Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 391: Intensifying Conflict

Chapter 391: Intensifying Conflict

Based on how much the screen was shaking, Meng Chao could tell that Ye Xiaoxing was pacing back and forth while thinking anxiously.

“There are two goals for the abnormal beasts to infiltrate Blue Home. First, to slow down and stop the birth of transmigration technology. Second, to intensify and use the conflict between the Home Party and Colonization Party. They have already successfully used this conflict to create people like Lin Chuan and Gao Ye.”

Meng Chao felt that the more he spoke, the clearer his thought processes became.

The schemes that were blurry and hidden in the form of memory fragments rose to the surface like an ugly and monstrous deep sea monster.

The progress of the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities had also increased by 1% as he continued rambling off his analysis.

This encouraged him even more. He continued pushing forward down this train of thought. “But that’s not enough. Having just one Lin Chuan and Gao Ye isn’t enough.

“The Home Party is indeed against the Colonization Party’s views, and there are plenty of forces who are against the nine great cultivation families in Dragon City.

“But now, the Home Party and most of the forces against the nine great cultivation families are gathered under Blue Home, and they are showing that they intend to use legal methods to gain the leading power in the Survival Committee.

“This isn’t what the abnormal beasts want to see.

“Where there are people, there will be interests, and where there are interests, there will be fights. But not all fights for interests are bad things. If the conflict between the Home Party and Colonization Party was limited to only verbal fights of the politicians in the Survival Committee, this might be a good thing for Dragon City.

“After all, the nine great cultivation families do indeed need to have their power limited. And when the Colonization Party starts showing signs of going berserk, they need another force to step on the brakes for them.

“If the Colonization Party and Home Party fought but never ended up turning enemies, they would lay a stable and balanced path for Dragon City to move forward. This, however, wouldn’t be good news for the abnormal beasts.

“They don’t need a large, organized, and lawful Blue Home. They want a smaller but extremely evil organization that has fallen into darkness and has given up on fighting for their interests by legal methods within the Survival Committee but would use violent methods to fight against the Colonization Party, which would throw Dragon City’s order into chaos!

“How are they supposed to turn Blue Home into an evil organization when it is growing stronger as the development of transmigration technology becomes more likely to succeed despite the possibility that they might only have a few supporters in the Survival Committee right now? Blue Home seems about to turn into an organization that can fight legally against the Colonization Party. But if it becomes evil, they can cultivate more people like Lin Chuan and Gao Ye.

“The answer might be very complicated, but the first is to deal a severe blow to the Home Party and destroy its supporters who are gentle in nature and might speak up in the Survival Committee to compromise with the Colonization Party. Then, what will be left will naturally be the people who are extreme and filled with hate and anger. These people would swear to forever be enemies with the Colonization Party!”

Ye Xiaoxing and Lu Siya stared at Meng Chao in disbelief.

The same puzzlement could be seen in their eyes. It was as if they were saying “Just how... did you think of these things?”

‘Because that’s the reality I saw in the future!’ Meng Chao really wanted to shout at them.

In his previous life, the Home Party never managed to gain even a single place in the Survival Committee and never conducted any sort of lawful fights with the Colonization Party.

Blue Home was also shattered to pieces. At the very least, Meng Chao did not remember them having organized any sort of major event during the late stage of the Monster War.

They were replaced by countless people like the lost person, Zhao Feixuan, and new Lin Chuans and Gao Yes.

This led to two outcomes.

First, the Home Party became extreme and violent. The internal conflicts led to a large depletion of Dragon City’s resources and strength, so they were only able to achieve a pyrrhic victory in the Monster War.

Second, once the Home Party was not around to keep the Colonization Party in check and they left the Monster Mountain Range, no one could stop them from going berserk. Dragon City turned into a burning war machine that kept marching forward to its own destruction, and no one ever stepped on the brakes.

This was what Meng Chao wanted to change.

“Trust me, Captain Ye, something will happen at Noble Descent Hotel. You have to mobilize forces now. Send as many people as you can over there. It’d be best if you could send around ten Deity Realm superhumans to surround Noble Descent Hotel!” Meng Chao shouted in agitation.

“Listen, Meng Chao, I really want to believe you. In truth, I’m already halfway in believing in you completely,” Ye Xiaoxing said. “But it’s useless if I’m the only one who believes you. You should know about the situation over here, right?

“There are countless pests carrying the new zombie virus wreaking havoc in the streets in the southern part of the city. Many innocent citizens are being attacked and turned into zombies.

“Besides, even if the citizens who have not turned into zombies hide in shelters, who can be certain as to whether they have fine wounds on their bodies and whether they were infected without their knowledge?

“Right now, all the shelters in the southern part of the city are full of people. If one zombie pops up in them, there’s a high possibility that ten, one hundred, or even more will appear instantly!”

“That shouldn’t be possible,” Meng Chao said. “The activation time of the new zombie virus is very short. If a person doesn’t turn into a zombie in three minutes, they should be fine.”

“Don’t be silly. Since the abnormal beasts could create the virus, how would you know whether they didn’t also create a zombie virus that has a delayed activation period?” Ye Xiaoxing said. “If I were an abnormal beast, I’d mix zombie viruses with different activation times. Some of them will activate quickly, within three minutes, while others will only activate half an hour later. Others will activate an hour later or even a few days later. They’re all ticking time bombs that can maximize damage and fear.”

Meng Chao had nothing to say about that. When he thought about it carefully, he had to admit that there was logic behind what Ye Xiaoxing said.

Ye Xiaoxing continued, “It has been around thirty years since Dragon City ran into a large zombie horde. The new generation of citizens might be used to fighting against monsters, but they don’t know the power of zombies. In fact, when they face zombies who were once their friends or family, their hearts will go soft and they will try to save them.”

“Those who are infected with the new zombie virus do indeed have a certain chance of being treated,” Meng Chao said.

“That’s right. This means that we can’t just kill the zombies. We have to try and catch them alive to the best of our abilities,” Ye Xiaoxing said with gritted teeth. “Killing zombies and catching them alive are two different things!”

Meng Chao could only nod. “That’s right.”

“If we want to get rid of a zombie horde, the best time would be to do it before the first zombie even appears. As time passes, one will turn into two, two will turn into four, four will turn into eight, and eight will turn into sixteen. The number of zombies will increase by geometric progression, and if we don’t take control of them before midnight, things will become difficult.

“Besides, we have to get rid of all the pests and check all the citizens in the southern part of the city as well. We also have to be on guard against the enemy transporting Hell Beasts and Apocalyptic Beasts via the underground tunnels. Our workload is insane.

“Right now, practically all the superhumans in the city, including the Deity Realm superhumans you mentioned, are gathered in the southern part as long as they’re fighting-class superhumans. Even so, the power of our defense lines is still relatively weak. There are plenty of places where we can’t attend to everything at once. We can only watch as the pests with the zombie virus surge into the residential areas and shelters.

“Now, from which defense line am I supposed to mobilize forces to defend against an attack that has yet to occur at Noble Descent Hotel?

“Even if I manage to convince the related departments and Deity Realm superhumans, it’s impossible for them to break free from the intense battlefield right in front of the citizens whose lives are under threat right now.

“If the splitting of forces leads to the zombie horde going completely out of control and millions of citizens turning into zombies, who is going to shoulder that responsibility?”

This was yet another question Meng Chao could not answer.

The current event could be considered as the first official appearance of the monster civilization.

The moment they attacked, they used fierce and brutal moves, and because of their offense, Dragon City had to send all its forces to handle the problem. They even had to make the hard choices of what they wanted to protect.

“You have to think of a method, Captain Ye. Please!” Meng Chao shouted out through gritted teeth. “I believe that the abnormal beast commander hiding hundreds of kilometers deep in Monster Mountain Range is far from enough to come up with such a complicated strategy, or rather, scheme.

“There must be at least one really smart abnormal beast that has snuck into Dragon City in secret and is hiding somewhere.

“This is the only way it could continuously release powerful brainwaves to command all the movements of the monsters in the city.

“There are only two spots where this abnormal beast could be hiding. One is the southern part of the city, and the other one is near Noble Descent Hotel.

“I think that it’s unlikely that it’s hiding in the southern part of the city, because it knows clearly that as the pest and zombie virus spreads out, a large number of Deity Realm superhumans will head to the southern part of the city.

“The Deity Realm superhumans are really sensitive. Even if it were hiding deep underground, as long as it released powerful brainwaves, it would be discovered.

“So, it has to be hiding near Noble Descent Hotel. It would personally be in charge of the operation to attack the Home Party!

“As long as we bring our elites to Noble Descent Hotel and catch the enemies off guard, we might capture that abnormal beast as well. I believe that this creature has a high status in the monster civilization and will have more information compared to the abnormal beasts that the abnormal beast research department captured in the past. There’s a high possibility that it will help us overturn the entire situation!”

This incredibly alluring possibility sent Ye Xiaoxing into deep but nervous thoughts.

“That’s right. It’s impossible for low-grade monsters like pests to possess much intelligence. There must be a mastermind behind these fierce and connected attacks...”

Ye Xiaoxing gritted his teeth, as if he had come to a decision.

But before he could respond to Meng Chao’s request, the screen suddenly became blurry. Static came from the communication channel, which was the sign of severe interference. Meng Chao could not hear what Ye Xiaoxing said at all.

Before the screen turned completely blurry and distorted, Meng Chao saw spots of light in the street behind Ye Xiaoxing. They were scattered and in the air, which made them look like fireflies.

Countless fireless lights rushed out of the ground in the southern part of the city and danced in the streets and between buildings. They formed colorful, fluorescent rivers.

“Illusion Insects?”

Meng Chao found a name for them in the memories of his previous life.

They were an evolved flying insect that appeared during the middle and late stages of the Monster War.

They might have looked beautiful, but they possessed the ability to interfere with and even change the humans’ wireless signal transmissions.

With such a large number of Illusion Insects, the abnormal beasts could temporarily cripple the communication network in the southern part of the city.

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