Chapter 356: Blue Home

At that moment, Meng Chao received clues about the White Spirit Case and Gao Ye’s case.

It had been a few months since Gao Ye turned into the Ultimate Sandworm and fled underground.

During that period of time, he had sent five experiment logs to Meng Chao’s public email.

Based on the frequency at which he sent his experiment logs, the data in his logs as well as the logic and grammar contained in the remarks in his logs, he was not in a good situation.

The monster’s neural network was invading his human consciousness. He was gradually unable to tell just what he was, and he could not use his human logic to clearly express his thoughts. It was also becoming increasingly hard for him to suppress the monster instincts deep in his genes.

He might soon turn into the Supernatural Entity that Meng Chao knew from his previous life.

Meng Chao hoped that he could use the abnormal beast research department to find the coordinates of the terminal Gao Ye used to send him the emails.

But Gao Ye’s email was buried under thousands of secret email IDs in the dark web. Even after analysing and tracing him for months, they could not determine which internet terminal he used.

However, Group 9 used another method to figure out that Gao Ye had come into contact with Lin Chuan before.

While they were at one of the abnormal beast research center’s bases located in the west of the city, Ye Xiaoxing showed an extremely blurry picture to Meng Chao.

It was a screenshot from a CCTV.

The CCTV captured the scene at a spot that was rather far away. Since they had to continuously enlarge the image, the pixels became really large. The people had also been moving on the street, so their faces could not be seen clearly.

Even so, Gao Ye sat in a wheelchair and was hunchbacked, so he could be identified pretty easily.

“This is a screenshot captured by a CCTV at a crossroad in Tiger Forest Region. God knows just how much effort we spent before we finally found it,” Ye Xiaoxing explained to Meng Chao. “Gao Ye is a biochemical maniac. He has always treated the lab as his home and seldom came out. Xie Xiaolei was the one who handled all business events. When it came to academic meetings, Gao Ye usually handled them through remote communication.

“He only left Spirit Creation Creatures once per month, and that was to go to the hospital for his treatment, to switch his painkiller plasma, and take care of some wounds that have been invaded by viruses or were badly rotten.

“But based on the testimonies by the hospital and Xie Xiaolei, we discovered that the timeline didn’t match up. After Gao Ye left the hospital once he received treatment, he would disappear for half a day.

“With his personality, it was clearly impossible for him to enjoy a big meal alone after he was discharged. He was still single, so there was no need for him to keep a secret lover either. It was really suspicious for him to disappear for half a day, then.

“After performing deep background searches for a long time, we finally discovered this.”

Ye Xiaoxing tapped an old building on the photo.

Tiger Forest Region was an old region in Dragon City. Meng Chao’s house was there. Aside from a few buildings that had to either be demolished or rebuilt because they were located at subway entrances, most of the buildings were like the one in the photo—mottled and dilapidated.

Ye Xiaoxing brought out another photo.

It was taken recently, and it was a shot of the building’s entrance.

A staircase was leading upstairs beside a cheap fast food restaurant. A small signboard hung there with an emblem of Earth carved into it. It was also decorated by the dove of peace and an olive branch.

Under the emblem were two words—Blue Home.

“Blue Home...” Meng Chao scratched his head. He felt like he had seen this emblem and heard its name before.

Now that he thought about it, due to the arrival of fog and lack of resources, the order at many of the residential areas were on the verge of collapse. A lot of citizens had no way to provide food and clothes for themselves while also having no shelter.

Hence, many volunteer organizations helped clear the debris, distribute food, provide free treatment and checkups to resist the plague, zombies, and monsters.

Broken Star Club was a public welfare organization that was the closest to normal citizens, so they naturally had the duty to help the citizens.

A lot of broken-star superhumans brought out their extra resources, which led to them gathering quite a lot of them. Then, as volunteers, they delivered the goods to the normal citizens.

Meng Chao had also participated a few times in volunteering. He even used the connections from Superstar to get canned food and delivered it to the citizens.

While he was doing volunteer work, he saw the emblem of Earth, the dove of peace, and the olive branch.

Blue Home was a public welfare organization, and they did a lot to help the normal citizens.

Meng Chao remembered that the volunteers in Blue Home were all young adults who were full of life and optimism.

However, he seemed to have heard of Blue Home before. It was in his previous life as well, but there, Blue Home was not just a simple public welfare organization.

Meng Chao shook his head and said, “Do you only have the screenshot from a CCTV?”

“We have three, but the clarity of the other two were even worse,” Ye Xiaoxing said. “Since it’s too long ago and the materials in Dragon City are not stable, all storage mediums have a hard time preserving large amounts of useless data.

“But with the testimonies from the owners of the shops in the area and the taxi drivers, we are sure that Gao Ye has been coming here once a month for at least two years, maybe three.

“He’s also not the only one. There’s someone else.”

As Ye Xiaoxing spoke, he brought out a few more pictures.

This time, the screenshot was much clearer, and Meng Chao could recognize the main character in the photo. He stood at the entrance of the subway and was...

“Lin Chuan?”

“Yes, Weeping Reaper Lin Chuan, the one famous for staying in the wild for long periods of time. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he did come back to Dragon City. Usually, he only came back only once a month or so, and it was to talk about work with the broadcasting platforms,” Ye Xiaoxing said.

“We’ve investigated it before. Two companies worked rather closely with Lin Chuan. One of them is located in the south of the city, and the other is in the east. They’re both located far away from the spot captured by the CCTV.

“Lin Chuan’s home is in Tiger Forest Region. He was staying slightly further north from you. But I believe that you can tell at first glance that this subway is not in the same street as Blessed Heavenly Garden and Joyous Heavenly Garden. If he were really going home, he should have exited two stations prior.

“Based on the CCTV, Lin Chuan went to Exit B, and above Exit B is a gathering spot for Blue Home.”

Meng Chao sank into deep thought and mumbled, “So, Lin Chuan and Gao Ye knew each other?”

“I believe so,” Ye Xiaoxing said. “We found the two companies that have been working for a long time with Lin Chuan. We took some of the agreements he signed with them, and based on them, we can be certain when Lin Chuan came back to Dragon City. Then, we took Gao Ye’s medical reports from the hospital to determine the dates he went to the hospital every month. What do you think we discovered?

“Basically, every time Lin Chuan returned to Dragon City, it coincided with the date Gao Ye went to the hospital for his treatment. The pictures you saw are also taken on the same day that they appeared in Blue Home.”

“This is...” Meng Chao’s mind raced.

Both Lin Chuan and Gao Ye were related to the Supernatural Entities. They had theories that were full of circular logic and seemed correct, but were actually false. However, even Meng Chao had to admit that they were very convincing theories.

If they appeared at the same time, it was clear that this was not a coincidence.

“Just what sort of organization is this Blue Home?” Meng Chao asked.

“Blue Home was set up more than ten years ago. In the beginning, it was a harmless organization that sought to preserve and spread Earth culture so that Dragon Citizens would remember their status as Earthlings,” Ye Xiaoxing said.

“Based on our investigation, in the beginning, Blue Home was formed by a group of bored scholars. At that time, Dragon City was going through a major education reformation and had to tread on the path of prioritizing cultivation.

“Language classes, geography, and history brought from Earth had less class time and their contents were vastly reduced. A lot of the teachers and scholars who could not get used to the development of the era were very displeased. They gathered together to grumble about it and help each other. This slowly formed Blue Home.

“Our home planet is a blue planet. Blue Home’s name definitely means that Dragon Citizens are to forever remember that Earth is our true home.

“They’ve never done anything out of bound, though. They just gather books, items, and video recordings from Earth, recite poems, create sandboxes of famous mountains and rivers from Earth, or dress up in the fashion of ancient Earthlings from thousands of years ago to reminisce about the glorious years of our civilization, or something like that.

“The most outrageous thing they did was to wear ancient clothes when they went to fight against the Survival Committee reducing language classes and history classes by saying something as stupid as forgetting history is betrayal.

“At that time, there were plenty of organizations like this, and Blue Home did not catch a lot of attention.”

Meng Chao nodded.

After transmigrating for fifty-seven years, Dragon City was still unable to cut off its ties with its home planet.

Besides, the humans who were born in the Other World longed for the home planet because of its peace and quiet, its beautiful world, its vast pool of resources, and how everyone could enjoy a peaceful life there.

Even to this day, there were still a lot of non-governmental societies that dreamed about the beautiful lives on their home planet.

There were also a lot of Earth museums and Earth clubs that used items from Earth and where the members dressed in ancient clothes. The club members used all sorts of light effects to make the people forget about their troubles in the Other World and feel like they had returned to Earth, which was practically heaven to them.

Ye Xiaoxing continued, “But around four or five years ago, Blue Home merged with the Home Party. Meng Chao, you know about the Home Party, right?”

Meng Chao nodded. “Yeah.”

The Home Party was also known as the Return Party. They were the party standing against the main party—the Colonization Party.

They firmly believed that with Dragon City’s strength, it was impossible for them to conquer the Other World, and even if they managed to win the colonization war, Dragon City would be spread out and corrupted by the Other World. Their societal system and civilization would be twisted into... something a true Earthling would never be able to accept.

Compared to colonizing the Other World, it was more important for them to develop transmigration technology and obtain contact with their home planet.

As for their main plan, the Home Party was against endless expansion. In fact, they wanted to form an impenetrable defense line made of firm walls around Dragon City. Humans could then stay inside and gather all resources while they leisurely developed transmigration technology. They believed that they could open up the tunnel connecting the Other World and Earth and would be able to obtain the support of billions of Earthlings.

That would be the perfect time to conquer the Other World.

They had beautiful plans, but unfortunately, up to the moment the apocalypse arrived in Meng Chao’s previous life, the development of transmigration technology was still a dream, and it was nowhere near being brought to reality.

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