Chapter 403: New Life

Rapid coughs suddenly came from behind him.

Meng Chao turned around and saw that Lu Siya’s face was red while she beat her chest with her hands. Her back was bent so much that she looked like a prawn, and she coughed so much that she was crying.

There was also an empty compressed nutritional fluid can by her feet.

Lu Siya coughed for a long time and glared at Meng Chao. She looked at the dozens of empty cans he had tossed on the floor and was puzzled as well as depressed as she said, “Wh-Why is it that you can drink so many compressed nutritional fluids in one go without batting an eyelid?

“Do you have any idea that you just drank a week’s worth of compressed nutritional fluid for a military tactical squad in just ten minutes?!”

“Um... Ever since I was struck by Red Radiance Jades and Blue Origin Crystals under Raging Waves, my spirit meridians and appetite became bigger.” Meng Chao did not know whether he should laugh or cry. “Big Sis Ya, you weren’t attacked as much as I by the Red Radiance Jade tsunami. Don’t imitate me and drink undiluted compressed nutritional fluids!”

“You’re now even more of a monster in my eyes. Why is that you can jump around after resting for only a little over ten minutes, as if you’ve been reborn. You even look like you got stronger.”

Lu Siya cleared her throat gently and continued, “No matter what, we’ve made the right bet this round. We managed to save a lot of people from Noble Descent Hotel—transmigration experts, core members of Blue Home, and rich people investing in Project 101. These are contributions and connections!

“I’ve also managed to contact the captain just now. Since we managed to turn the tides in the end, the fact that we gave false military information is no longer anything serious. The captain will disclose the whole story for us.

“In truth, before the line was cut off, the captain made the same decision as I did. He also decided to place all his bets on you. Even though the communication lines in the southern battlefield were very chaotic at that time, he still did his best and found a large number of powerful fighters and military commanders. That’s why the reinforcements arrived so soon.”

When he remembered the situation on the roof, Meng Chao’s heart pounded in fear.

If the reinforcements had arrived even three minutes later, the situation would have ended in a complete tragedy.

Fortunately, he had ridden a lot of coattails in the past year. He also built Broken Star Club and got to know a lot of broken-star superhumans who fight at the frontlines. Word spread faster than viruses, and in the end, they stopped the abnormal beasts’ scheme.

“Now that I think about it, it really feels unbelievable,” Lu Siya said. “Isn’t your luck too good?”

“It might be because I’ve always loved helping people and contributing selflessly,” Meng Chao said with a smile. “Those who love contributing will not have bad luck.”

Lu Siya pouted.

“Big Sis Ya, you contributed a lot today too,” Meng Chao said seriously. “Without you, it would have been impossible for us to save so many people from Noble Descent Hotel. Thanks for fighting with me until the very end.”

“Enough with all that cringey stuff; you’re making my skin crawl. You know that the lives of normal people and transmigration experts have nothing to do with me,” Lu Siya said faintly. “To me, they’re just war achievements and connections. They’re all just steps that will help me climb upwards.”

“It’s fine.” Meng Chao was already used to the way Lu Siya spoke. He spread his hands and said, “No matter what your goal was, it’s good that we managed to save so many people.”

Lu Siya was not used to Meng Chao thanking her sincerely, so she changed the topic and said, “By the way, that pregnant teacher called Ms. Xiao is your friend, right?”

“Yeah.” Meng Chao’s heart leapt to his throat again. “How is Big Sis Ya? Is she safe?”

“You sure call a lot of people your sister...” Lu Siya paused for a moment before she said, “She’s fine. She just gave birth to a boy and a girl. Even though they were born prematurely, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

“What?!” Meng Chao jumped up. “Big Sis Xiao gave birth?! Here?! No way! Can we... Can we see her?”

Next to Meng Chao’s tent was an airtight subatmospheric pressure medical treatment room. There was a thin, transparent bacteriostasis sheet separating them from within, where Xiao Fanghua lay in a sterile room.

Since she had sucked in too much poisonous gas in the battlefield and some acid and venom had landed on her body, the military doctors were worried that the zombie virus or Blood Flower’s spores had invaded her body, which would lead to the two babies being infected and turning “evil”. That was why they were keeping the room absolutely sterilized, like they were facing a major enemy.

Thank the heavens, though, the mother and children were both safe. It might have happened due to her practising the Ultimate Style while she was pregnant and her branch meridians being filled with spirit energy, which formed a second immunity system. The viruses and spores that entered Xiao Fanghua’s body were all killed, and neither she nor her children were tested to have any abnormalities.

This might be the best news that night.

Xiao Fanghua was so exhausted that she could not even keep her eyes open.

When she saw Meng Chao, a sincere smile bloomed on her puffy face. She gestured and said, “Thank you, Meng Chao, you’re their savior.”

There was a small medical cabin for babies beside her. It contained two wrinkly babies with pink skin.

Honestly, they looked a little ugly.

But Meng Chao still gave a knowing smile.

Many innocents had died that day and many brave people had sacrificed their lives.

But in the face of the monster horde, new lives were born.

At this moment, Dragon City was still in a state of darkness.

Perhaps it would be the same tomorrow, and the darkness would persist for a long time.

But when tomorrow’s tomorrow arrived, the two children would grow up into adults and Dragon City would surely face a truly bright future!

“Where is Old Zhao?” Xiao Fanghua asked softly. “Meng Chao, do you have any news about him?”

Meng Chao and Lu Siya looked at each other.

By the looks of it, no one had told Xiao Fanghua the news about Zhao Fanghua falling into the underground from the elevator shaft and that his survival was currently unknown.

When Meng Chao saw that Xiao Fanghua was at the weakest moment of her life right now, he did not know how to say it.

He just clenched his fists and promised Xiao Fanghua to look for him. “Big Sis Ya, just rest well. We’ll definitely find Big Brother Zhao!”

When they left the medical room, Meng Chao’s footsteps were a little heavy.

As he looked at the burning ruins on the battlefield, he clenched his fists, unfurled them, then repeated the motion.

Lu Siya did not know what he was thinking about and quickly said, “No way. You’ve been chasing after the Ultimate Sandworm for ten days and nights before you jumped into its mouth in the underwater tunnel. Then, you rushed through all of Dragon City anxiously to fight fiercely in Noble Descent Hotel. Aren’t you tired?”

“I’m okay, I think.”

What Meng Chao really wanted to say was “I’ve just been nourished by one hundred thousand contribution points. Not only has my fatigue and pain disappeared, I have a sense of hunger that is about to swallow me.”

However, he thought about it and instead said, “Even though we saved most of the transmigration experts, the soul of Project 101 is still missing, and we don’t know whether Professor Lu Tianxing is dead or alive. Besides, the mastermind who led the ambush is definitely lurking nearby. If we don’t drag it out, I’ll feel unsatisfied.”

“You don’t have to do it yourself, though?” Lu Siya sighed. “There are tens of millions of people in Dragon City, and you’re not the only one who can fight. You’re not the only one with brains, either, and you’re definitely not the only one who can be a hero!

“We’ve already stopped most of the schemes by the abnormal beast, and we’ve also told the higher-ups about Professor Lu Tianxing as well as your guesses about the mastermind. Right now, the elites of the abnormal beast research department and the military, Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu, Griffin Li Yingzi, as well as other powerful people are monitoring and searching the underground tunnels.

“You have no idea where Professor Lu Tianxing and the abnormal beasts’ mastermind are hiding. If they’re really nearby, they’ll be discovered by the powerful fighters soon. If they’ve already run away, you won’t be able to do anything about it either. You don’t have a single clue in your hands!”

“Yeah...” Meng Chao thought about it for a long time and had to admit that Lu Siya was right. “We don’t seem to be able to do anything else. We can only hand things over to fate now.”

“Then go back and drink more of your compressed nutritional fluid before going back to the medical cabin to sleep. After that, take a comfortable bath and wait for the good news from the fighters!” Lu Siya said. “No matter what you’re thinking, I don’t even have the energy to lift a single finger anymore.”

Meng Chao nodded in slight resignation and headed to his medical cabin.

But after he took two steps, he saw Blue Home members lying in the medical cabins beside him. They were all the people who attended the transmigration technology conference.

A thought struck Meng Chao, and he came to a swift stop.

“Wait, Big Sis Ya. I noticed something strange,” Meng Chao mumbled. “Did you notice that the monsters didn’t attack indiscriminately in Noble Descent Hotel? At that time, there weren’t just the academicians, investors, and Blue Home core members who attended the transmigration technology conference in the hotel. There were also a lot of normal guests, waiters, and employees.

“If the monsters had fought floor by floor and killed on sight until they killed everyone, they would not have been able to make it to the top floors so fast.

“Now that I think about it carefully, the monsters spared most of the normal guests and employees. They went straight for the members of Project 101, especially Professor Lu Tianxing.

“Even when we reached the administrative corridor of the third floor, we only noticed people who attended the conference surrounded by the monsters. Many of the guests and employees had long since escaped.

“My question is, how did the monsters locate the Project 101 experts so accurately?”

Lu Siya was stunned for a moment, then she frowned and said, “What sort of question is that? It’s naturally because the abnormal beasts’ mastermind has long since known the floor where the conference is located and the experts’ faces. When it controls the other monsters, it could also see it directly!”

“Not possible.” Meng Chao shook his head. “Most of the ones who attacked Noble Descent Hotel are insect-type monsters. The vision of insects is different from humans. It’s very hard for them to accurately discern a human’s face. It’s just like how a human will think all insects look the same when looking at them.

“Besides, think of the battlefield at that time. There was smoke all over the place. Poisonous gases wrecked the place, too. Some of the areas only had emergency lights lit, while in others even those were destroyed and everything was dark.

“The human faces were also covered in blood, grime, and dust. I don’t think even their parents would have been able to recognize them at that point. Are you sure that the insects’ eyes would be able to identify each transmigration expert in such a bad environment?

“Even if the insects who have compound eyes could identify their targets, there were also Giant Centipedes among them, and they’re practically blind, because their eyes can only sense light. Yet those guys were also able to accurately locate their target. Isn’t that a little too ridiculous?”

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