Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 389: Transmigration Technology Conference

Chapter 389: Transmigration Technology Conference

Meng Chao thought about it and said, “Big Sis Ya, I was a little worked up and might have gone overboard with what I said just now.

“But based on my observations, there are indeed a lot of people who have not changed their way of thinking. Even the elite investigators in the abnormal beast research department are just treating abnormal beasts as smarter monsters.”

“Aren’t they, though?” Lu Siya asked.

“They might not be,” Meng Chao said gravely. “Abnormal beasts aren’t just smarter monsters, but intelligent creatures who are completely different from us, but just as smart as us. They might even possess higher intelligence and even stranger ways of thinking.

“When we face abnormal beasts, we can’t view them and fight against them as if they were just normal monsters. Instead, we have to imagine these abnormal beasts as truly intelligent beings who are leaders and generals who have fought in countless battles.

“A qualified general won’t readily send his army into a brutal and meaningless urban warfare. If he did that, there has to be a deeper meaning to it!”

Lu Siya stared at Meng Chao for a long time. “It’s strange,” she said, “Why do I feel like you’re sometimes an idiot, but other times you’re...”

She seemed like she had a wealth of things to say, but did not know where to start.

Meng Chao waited for a long time, but she still did not manage to complete the second half of her sentence. He could not help but say, “I’m what?”

“It’s nothing.” Lu Siya changed the topic. “So, what do you think the abnormal beasts’ goal is?”

“I don’t know. I need a map. Is there a map of the entire city here?”

There was a map of Dragon City in his tab, but the screen was too small, and it was not enough to give him inspiration.

There was no map in the lab either. In the end, he ran outside and asked the Red Dragon Army soldiers who fought with him just now for a map that was two meters long when spread open.

The military-issued map he received had been used by the soldiers for a long time. Its edges were already fraying, and there were a lot of labels on it. The newest situation of the zombie and monster dual attack was also marked on it.

Meng Chao’s gaze only stayed on the southern part of the city for a moment before he focused on the whole city.

“What is the enemy’s goal...”

At that moment, the squad leader of the Red Dragon Army came over to thank him. He had a bandage around his arm.

The squad leader thanked him for saving the entire squad by killing the Ultimate Sandworm. At the same time, he provided Meng Chao with the newest information on the battle.

The superhumans and Red Dragon Army were basically in control of all the important facilities in the southern part of the city and the residential areas with a denser level of population. They had already killed all the larger monsters that could be easily seen.

But there were still endless streams of pests coming out from underground.

As the humans gradually began utilizing their military strength, the accursed vermin changed their tactics.

They no longer gathered together to form insect swarms that seemed terrifying but could be easily burnt to a crisp. The moment they crawled out, they scattered and fled in all directions to crawl into all sorts of dark and wet corners.

Then, they would suddenly pop out on unsuspecting victims. Even if they did not get to bite a person, when a toad landed on the back of someone’s foot, it would still scare them.

Millions of pests fled all over the southern part of the city. It made them much more difficult to deal with compared to Apocalyptic Beasts.

If they had been Apocalyptic Beasts, it would have been easier. All Dragon City would need to do was send three or five Deity Realm superhumans to dispatch them. If they were not afraid of death and casualties, they would definitely be able to kill their opponent.

But even if Deity Realm superhumans grew three heads and six arms, it was impossible for them to catch millions of pests in an hour or two.

Yet these creatures carried the new zombie virus.

Without vaccines and serums and any knowledge as to how many possible methods there were for them to spread the virus, it was difficult for normal citizens to join the fight to get rid of the pests. It was far too easy for more new zombies to pop up at any moment.

The superhumans and Red Dragon Army could only do their best to spread the citizens and work hard in all streets to destroy the rampaging zombies and vermin swarms.

The attack involved pests pestering and harassing the humans, but it was not enough to shake Dragon City’s foundation. However, it did lead to a large number of superhumans and the Red Dragon Army being stuck in the southern part of the city.

At the very least, during this long night, aside from fighting against the vermin, zombies, and the viruses, they could forget about going anywhere else.

Meng Chao listened to the report of the battle from the squad leader, then lowered his head to investigate the map.

After a moment, he suddenly asked Lu Siya a seemingly unrelated question.

“Big Sis Ya, do you know whether there have been any abnormalities with Blue Home over the past few days?”

Lu Siya was stunned for a moment before she said, “I don’t think there were any abnormalities. If there were, the captain would have informed us a long time ago. Why did you ask?

“Group 9 is specifically in charge of investigating Lin Chuan and Gao Ye’s case. Since Lin Chuan and the White Spirit both died under Raging Waves, all clues about them can be considered to have run cold halfway through. There are only two remaining clues, one of them is in Blue Home, and the other is the still living Gao Ye,” Meng Chao said.

“Originally, Group 9 was investigating these two clues simultaneously, and I also joined quite a lot of activities organized by Blue Home. My relationship with the Home Party is pretty good.

“But when the Ultimate Sandworm that is really similar to Gao Ye appeared half a month ago, we placed our time, energy, and resources into locating it. That was unavoidable since, after all, the damage it caused was really severe.

“And because of it, our attention on Blue Home has decreased. Even I have not met Zhao Feixuan, Wu Haibo, and the other core members of Blue Home for more than one week. I don’t know what they have been doing. I highly suspect that this is the reason behind why the abnormal beasts released the Ultimate Sandworm.

“Big Sis Ya, could you ask Captain Ye about it. He must have more information at hand.”

This request was not much.

Lu Siya thought about it and used the tactical tab used by the abnormal beast research department to send a request for communication to Ye Xiaoxing.

The online communications within Dragon City were carried out by both optical fiber and wireless transmission.

It was very easy for wireless transmissions to face interference from the spirit energy in the Other World, while underground optical fibers could be easily bitten by rat-type monsters or taken down by erosion. This was especially the case after the monsters’ intelligence increased by a large degree. Usually, the first thing they did when they attacked Dragon City was to destroy the internet and means of communication.

Hence, Meng Chao and Lu Siya had to wait for a long time before a blurry and shaky picture appeared on their screen.

The screen kept shaking, which was probably because it was recorded live through Ye Xiaoxing’s shoulder camera.

In the video, they saw many manholes on the street across from Ye Xiaoxing. Then, the street cracked, and a large beetle crawled out of the ground. It released burning adhesive liquid, which was like magma, and it flowed everywhere between the buildings.

Group 9’s elites had been chasing after the Ultimate Sandworm for ten days and nights without resting, so their physical and mental stamina were drained. Despite that, they continued charging toward the monsters regardless of the risks. Their spirit energy magnetic fields created dazzling and fatal killing moves that reduced the beetle into a bloody, shattered mess.

“Meng Chao, are you awake?” Ye Xiaoxing asked. “You did well in the underwater tunnel just now! I’m going to report your contributions to the government! But it’s not the time to talk about that right now. If you and Siya have recovered and have replenished enough spirit energy, hurry up and help us here.

“Right now, the entire southern part of the city is a mess, and many of the citizens have not managed to hide within the forts and shelters. There are still people getting infected by the new zombie virus, and we’re suffering from a severe lack of manpower!”

“Got it. If it’s possible, we’ll get there as soon as possible.” Meng Chao braced himself then and said, “But Captain Ye, may I ask whether Blue Home has acted abnormally over the past half a month or whether there is any strange information about them?”

“Strange information?” Ye Xiaoxing asked. “No. Recently, Blue Home has grown in scale, and the status of the members they’re drawing to them has been increasing too. Many politicians are supporting the Home Party’s views and working together to spread its influence in the Survival Party, but they’re using legal methods. The Colonization Party’s views might be the main trend, but they’re not absolutely correct, and they’re not some fact that cannot be questioned and overthrown.

“If you don’t consider their act of handing out eggs to the people in the streets as abnormal, then there is nothing abnormal about them.”

“Is that so?” Meng Chao was semi-disappointed and semi-puzzled.

“Yes.” Ye Xiaoxing delivered a fierce sword force at the beetle and stopped for a while. He suddenly remembered something. “By the way, Blue Home seems to have organized a transmigration technology conference and gathered the specialist team from Project 101 for it. The date... is today.”

“What?!” Meng Chao’s pupils shrank, and he asked anxiously, “Transmigration technology conference? How high caliber? Who are the ones attending the conference? Are all the members of the controllable transmigration technology team joining it?”

“Almost all of them. What I heard is that the person in charge of Project 101 is the leading expert in transmigration technology. He’s Professor Lu Tianxing, and he will personally host the transmigration technology conference this time,” Ye Xiaoxing said. “By the way, Lu Tianxing is one of the twelve committee members of Blue Home, and he’s also the heart and soul of the Home Party. He played a huge role in the formation of the ideals in the party.”

“I’m going!” Meng Chao shouted. “This is an important figure! Why didn’t he stay obediently in the Supernatural Tower to research transmigration technology but ran out to organize some stupid conference?!”

“What are you saying?” Ye Xiaoxing said. “Ascetic monks like Gao Ye who shut themselves in their labs and live the same life for years are rare. No matter how much the specialists are addicted to the technology they’re researching, they must come out and exchange information with their peers, right?

“Besides, you know that the Colonization Party has always been the mainstream in the Survival Committee. Most of the politicians are unwilling to put too much money into Project 101, so the specialists have to rely on various businesses and foundations to cover part of the project’s expenses.

“Today, it’s not only transmigration experts who will join the conference. The ones who fund their project—the powerful businesses and politicians that belong to the Home Party—will also join. The goal of the conference is to explore the technology and get more money, which is more important for them.

“I heard that Project 101 has entered its most crucial state. The funds they use daily are at astronomical figures. The investments they’ll need in the future won’t be a small sum, so if Professor Lu Tianxing doesn’t show up personally when he’s the one in charge of the project, how are they supposed to get the money?”

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