Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 371: Home Party Rises to Power

Chapter 371: Home Party Rises to Power

Wu Haibo smiled and explained, “Perhaps the city itself isn’t that important. What is important is that the transmigration propulsion device was buried deep under the city. It could turn a large mass within a certain area into energy, and that large mass was the entire city. It then transferred it to high dimensional space and projected it to a 3D coordinate at the other end of the universe before it turned the city into substance again.

“With this transmigration propulsion device, no matter how the city looks like, it can instantly travel through the entire universe. It doesn’t matter if it’s full of modern skyscrapers, the ancient pavilions from the middle ages, or even the stone pillars or stone towers from primitive tribes.”

Meng Chao found it unbelievable.

“The continuation of a civilization isn’t an easy thing,” Wu Haibo lamented. “Especially when you try to project the flames of civilization at the other end of a universe. Who knows whether those flames will be extinguished while on their way to the other end of the universe? They might even distort into something different.

“Humanity might end up destroyed, and we might lose our morals. Law might be shattered. Civilized people who were polite and full of intelligence yesterday might turn into savages who will feast on flesh and blood when they face the brutal reality.

“If you used normal methods to create a propulsion device, we might lose this piece of technology at some point in time. The propulsion device might get damaged as well. As time passes, the descendants of the civilization would no longer recognize the true face of the propulsion device and forget their mission. This possibility is not impossible, but, in fact, very plausible!

“So, setting up the transmigration propulsion device under the city would allow transmigration to happen no matter how much the civilization has developed or fallen. This is a very logical design.”

“Wait...” Meng Chao caught onto a loophole. “This means that before Dragon City was built, there was already a transmigration propulsion device buried underground? How is that possible? Even if the ancient civilization was really in control of moving through the universe freely, how would they know under which stretch of empty land to bury the propulsion device? How could they predict that some day in the future, there would be a metropolis with tens of millions of people in one of the areas?”

“The appearance of a civilization and its rise to glory are restricted by the weather and geography,” Wu Haibo said. “The early civilizations of humanity all appeared besides rivers and in river deltas with moist and fertile soil. They helped foster the earliest members of the civilization.

“Our mother country on our home planet was an ancient kingdom that had a long history and a brilliant civilization. Our glorious city had millions of people. Everything had been around for thousands of years, and while some cities shifted places as the world changed, you could predict the changes in terrain.

“Even if we couldn’t accurately predict the changes of Earth’s terrain one thousand years ago, the ancient civilization had the ability to transmigrate through the universe. It wouldn’t have been difficult for them to predict the changes of the planet’s surface.

“So, the ancient civilization could absolutely predict where a human civilization would build a metropolis. There aren’t plenty of places in all of Earth with a lot of space along large rivers or beside the oceans, where the rivers will end up meeting each other, and fair weather. The ancient civilization might have set up transmigration propulsion devices under most of these areas.”

Meng Chao was dumbfounded. “Are you saying that aside from Dragon City, all the other big cities with tens of millions of people on Earth also have the ability to transmigrate?”

Wu Haibo smiled and continued, “Perhaps. This is a wishful hope of mine. If we could find another city that had transmigrated to some other area in the Other World, that would be great!

“The other possibility is that the transmigration propulsion device itself could project a unique energy wave that attracted the ancestors who ate raw flesh and drank blood. The ancient civilization gave them wisdom and taught them how to build a civilization. They then allowed them to build the symbol of a civilization above the transmigration propulsion device. Hence, these cities were formed.”

Meng Chao opened his mouth. He could not come up with a retort to that.

The ancient civilization had left a lot of runic symbols and advanced technology under Dragon City.

The runic symbols used the spirit meridians that naturally existed in the human body to create spirit energy magnetic fields that were similar to 3D electricity circuits, which allowed them to activate all sorts of unbelievable divine arts and killing moves.

This meant that human civilization and the ancient civilization did indeed have a connection. Either they left behind a legacy for human civilization or they were connected to them by blood.

He pondered over this and said, “Mr. Wu, is this the newest research result of Project 101?”

This was a question that all the core members of Blue Home had.

Wu Haibo answered with a smile. “I mentioned just now that this is just my personal wild thoughts, and they’re not fully developed yet. Please remain calm. I believe that before long, Project 101 will be able to obtain a result that will shock the entire land.

“All the people in Project 101 want those who have been supporting us to know that controllable transmigration is definitely not a dream. Your investment and sponsorships aren’t wasted. Since we could transmigrate from Earth to the Other World, we will definitely be able to transmigrate from the Other World back to Earth. Even if we can’t transmigrate the entire city back, we should have no problem transmigrating some information and some of our people.”

The people looked at each other with delight.

“Everyone! Everyone!” Zhao Feixuan used the chance to get on the stage and stand beside Wu Haibo. He said loudly, “All this while, there have always been two paths for Dragon City to take when it came to its future.

“The believers of these two paths agree that there are plenty of problems in the current Dragon City, especially due to new entities like spirit energy and superhumans. They pose a huge problem for the core spirit of Earth’s morals, laws, societal structure, and equality among humans.

“The Colonization Party, which has the most people agreeing with it, believes that as long as humans conquer Monster Mountain Range and sweep through all of the Other World, we will be able to smoothly solve all problems as we push forward.

“But the Home Party believes that conquering the Other World will only cover up those problems. We won’t be able to truly solve them. On the contrary, if we don’t solve the conflict in Dragon City first, we won’t be able to gain full victory when trying to conquer the Other World.

“However, if we limit ourselves to the area within Monster Mountain Range and rely on the territory Dragon City has occupied, it will certainly be difficult for us to find the perfect answer to solve the complicated and chaotic conflicts in the city.

“This is the reason behind why the Home Party has never been able to voice our opinions firmly over the past ten years and why the Colonization Party always mocks us and says that we have no motivation to make progress.

“But now, with all of you quietly supporting Project 101 for years, we’ve finally seen light. The birth of controllable transmigration is no longer a faraway dream. Soon, we will be able to contact our home planet, our adorable, sacred, one and only blue home.

“With the support of our home planet, we will be able to solve the conflicts in Dragon City, ensure that Earthlings’ spirit remains firm, and obtain a large amount of resources and military replenishment from our home planet. Then, we’ll be able to move our army deep into the Other World. This is the only way to obtain victory.

“Everyone, you’re elites from your industries. You’re also the backbone that supports the future of Dragon City. I hope that from today onwards, you will continue to be useful as elites and backbone and spread the ideals of the Home Party so that more citizens as well as politicians in the Survival Committee, who belong to the Home Party, will support Project 101. We should use our efforts to gain a more brilliant future for Dragon City and the home for all humans!

“All hail Dragon City! All hail Earth! All hail humanity!”

All the core members of Blue Home, including Wu Haibo, who stood beside Zhao Feixuan, raised their arms and cheered loudly.

Meng Chao brought his arms up as well and swung them along with the crowd.

But he swept his gaze swiftly over the people, attempting to find someone or some group who showed signs of being bewitched by abnormal beasts.

After the movie screening ended, most of the core members of Blue Home left.

Zhao Feixuan invited Meng Chao to his house to eat.

Along with them came transmigration expert Wu Haibo, who was a member of Project 101.

Meng Chao kept thinking about it.

Blue Home was an organization formed with the core idea of returning to Earth, so Wu Haibo’s position in the organization had to be very high.

Were they trying to make Meng Chao join their cause?

Just as he expected, when they arrived at Zhao Feixuan’s house, Wu Haibo first praised him for being young and accomplished, for creating miracles and rising to power, and being the leader of the golden era. Then, he eagerly asked Meng Chao his opinion regarding the Home Party and Colonization Party.

Meng Chao did not want to lie to him.

Besides, he could sense that the vitality magnetic fields from Wu Haibo’s limbs and body were not strong, but the spirit energy surrounding his brain was incredibly active. He had to be someone who was really skilled with mental techniques. Cheap lies would not deceive him.

Meng Chao thought about his words for a while before he answered honestly, “I don’t know whether controllable transmigration will work, and I don’t have any special thoughts about the Home Party, but I don’t have high regard toward the ideals of the Colonization Party, either.

“Selfishness is natural to humans. And it’s the nature of businesses to continue expanding and earning more profit than they need until they collapse because they can’t digest what they have.

“When peerless fighters and mega corporations are trapped in the tiny Dragon City with normal people, everyone can suppress their nature and work together for the time being to fight against life-threatening dangers.

“However, when that life-threatening danger is gone, the peerless fighters and mega corporations will break free of normal people and rush to the endless Other World. When they can do whatever they want all over the Other World and get more benefits for themselves, their families, businesses, and forces of power, I don’t think that they will remember their initial mission and their identities as Dragon Citizens or even their identities as Earthlings.

“When it comes to this, I agree with your ideals. Without solving the problems in Dragon City but rashly colonizing and conquering the Other World, our civilization will not gain a true victory. It will only bring our disaster and destruction.

“I feel like I can already see it. If Dragon City was taken over by the Colonization Party, we would invite a terrifying future upon us.

“Millions of brilliant fireworks would light up above Dragon City, then spread out.

“Before my retinas would be burned by flames, I’d see children being burned alive. Their skins would shrivel up, making them look like old people, but they would continue burning until they were only skeletons. But that’s not the end, those skeletons would then be reduced to ashes. Screams will come from those ashes, for the flames will continue burning them until they are white smoke that will struggle to rise into the air...”

His words were a combination of Lin Chuan and Gao Ye’s thoughts as well as the reality he saw in his previous life.

As he spoke, he sank into a nightmare he could not chase away.

Perhaps it was because his expression was too scary, but thick blood vessels started throbbing around his temples, which startled Xiao Fanghua, who was bringing out the dishes. The steaming Ghost Claw Fish nearly fell on the floor.

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