Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1568 - Special Effect Medicine

Chapter 1568: Special Effect Medicine

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Meng Chao clapped.

“What you say makes a lot of sense, Senior Shen.”

Meng Chao spoke in all seriousness. “It’s a pity that you’re heavily injured. I really should have invited you to the Xinhui Business Center’s entrance to face the thousands of unruly superhumans who couldn’t contain their anger. I believe that you would’ve definitely been able to appease their anger by telling them what you said from the bottom of your heart.”

Shen Yuanbao was rendered speechless for a moment.

He mumbled something like “the rabble.”

In the end, he did not fall out with Meng Chao.

He simply said, “Young friend Meng, let’s not dwell on issues that can never be resolved. Let’s return to the Blood Alliance!”

Meng Chao still needed Shen Yuanbao’s cooperation. He did not think that he could change the supreme expert who had been a tyrant for his entire life with just a few words.

He briefly described the discovery that he had made in Tailless Monkey’s hiding place.

He only hid Tailless Monkey’s name and Ai Lei’s existence.

Then, he talked about how he had discovered the Horizon Biotechnology problem through aerial reconnaissance.

He had followed the sewage pipes and traced the source to the secret laboratory that the company was hiding underground. He had also witnessed the extremely dangerous experiments involving the Blood Flower.

Meng Chao said, “Horizon Biotechnology Co. Ltd. is not famous, but its origin is mysterious. According to the information publicly available, the investors and managers are all nobodies. Apparently, they are just puppets pushed to the front. There must be a real mastermind behind them.

“I think that this mastermind must be related to the blood union.

“I wonder, how much does senior Shen Know About Horizon?”

Shen Yuanbao had a weird expression on his face and was in a rare dilemma. “This...”

Meng Chao noticed the awkwardness that flashed across Shen Yuanbao’s face. He narrowed his eyes and said, “Why? Does senior Shen Know About Horizon’s background very well?

“Wait a minute. It Can’t be that the investor behind Horizon is your universal group, right?

“Wait a minute. When I mentioned the secret base of horizon and the extremely dangerous blood patterned flower experiment, senior Shen’s reaction didn’t seem as intense as I had imagined.

“Even when I mentioned that Professor Monster Fei Qingyun was still alive, senior Shen’s surprise was rather stiff.

“It can’t be that you knew about the existence of this laboratory long ago and that Fei Qingyun was still alive, and that you were helping the Universal Corporation and the Shen family, which is to say, helping senior shen to secretly carry out the research on the blood patterned flower?”

Shen Yuanbao was silent for a moment before he sighed, he said, “Horizon Biology Limited company is indeed a chess piece that the universal group has set up. I also know that this company is carrying out some highly dangerous secret research, but as I said earlier, I have not participated in the actual operation of the company for several years. Therefore, I do not know the specific content and progress of the secret research, and no one has reported to me who exactly is the person in charge of the secret research.”


This vague statement did not satisfy Meng Chao. He stared at Shen Yuanbao and said, “Similar research must be reported to the transcendental tower because it is highly dangerous. It can only be conducted under the supervision of the various universities and related laboratories in Dragon City.

“Why didn’t you do so?”

“Didn’t you already say the reason?”

Shen Yuanbao said, “If we were to report to the transcendental tower, we would have to accept all kinds of supervision. When we conduct research, we would definitely be restricted by many factors. How could it be so easy to produce an epoch-making result?

“The blood patterned flower is an extremely sharp double-edged sword. When it spews venom without restraint, it can create thousands of zombies and an overwhelming tide of undead creatures.

“But on the other hand, it can also break the life forms that humans have reached the end of. It can help us reach the peak of the godly state, clear the clouds and see the sun, and find a higher peak.

“Meng Chao, an extremely smart and powerful person like you should know how difficult it is to sweep across the entire foreign world with the current torrent of steel. If the foreign world was really so easy to conquer, the doomsday beasts such as the nine-headed diamond dragon wouldn’t have to hide in the monster mountains for so long. They would have long rushed out and wreaked havoc on the entire planet.

“There must be some kind of powerful force that has locked all the monsters here, including the apocalyptic beasts.

“Although we have won the Monster War, the current strength of the Dragon City civilization is not ten times or even a hundred times stronger than the monster civilization. In other words, the force that can lock the monster civilization can also lock the Dragon City civilization.

“We need to break through!

“In order to conquer this mysterious, powerful, and fertile planet, we must break through at all costs.

“Break through the limits of life, break through the limits of civilization, and break through the limits of combat ability!

“The blood-patterned flower is the ‘catalyst’that will help us break through!

“And my injuries.

“My injuries are too severe. Even after conservative treatment for an entire year, I can only forcibly seal my injuries in my body. I can’t even remove half of my injuries and wounds, let alone heal them.

“If this continues, I’ll become like the martial god Lei Zongchao in less than a year or so. I’ll be able to hide in a small house where I can’t see the Sun all day long. Every once in a while, I’ll have to wear a thick turtle shell when I go out. If I go all out, I might be scared out of my wits at any moment.

“According to the comprehensive research of the experts of the Universal Corporation, the blood-patterned flower is the only special medicine that has the possibility of curing me.

“Once the research is successful, I won’t be the only one who can be cured. All the god-level powerhouses who were heavily wounded in the final battle against the monster’s mainframe, including the martial god Lei Zongchao, will also be cured!

“Think about it. If all the god-level powerhouses in Dragon City, including the martial god Lei Zongchao, can be cured or even restored to their peak condition, how much will it increase the war potential of our civilization?

“Faced with such an attractive future, are issues such as declaration, supervision, and compliance still a problem?”

Meng Chao could not help but sneer.

“It seems that senior Shen is still very concerned about the situation in the outside world and the future of Dragon City even though he has been in seclusion to heal his wounds,”Meng Chao said

“Besides, I noticed that when you mentioned Fei Qingyun just now, you used the phrase ‘no one has reported to me who the person in charge of the research of the blood patterned flower project is’.

“I think that ‘no one has reported to you’and ‘you don’t know’can not be equated.

“So, you knew long ago that Fei Qingyun was not dead and was working for the universal group, the Shen family, and you, right

“Not just for us.”

Shen Yuanbao corrected Meng Chao. “But also for Dragon City and for all mankind.”

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