Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 392: Hammer of Destruction

Chapter 392: Hammer of Destruction

Meng Chao stared at the colorful river of light in the air and mumbled, “The abnormal beasts’ ambush is about to start.”

“How do you know?” Lu Siya asked.

“This insect has an organ similar to a magnet in its body. Around that organ is a thick, high-energy substance. Once their wings vibrate at high frequencies, they release powerful spirit energy magnetic field interferences,” Meng Chao said.

“The spirit energy magnetic field interference from one insect might be nothing, but when thousands of them show up together, they can create a large area of information interference and battlefield interdiction. The communication between me and Captain Ye was cut off because of it.

“But powerful spirit energy magnetic field interference also deals great damage to them. In simple terms, they have to continuously burn away the high-energy substance in their bodies to ensure that the magnet-like organ releases the spirit energy magnetic field interference. Look at the colorful light they’re releasing. That’s the sign of them burning.

“This battlefield interdiction that comes from these insects won’t last for a long time. The insects will turn into ashes soon. They can be considered as the killing move from the abnormal beasts, since they will only be used in the most crucial moments.

“If the abnormal beasts’ ultimate goal was just the underwater tunnel, they should have released these Illusion Insects and cut off communications at the southern part of the city when the Ultimate Sandworm appeared.

“But the abnormal beasts didn’t do that. Even when the Ultimate Sandworm died, they didn’t do anything. But just now, when a large number of powerful fighters and the army entered the southern part of the city, they released the Illusion Insects. It’s clear that the abnormal beasts want to cut off the communications between the southern part and northern part of the city so that news about Noble Descent Hotel being attacked wouldn’t be transferred to the southern battlefield for the time being.

“They don’t need to cut off communications for long. They just need to cut it off for half an hour or one hour, and it’ll be enough to kill or take away all the crucial members of Project 101.

“Big Sis Ya, do you trust me?”

Meng Chao fixed his eyes on Lu Siya.

“I’m beginning to think that you’re resembling a conman more and more,” Lu Siya said. “But since we’re teammates, aside from trusting you, I don’t seem to have any other choice!”

“Then, we should head to Noble Descent Hotel right now.” Meng Chao clenched his fists and said, “While we’re on the way there, we have to convince all the people we can possibly convince. The more fighters we can gather, the more hope we’ll have to crush the abnormal beasts when we reach Noble Descent Hotel. Perhaps we can even capture the abnormal beast that has been hiding underground and causing trouble!

“Besides, I trust Captain Ye. Just now, he was already convinced. Even though his communication with the outer world has been cut off, he must be doing his best to coordinate and mobilize forces right now. Very soon, he’ll reach Noble Descent Hotel.

“Perhaps we won’t need to persevere for long. We just need to hold back the abnormal beasts for a few minutes and we’ll win!”

Lu Siya only thought about it for a few seconds before she went to coordinate with the Red Dragon Army squad.

This was because their glider and 3D mobile gear were destroyed during the fierce fight earlier.

Lu Siya asked for two military-grade 3D mobile gears from the Red Dragon Army squad.

Meng Chao’s fearless performance in the underwater tunnel had won him respect from the soldiers in the Red Dragon Army, so they readily lent them two of the fastest recon mobile gears and opened up their weapons garage so that they could choose other equipment at will.

“The south of the city seems to have encountered a major spirit energy magnetic field interference. Is that so?” Lu Siya fit herself into her equipment while she talked with the Red Dragon Army commander.

“Yes,” the Red Dragon Army commander said with a frown. “Not only was the wireless network completely crippled, the wire communications were cut off as well. By the looks of it, those damn rats chewed through the underground cables and optical fibers.”

“That’s bad.” Lu Siya looked at the Red Dragon Army commander. “We just received new information from the abnormal beast research department. We have concrete proof that a large number of monsters and zombies have appeared at Noble Descent Hotel, located at the northwest side of the city.

“By the looks of it, the enemy’s target isn’t as simple as the southern part of the city. They also want to open up another battlefield in the northwestern part of the city because it’s where our firepower is at its weakest.”

The Red Dragon Army commander was shocked. “What? You have proof?”

“Our captain has proof. He was about to send it over when the abnormal beasts launched a powerful spirit energy magnetic field interference,” Lu Siya said. “We don’t have any other choice but to personally go to the northwestern part of the city to scout things out. If you think it’s necessary, you can report this information to the higher ups. I believe that they will make the right decision.”

The Red Dragon Army commander cussed and returned to the vehicle designated for him.

Even though there was interference and obstructions to the transfer of information in the southern part of the city, there was still a large number of Red Dragon Army squads located in the entire city, including the newly developing area in the north.

Lu Siya believed that what she said would soon reach the high-ranking commanders in the Red Dragon Army.

Meng Chao was dumbfounded by her side. When the commander went into the commander’s vehicle, he grabbed Lu Siya’s elbow and whispered, “What’s the meaning of this?”

“What do you mean, ‘what’s the meaning of this’?” Lu Siya asked without an expression. “Didn’t you say that we have to do everything we can to mobilize forces? The Red Dragon Army is the power that we can rely on the most right now.”

“But you can’t just report false military information!” Meng Chao said. “Captain Ye doesn’t have concrete proof!”

“What else am I supposed to do?” Lu Siya said matter-of-factly. “If I didn’t say that Captain Ye has concrete evidence, was I supposed to say that all of this is just your guess and repeat your entire spiel to this commander, his officer, and his officer’s officer, then cry and beg them to believe in your instincts?”

“...” Meng Chao sucked in a deep breath and said, “But why do you believe in my instincts so much?”

“Shouldn’t I?” Lu Siya asked. “You sounded really logical, as if you had seen it yourself. If it’s real, then we’ll have performed a major contribution and will be promoted quickly up the abnormal beast research department. Even the captain will get an award for proper leadership, and no one will care about the tiny matter of me giving false military information.”

“Big Sis Ya, thank you for trusting me!” Meng Chao felt really touched. “You never even thought about me being wrong!”

“Who said that? Of course I’ve considered it,” Lu Siya said coldly. “Even if your guess is wrong, at most, we’ll just have mobilized a large number of powerful fighters and soldiers for nothing, which would make the battlefield in the southern part of the city deteriorate more.

“More normal people would be infected by the virus and turn into zombies. That’s all. Compared to the great contribution, this bit of loss is absolutely acceptable, right? Why shouldn’t I risk it all?”

Meng Chao found himself speechless. He sped up the fitting of his equipment and got ready to vent all of his gloom and rage on the pitiful monsters.

“Let’s go!” Lu Siya was now equipped with the mobile gear and had hung more than one hundred grenades on herself and Meng Chao.

As people at the peak of Earth Realm and Heaven Realm, their weight carrying capacity was dozens of times higher than that of the normal soldiers. They could turn themselves into two moving weapon garages.

“Wait.” Right when Meng Chao was prepared to launch, in his peripheral vision, he saw a weapon fitted on the Red Dragon Army’s armored vehicle.

“Um, could I borrow that?” he asked two soldiers politely.

The soldiers looked at each other and, slowly, their jaws fell slack.

Since they did not reject his request, it meant that he could borrow it.

Meng Chao jumped on the armored vehicle and growled. Then, he pulled out a heavy grenade launcher. It was at the roof of the vehicle, slotted at the left shooting position.

It was the heavy, strengthened version of the Destroyer—the RG-6 with eight gun mounts—which was the weapon he used to blast the Ultimate Sandworm in the underwater tunnel.

They could be considered father and son.

Its unique mechanical components could allow Meng Chao to fire dozens of fist-sized grenades in a go.

Of course, since it could hold so much ammunition, its weight was also quite terrifying.

The recoil when it was used would make the user feel like he was hit with an iron hammer. Hence, it had a nickname as well.

Hammer of Destruction.

Usually, the Hammer of Destruction was fitted on armored vehicles, armored airships, and fixed firing points.

Only supreme-grade warriors like Meng Chao, who had both strength and accuracy, could place this thing and two caskets of grenades on his shoulder.

“When I used the Destroyer just now to kill the Ultimate Sandworm, I could use it pretty well,” he explained to the dumbfounded soldiers.

Before the higher-ranking Red Dragon Army commanders came to verify the truth with them, Meng Chao and Lu Siya activated their high-speed mobile gear, and with the addition of spirit energy, they jumped dozens of meters into the air and landed on a skyscraper that was eighty meters tall.

Next, they jumped continuously through the reinforced concrete forest made of skyscrapers. They headed to Noble Descent Hotel in a straight line.

While they were on their way, Lu Siya continued contacting people on her personal communication channel to recruit fighters.

The excuse she used was naturally still “we have concrete proof, but since there is an obstruction in the battlefield, the information can’t be transferred over.”

As a member of the third generation of the Lu family, she naturally knew more powerful fighters than Meng Chao.

She did not even spare her father, who was part of the core management in Sky Pillar Corporation, one of the nine mega corporations in Dragon City.

Once she spoke to him, Lu Siya exhaled long and hard.

“This time, I really staked my entire wealth and life on your word,” she mumbled. “Meng Chao, don’t you dare let me down!”

“I’ll... do my best!” Meng Chao wiped his sweat. “Even though I’m 100% confident in my guess, I feel great pressure when you trust me unconditionally.”

While Lu Siya was recruiting people earlier, Meng Chao had tried calling the Blue Home members he knew in an attempt to give them a warning.

But despite the numerous phone calls he made, he didn’t reach any core members of Blue Home, including Zhao Feixuan. Not one of them was online.

The few people who picked up the phone were not invited to the transmigration technology conference and were not at Noble Descent Hotel.

It was as if there was information interference in Noble Descent Hotel as well or like the abnormal beasts had destroyed it already.

In the end, while Meng Chao did not manage to get in contact with Zhao Feixuan, he did manage to reach his wife, Xiao Fanghua.

“Ms. Xiao!” Meng Chao was so excited that he jumped in the air and nearly started dancing above the clouds. “Where are you?! Where is Zhao Feixuan?!”

“Meng Chao?” Xiao Fanghua’s voice was very hard to hear, as if it came from the bottom of an ocean. “Old Zhao and I are both at Noble Descent Hotel. We have a conference today. Why are you?”

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