Chapter 335: Group 9

Meng Chao understood what Ye Xiaoxing was trying to imply.

In the memories of his previous life, the Survival Committee had said that they ended the Monster War with a Pyrrhic victory. The monsters had been continuously evolving during the war, and they came to possess intelligence that was greater and even more mysterious than that of humans. Hence, they could infiltrate human society and assassinate important people, throw the city’s order into chaos, and break their tactical facilities.

The monsters in the wild even came to possess strict organizations and gradually started developing a monster civilization.

In his previous life, Meng Chao was just a normal human during the Monster War, so he believed those words when he heard them.

After he accepted the harsh training in Ghost Tribe and became a third-class fighter, the Monster War had long since ended, so there was no need for him to be conflicted about it.

But now that he thought about it, there were two strange things about it.

First, if monsters had relied purely on themselves, could they become smarter than humans in just a short fifty years? Could they so quickly understand human society and the development of civilization, which allowed them to discover the most fragile parts of human society?

Even if they did manage to find them, different species of monsters were competitors who treated each other as enemies they had to kill. It was just as Lin Chuan kept on saying, there was no way Nine-headed Crystalline Dragons and Demonic Halberd Pigs could work together. So how could they possibly start a monster civilization?

Second, Meng Chao just could not imagine how monsters could infiltrate human society.

Even if they crept into human brains and turned humans into puppets or used some ingenious method to create a perfect human body, it would not be easy for them to understand human language, culture, customs, slang, and popular Internet phrases.

After all, even real humans who lived in one culture had a hard time imitating humans of another culture, so it would be even more difficult for monsters.

So, during the second stage of the Monster War, their enemies could not have been pure monsters. Instead, they were humans who had a symbiotic relationship with monsters. They were people from satellite cities who had transmigrated over fifty years ago but lost their humanity because they were too small and because the Other World was too harsh. Was that the truth?

The greatest enemy of mankind was its own people.

It was no wonder then why the results of the Monster War in his previous life were so devastating.

It was akso no wonder why the Survival Committee could not reveal the truth.

Once the truth that “the enemy is other humans” got out, it would definitely cause confusion and chaos in the city.

“The Survival Committee has been set up for more than thirty years, and ever since then, most of the Dragon Citizens, regardless of whether they’re superhumans or normal people, have become united against the major threats from the outside world. We do it for our survival.

“We have very few internal conflicts. Even if we occasionally have superhumans who go through spirit energy deviation and commit crimes, they are soon be killed by the adjudicator court,” Ye Xiaoxing said.

“But over the past few years, as there were less external threats, many of the citizens became egotistical and restless. A lot of the descendants of the superhumans have also grown up, and the concept of aristocratic cultivator families popped up. They are in control of major power and have formed their own interest groups, which is creating multiple problems in Dragon City. This has reached a point where the adjudicator court can no longer control the situation.

“Multiple pieces of evidence show that highly-intelligent monsters are behind a lot of our problems. The abnormal beast research department was formed in order to reduce the pressure on the adjudicator court and specifically deal with the crimes made by the highly-intelligent monsters.

“But no matter how we strike at the highly-intelligent monsters, they never stopped fanning the flames and worsening our conflicts. In fact, they just keep on getting worse.

“It’s only through the White Spirit Case and Gao Ye’s case that we realized to our shock that the highly-intelligent monsters have a strict organization. They are not the abnormal beasts we originally thought they were. Instead, they might be abnormal people who were born in the wild and formed symbiotic relationships with monsters—people from satellite cities who have become twisted.

“There are already a lot of abnormal beasts and abnormal people who have infiltrated our city.

“They bewitch good and promising people like Lin Chuan and Gao Ye, which is why they went through spirit energy deviation and fell from grace.

“And a lot of conflicts that could have been minimized have become situations without a solution because of the monsters fanning the flames and worsening the ordeal.

“To handle this situation, the abnormal beast research department set up the Ninth Special Investigation Group.

“Group 9’s immediate task is to use the clues from the White Spirit and Gao Ye’s cases and find the organization of abnormal people and abnormal beasts who have infiltrated Dragon City as well as crush their schemes.

“If we can uproot their organization, we will be able to accurately locate their nest and find the satellite city that has turned into a den of demons. We will then get rid of the problem that’s been lurking within Dragon City and stopping us from conquering the Other World!

“Meng Chao, I can say that without your hard work, the White Spirit and Gao Ye’s cases would have gone in a completely different direction. We would have needed a longer time to unravel the mysteries and would have suffered many losses before we realized the enemy’s true identity. I thank you once again on behalf of the abnormal beast research department and all of Dragon City for your contribution!”

Ye Xiaoxing stood up and bowed to Meng Chao earnestly.

Meng Chao’s face turned a little red, and he said sincerely, “Captain Ye, Dragon City is our one and only hometown. We shouldn’t even be talking about contributions when we do something for our hometown. Just tell me when Group 9 needs me to do something in the future. I won’t run from my duty!”

Kindling shone at the corner of his eyes and showed the progress for the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities increasing to 20%. Meng Chao then knew that he made the right choice.

As long as they dealt with the problems of the satellite cities, they could win the Monster War without a problem.

The White Spirit’s plan was stopped and Gao Ye’s scheme was revealed. Right now, the Supernatural Entities’ organization was not as large and meticulous as it was in his previous life when it finally revealed itself. The remaining of the Seven Great Supernatural Entities were unlikely to be in their final form already.

It was the perfect chance to stop them.

If being honest, Meng Chao’s acceptance level toward other types of humanoid civilizations was pretty high.

In the memories of his previous life, he had seen strange humanoid creatures like dwarves, elves, and demons. Many of them had customs that crossed the limits of morals from Earth.

At that time, however, Dragon Citizens also did whatever it took to survive. They had lost their identity and lived like roaches, just like what the instructor with the black skull had told them.

Hence, Meng Chao did not think that it was absolutely necessary to destroy the satellite cities which had completely different civilizations compared to Dragon City.

But regardless of whether they were going to save them, form alliances with them, merge with them, or launch a full out war against them, they had to find them before the enemy could seize the initiative.

Meng Chao had returned from the apocalypse, so he would never hand over his fate to someone else.

Ye Xiaoxing smiled. “We’re not in a hurry to do this. Group 9’s current task is investigations outside. Don’t worry, we won’t be brutes and send a rising star with a bright future into a fight against the sinister and cunning abnormal beasts.

“If you’re willing, we will arrange a three-month long training session for you. Normally, if you want to officially join the abnormal beast research department, you should receive at least half a year’s worth of secret training. But you’re a special case. We think that we should keep you at an arm’s length so that it would be easier to conduct some secret investigations.

“I know that you have a lot of work in university. So, every day, we will just ask you to give us from three to five hours of your time at night. We’ll be mainly teaching you stealth tactics, tailing tactics, reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance tactics, how to invade abnormal beasts’ minds and how to ensure that your mind won’t be invaded by abnormal beasts, as well as ways to interrogate abnormal beasts.

“You have lots of knowledge about the biological structure of monsters, since you’re a harvester, so you will definitely become a good abnormal beast interrogator and dig out all of their secrets.”

Meng Chao was slightly taken aback and scratched his head.

“Is something wrong?” Ye Xiaoxing asked.

“No.” Meng Chao shook his head. ‘Why does it feel like I’ve learned all of that before?’

It took him a moment to come to an answer. He had taken similar classes in the Ghost Tribe in his previous life.

Ghost Tribe should have been a secret squad formed a few years later compared to the abnormal beast research department.

This meant that the stealth tactics, assassination skills, reconnaissance tactics and interrogation tactics he learned from the Ghost Tribe should be more advanced compared to those of the current abnormal beast research department.

Unfortunately, his memories were still fragmented. Aside from Walking Corpse and Bizarre Stab, he did not remember much of the other tactics.

But that was fine. Once he received training in the related fields in the abnormal beast research department, he should remember more skills from the Ghost Tribe. If not that, he should at least be able to use his contribution points to activate them.

After thinking about it, Meng Chao said, “Captain Ye, don’t worry. If it’s just for a few hours at night, I’m fine with it. In any case, grabbing the subway from Nine Sands University City to the western parts of the city is very convenient. Once I’m done with lectures, I’ll rush over.”

“You don’t have to go through that much trouble. The abnormal beast research department has a dedicated area in Agricultural University. I often go to the university too. We have a few external instructors who are lecturers from Agricultural University, so you can receive your training straight in Agricultural University or in the branch training camp in Nine Sands Region,” Ye Xiaoxing said.

Meng Chao was a little shocked. “Does the abnormal beast research department have a close relationship with Agricultural University?”

“Of course. Agricultural University is the Monster University. Since we formed an investigation organization that targets highly-intelligent monsters, we definitely need Agricultural University’s support,” Ye Xiaoxing said with a smile.

“More than half of our investigators are from Agricultural University, and you’re the best freshman in this batch of students in Agricultural University. When you led the alliance of the five universities to a victory against Dragon City University during the inter-university tournament, you have no idea just how many higher-ups and veteran investigators from Agricultural University who are now in the abnormal beast research department cheered for you!

“It’s precisely because you’re from Agricultural University and have brought a lot of benefits for Agricultural University through the inter-university tournament, the promotion of the Ultimate Style, and other things that you had the right to learn all that I told you today. Otherwise, do you really think you would have been able to join Group 9 so easily?”

It was only at that moment that Meng Chao realized that it was not only because he had both courage and wisdom as well as crucial evidence in his hands that Ye Xiaoxing invited him to join his group.

He puffed out his chest and said loudly, “Don’t worry, Captain Ye, I won’t embarrass my university!”

“I believe that, soon, you will become Agricultural University’s greatest pride.”

Once they settled the matter of Meng Chao’s training, Ye Xiaoxing put away all the files. They talked to each other for a while more before Meng Chao as well as Lu Siya were about to get up and leave. At that moment, Ye Xiaoxing suddenly stopped them.

“By the way, Meng Chao, there’s something else...”

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