Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1504 - Tomorrow Is Different

Chapter 1504 Tomorrow Is Different

Meng Chao’s heart skipped a beat as he said, “Since you’ve already seen through your own problems, why can’t you turn back?

“If you’re really the person you say you are, ‘only seeking wealth, not taking lives,’ and you’ve never taken things to the extreme, it’s still not too late to turn back!”

Gao Chuang narrowed his eyes and slowly said, “old friend, are you trying to get me to join the Azure Alliance?”

“I just hope that you, as well as all the superhumans, can do the right thing.”

Meng Chao said, “I’m not sure if the Azure Alliance is on the right side or not. I also don’t know how wrong the nine mega corporations are. But from what I’ve seen and heard, I’m sure that a small portion of the nine great cultivation families had been on the wrong path for a long time.

“If we let them go further, they’ll fall deeper and deeper. If they make even more mistakes, not only will they burn themselves to the ground, but they will also drag down the entire Dragon City as they bury their ambition, greed, and stupidity. “Even if it’s only for yourself and your family, you shouldn’t continue to be wrong with these guys who have the word ‘death’ written on their foreheads.”

Every muscle on Gao Chuang’s face was twitching. His expression seemed to reveal that he was struggling, and his gaze was conflicted.

“You won’t succeed.”

Gao Chuang shook his head and said, “No matter how great your fame has grown recently, how many people you’ve won over on the surface, or how many seats you’ve occupied on the Survival Committee, you always have one fatal flaw.

“Compared with the nine cultivation families who have been painstakingly running Dragon City for thirty years and have the first-mover advantage, your Azure Alliance has too few Deity Realm experts. You lack the absolute force to make the final decision.

“In normal times, everyone follows the rules, talks about morality, and fights among gentlemen. Of course, you can take advantage of the number of people and the public opinion to attract everyone’s attention on the surface and steal the limelight of the nine cultivation families.

“However, once the conflicts between the two parties are so sharp that they can not be further magnified, even to the extent of ‘cutting off people’s sources of income, such as killing their parents,’ or when Dragon City once again encounters a powerful enemy on the level of apocalyptic beasts, the Azure Alliance’s shortcoming of lacking godly state experts will be magnified to the extreme.

“Without the support of absolute force, how can the so-called ‘public opinion pressure force those ultimate experts who have never retreated half a step in the face of the rain of bullets and the surging beast tide to lower their heads and spit out the cake that has already been swallowed down their throat? “Without the decisive strike of a godly state expert, who would believe that the Azure Alliance could defend the interests of the vast majority of people when Dragon City was in a life-and-death crisis?”

“Absolute force?”

Meng Chao grinned.

He sensed the violent force that was enough to make the apocalyptic beasts tremble, as well as the spiritual magnet that could build an entire war fortress in just a few seconds. It was constantly flowing between his blood vessels, nerves, and spiritual veins.

Deep inside his eyes, he was brimming with immense confidence.

The 36,000 pores on his body were emitting a scorching pressure, too.

Gao Chuang felt that he was suffocating in the crater of a volcano.

Gao Chuang was bewildered.

He stared at Meng Chao for a long time, but he did not remember who his ‘old friend’ was.

Then, he remembered that Meng Chao had shot down his weapon with only two paper clips and almost crippled his hands.

Gao Chuang was even more frightened.

“The world is as Black as crows.”

Gao Chuang gritted his teeth and said, “Even if the Azure Alliance can seize the control of Dragon City from the nine great cultivation families, can you solve the problem of Dragon City and guarantee that you will always be on the right path?”

“No one can guarantee that they will always be right.”

Meng Chao said, “But I think that most of the members of the Azure Alliance are middle-level and low-level superhumans from humble families. We come from tens of thousands of ordinary citizens’ families to begin with. Naturally, we know more about the problem of Dragon City than the descendants of the nine great cultivation families.”

“So What?”

Gao Chuang sneered, “Before the rise of the nine great families, weren’t the wealthy families of today all the humble families of the past? weren’t the high and mighty figures of today all from the ‘tens of thousands of ordinary citizens’ families?

“In the dark era when the Blood Alliance ruled Dragon City, didn’t the nine big gangs only work together to seize the supreme power under the banner of ‘eliminating the tyranny of the Blood Alliance and making Dragon City belong to all the citizens of Dragon City’?

“However, when they replace the blood union and become the ruler of Dragon City, wouldn’t it be the same?

“Even if the Azure Alliance can replace the nine aristocratic families today, just like how the nine big gangs replaced the Blood Union in the past, what difference will it make?

“Can you guarantee that the higher-ups of the Azure Alliance will never transform into new aristocratic families and wealthy families

“I believe that there will definitely be a difference.”

Meng Chao said calmly, “No matter how bad the nine cultivation aristocratic families are, no matter how many problems exist in the nine mega corporations, they will be a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times better than the brutal rule of the Blood Union.

“Similarly, I certainly can’t guarantee that the Azure Alliance or anyone else will always be fair and correct after controlling the direction of Dragon City. “But at least, we can try to make tomorrow’s Dragon City a little fairer, a little brighter, and a little stronger than today.

“Even if tomorrow can only be a little better than today — one percent, one thousandth, or even one ten thousand percent — it’s worth our 100 percent effort to try, to struggle, and to risk our lives, isn’t it?”

Gao Chuang looked at Meng Chao with an incomprehensible gaze.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand the content of Meng Chao’s words.

It was that he couldn’t understand that such an idealistic argument would come from the mouth of a peerless expert who had been through hundreds of battles and was covered in wounds. He should have seen through the cruel reality.

Meng Chao saw Gao Chuang’s suspicion.

But he wasn’t prepared to change his mind.

He just calmly looked Gao Chuang in the eye.

His extremely clear eyes were like two mirrors, allowing Gao Chuang to see his former self.

His former self, who roamed the wilderness, whistled through the mountains and forests, fought side by side with his brave and Brave Brothers in the depths of the ruins and forests, and gnawed at each other’s flesh and blood with vicious monsters. He was clearly covered in wounds.., even his bones had been broken thirty to fifty times, but he was still smiling brilliantly.

“How Strange.”

Gao Chuang muttered to himself, “The days now are obviously hundreds of times better than the past, but it seems that I haven’t laughed as loudly as I did in the depths of the forest for a long time.”

“The Gao Chuang I know shouldn’t be a coward.”

Meng Chao saw his hesitation and struck while the iron was hot. “I’ve seen those sons of wealthy families just now. Each of them is arrogant, and their nostrils are almost raised to the sky.

“No matter how I think about it, I can’t understand. How could the Gao Chuang that I know serve these guys submissively, but he could resist the urge to poke his fist into their nostrils?”

These words caused Gao Chuang’s pupils to shrink into two needle tips.

The veins on his temples squeezed together.

It was like two fists that were about to burst out of his skull.

Looking at the core transaction data in Meng Chao’s hands and hearing the increasingly noisy voices downstairs, Gao Chuang seemed to realize that even if he gritted his teeth, he would still die in the whirlpool.

“What do you want to know?”

Gao Chuang sighed and asked in an extremely hoarse voice.

“Everything related to these documents.”

Meng Chao said, “I know. These are the core data of the illegal transactions between you and the suppliers of the genetic drugs. With these documents, many people will be doomed.

“However, I also believe that, other than the real evidence on the paper, you must have many clues, too. Many traces that can not be described with words, even if they are just rumors circulating in your circle

“It’s useless.”

Gao Chuang said, “I know that you want to follow the clues and find the big fish that is hiding behind the pharmaceutical manufacturers and controlling the entire market of the genetic drugs in the depths of the nine noble cultivation families.”

“But it’s impossible.”


Meng Chao asked, “Why?”

“It seems that you don’t know the relationship between the nine noble cultivation families and the nine mega corporations, nor do you know how their internal affairs work.”

Gao Chuang said, “The so-called ‘nine noble cultivation families’ are called ‘noble families.’ However, only the god-level experts who are the heads of the families have blood relations with their own children and grandchildren, including a few distant relatives at most.

“The rest of the family members are, in fact, orphans adopted by the god-level experts or adopted sons or daughters whom they recruited in the bloody era when order collapsed and there was no law

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