Chapter 369: Project 101

Zhao Feixuan introduced the people to Meng Chao.

The graceful middle-aged men were all tactical analyzers from consulting companies affiliated to the Other World research center.

There were four great research centers in Dragon City: zombie research center, monster research center, Other World research center, and the ruins research center.

Among them, the zombie research center was built the earliest. In the beginning, its researchers focused on zombies’ fighting model and how to solve the problems they posed. Later, they started to research the zombie virus. When they realized that the zombie viruses could break the shackles on human genes and allow them to unlock superpowers, they gradually moved to researching spirit energy, runic symbols, and life sciences. It was the main research department in regard to superhumans’ cultivation system.

The monster research center and ruins research center were just as their names suggested. They researched monsters and the ancient ruins under the Supernatural Tower, which brought a lot of advanced technology for the development of Dragon City.

The monster research center was close with Agricultural University. The abnormal beast research department was also under the monster research center, so it was the research center that Meng Chao was relatively familiar with.

The Other World research center explored the world behind the fog and was in charge of analyzing whether there were civilizations in the Other World. If there were any, they would also have to figure out at which stage these civilizations were, how much fighting power they had, how humanity should conquer them, and other things.

The Other World research center could obtain a lot more information regarding the depths of the fog and the world beyond Monster Mountain Range compared to normal industries.

The consultant companies under it organized this information. Once the tactical analyzers made predictions, they would give instructions to the other companies and superhumans.

The two high-spirited old men were lecturers from important departments in Dragon City University.

The young adults wearing the black military uniforms from Earth also had key positions in Dragon City.

The core members of Blue Home were all distinguished and talented people!

Meng Chao had awakened a lot of his memories and had been the club leader for Broken Star Club for half a year, so he could already be considered to have experience in society now. “I’ve long since heard that Blue Home has gathered all sorts of knowledgeable people in Dragon City,” he said with a smile.

“Just now, when I heard your discussions, I felt enlightened. In the past, I never thought that there were such problems in Dragon City. It seems like I will have to ask for your advice.”

One of the tactical analyzers from the Other World research center said, “I’m not worthy of giving advice, but we can discuss and think about Dragon City’s future together. This is a responsibility that superhumans cannot cast aside.

“Dragon City transmigrated more than half a century ago. It first went through a dark era where order collapsed. Later, new things like spirit energy and superhumans popped up. How could it be possible for there to be no problems within the city?

“But we shouldn’t be afraid of problems. As long as all Dragon Citizens are united and face them bravely, we will definitely be able to solve the problems and turn Dragon City into a paradise that is like Earth.”

The two lecturers from Dragon City University stroked their beards and said, “That’s right.

“Earth’s civilizations might not have been perfect, but there was something good about them. Everyone was equal. Everyone had the right to chase after their dreams and fight against oppression. The powerful who could cover up their crimes and millionaires were the same as poor, homeless people. They were all limited by their weak physical bodies and could be killed by a bullet or a knife.

“This absolute fairness was the basis of our civilization. But after we transmigrated to the Other World and discovered spirit energy, some humans evolved into superhumans. The absolute fairness was broken, and the foundation of our civilization started shaking.

“Spirit energy tore apart our civilization and is increasingly turning superhumans and normal people into two different entities.

“If we don’t ponder over this problem and solve it, it will turn into a ticking time bomb with constantly increasing power, which will explode without warning.

“At that time, no matter how great our military technology is compared to the other civilizations, it will be difficult for us to conquer the Other World.

“But even if we do manage to conquer the Other World, we might end up being corrupted and devoured by its civilizations or scattered. We would no longer be a civilization from Earth and our descendants wouldn’t know that they’re Earthlings.

“So, before we solve the problem within Dragon City, we cannot recklessly step on the path to expanding our territory!”

The young adults dressed in the black military uniforms from earth swung their hands and said, “We must centralize the authority of Dragon City, and the superhumans and normal people must submit to this absolute power. Then, we might be able to conquer the Other World. It is only like this that we will be able to say that Earth’s civilization has conquered the Other World! Leader Meng, what do you think?”

The young adults stared intensely at Meng Chao.

He smiled wryly and said, “I’m sorry, I’ve never thought about such profound questions. It will take a long time to digest them, and I’ll just come up with a really flawed conclusion at first anyway. Why don’t you talk to each other first, and I’ll just learn from all of you seriously?”

“Leader Meng, you’re being too courteous. We’re just talking to each other and speaking our minds!”

The young adults looked like they wanted to get to the bottom of the situation. One of them thought of something and asked, “By the way, recently, the Survival Committee has clearly noticed the problems in Dragon City and tossed out two slogans. ‘The blood of the strong flows for the weak.’ and ‘Superhumans are the weapons of human civilization’. Leader Meng, what are your thoughts on them?”

Since the question was so specific, Meng Chao could not get away by trying to dodge it.

He felt that the young adults represented the core members of Blue Home and wanted to test his reaction to what they said and see whether he was on the same side as them.

Naturally, Meng Chao could scoff at the two slogans, just like Lu Siya.

But his mind raced. He felt that if he really did that, he would be going overboard.

He was silent for a while before he said slowly, “These slogans are good things. If anyone doesn’t believe in them, then they don’t have a conscience.”

“Oh?” The young adults looked at each other.

Meng Chao then changed his tone and said, “But while they might sound good, if anyone believes that these two slogans will make all the superhumans—especially the high level superhumans with a lot of power in their hands and bound tightly by their families, business, and personal interests—into selfless saints who will contribute everything they have to human civilization, then it’s not that they don’t have a conscience, but that they’re just plain stupid.”

The young adults were slightly taken aback, then snickered.

The tactical analyzers from the Other World research center could not help but smile as well.

Even the lecturers from Dragon City University had faint smiles on their faces after they carefully pondered over what Meng Chao said about having no conscience if they didn’t believe in the slogans, but being stupid if they did.

The atmosphere instantly became cordial.

When the people looked at Meng Chao, their gazes became much friendlier.

“Let’s go, everyone.” Zhao Feixuan said with a smile. “I will first invite all of you to enjoy an old movie from Earth. If you have other questions, once the movie ends, we can talk while we eat.”

The Blue Home members watched an ancient sci-fi movie.

It spoke about how the sun started aging rapidly and swelled up while they were all on Earth. It was about to devour half of the solar system within a short period of time.

To save themselves, humanity tossed out a brave plan—turn Earth into a wanderer. They would use all the power and create more than ten thousand super engines and thrustvectoring engines. They would push Earth away from the solar system, and in 2,500 years, they would reach a new home.

Since this was a classic sci-fi related to Earth, Meng Chao had naturally seen it countless times.

But it did not stop him from enjoying it.

The magnificent Earth, the endless natural scenes—even though they were all frozen—the people’s solemnity and heroism when they deployed the “saturated reinforcement” and the way Earth looked so tiny when it traveled through the galaxy and past the giant planets made it look incredibly mighty and touched Meng Chao’s soul. He was deeply immersed in the exciting plot and unable to extract himself from it.

Then, the high-spirited ending song rose. The lights in the projection hall were lit, and Meng Chao exhaled. He snapped out of being immersed in the Wandering Earth and returned to Dragon City.

He looked around. The members of Blue Home were like him. All of them were deeply shocked and appeared contemplative. They quickly started discussing the movie passionately.

“Only a population as great as that on Earth would be able to support a mighty civilization, right? Dragon City is still too small!”

“There weren’t any superhumans on Earth, but when the power of normal people was gathered together, they were able to make the flames of civilization burn to such a brilliant degree!”

“I really want the tunnel between the Other World and Earth to be opened soon and go back to our home planet to take a look. The real Earth must be a hundred times more beautiful than the harsh Earth depicted in the movie, right?”

While Meng Chao was still thinking about the meaning behind why Blue Home decided to play this movie, a middle-aged man he had never seen before suddenly stood up at the front row.

Based on the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, male pattern baldness, and his creased, checkered shirt, he had to be an above average fighter.

He should have fumbled about in the darkness and went to sit at the front row when they were halfway through screening the movie.

Quite a number of people saw him and cried out excitedly.

‘Looks like he’s a high-ranking member in Blue Home,’ Meng Chao thought.

It was just as Meng Chao expected. Zhao Feixuan introduced him as a veteran researcher from the ruins research center who was involved in Project 101. His name was Wu Haibo.

Even though the ruins research center was established the latest, since their research target was the ancient ruins under the Supernatural Tower, it had the highest standards. It could come into contact with the most number of secrets, and it managed to excavate incredible amounts of advanced technology. They were basically the leader of the four research centers.

Even Meng Chao’s return to the past was somehow related to the ruins research center.

As for Project 101, it was not a secret. It was the project researching controllable transmigration.

From the moment Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World, the citizens had been thinking about returning to Earth.

Right after they stabilized social order, the project to develop controllable transmigration became one of the most important projects. It was set up right away and large amounts of resources were poured into it.

Unfortunately, based on what Meng Chao remembered, during the later stage of the Monster War, the project to develop controllable transmigration ran into a major setback. Apparently, an accident occured, and an explosion happened. A group of crucial researchers died. The project was never able to recover from that. Even when Dragon City encountered the apocalypse, it was not able to open the space-time tunnel connecting the Other World to Earth.

For now, however, the accident had not yet happened. The project to develop controllable transmigration still had a lot of great researchers, and there were plenty of people supporting them in society.

Even Meng Chao’s family had tightened their belts to donate money to the transmigration fund so that they could help increase the speed of developing transmigration technology.

The normal citizens, middle-rank superhumans, and low-end superhumans were all confident that they could return to Earth.

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