Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 408: This is the True Supernatural Entity

Chapter 408: This is the True Supernatural Entity

In just a short minute, Meng Chao threw three hundred punches.

The destructive force of those three hundred punches made it seem like they were really demon subduing poles.

The blows were so strong that Zhou Tianshui’s joints twisted in the opposite direction and looked distorted. The scale-covered chest sank in, and white, broken bones jutted out from the gaps between the scales under his ribs.

In the end, Zhou Tianshui broke down mentally. When it swung its tail, it broke off and went charging toward Meng Chao.

This was not an attack, but an escape skill similar to how geckos broke off their tails to flee for their lives.

Meng Chao slapped the broken tail away only to notice that Zhou Tianshui had already scurried off to the end of the abandoned train.

With a growl, he moved like lightning. His chain-bound arms started making creaking noises because of his swelled up muscles. His punches flew forward like cannons that had been accumulating power for a long time and rammed heavily into Zhou Tianshui’s back.

Zhou Tianshui could not even scream in pain. It flew forward like an out-of-control kite and smashed into the end of the train, creating a hole. Then, his body flew another ten meters forward before landing between the cold tracks like a lump of scattered mud.

Meng Chao intersected his arms and slammed them together fiercely, creating a lot of sparks.

With the faint light from the sparks, he saw where Zhou Tianshui was and jumped out of the abandoned train.

But by that time, Zhou Tianshui was already gone.

It seemed like the lizard man had crawled under something.

Meng Chao blinked. It was dark ahead of him, and there was a faint bad presence.

In an instant, all his pores opened up, and he felt as if someone had stabbed into his spine like an ice hammer.

He quickly activated his spirit energy to scan the area and noticed a huge object that occupied practically the entire abandoned tunnel ahead of him.

Meng Chao could only see the huge mouth clearly. Rows of teeth filled its entire mouth, and they were even sharper than those of the Ultimate Sandworm.

Above the gaping mouth were dozens of green eyes. Aside from hunger and killing intent, they would occasionally shine with shreds of humanity.

“Gao Ye?”

Meng Chao’s pupils shrank to the size of two dots.

He was right.

The Ultimate Sandworm that destroyed the underwater tunnel was just Gao Ye’s copy. Its goal was to create a fake attack and shift the abnormal beast research department’s attention.

The monster in front of him was the real Gao Ye. It was also Earthquake of the Nine Great Supernatural Entities!

This was the creature that cleared the tunnel from outside the city into the northwestern part of the city. It was how the abnormal beasts could instantly transport so many pests beneath Noble Descent Hotel.

Since Gao Ye appeared here, that meant that the abnormal beasts’ mastermind was definitely around as well.

When Meng Chao’s guesses were verified one by one, complicated feelings rose in his heart.

The good news was that he released a unique scent, radiation, and pheromones, so Lu Siya, the Deity Realm superhumans, and the army would soon arrive.

The bad news was that he did not know how soon was soon. The Gao Ye in front of him did not seem to be very patient.

‘I must think of a way to stall for time,’ Meng Chao told himself in secret.

He put on a megawatt smile and tried his best to speak in a gentle and friendly tone, “G-Gao Ye, hello. We meet again. Do you remember me? I’m Little Meng from Agricultural University. I’m the one you often contacted through emails.

“Didn’t you always like to talk about your ideals? Honestly, the consciousness transferring technology you created is really amazing. It’s an era-breaking breakthrough. It will help a lot of people gain supernatural powers through another method.

“Look at your current self. You look so... mighty, big, and full of manliness. Your mouth is just a little too big. But you’re a man, so if you have a big mouth, you can eat loads, so it’s pretty good.

“When I see how domineering you are, even I am a little tempted. It’s a coincidence, Spirit Creation Creatures and Superstar has now merged, so we’re family. Why don’t we sit down and talk about the details of the consciousness transferring technology or your thoughts on creating Giant Sandworms?”

Gao Ye, who was larger than the train carriages, thought about what he said for three seconds. Then, his fangs started spinning rapidly, and the creature pounced on Meng Chao.

“Don’t be so eager!” Meng Chao really wanted to cry.

When he faced Gao Ye’s gaping mouth, he could only turn tail and run. He jumped into the train again.

But since the train had been underground for more than half a century, the carriages and its floors had corroded so much that they were really brittle.

Just then, the metal fatigue of the train had reached its limit due to the shock from Meng Chao’s chain attacks. He actually created a hole in the floor when he jumped in, and his leg sank into it.

‘Are you trying to kill me or what?!’ Meng Chao groaned in his heart.

When he turned his head around to look, he unhesitatingly ripped apart half of the carriage.

Even if he managed to pull his leg out, he might not be able to escape from Gao Ye’s mouth.

“Bastard, if you’re not willing to talk with our mouths, then we’ll talk with our fists!”

Meng Chao burned with rage. Once he pulled his right leg out, he saw that half of the carriage had already ended up in Gao Ye’s mouth, so he decided to stop running and jumped into Gao Ye’s throat.

He wanted to use the same method and crawl into Gao Ye’s stomach to throw its stomach into chaos with the method he used to kill the clone in the underwater tunnel.

Even though this time he did not have a RG-6 with an eight gun mount nor the Type 45 AA machine gun, his fists were bound by chains, and they were unstoppable cannons!

But against his expectations, Gao Ye’s fighting strength was much greater than that of the clone.

Before Meng Chao could climb into his stomach, Gao Ye’s throat cavity had already shrunk. Its fangs were like nails on a floor that was rapidly closing in, and they went straight to Meng Chao.

Gao Ye also expanded and contracted the muscles in its throat, making them act like an iron wall that completely locked down the throat cavity.

Meng Chao was in a predicament. He could only raise his arms up high and use his chains to hold against Gao Ye’s teeth.

He felt like a giant trying to push heaven away from earth.

But this heaven was still rapidly closing onto him. If he wavered just a little, he would be squashed into a pulp by this heaven.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Gao Ye wanted to spin his teeth, but they were held in place by Meng Chao’s chains. The man and the sandworm used a very strange posture to engage each other in a contest of strength. Cracking sounds came out nonstop from between the fangs and chains, but no one knew whether it was the teeth that were shattering or the chains cracking.

Meng Chao’s face was flushed red. Beads of blood seeped out of his pores.

He looked like he was situated thousands of meters under the ocean and was facing the pressure from thousands of elephants stomping on him. Not a single bone in his body was not screaming.

But he could not let go.

If he did, Gao Ye would spin his teeth rapidly, and they would act like a meat grinder that would turn him into dumpling filling.

At that moment, Gao Ye opened up his throat again.

Meng Chao could sense a great threat accumulating at the depths of the creature’s throat.

However, he could not move nor run anywhere. He could only watch Gao Ye’s throat as it opened up to release soundless roars.

In an instant, Meng Chao felt all of his nerves, blood vessels, spirit meridians, and all the cells that formed his body start vibrating rapidly.

His organs felt like they were boiling, burning, and being crushed.

A tornado that seemed like it came from hell started howling in his ears. It was as if there were countless female demons crawling into his ears and stabbing his eardrums.

‘Is this... some kind of soundwave or ultrasound attack?’

Meng Chao had seen similar equipment on some large tunnel boring machines.

When they dug tunnels or mines, they would sometimes run into really sturdy rocks that could harm the drill and the machine.

Then, they would look for the frequency that would allow them to resonate with the stone. They would set it up then and make a machine release a unique infrasound or ultrasound. Then, the stone would vibrate at high frequency from within and would shatter soundlessly.

This was the principle behind using ultrasound stone shattering machines.

In the past, it was a function unique to runic symbol machines.

But Spirit Creation Creatures was ambitious. They wanted to use genetic modifications to make Giant Sandworms have similar functions. This was one of the projects Gao Ye had been pushing forward.

However, he used the consciousness transferring technology to turn into the Ultimate Sandworm and fled, so he did not finish it.

Meng Chao did not expect that after not meeting for half a year, Gao Ye would return with mighty strength and such a terrifying new ability!

Even if Meng Chao had already turned his body as tough as nails, he could not resist the ultrasound that could shatter even diamonds, and it was coming at him at such a close distance! It was practically hitting his head!

An increasing number of cracks showed up on the chains binding his arms. Each of the runic symbols on the chains started screeching.

In the end...

Bang! Bang!

The two chains shattered one after another.

Gao Ye’s mouth fell shut like gates covered in fangs.

Meng Chao coughed up blood. He felt his vision turn dark as if a wall had collapsed on him.

Then, he knew nothing else.

When he opened his eyes again, he noticed that heaven and earth had turned upside down.

... No, he was the one hanging upside down in the depths of an abandoned bus stop.

He did not know how long he had been hanging there. In any case, all his blood had surged to his head, and it came gushing out of his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. It dripped on the floor.

Meng Chao bit the tip of his tongue and used pain to clear his head.

He looked up with great difficulty and noticed that he was wrapped up into a giant cocoon that seemed like a hornet’s nest but also like spiderwebs. Only his head was exposed outside.

There were a lot of semi-transparent bugs that looked like spiders working hard on the cocoon.

They crawled around and spat out spiderwebs that were even stronger than macromolecular steel wires. They wrapped those spiderwebs repeatedly around the cocoon.

Meng Chao tried to move his body to test its strength, and all his bones, muscles, and even organs flared up in sharp pain. It hurt so much that he could not help but grunt.

‘That damn destructive ultrasound. I wonder how many fine wounds it left in my body.’

He felt like his body was a porcelain vase that had been run over by a roller before it was glued back messily with a glue stick. He felt really brittle right then.

Forget about the high-intensity spiderwebs, he might not even be able to break normal spiderwebs now.

Thank goodness he had Kindling.

He could use contribution points to heal his worst injuries.

And even more fortunately, he had wolfed down compressed nutritional fluid that could last a week for special forces military squad. It was the perfect fuel for Kindling!

‘The other party must not have guessed that I can heal instantly despite such grave injuries and return to the peak of my condition.

‘This is the greatest mistake it made.

‘Come out now, mastermind, our game hasn’t ended yet!’

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