he felt so much pain that he sucked in sharp breaths. Only then did he realize that something was wrong. “Wait, no—”

But it was too late.

The Demonic Abyss Eye used its dozens of tentacles to completely wrap him up and drag him under itself.

In the beginning, Meng Chao could still hear Zhou Tianshui’s screams and puzzled shouts. “Why?! Didn’t we say—”

But soon, only the sounds of bones being crushed could be heard, along with slurping sounds. Meng Chao was unwilling to think about those sounds in depth.

After a while, the Demonic Abyss Eye extended its bloody tentacles.

Zhou Tianshui could no longer be found.

‘Idiot, to the abnormal beasts, your greatest value was that you could infiltrate Blue Home. But now, your real self has already been revealed to the world.

“If you showed up, not only would you be captured by the abnormal beast research department to be interrogated about the secrets related to the Demonic Abyss Eye, you’ll also be useless in the next scheme of the abnormal beasts. You’re only trouble at this point, so why should they keep you around?’

Meng Chao sighed for the fatty who once wore a long robe from Earth and recited ancient poems while drunk.

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