Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 344: Awakening the Sleeping Power

Chapter 344: Awakening the Sleeping Power

Luo Hai could not make the decision to sell the sabers at this price, so his father, Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu, decided to come to Broken Star Club.

When Luo Wu, a fighter at the peak of Heaven Realm, saw more than one hundred cultivation cabins of the newest model in Broken Star Club’s cultivation center, he could not help but suck in a sharp breath. He praised Meng Chao for spending his money in a way that made the club imposing and admitted that he did not expect him to have turned the club into such a grand spectacle.

Meng Chao told him honestly that one hundred of the cultivation cabins were donated by a mysterious person, and Qin Hu was the one who managed the practical operations of Broken Star Club. He was only the middleman and did some really insignificant tasks.

Luo Wu thought about it for a while before he agreed to the price Meng Chao mentioned.

It was very easy for them to solve the problem of throwing the low-end market into chaos. They could just use simpler packaging for the dirt-cheap Members Only version of Surging Lightning. They could also order the most inconspicuous version of the sheaths for the members of the Broken Star Club, which would solve the problem.

It was another matter as to whether the Broken Star Members would sell the sabers to secondhand shops after they bought the products, though.

Luo Wu also did something generous. He personally donated twenty of the newest models of the cultivation cabins to the Broken Star Club.

“Meng Chao, before the Ultimate Style was developed, the hundreds of thousands of broken-star superhumans in Dragon City were a sleeping force. Now, you’ve awakened that sleeping force.”

There were eight thousand of the Members Only Surging Lightning produced in the first batch.

With the price that was much lower than the bottom one, the assured quality, and Meng Chao personally showcasing and teaching the Future One Hundred Saber Techniques, the saber did indeed become really popular the moment it appeared in the Broken Star Club.

In less than half an hour, all eight thousand sabers were sold, and Meng Chao ordered another 15,000 sabers.

Once the number of sabers ordered increased, the prime cost was naturally lower. When the cost was spread to the total cost of all the sabers, the losses were not too great once they made the calculations. However, Surging Lightning managed to gain the trust of many broken-star superhumans, and they began promoting it, so it was a double win.

Later, Meng Chao did the same thing and organized a few more group purchases of products he meticulously chose.

He was not an expert in appraising cultivation equipment and gene medicine, but he had his own ways.

Meng Chao asked Qin Hu to look for catalogues of cultivation machines and gene medicine that were more suitable for low-grade and middle-grade superhumans. He wanted to figure out the production factories so that he could awaken the memories of his previous life in the depths of his mind.

He specifically went to factories that were not very famous right now, which meant that their prices were not as high and they were more inclined to negotiate group purchasing prices.

Of course, those factories had a long history in Dragon City and would still be around even after ten years or even decades.

In Meng Chao’s eyes, since these factories could remain standing decades later despite all the trials and tribulations they faced, there had to be something that made them stand out above everyone else in terms of the quality of their products.

Just as he expected, whenever he brought products into the Broken Star Club, they were always cheap but of high quality. It greatly boosted the speed of the members’ cultivation.

Besides, the group purchases also helped the production factories gain a return of their capital. Hence, the Broken Star Club ended up helping out a few factories that were supposed to be in trouble for a longer period of time to step into the limelight ahead of time. Meng Chao thus helped contribute quite a lot to the overall increase to Dragon City’s fighting strength.

This was a surprise that he did not expect.

Group purchasing was just a method for them to gather popularity. Meng Chao’s only hope was that once the Broken Star Club became stronger and more powerful, they could make Dragon City’s tragic future a little brighter.

Hence, no matter how difficult his lectures were and how tough the training from the abnormal beast research department became, he always tried his best to find time to come to the Broken Star Club and teach all the broken-star superhumans the essence of future martial arts, strategies, and shooting techniques. He never held anything back.

While mingling around the broken-star superhumans, he got to know the various sides of Dragon City, especially the bottom level of society.

In his previous life, he was also a member of the bottom level of society during the Monster War. But at that time, he was worried about his parents’ safety and was full of regret for his actions. He didn’t have the time to think about how all the normal citizens lived.

In this life, in just a few short months, he came into contact with more than one hundred thousand broken-star superhumans, and through them, he learned about a lot of lifestyles and industries he had never heard before. He also learned of the wishes of millions of nameless normal citizens and discovered the small conflicts hidden under the prosperous surface of Dragon City.

“We have families of more than ten people squashed into dark and cramped shacks. Since the earth around the area is especially attractive to pest monsters, they often destroy the underground pipes, so we can’t even flush the toilets. We can only use outside toilets. The area really stinks.”

“The schools in communities are no good. There are only two broken-star superhumans teaching over there. There’s not even a single one-star superhuman. The enrollment rate to schools of higher education never goes up.”

“Youngsters who are in their twenties can’t find jobs. Now, all the jobs that can ensure that we have enough to pay for insurance and offer a higher salary can only be taken by superhumans.”

“I can’t get a wife. All the girls nowadays would rather be the mistresses of superhumans than marry normal people. Of course, what their decision is logical. There are plenty of monsters out there, and only superhumans can protect their wives and children. Besides, there’s a lack of space in Dragon City. The per-capita living area is really small. If a woman marries a normal person, they won’t even have any personal space to be a couple. Why should they get married to normal men if that’s the case?”

“There are people who say that monogamy is a horrible tradition from Earth. People were similar back, so it’s the same no matter who you married, but once we’ve transmigrated, the superhumans showed up, and they’re much more powerful. Their genes are definitely much better, so of course they should spread their genes more so that their power could be passed down. That’s the only way to make human civilization stronger so that we can conquer all of the Other World.

“If normal people spread their weak genes, they’re just wasting resources. It’s better if they don’t pass down their genes and create burdens.”

This was the gossip spoken by broken-star superhumans as they chatted after a meal, and as they talked, Meng Chao obtained much information.

These things did not sound like major, national issues.

But Meng Chao felt that if a dam of one thousand kilometers could be destroyed by an ant’s nest, then these minor conflicts could build up day by day, and in the end, become important reasons behind why Dragon City failed.

So he seized the chance to tell the superhumans, “Most of the broken-star superhumans come from the bottom level of society, but we all stepped on the road of superhumans. We’re born to be the bridges that connect superhumans and normal people.

“If all of Dragon City could become united and act as a strong fort that cannot be destroyed, we would be the most important glue holding it all together.

“Over the past few months, your cultivation realms and fighting strength have been increasing. Next, you’ll definitely not be satisfied with your current statuses, income, and positions in society.

“I do believe that broken-star superhumans will be very important in the future Dragon City, but our individual strength is still very weak. No matter what sort of difficulties we face, as long as we’re the first to be united, we’ll definitely be able to solve the problem!”

Meng Chao did not know whether the broken-star superhumans would listen to what he said.

But soon, something happened that made him and quite a number of veteran elites in the superhuman circles realize that the Broken Star Club was not just a public welfare organization whose members ate together, boasted about their feats, and did group purchases.

The event started from a horrible custom in Dragon City.

Dragon Citizens were fierce, and when they encountered conflicts, they often solved them with their fists.

When competitions of interest in the business world reached their final stage, they usually ended with a fight whose winner got the deal. The result of the fight made it clear who was better and deserved it so that they could avoid further conflict.

This was a horrible custom that spread around the time of the zombie crisis.

During that lawless, apocalyptic era, fists and weapons were the only truth.

The Survival Committee, Supernatural Tower, and Red Dragon Army were formed one after the other. Naturally, they wanted to set up the authority of law and prevent the people from fighting in private.

But the normal citizens of Dragon City possessed the running speed of short-distance running champions and punching strength of boxing kings. They could all be considered martial arts elites.

Superhumans were also the amalgamations of moving gunpowder warehouses and self-propelled artillery.

Those with martial arts usually used violence to cause chaos.

When a person had a sharp weapon in hand, it was normal for them to harbor killing intent.

Superhumans were all wild and untamable people. They refused to be restricted by any disciplinary organization. The stronger they were, the more they saw themselves as one-men armies that could fight against entire cities.

The Survival Committee could not use coercive measures on all superhumans either, because the peerless fighters who formed the Survival Committee and the nine great mega corporations behind them would be the very first people who would not want to be restrained.

Besides, the capital required to restrict the actions of superhumans was really high. Superhumans were also the main fighting force against monster invasions. If the government was too harsh on them, the superhumans might end up disappointed.

The Survival Committee could do nothing else about it, so it could only relent. As long as no one went overboard, the citizens could solve the conflicts themselves.

Only the most basic rules were set up. As long as people’s lives were not threatened, superhumans could not attack normal people.

As for the fights between superhumans, these were considered to be within the realms of sparring. As long as no one was killed, it was fine. It didn’t matter if they had to stay a few days in medical cabins.

Because of it, while normal people were safe, the broken-star superhumans suffered.

In theory, broken-star superhumans were also superhumans, so they often had to “spar” with the other superhumans.

But broken-star superhumans were the weakest people in the superhuman circle and were at the bottom of the ranks. There was no way they could win against anyone!

Due to this rule, they had to suffer a lot in silence. The anger they felt had long since gathered into lava, but they had no way to release it.

It was the same this time.

Two members of the Broken Star Club had a small construction materials company.

Since the northern frontlines were being developed, they were bidding for a construction deal that was not big, but not too small either.

Originally, everything had been settled, but at some point, another competitor butted in.

The boss of that company was an elite at the peak of Earth Realm.

They spoke to each other a few times, but they could not reach an accord. The boss of the competitor company glared at them and slammed his palm on the table. “Then we’ll solve this in the way of superhumans. Come on! We’ll bring our men out and let’s spar!”

The reason he gave was solid too.

The northern frontlines were still in development and might be attacked by monsters at any moment. Without great fighting strength, how could they guarantee the delivery of the construction materials and ensure that the construction project would go smoothly?

Hence, the level of their fighting power was also an important part that would decide who would get the project in the end.

In the past, when broken-star superhumans saw this, they could only seeth in anger.

What else were they supposed to do aside from enduring the anger? There were entire realms between broken-star superhumans and superhumans who were at the peak of Earth Realm.

This time, when the two broken-star superhumans were infuriated by this, they casually grumbled about it when they came to cultivate at the Broken Star Club, and it instantly angered a lot of broken-star superhumans, because they were bound by the same hatred.

Finally, the day of the sparring came.

It was a working day, but five hundred broken-star superhumans arrived at the scene to watch the fight.

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