Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 387: Too Many Suspicious Points

Chapter 387: Too Many Suspicious Points

“No, wait. Think about it. Half a year ago, when we ran into Gao Ye after he turned into a monster and fought against him in his lab in Spirit Creations Creatures, we weren’t his opponent,” Meng Chao said. “If Gao Ye had really wanted to kill me, I would have been eaten and turned into a pulp.

“Later, Captain Ye and the elites came to intercept him. Even though they managed to destroy half of his body, he still managed to escape.

“Big Sis Ya, you and Captain Ye are both at Heaven Realm, but two people at Heaven Realm weren’t able to stop him. Why was I able to kill him so easily when I’m just at the peak of Earth Realm?”

This question stunned Lu Siya.

She pondered it for a moment before she said, “You’re not a normal superhuman at the peak of Earth Realm. You have two spirit energies from the Red Radiance Jades and Blue Origin Crystals, and they aren’t completely activated yet. Besides, you also have a lot of strange techniques. You were also taught by a mysterious elite. Even I don’t have 100% confidence in being able to defeat you.

“Besides, who would be as mad as you and jump into the sandworms mouth to explode it from inside? And it worked since it couldn’t cultivate its organs and nerves into steel.”

“You might say that, but it’s not a simple abnormal beast!”

Meng Chao still found the situation off.

No one knew just how terrifying Earthquake was, but he did.

Even though he had interfered with its evolution and caused the Supernatural Entity to be far from its fully evolved, demon-like form, he could not have possibly killed it alone.

He could tell it based on the White Spirit.

It was also a Supernatural Entity that had not fully evolved, but when they ran into it under Raging Waves, it had given Meng Chao and Lu Siya so much pressure that they almost suffocated.

If it were not for the connection between the White Spirit and Lin Chuan and Lin Chuan snapping out of it because of Meng Chao’s words, Meng Chao, Lu Siya, and Qin Hu would have died underground.

And it had to be remembered that at that time, Lu Siya was already at Heaven Realm.

The two creatures were both Supernatural Entities, so there was no reason why the White Spirit would be much stronger than Earthquake.

‘There must be a problem. There is a limit to how much I can do even if I can fight monsters above my level. With my current strength of someone at the peak of Earth Realm, I can kill Nightmarish Beasts instantly and fight against Hell Beasts, but it’s impossible for me to kill a Supernatural Entity so easily!’

The more Meng Chao thought about it, the more he found things to be off. ‘Half a year ago, when Gao Ye transferred his soul to the Ultimate Sandworm, his soul did not harmonize with his body.

‘Even so, when he faced Big Sis Ya and Captain Ye, he was able to escape easily, and they were both Heaven Realm superhumans.

‘Over the past half a year, he must have been modified by abnormal beasts. His appearance had become much fiercer, so his fighting strength had to have increased by several levels as well.

‘Even if Gao Ye’s spirit has already been destroyed, the fighting intelligence from when he was a human would remain in his thick nerves. Group 9 had also determined that his fighting strength was unfathomable. That’s why they poured all their resources into this operation and sent dozens of elites to hunt him.

‘Among them were a few whose strengths were already at the level of veteran hunters like Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu. If there was a need for it, they would even ask Captain Ye’s older brother for help, and he’s Broken Sword Ye Xiaoyue, someone at Deity Realm.

‘But these people were held back by zombies and monsters. Even so, the Ultimate Sandworm didn’t display the power that a Supernatural Entity should have. It was killed by me, someone at the peak of Earth Realm. It really feels like it was all bark and no bite. There is something off about this. Could it be?’

Suddenly, Meng Chao’s gaze focused, and he thought about a possibility.

Lu Siya said, “You look like you figured something out. What did you think of?”

“I figured it out,” Meng Chao mumbled. “Could it be that while I was in berserk rage and faced a life and death crisis, I awakened to a mysterious power in my soul, and this is the legendary SEED mode? That’s how I killed it?”

“...Whatever you say,” Lu Siya said. “Do you have anything else you want to check? If not, I want to go back and lie down in my medical cabin.”

“Big Sis Ya, don’t go. Listen to me analyze the situation,” Meng Chao said while scratching his head. “I admit that I think that I have great cultivation potential, am a rare existence, and have power given to me by the spirit energy of the world, which means I can occasionally deliver critical hits, but even if I entered SEED mode, there’s no way I could increase my fighting strength to this state, right? That doesn’t make scientific sense!

“Besides, I didn’t feel anything shattering in my head, any hot wave gushing out of my Dantian region, or didn’t go through anything else similar to SEED mode. No matter what, it’s not that I’m too strong, but that the Ultimate Sandworm was too weak.”

“Oh,” Lu Siya said. “Isn’t it a good thing that the enemy is weak?”

“That’s only good when the enemy is really weak.” Meng Chao looked really conflicted.

The current Dragon City elites did not know just how terrifying Supernatural Entities were. That was why they made a wrong estimation of the Ultimate Sandworm’s fighting strength.

But Meng Chao would not make that mistake.

The whole thing still bothered him.

Meng Chao pointed at the Ultimate Sandworm and threw a new question. “Big Sis Ya, say, why did this thing pop up before schedule? It shook the foundation of a skyscraper and made a set of power generators collapse. It even ate half of a train’s carriage. After it destroyed those things, the abnormal beast research department fixed their gazes on it, and it could only flee helter-skelter.

“My question is, why did it do that?”

Lu Siya frowned slightly. “It was controlled by the abnormal beasts and was told to destroy Dragon City. What other reason do you need?”

“No. I’m not questioning why it wants to destroy Dragon City. I’m just curious as to why it did those things to alert us. It practically announced itself with fanfare,” Meng Chao said. “Let’s say that it didn’t destroy the skyscrapers, power generators, and operating subways. Instead, it remained hidden underground obediently and sneakily dug underground tunnels leading to outside Dragon City for the abnormal beasts, what would have happened then?

“We then wouldn’t have been able to locate its hiding place and operation goals.

“Then, when the rat horde, zombies, and monsters appeared one after another, most of the superhumans and Red Dragon Army’s attention would have been fixed on the southern part of the city. Then, it could pop out to cause trouble and would be able to destroy the underwater tunnel without any trouble, right?”

This question caused Lu Siya to sink into deep thought.

“Makes sense.” Lu Siya squatted on the ground and thought about it for a total of three minutes before she mumbled, “He attacked ten days ahead. It does feel like he was acting rashly and alerted us.”

“I know, right? Since the abnormal beasts had decided that they would attack the city en masse ten days later, why did they send the Ultimate Sandworm ahead of time? It was their tactical biochemical weapon that could dig tunnels underground, send forces in secret, and cause trouble on the surface,” Meng Chao said.

“Of course, it would definitely be able to create a certain amount of destruction on itself, but it wouldn’t be able to touch Dragon City’s foundation. Instead, it would reveal its existence and would fall short of success when it came to its most important task. Don’t the losses outweigh the benefits here?”

Lu Siya thought about it. “Did the abnormal beasts not think it through?”

“They have an abnormal beast with advanced consciousness transferring technology and gene modification technology as well as ability to control thousands of pests at the same time to create a biochemical storm and target the important facilities in Dragon City. Would they really not have been able to realize that this might be rash?” Meng Chao asked.

Lu Siya’s face turned red. “Yeah, that doesn’t make sense.”

“It doesn’t make sense at all. The abnormal beasts can’t be that stupid, they’re...”

‘Existences who nearly won the Monster War in my previous life and nearly destroyed Dragon City!’

Meng Chao forced himself to swallow the second half of the sentence.

But he could not stop all sorts of thoughts from popping up in his mind.

“If I were an abnormal beast, why would I make the Ultimate Sandworm appear beforehand and attract the abnormal beast research department’s attention?”

Meng Chao thought about it carefully and ruffled his hair so much that it looked like a bird’s nest.

Suddenly, he stopped moving, and a dark light shone in his eyes.

“Unless the underwater tunnel was not the abnormal beasts’ ultimate goal and just smokescreen!”

“No way. Don’t you think you’re being a little too paranoid?” Lu Siya asked. “If they used the one-and-only Ultimate Sandworm as a smokescreen, then I’d have to say that the abnormal beasts are really willing to sacrifice their soldiers.”

“That’s right...” Meng Chao stood up swiftly and massaged his numb legs. He walked around the Ultimate Sandworm’s carcass three times, occasionally drawing closer to observe its skin, spikes, and nerves. He also took over the data the researchers gathered and focused to make calculations and comparisons.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank into two small dots. A cold chill gushed out of his pores, and he turned into a super high capacity 3D air con.

“Big Sis Ya, what did you just say?” Meng Chao mumbled.

“When?” Lu Siya thought about it and said, “I said that the abnormal beasts are too willing to sacrifice their pawns.”

“No. Before it.”

“Using the one-and-only Ultimate Sandworm as a smokescreen?”

“That’s right. That’s it! I know why I could kill this creature so easily now!” Meng Chao’s eyes shone brightly as he pointed at the Ultimate Sandworm’s carcass. “Because it’s not Gao Ye!”

“What did you say?” Lu Siya’s eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

“Don’t go saying that it’s impossible. Let’s talk about why we thought it’s Gao Ye,” Meng Chao said.

“Because...” Lu Siya pondered over it and said, “Not long ago, Gao Ye sent an experiment log saying that he’s gradually losing control and is about to lose his humanity. He also asked you to kill him.

“Soon after that, it appeared and started causing massive destruction. Based on the CCTVs, even though it has gone through a lot of evolution and has completely changed, its basic characteristics are very similar to when it fled half a year ago.

“Besides, it has terrifying tunneling and stone crushing abilities. I can’t believe that the abnormal beasts could modify a second Ultimate Sandworm into something as terrifying as Gao Ye.

“Even if this is just circumstantial evidence, you already killed it and we have concrete evidence. Just now, we compared the living cells we extracted from this Ultimate Sandworm with the living cells from the Ultimate Sandworm half a year ago under Spirit Creatures Creations’ lab. After comparing them, we’re certain that they belong to the same creature. How can you explain that?”

“I can explain it,” Meng Chao said darkly. “Big Sis Ya, even though their appearances and sizes are vastly different from each other, you should know that sandworms and earthworms are close relatives and their DNA components and certain characteristics are practically the same, right?

“Earthworms and sandworms are both annelids. Since their nerves are inferior creations, their bodies are very independent and have great regeneration capabilities.

“If you used a knife to cut an earthworm in half at the center, it might not die. Instead, there is a certain chance that the two severed parts would grow into two different entities, and from ‘it’, it will turn into ‘them’!”

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