Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 320: Supernatural Entity Plan

Chapter 320: Supernatural Entity Plan

Meng Chao yelped. His muscle fibers suddenly bounced back, as if they were springs wound up too tightly. He tumbled back, barely avoiding the area where the collapse was the worst.

Even so, he ended up with dirt all over his face and was nearly buried alive.

He stared ahead in shock. Gao Ye’s hiding place was now completely buried by earth and stones.

Gao Ye had turned into the Ultimate Sandworm so he did not need to be afraid of being swallowed up by earth.

The abnormal monster research department elites brought by Lu Siya, however, suffered from it.

Meng Chao shut his eyes as he sensed the powerful spirit energy ripples coming from the soil. They crashed against each other like waves and let out dull booms as if a series of small earthquakes happened one after another.

He used the two chain sabers to dig the earth, but he could not reach the battlefield.

Suddenly, a powerful spirit energy ripple struck him like an impact wave. The earth in front of Meng Chao turned into gravel and created a long and narrow tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel was Lu Siya. She was on one knee with two fingers pressed at the center of her forehead. Her right hand was pressed tightly against the ground. Spirit tattoos flashed all over her. They started at the center of her brows, went to her temples, then ran straight to her long and thin neck before traveling down her arms. The spirit energy eventually surged into the ground like a winding stream.

Lu Siya was using the skill of mine explorers to change the structure of stone. She turned some parts of the area into gravel, which created a large fighting space, while the other parts turned as stiff as metal to prevent Gao Ye from running away.

But even after she had been baptized by the Red Radiance Jade mine and could store a much larger amount of spirit energy than before, which allowed her to release a large spirit energy magnetic field, the action wasted most of her energy. She was as pale as a ghost and swayed on her feet.

A man was in the underground space she opened up ahead of her. He had silver hair and was levitating in the air, but it was hard to tell his age.

He was not tall nor very built. His innate baby face made it easy for others to mistake him for a high school student, but the fine, winding wrinkles at the corners of his eyes gave him maturity.

He held a long and narrow saber that looked like a drying rack, though there was a slight curve to it. If he held it vertically, it might be taller than him. He looked like a child swinging a saber, which made others unable to help but smile at the sight.

Meng Chao did not smile.

He could sense an incredibly dangerous presence coming out of the silver-haired man. It was a powerful killing intent that did not lose to that of Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu.

The man with the baby face, silver hair, and who looked like a child swinging a saber was definitely not an average Heaven Realm elite.

Rows of profound and complicated spirit tattoos shone on the drying-rack-like saber.

He swung the saber as quickly as lightning. Rows of thin and long silver threads appeared in the air as if they were cracks created by a weapon traveling at supersonic speed. They lingered in the air and did not disappear even after a long time had passed.

One, two, three, four... The lines left by the saber increased in number. They also grew denser. As they intersected with each other, they slowly formed an exquisite cage.

When the ninety-ninth silver gash was left in the air, the first silver gash had yet to disappear.

Gao Ye had wanted to run away while the stones and earth collapsed, but he did not know that there was someone skilled in controlling stones among the reinforcements Meng Chao summoned.

He ended up crashing against the iron wall fortified by Lu Siya, and blood flowed down his head.

He wanted to change his direction, but it was already too late. A large number of silver glares rose from the silver-haired man’s saber and enveloped him in an airtight cage.

Gao Ye pushed and shoved about inside it. Every time he ran into a silver gash, it was as if he had been cut by a saber, and a terrifying wound appeared on his body.

No matter how sturdy the Ultimate Sandworm was, it was still just born. When it faced the spirit energy magnetic field created by a powerful fighter at the peak of Heaven Realm, it needed to retreat.

The silver-haired man smirked when he saw Gao Ye’s struggle. He mumbled under his breath, and the net created by the intersecting silver slashes started closing in.

Gao Ye sucked in a deep breath. His body had been big to begin with, and now, it swelled up further. His black skin turned crimson.


Meng Chao had fought against a super Giant Sandworm under Trash Site 4 and knew that this sort of mutated monster would have all sorts of strange skills.

He instinctively charged forward and pushed Lu Siya to the ground. Then, he wrapped his left arm around his head while he pressed his right arm over Lu Siya’s head.

The silver-haired man snorted coldly, and the speed at which the silver glares closed in became faster.

When nearly one hundred saber glares were about to tear Gao Ye into shreds, his back half swelled up to the max and exploded.

It was similar to how a whale, which usually lives in the ocean, may explode after being washed up on the beach. It did so because its skin was too thick, and the gases from its rotting organs could not leave its body.

The impact wave sent the silver-haired man and all the other people straight into the stone walls. Their bones shattered, and they could not move.

The foul-smelling innards of the Ultimate Sandworm turned the entire underground space into a mess.

The monster had a lot of acid, which it used to digest trash, stones, and earth. The acid was the crystallization of humanity’s biochemical modification technology. It could easily get rid of most of the trash that could not be degraded by nature. It could also dissolve the sturdiest stones.

If it came gushing out, it would be wet and sticky, and the place would end up as an acid lake.

Meng Chao and the others managed to activate their spirit energy in time and got rid of the acid that stained their bodies, but they no longer had the strength to catch what remained of Gao Ye’s body.

It took them five minutes to find their bearings after the fearsome biochemical explosion.

Meng Chao and Lu Siya looked at the messy ground. They carefully bypassed the acid and reached the battlefield, where they found the silver-haired man with his fighting suit in tatters. He stood at a huge hole that went down without saying anything.

The hole was a recently dug one.

Sandworms and other annelids were creatures with incredible vitality. Even if they were cut into two, the two parts would remain alive.

Gao Ye had discarded one-third of his body along with most of his organs, but the front half of his body had managed to escape. Before long, he would be able to regrow the parts of the body he lost.

He had fled down once he stunned his pursuers.

Meng Chao cast a few glances at the hole.

It was closed by stones that collapsed once it was more than ten meters deep.

When Gao Ye ate the stones and earth in front of him, he expelled the stones through the excretory hole, which completely blocked the path behind him.

Unless they mobilized dozens of mine explorers like Lu Siya or a large number of tunnel boring machines or Giant Sandworms, it would be difficult to catch up to him in such a terrible environment.

Moans could be heard from the collapsed earth all around them.

They belonged to the reinforcements brought by Lu Siya. They were not as strong as the silver-haired man and unfortunately fell into Gao Ye’s trap. They were currently trying their best to save themselves.

The silver-haired man sighed and smiled wanly before he said, “He ran away. Let’s go back and save the people.”

A new notification popped up in front of Meng Chao’s eyes.

[Increased progress for the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities by 5%. Current progress: 18%. Increased contribution points by 2,500.

[Heavily injured special citizen Gao Ye. You have temporarily stopped the progress of the Supernatural Entity Plan. Increased contribution points by 12,500.]

“This is...”

Meng Chao sank into deep thought.

Half an hour later, Meng Chao sat beside an ambulance while wrapped up in a blanket. He watched a group of firefighters dressed in biochemical airtight suits seal up Spirit Creation Creatures from the world. They also cleaned up the wrecked research center that had sunk underground.

The firefighters were all built and agile. Even if they wore biochemical airtight suits, Meng Chao could still sense the spirit energy ripples surging through their bodies. They were trained elites.

Lu Siya told Meng Chao that they were not actually firefighters. They were all members of the operation team, but were registered under the fire department to avoid panicking the general public when they carried out their operations.

“Because of a single sentence from you, I risked everything and brought so many members and elites of the operation team.” Lu Siya was blatantly asking for credit from Meng Chao.

“I didn’t betray your trust either. There was indeed something wrong with Gao Ye. But unfortunately, he still ended up running away.” Meng Chao found it quite a pity.

“Who would have thought that while he modified the Ultimate Sandworm, aside from implanting the genes from squids and octopi, he also implanted the genes from sea cucumbers and other echinodermata? When sea cucumbers run into danger, they eject their organs to fend against enemies. Gao Ye managed to further strengthen this ability and turn the organs into a terrifying biochemical bond. This man is truly an evil genius,” Lu Siya said.

“But the better Gao Ye is, the more you deserve respect for revealing his true colors. If had taken all the resources from Spirit Creation Creatures and performed secret modifications for five more years... no, perhaps in just a year and a half, he might have ended up modifying the Ultimate Sandworm to the point that it would have become far more terrifying than any Apocalyptic Beast.

“Even though Gao Ye fled, he’s gravely injured. Not only is his body handicapped, it’s also impossible for him to create another research center at the same level and scale as Spirit Creation Creatures’ research center. Next time, we’ll definitely be able to capture him.

“Besides, you actually saved Xie Xiaolei!”

Meng Chao’s guess had been correct.

Since he arrived soon after making the call, Gao Ye did not have the time to kill Xie Xiaolei and destroy his corpse.

The members of the operation team from the abnormal beast research department rescued a terrified and dying Xie Xiaolei from Gao Ye’s secret lab. He was in a disinfection cabinet.

This was probably the best news of the day.

But Meng Chao knew that Gao Ye would not allow everything to end just like that.

His theory was perfect in his eyes, but it was actually wrong. His words were bewitching, and to a certain degree, he made his case sound plausible. Hence, it was definitely not something thought up by a single person behind closed doors.

There had to be some kind of organization behind him, which was likely connected to the White Spirit’s creator.

Meng Chao thought about it, but it was unlikely that the White Spirit was created by Gao Ye.

After all, Meng Chao had witnessed Lin Chuan’s sacrifice, and it was something that a lot of people knew.

If Gao Ye were the White Spirit’s creator, he would have guessed that Meng Chao would know the White Spirit’s secrets.

Then, he would have never taken the initiative to invite him to join the case of the murderous pets in Blessed Paradise.

The White Spirit’s creator was someone else.

And that was not a good thing.

It meant that there was a biochemical expert who did not lose to Gao Ye in the organization behind him, and the biochemical modification technology as well as resources he possessed were just as advanced.

Anyway, what on earth was the Supernatural Entity Plan?

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