Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 399: There’s Still One Chance!

Chapter 399: There’s Still One Chance!

“Are there any Project 101 members here? Has anyone seen Zhao Feixuan and Professor Lu Tianxing?” Meng Chao did not have time to explain, so he just asked what he wanted straightaway.

He had joined a lot of Blue Home activities, so a lot of people knew him. They immediately told him of who they were.

They were Blue Home members who came to join the transmigration technology conference. The good news was that since Meng Chao had alerted them in time, most of the Project 101 transmigration experts had fled to the roof ahead of them.

At that time, there were not that many monsters in the building yet, so they should have reached the roof safely by now.

The people here were the strongest in the club or had experience from serving in the army. They had voluntarily stayed back to serve as the rear and buy time for the transmigration experts to flee to safety.

For the time being, the Project 101 members were not all dead just yet.

This allowed Meng Chao to sigh in relief.

But the next bad news caused his heart to freeze.

“Professor Lu has been captured by monsters,” a survivor said in resignation. “We were escorting him and the other transmigration experts up the stairs. There were plenty of monsters chasing after us and we were focused on firing at the area behind us, so we didn’t pay attention to the elevator in the corridor.

“When Professor Lu passed by the entrance of an elevator, its door was suddenly torn open and dozens of Giant Praying Mantises, Giant Spiders, and Giant Centipedes crawled out. They instantly separated our team.

“Even though we managed to kill most of the monsters in time, Professor Lu was bound by their adhesive liquid and spider webs. He was dragged down through the elevator shaft.

“We tried using a searchlight, but the elevator shaft here is very deep. It’s far deeper than the normal ones in Noble Descent Hotel. The enemies must have found the location of the elevator shaft while under the hotel and rammed a hole at its bottom.

“We don’t know the situation underground. We had to protect the remaining experts, so our fighting strength wasn’t quite enough. The truly powerful ones had all left to provide reinforcements to the battlefield in the south. So, no one dared to go underground besides Zhao Feixuan.

“The moment the monsters bound Professor Lu, he leapt forward to try and cut off the monsters’ spider webs. In the end, he crashed into the elevator shaft with a monster and fell down the elevator shaft ahead of Professor Lu. His status is unknown now!”

This could be said to be a really bad piece of news.

An expert with great intelligence could bring irreplaceable achievements to himself and push forward the progress of a certain piece of technology by several decades.

But if this expert died due to misfortune, that technology might not see progress for decades until the next genius appeared. This was something commonly seen in the development of topnotch technology.

Dragon City could not afford to wait a few more decades.

‘Could it be that transmigration technology will never see light, just like in my previous life?’

Meng Chao sucked in a deep breath to cool down his burning mind. Things had not become so bad that he could not salvage the situation.

The monsters had not killed Professor Lu Tianxing immediately but instead brought him away. Why?

‘That’s right. Since Professor Lu is the top transmigration expert and the person-in-charge of Project 101, he must have profound wisdom and countless secrets about the ancient ruins under the Supernatural Tower.

‘If I were an abnormal beast and finally got this chance in a blue moon, I would definitely not kill him right away.

‘That would be a huge waste. Instead, I’d capture Professor Lu, invade his brain. and interrogate him or steal all the secrets about the transmigration technology and the ancient ruins.

‘I might even use biochemical technology to modify his brain and squeeze out every drop of intelligence from him. That’s the only way I’ll be able to earn back the capital I invested into the battlefield and even profit from it.’

The survivors told Meng Chao that the matter happened five to ten minutes ago.

Right now, Professor Lu should still be underground just below Noble Descent Hotel.

Since Meng Chao and Lu Siya had utilized their connections and sent news to the people around them, more superhumans and the army were rushing over. Their surveillance of underground had also increased to another level. It would not be easy for the enemy to transport Professor Lu away without notice.

Before dawn arrived, they still had a chance to save Professor Lu.

But while Professor Lu might be important, the other Project 101 transmigration experts on the roof were not to be overlooked either. Otherwise, if they managed to save Professor Lu with great difficulty but he ended up as a lone general, the transmigration technology might still end up in smoke.

That’s why Meng Chao gave a new order. “Listen, a large group of monsters is about to resurrect. We must leave this place and head to the roof!”

There were around ten survivors in the armory. They were experts with great knowledge in their fields of expertise, rich people worth millions, and veteran hunters who had fought in multiple battles, but now, all of them listened to Meng Chao.

They quickly picked up the remaining ammunition and got ready to run, but at that moment, they heard a series of slurping sounds at the end of the corridor.

They were followed closely by sharp screeches and low roars.

Deformed and twisted bodies appeared under the red emergency light. Their teeth were bared, and they looked like creatures from hell.

They were zombies and the undead.

The undead leading the group was something Meng Chao had seen before. It was the Frankenstein created by eight carcasses of giant insects.

At that moment, the dozens of eyes on its body shone with a red light, and all of them were fixed on Meng Chao.

He felt as if his brain was pierced by the Frankenstein monster’s gaze, and his mental strength index plummeted.

He sensed that the brainwaves of all the people behind him had become chaotic as well.

Clearly, fear was spreading, and it had turned into a bomb.

“Relax! They’re just a bunch of dead creatures that came back to life! If we could kill them once, then we can kill them again, and again, and many more times!”

Meng Chao’s shout broke the trance and everyone calmed down.

Once they remembered that some of the transmigration experts had been sent safely to the roof, their hearts became slightly calmer, and an indomitable killing intent shone in their eyes.

If they could kill these undead creatures once, they could kill them a second time and countless more times.

At most, they would just die together with these monsters, like the countless pioneers who had dyed Dragon City with their blood over the past half a century.

When the courage of humans resonated with each other, the fear would be destroyed without them needing to do anything.

Everyone’s mental strength index returned to a normal range.

“Are there any other exits here?” Meng Chao asked.

There was. The armory was located at the fifth floor of Noble Descent Hotel, so they were now very close to the roof.

Like in many other buildings, there was an anti-aircraft base at the roof of the hotel. Around thirty anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were there to fend against flying-type monsters like the Demonic Air Ripping Eyes.

The armory was in charge of storing ammunition for the anti-aircraft base and transporting it above.

There was also a small workshop beside it to repair the guns. The maintenance, switching of gun barrels, and other tasks were done there.

Hence, there was a unique transportation channel between the armory to the anti-aircraft base.

The survivors had checked it just now. Even though the channel was really narrow, it could fit one or two humans climbing up simultaneously.

They had wanted to climb up through this channel to reach the roof, but they were caught by the Brain-rotting Insect and got immersed in a meaningless fight, which ended in them wasting a lot of time.

“Shut the door and go to the roof!” Meng Chao immediately came to a decision when he saw an increasing number of undead forming a horde to rush at them from the end of the corridor.

The door of the armory was made of alloy. It was at least 20 mm thick, and it was comparable to a bank’s high-grade crystal safe.

Since it was too heavy, there were slides underneath the door. It was opened and shut with a wheel that needed to be spun to move the gears controlling the door.

Two of the survivors held the wheel and used all their strength to turn it.

The other survivors fired at the corridor. More than ten firing trajectories sealed the corridor shut, and the Frankenstein monster in the lead was instantly shot full of holes.

Unfortunately, the undead were a different life form compared to normal monsters.

In simple terms, they were the amalgamations of fungus and microorganisms. They used the corpses of living beings as their armor and weapons.

Even if the armor and weapons were damaged, they would not die.

Slurp! Slurp!

A large amount of thin red threads surged out of the Frankenstein monster’s mouth. Soon, the wound was sealed shut.

Perhaps because the bullets had destroyed too many of its threads, but the Blood Flower swung the Frankenstein monster’s monsters and casually stabbed a small undead. The pitiful insect was then pinned to its wound.

More red threads came out of the wound and stitched the small undead to its body.

This scene made everyone’s skin crawl.

As they continued firing, the barrels became too hot, and the problem of a lack of ammunition came up.

There less and less lines of fire.

By the looks of it, they would not be able to block the undead for too long.

Then, a piercing, loud screech suddenly came from under the slowly shutting door.

No matter how much the two survivors continued spinning the wheel, the door refused to move.

They stopped and checked the door for a while before they shouted in despair. “The door is stuck!”

When they entered the armory, they had engaged in a small sortee with the monsters.

Aside from the Brain-rotting Insect (because it hid in the dark), quite a number of monsters were torn by their gunshots and their limbs were spread all over the ground.

The carcass of a Golden Scythe was stuck right outside the door, and its sturdy mandible was stuck on the slide under the door.

Since its carcass was outside the armory, they could only see a small part of its mandible from inside. It was hard for them to get it out.

And now, running out to get rid of the Golden Scythe’s carcass while they faced a corridor full of undead was an impossible task.

This put the survivors in a very awkward situation, because the door was partially shut, and there was at most only one meter left between it and the wall.

In other words, they only had a narrow one meter that could serve as their field of fire. They could no longer bring out their full firepower. It was, thus, reduced by half, and they faced undead that did not fear bullets in the first place.

They would definitely force their way in, jump into the armory, and engage them in a brutal melee combat.

If humans had a certain chance to win when they fought against monsters in close combat, they would definitely suffer losses if they engaged the undead in such a way. Even if they won, there would be a high chance that they would be infected by viruses and the Blood Flower, which would lead to them turning into new undead.

While the survivors sank into despair... they heard a calm voice behind them.

“Pardon me. Make way, please.”

When they turned their heads around, they saw Meng Chao... and a Type 45 heavy double barreled anti-aircraft machine gun. It was a gun that weighed 225 kg, had a firing speed of 1,200 shots per second, could fire tungsten armor piercing rounds with a diameter of 19.5mm, armor piercing bullets, napalm bombs, crystal bombs, and bullets that were thicker than drumsticks. Its muzzle was thicker than a human arm, and it could rip apart a Demonic Air Ripping Eye in three seconds.

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