Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 386: Vague Sense of Unease

Chapter 386: Vague Sense of Unease

Meng Chao sat up in the medical cabin.

He noticed that he was in a military-issued ambulance.

When he looked out the left window, he found that the ambulance was parked beside Red Dragon River. It was not far from the construction site of the underwater tunnel.

Based on how busy and tense the people were at the construction site and the facilities there, the Ultimate Sandworm had not managed to completely destroy the underwater tunnel.

The damage was pretty bad, but it was within acceptable range.

‘That’s good, then.’

Meng Chao sighed in relief.

He then saw a silver camp. It had a painted warning for biochemical danger and the emblem of the abnormal beast research department. Many researchers wearing white chemical protective clothing moved in and out.

By the looks of it, the Ultimate Sandworm’s carcass had already been dragged to the surface. The researchers were racing against time to discover the secrets of Supernatural Entities and abnormal beasts before its flesh and nerve bundles completely rotted away.

“You’re awake?”

A slightly hoarse woman’s voice came from beside him.

Meng Chao turned his head around and noticed that there were two medical cabins in the ambulance. Lu Siya sat in the other one. By the looks of it, she had woken up a little earlier than he did. Even though there were still a lot of IV tubes sticking out of her, she looked pretty good. She was already tapping away at her tab while working on something.

“How long have I been in the cabin and what’s the situation?”

Meng Chao stretched his limbs and spine. The light sting of pain made him feel like he was bitten by ants. It was not too bad.

“Forty-five minutes,” Lu Siya said. “Don’t worry. It isn’t anything serious. You’ve just drained your spirit energy and the acid from the Ultimate Sandworm had seeped into your skin. In the end, when the fat, methane, nitroso-ene, ethenone, and other substances exploded, the impact gave you a slight concussion.

“The problems are not too serious, but the captain wanted me to tell you that your strategy of crawling into a monster’s stomach to wreak havoc was too reckless, since you didn’t know the strength of its organs’ acid and corrosive properties. You didn’t know how much bacteria and viruses were in the monster’s body, much less how destructive the incendiary and explosive substances in the monster’s body would be when ignited. If you were unlucky, you might have died together with the monster.

“He will apply for a reward from the government, soon. You will get medals and rewards that only official investigators can get. But if you run into a similar situation again, please don’t act like such a lunatic.”

“I was just... excited from all the fighting and it got to my head!” Meng Chao scratched his head and smiled. He could not quite believe it himself. “Is the Ultimate Sandworm really dead?”

“Don’t you remember?” Lu Siya asked. “You cut it apart from its mouth to its excretion pore and created a mess inside. You even ripped it to pieces. How could it not be dead?”

Meng Chao blinked and checked Kindling, which was burning at the corner of his eyes.

Just as he expected, a new notification had popped up.

[You killed the mutated form of the Ultimate Sandworm. Increased contribution points by 9,999.]

“It’s really dead, huh...” Meng Chao mumbled to himself.

He felt a little disappointed. Kindling seemed to be becoming more stingy with each mission.

,999 contribution points might seem a lot, but he had faced the legendary Supernatural Entity. It was a bit of a slight to its status if it did not give Meng Chao fifty thousand contribution points.

Ever since he reached the peak of Earth Realm, he really wanted to reach Heaven Realm.

The things he had to cultivate became harder and needed more resources.

Even the determined and focused superhumans would need a few years or even more than ten years before to reach Heaven Realm.

Meng Chao was not stupid. He knew that his foundation was not too firm and he had to deal with too many matters on a daily basis.

He spent his time on lectures, the Ultimate Style, Broken Star Club, Blue Home, Superstar, the abnormal beast research department, and his cooperation with Yan Hengbo, Ning Shewo, and Luo Wu. He just did not have a lot of time to cultivate.

Since he only had limited time and wanted to improve fast, he could only splurge on his skills and use up the contribution points.

The skills he was cultivating right now were all from Gu Jianbo, Li Yingzi, Deity Realm superhuman Black Tortoise Zong Yue, and the anonymous donor who was even greater than Zong Yue.

They were completely different compared to basic martial arts like Ripple Force and One Hundred Saber Techniques.

Many of the spirit energy magnetic fields that were labeled as killing techniques and secret techniques had profound and complicated structures that made them look like 3D mazes. Even a 1% increase in Skillfulness required more than one hundred contribution points.

He had expected to earn a whole bunch of contribution points from the Supernatural Entity, but in the end, he only earned 9,999 contribution points. It was not enough for him to survive...

Meng Chao shook his head and looked at the light from flames that rose between the buildings situated far away from them. They were in the southern part of the city. He stopped thinking about nonsense and asked, “What’s the situation in the southern part of the city? Did a large scale zombie horde appear?”

“No, even if the abnormal beasts caught us off guard. They first had the Ultimate Sandworm secretly dig an underground tunnel leading from outside the city, then quietly mobilized a large number of pests with zombie virus.

“Since they were in control of top-class neurological technology, the abnormal beasts upgraded the nervous systems of the pests and caused the low-class ecdysozoans and mollusca to be in possession of a certain degree of intelligence. At the very least, they could receive and carry out orders via brainwaves.

“The rat hordes were in charge of spreading the zombie virus, and the zombies created chaos. The shell-type monsters, ecdysozoans, and snake-type monsters were strengthened and upgraded, and they located the important facilities at the southern part of the city, which they then attacked them. They were really troublesome.

“But that’s all. They were just troublesome.

“Sneakily causing trouble within Dragon City won’t allow them to go to war with us. It’s impossible for the enemy to secretly transport a lot of monsters into the city, and the ones brought in can’t be of any notable strength. If there were high-grade Hell Beasts or even Apocalyptic Beasts with powerful spirit energy hidden among them, we would have detected them a long time ago.

“So, while we suffered a lot of damage in this attack, it’s within controllable range.

“Right now, the communities in the southern part of the city have all been fortified. The Red Dragon Army and the superhumans in the city are stationed in various streets and residential areas as well. The captain and the people from Group 9 were sent to get rid of the zombies and monsters.

“The battle is still ongoing, but there has not been a large number of deaths, and no important facility has been damaged to the point that it is irreparable. Initial estimations state that if the monsters don’t get reinforcements, the battle will end before dawn. The overall destruction will not exceed the degree of the last fog descent.”

Meng Chao took the tablet from Lu Siya’s hands and checked the data about their losses so far, which had been tabulated.

Then, he saw a few fighting videos taken from CCTVs and the cameras from the superhumans’ helmets and shoulder cameras.

The fights were pretty intense.

The pests formed hordes of various colors as they attacked the humans’ defense line.

Their individual strength was not great, but when they carried with them the brand new infectious zombie virus, they became pretty troublesome.

Fortunately, as the superhumans from all over the city came to provide reinforcements to the south, the pest hordes were unable to spread through the communities and infect the normal people, who were the easiest targets.

Zombies appeared here and there, but were not numerous enough to create a disaster. Many of them were killed by superhumans and passionate citizens working together.

Meng Chao sighed in relief.

Compared to his previous life, right now, Dragon City was performing much better against the abnormal beasts.

One of the reasons was because he had handed in the investigation reports and pretended to be the enemy in their exercises. Their simulation battles proved to be effective. The abnormal beast research department worked together with the relevant departments to upgrade the defenses and perform random checks on the important facilities in Dragon City.

The other reason was that the Ultimate Style had become popular a few years ahead of the time. The Broken Star Club had also united a large number of broken-star superhumans and increased their fighting strength.

Most of these people were the backbones of normal residential areas and grassroots units.

If these residential areas were considered as fighting units and the broken-star superhumans became stronger, it also meant that these fighting units became stronger.

‘If we last through this wave, it won’t be that easy for the abnormal beasts to use the same tactic to invade Dragon City,’ Meng Chao thought.

But he still felt a slight sense of unease.

He pondered it for a long time, but he did not think of anything.

So he decided to remove the IV tubes and electrical cables connected to the monitors and said to Lu Siya, “Come, let’s go and take a look at the Ultimate Sandworm’s carcass!”

As a harvester, there was no way he would let go of the God-given chance to research a Supernatural Entity.

Besides, the progress of the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities was still stuck at 22%!

They crept out of the ambulance.

There was currently a severe lack of medical officers.

Since their conditions were pretty stable, the doctors and nurses went to treat the workers and technicians who were injured in the underwater tunnel. They did not force them back into the medical cabin.

But a few Red Dragon Army soldiers saw them. They were leaning against armored vehicles not far in the distance. The Red Dragon Army soldiers smiled and raised their arms to give Meng Chao a thumbs up.

Meng Chao recognized them as the soldiers who had fought together with him in the underwater tunnel just now.

He smiled and gave the soldiers a thumbs up as well.

Even though his wounds had not completely healed, their smiles filled him with strength.

There might be a lot of problems in Dragon City, but they did not lack heroes who had the courage to face those problems head-on and solve them. They would fight against the world and find unlimited happiness in it.

That was enough.

Meng Chao and Lu Siya went into the tent and put on chemical protective clothing in the disinfectant room.

The Ultimate Sandworm had suffered a complete implosion.

The researchers from the abnormal beast research department spent a lot of effort to form its general outline with what remained of its carcass.

The only thing that was in a relatively complete condition was the mouth covered in sharp teeth.

The researchers knew that Meng Chao had crawled into the giant’s body and ripped it to shreds, so when they saw him waltz into the tent, they could not believe their own eyes.

Instinctively, they gave him the best position to examine the creature.

Meng Chao was not in a hurry to investigate it. He cast a glance at the initial dissection report from the researchers, and his eyes remained on the dense but crucial figures for a long time.

Then, he squatted down and stared at the Ultimate Sandworm’s gaping mouth in a contemplative silence.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Siya was very observant and noticed his unease and puzzlement.

She squatted beside him and looked at the same place as he did.

“It’s nothing.” Meng Chao was silent for a while before he asked Lu Siya, “Big Sis Ya, say, do you think that I’ve become much more violent over the past half a year?”

Lu Siya was silent for a while. “... How would I know?”

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