Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 316: Humans in Monster Flesh

Chapter 316: Humans in Monster Flesh

Meng Chao now understood the key to Gao Ye’s speech.

Even though he did not understand why Gao Ye had decided to be sincere, he still held his breath and listened carefully.

“Look, we currently face three problems.” Gao Ye extended three bony fingers.”First, normal people cannot catch up with the development of the current era. In this new world where spirit energy explodes forth and where biochemical technology and runic symbol machines technology continue changing, they will gradually lose their place.

“Second, superhumans will become stronger. With automatized technology, unmanned fighting vehicles, and biochemical beasts protecting them, they will be able to monopolize the market, and no one will be able to keep them in check.

“Third, as biochemical modification technology and runic symbol machines technology continues to develop, the possibility of AI being born, awakening, and going out of control will continue increasing. Regardless of whether it’s Apocalyptic Beasts or thinking vehicles with superbrains, they all have the possibility of awakening and turning into fearsome enemies.

“I’ve been thinking for a long time about these three questions. In the end, I found a way to kill three birds with one stone.

“Monsters being in control of human-like intelligence is definitely a very dangerous matter. But if we give humans control of monster-like strength, that’ll be fine, won’t it?”

A strange smile appeared on Gao Ye’s face, and Meng Chao could not help but ask, “What do you mean?”

“You should know that aside from being skilled in biochemical modification, I am also a monster controller,” Gao Ye explained. “The current monster controlling technology relies on the monster controller using their cultivation and biochemical modification technology at the same time.

“They open some of the ‘ports’ in the monster controller and biochemical beasts’ brains so that some of their central nervous system would be connected wirelessly. While they share their senses, the monster controllers can use their minds to stimulate the biochemical beasts’ glands and give them some simple commands.

“But this sort of connection is only a surface-level control, and it can be disrupted easily. The frequency of the brainwaves is not the same on both sides, so there is a slight delay.

“Monster controllers cannot control the biochemical beasts’ will completely, so they are no different from traditional beastmasters. The only difference is that they switched from the beastmasters’ whips and goads to mind power.

“This monster controlling technology requires great mind power to control a beast. Unless you awaken to supernatural power, you will never be able to become a monster controller.

“But the new generation monster controlling technology I’ve developed after ten years of blood, sweat, and tears is different.

“The gene medicine I developed will not just open up most of the neural ports in the human brain and beast brain, it will allow the human consciousness to blend with the biochemical beast’s consciousness. Since a human’s intelligence is high, their sense of self is also incredibly strong. Hence, the human consciousness will usually be able to wipe out a biochemical beast’s consciousness, and from then on, they will be able to completely control the biochemical beast’s body.

“In short, I can move a human’s consciousness, or their ‘soul’, into the brain of a biochemical beast.

“We’ll no longer need to use the beastmaster’s whip nor the beastmasters themselves, because we’ll be able to become the monsters. We’ll be monsters with human consciousness. We’ll fuse human intelligence together with monster strength. It will increase our work efficiency and fighting strength more than one hundred times when compared to traditional biochemical beasts and traditional mind control methods!”

“Shifting human souls into monster brains?” Meng Chao gulped.

His mouth went dry, and his temples throbbed.

It was as if there was something moving in the air, like electric currents sizzling around him.

“Don’t you think that this is the ultimate answer to solving all the problems?” Gao Ye asked with a smile. “First, the current cultivation system is too hard for normal people. They also need too many resources. Even if both parents of a normal household work proper jobs, it is still very difficult for them to pay for their children’s expensive school, the extracurricular classes, gene medicine and high-calorie nutritional fluid.

“Even if they manage to provide for them, if the children are not talented, the millions of dollars worth of school fees and nutrition fees will end up going into waste.

“But my new generation monster controller technology, or rather, consciousness transferring technology is different. As long as I’m given more time and resources, I will definitely be able to find a way to transfer a normal person’s consciousness into a biochemical beast’s brain, and that way, a normal person will be in possession of a monster’s strength.

“Most of the monsters, even if they’re Nightmarish Beasts or Hell Beasts, are only about as intelligent as a seven- or eight-year-old child. But they can learn all sorts of skills, so there is simply no reason for a normal person to be unable to learn them, right?

“That way, normal people will be able to use the monstrous strength of biochemical beasts. The work efficiency of a monster with human intelligence and consciousness will definitely be much higher than that of drones and automatized machines.

“And if there are any ambitious superhumans who want to rise above Dragon City and even human civilization, the normal people in control of monster bodies will be able to rise up in arms and fight until both sides are severely wounded. This balance will allow our civilization to walk much further.

“Meanwhile, due to human souls existing in biochemical beasts’ brains, they will actually be humans in monster flesh, and we won’t need to worry about monsters gaining a sense of self or possessing super intelligence.

“It’s a move that kills three birds with one stone. Isn’t that great?”

Meng Chao pondered it for a long time before he said cautiously, “It sounds good, but there is a similar characteristic to all lies: they sound nice. You’ve been going on and on for a long time, and you still haven’t explained why you killed Jin Yongqiang and Xie Xiaolei.”

“... Because they pose a problem to my plan.” Gao Ye was silent for a while. “A month ago, while I was remotely controlling a Giant Sandworm to conduct an investigation under Trash Site 4, I accidentally saw Jin Yongqiang sneaking around.

“I used the new generation monster controlling technology, so my control over the Giant Sandworm was far greater than of a normal monster controller.

“In an instant, I sensed the man’s presence and noticed that he was sneakily injecting something into some of the Giant Sandworms. They instantly went berserk, and my consciousness was viciously pushed outside.

“But by then, I had already noticed Jin Yongqiang’s characteristics and got a good idea about his status and goal.

“Hence, when he came to Spirit Creation Creatures’ pet shop to buy a Contest Tiger, I predicted what he was going to do.

“I paid attention to him and left a ‘backdoor’ in the chip of his Contest Tiger’s brain. It will allow me to remotely control his biochemical pet.

“Jin Yongqiang had no idea that he could invade his biochemical pet’s brain through the wireless network. I often connected to its eyes and ears and saw things that he didn’t want others to see.

“Then, one day, I saw him injecting drugs that made monsters go berserk into the ear canals of his neighbors’ biochemical beasts. Both of them were biochemical pets from our company. I was angry, so I killed him.”

“Wait,” Meng Chao said, “since you saw it, why didn’t you report it to the police? It takes a few hours for the stimulative drugs for the mutated rabies virus to completely invade the central nervous system. If we consider the time, you could have saved two innocent people’s lives.”

Gao Ye was silent for a while before he said, “I didn’t have any proof. Even if I reported it to the police, I couldn’t do anything to Jin Yongqiang and Heavenly Works Machines, which would definitely support him. Perhaps they would come up with something even larger that would harm more innocents. It would be better—”

“It would be better to watch Jin Yongqiang kill someone and then remotely control the biochemical pet to kill Jin Yongqiang. You would then blow the accident to epic proportions and turn it into a murder,” Meng Chao said coldly.

“In any case, all the evidence would point to Heavenly Works Machines, and you wouldn’t need to worry about the police not being able to solve the case. Once the truth came to light, the Subway No.20 deal would definitely end up in Spirit Creation Creatures’ hands, and you would get ten times the resources to continue your research, am I right?”

Gao Ye said nothing.

Meng Chao felt a little frustrated.

He should not have been so worked up.

Executing any kind of moral judgment on Gao Ye was meaningless.

Instead, he should focus on getting more information from Gao Ye so that he could solve the Mystery of the Supernatural Entities.

Once he thought of this, Meng Chao adjusted his tone and said, “Alright. Even if Jin Yongqiang deserved death, what about Xie Xiaolei? Also, what’s the deal with you going through Drizzle Studio to stir up public opinion? Was it because you just wanted to set yourself up as the victim and get more pity and support once the truth came to light?”

“No. I told you before that those are my honest thoughts,” Gao Ye said slowly. “Even though we’re both in the biochemical modification faction, I have a lot of clashing ideals with Xie Xiaolei and most of the people in the biochemical modification faction.

“Xie Xiaolei believes that it will be enough as long as we continue upgrading biochemical modification technology and create bigger, faster, stronger, and fiercer biochemical beasts. As to whether biochemical beasts will gain super intelligence, whether they will turn into tools that will allow superhumans to do whatever they want, or whether they will take over the positions of normal people in the workplace? Those are all unnecessary worries. We shouldn’t think about it.

“But I want to research consciousness transferring technology and transfer hundreds of thousands of normal human souls into the same number of monster brains so that they can control those monsters’ bodies.

“So, I used the chance to warn people through the article to be wary of the threat of biochemical beasts gaining AI and going out of control. If we want to use biochemical beasts’ strength but not allow them to gain intelligence, there is only one method, and that is to use consciousness transferring technology to implant normal humans’ consciousness into biochemical beasts’ brains and override the biochemical beasts’ consciousness.

“It was a mental preparation for my next stage, because I’m going to raise the scale of my experiment.”

“I think I understand now,” Meng Chao mumbled. “Xie Xiaolei doesn’t agree with your beliefs, so it’s impossible for him to give you a lot of resources and support you... in your research to transfer consciousness, right?”

“Yes, he’s a traditional businessman. He’s also a selfish superhuman who only chases after profit and wants to snatch resources to expand the scale of the company as well as increase his cultivation realm. This will give him success in a worldly sense, and it’s what he’s passionate about,” Gao Ye said.

“If I want to succeed with the consciousness transferring technology, I cannot continue my research on a small scale, as I have done so for the past decade. Instead, I need to pour a large amount of investments into it. And it’s a sum that might even destroy Spirit Creation Creatures.

“Xie Xiaolei has been rubbing his palms together for a while. He wants to get the deal for Subway No.20 and strive for his ambitions during the development of the northern frontlines.

“He has decided to pour most of the profit we gained into expanding the company, although, of course, he’ll give me a huge slice. In less than ten years, Spirit Creation Creatures would then turn into a mega corporation whose name will be known in every corner of the city. And we, as the creators, will have the resources to reach Deity Realm.

“Heh. He doesn’t understand it at all. I didn’t step on the path of a superhuman for a reason as boring as reaching Deity Realm.

“He wants to expand the company and increase his cultivation realm, but I want to pour all the profit I earned to upgrade my lab and continue the research that has a high risk of failure. The difference in objectives is so great that we cannot reach a compromise, but he’s the one in control of the company. Unless he disappears, I can’t win against him. So, tell me, what other choice do I have?

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