Chapter 375: A Crazy Thought

The more Meng Chao thought about it, the more excited he became. He even thought of a specific plan.

‘The nine cultivation families have been in control of the Survival Committee for years, and scandals like Thundercloud Corporation hoarding items is definitely like mushrooms after a shower. If I were an abnormal beast, I would definitely find a case or two more of them doing something even worse than hoarding and deal a severe blow to their reputation.

‘Then, through mind control or something like brain modification, I will bewitch some of the people from the nine great cultivation families to assassinate the people who exposed the scandals and the investigators. That way, I would definitely make the Dragon Citizens lose their trust in the nine great cultivation families.

‘That’s right. When I order the assassination, I will tell them to cause a large scene so that hundreds or even a whole thousand normal citizens would end up as collateral damage. That way, the conflict between the normal citizens and nine great cultivation families would become worse.

“Wait, to make sure that the flames burn even hotter, I should do some preparatory work.

‘For example, I could lead my monsters to deliver more precise strikes in the city, just like a surgeon removing tumors from a body. My target shouldn’t be the military facilities that are heavily defended, but water purification plants, gene farms, synthesized food factories, and other basic facilities that are related to the survival of the normal citizens.

“Then, millions of normal Dragon Citizens would suffer from a lack of resources and would become resentful. After that, I will fan the flames with rumors that the superhumans of the nine great cultivation families live luxurious lives so that the normal citizens will think something along the lines, “We can’t even ensure our basic survival, so how could you high-and-mighty superhumans be so shameless as to live wanton lives?”

‘With this series of actions, everyone, from superhumans who are from powerful families in Dragon City to those who are not, from below average superhumans to above average superhumans, from superhumans to normal people, and from the Colonization Party to the Home Party will suffer from a rift so bad that it can’t possibly get worse.

‘At that time, as an abnormal beast, I would carry out a plan to support one side while oppressing the other, such as what Gao Ye imagined. I might give normal humans monsters’ abilities and have them fight against superhumans...

‘This wouldn’t even take me a few years. Dragon City would be dealing with such internal strife that it would destroy itself!’

After thinking through everything, Meng Chao wanted to slap his thigh and praise himself for coming up with such a good plan.

As he considered everything carefully, he realized that the abnormal beasts from his previous life had carried out a similar plan to his in the middle stage and later stage of the Monster War.

Many of the odd accidents and changes in Dragon City were something he saw on the news, but he was ignorant about it and did not understand what was going on.

After returning to the past and analyzing the situation with a lot of new information, he felt as if the fog hda dispersed and he could see light now.

Meng Chao stayed up late for three days and handed Ye Xiaoxing the battle plan he came up with after he placed himself in the abnormal beasts’ shoes as well as his investigation report about Blue Home.

As a result, Ye Xiaoxing took the time to discuss things with him in detail a few times, and he was incredibly shocked by Meng Chao’s foresight and ruthlessness, which was something far beyond what a university student should have.

Ye Xiaoxing told Meng Chao that the higher-ups placed a lot of value in his report.

Up till then, the abnormal beast research department had captured and killed quite a number of abnormal beasts. Their research showed that they already possessed nigh human intelligence.

But while the tactical analyzers from the research department had tried to deduce what sort of plans these intelligent monsters would use to fight against Dragon City, the results of their deductions were not as audacious, or rather, not as insane as Meng Chao’s.

But when one had to predict an enemy’s movements, they had to do so with an open mind.

If the abnormal beasts did indeed use Meng Chao’s method to intensify the conflict within Dragon City, that would indeed be very troublesome.

In the next few months, things did indeed progress as Meng Chao predicted.

The superhuman squads who were professionally armored, had high mobility, and belonged to the nine great cultivation families worked together with the Red Dragon Army to obtain a clean victory at the perimeter of Dragon City. They pushed the outermost defense line to the east, west, and south by dozens or even one hundred kilometers.

Even though Dragon City’s territory was expanding, it created problems such as its military strength being dispersed and a longer time being necessary to replenish supplies.

Besides, the newly occupied territories were just like Shattered Starlake, Graveyard Forest, and Raging Waves. They had complicated terrain and all their resources were hidden underground. The capital needed to mine those resources was rather high.

If they wanted to maintain effective control over those places and turn them into built-up areas that could produce items efficiently, they needed to invest a large amount of manpower, materials, and resources into them.

And while there was no longer any fog that covered the sky of Dragon City, small-scale space-time rifts still appeared occasionally. They usually sent a handful of monsters into the core area of the city, where they would land precise attacks on the fundamental facilities that affected the normal people’s livelihood.

One attack was not enough to affect the lifeline of Dragon City.

But if the facilities were damaged repeatedly, Dragon City would be unable to handle the harassment, and the people grew increasingly restless.

“Didn’t they say that the Red Dragon Army has been winning repeatedly at the frontlines and has destroyed a lot of the monster nests in the fog? Why are there still so many monsters coming nonstop into the city?”

“Monsters destroy our water plants, power plants, and food factories every few days. Having power outages and water shortages is still fine, but if we can’t even have a guaranteed supply of earthworm canned food, how will we be supposed to live?”

“What are the superhumans doing? I saw some photos from Dragon City No.1 in the deep web yesterday. That place is decorated so friggin’ lavishly that it’s basically heaven in there. The superhumans are enjoying life in heaven and do not care about the lives and deaths of the normal citizens anymore, huh?”

“I saw it too. I knew that Dragon City No.1 was full of luxurious mansions, I just didn’t expect them to be that luxurious. Compared to the mansions of the superhumans, our shacks can’t even be considered as dog kennels, right?”

“Hmph, and they say things like ‘the blood of the strong flows for the weak’. Damn it, if those superhumans are really that great, why don’t they let us stay in their houses? They don’t need to let us stay long in there. If they would let me live there for three days, I’d immediately rush to the frontlines to fight to the death with monsters!”

“Sigh... That’s where you’re wrong. They only mentioned that the blood of the strong flows for the weak. They didn’t say that the strong are supposed to let the weak stay in their luxurious mansions. Besides, they’ve already fought so much for us, so it’s only natural for them to stay in mansions that are dozens of times larger than our houses, enjoy good meat cut off the bodies of superbeasts, and have dozens of lovers by their side.”

These indignant and peculiar words could be found all over the internet, especially the dark web, where people’s real identities could not be discovered easily.

Topics such as whether superhumans were really the same kind of people as normal people, why superhumans had the right to live much more comfortable lives compared to humans, whether superhumans would fight forever for normal people, and whether it was just plain crap to say that the blood of the strong was supposed to flow for the weak rose to prominence quietly.

Meng Chao could figure out with his toes that there were definitely abnormal beasts fanning the flames!

Fortunately, the report he handed a few months ago to the abnormal beast research department seemed to be working a little.

The abnormal beast research department had gathered together some resources from the Red Dragon Army, Supernatural Tower, and the nine great cultivation families to strengthen the fundamental facilities that affected the survival of the people and also set up hidden defenses.

When the monsters tried to destroy the facilities, they were caught off guard by the unexpected defense. The research department obtained quite a lot of abnormal beasts’ carcasses and even captured some live abnormal beasts.

The destruction created by the abnormal beasts created was also not to the point that they could not be repaired.

At the very least, the lives of the normal citizens in Dragon City were not at the point that they were unbearable, but that was when compared to the memories Meng Chao had of his previous life.

The grumbles in the deep web were just grumbles for now. They did not affect real life much.

However, when they dissected the carcasses of the abnormal beasts, they found that while they had developed brains, there was also an organ in their brains that was similar to a receiver chip. They were the ones who carried out the scheme, but not the ones who planned it.

Meng Chao did not know where the mastermind was lurking.

Logically, if the abnormal beasts used brainwaves to send information, the mastermind and the ones carrying out the plan could not be too far away from each other.

The leader of the abnormal beasts could not possibly be lurking in a satellite city hundreds of kilometers away from Dragon City and sending signals to the city through all the spirit energy interference.

But Dragon City was really big and there were just too many people around. There were plenty of places that could allow abnormal beasts to hide themselves.

Meng Chao could only keep a firm eye on Blue Home.

Over the few months, as Project 101 got closer to success, Blue Home also became more active.

Not only did the specialists from higher education facilities and research centers talk about it, even the elites and backbones of various industries talked about it. Heated discussions about it could even be heard in the streets and markets.

There was even one time Meng Chao saw a promotional booklet about Blue Home in his house when he returned home.

‘Ah. That’s right. I forgot that I hired Zhao Feixuan’s company to upgrade Blessed Heavenly Garden’s defense system.’

Blue Home’s members often organized activities in Blessed Heavenly Garden and gave away two crates of eggs to the people who came to listen.

The eggshells given by Blue Home also had a cartoon picture of Earth on them. Meng Chao’s neighbors were now filled with even more longing and love for their blue, heavenly, adorable, sacred, and mighty home planet.

Meng Chao had asked his family about their views regarding the Colonization Party and Home Party as well.

His father, who had retired from the Red Dragon Army, said, “Over the past few decades, we had no choice but to fight against zombies and monsters. After all, all of them wanted to destroy Dragon City.

“But in the future, if we really win the Monster War and no one can bully us again, it’d be better to not fight. We’d just shut our borders and live our lives comfortably. Wouldn’t that be great?”

His mother said, “That’s right, Chao’er, you don’t understand just how worried we are when you go out to hunt every time.

“I have nothing to say about times when we have to defend our home when they arrive right at our doorstep. But conquering the Other World? Who knows just how big the Other World is? I’m not that willing to let you travel millions of miles away to fight a war when we’ve finally finished beating up the monsters.”

Only Bai Jiacao widened her eyes and swung her arms while she said loudly, “The steel army will conquer the Other World! Long live humanity! Long live the Colonization Party!”

And then she had her arms smacked down by her older brother, father, and mother’s chopsticks.

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