Chapter 1488 Major Event

“Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down?!”

The bald man counted the shocking scars on his granite-like body one by one.

First of all, there were three scars that stretched all the way across his chest like a mountain range that almost tore his chest apart.

“This is the wound that was made by a shrieking falcon during the battle at Red Creek. At that time, this flat-haired beast Swooped down from more than seven hundred meters above the ground and clawed my heart out. I saw it with my own eyes! My heart was like a fish with a fat head that had been thrown to the ground. It was alive and kicking!”

Following that was a penetrating wound on his abdomen. It was as if his spleen or kidneys had been pierced by the horns or fangs of a monster.

“This is a souvenir from three days and three nights of fierce battle to protect the Twin Dragon Mine and an overwhelming beast horde!

“During that battle, seven of our eight brothers were killed. I was the only one who crawled out of the pile of dead people while clutching my intestines that were spilling out of my stomach. I was the only one!”

Next were his eyes.

“This is the price we’ve paid for our assault that spanned three hundred and eighty miles, where we finally killed a Level 6 Hell Beast, the Bloody-trunk Tyrant Mammoth. That’s right, you didn’t hear wrongly. All of you aren’t mistaken. I once killed a Tyrant Mammoth with my own hands, and I was even the king of the mammoth race!”

The bald man tore off his steel blindfold and revealed a dark hole.

He did not wear an artificial mechanical eye.

However, deep in the hole, the fire of his soul was burning fiercely, stirring up another form of incomparably sharp “gaze.”

“I’ve bled for Dragon City, I’ve been wounded for the human race!”

The bald man’s one undamaged eye was also smeared with a layer of scarlet light. He was so excited that his voice was cracking. “What did you say when I endured pain worse than death and fought the monsters in the depths of the wilderness? As long as we overcome these temporary difficulties and win the Monster War, everything will be fine. “In the end, we sacrificed so much and actually won the Monster War. Did everything turn out fine? No, it became even worse than during the war. We can’t even secure the most basic training resources!

“I once killed a Bloody-trunk Tyrant Mammoth with my own hands. Its spinal fluid alone was enough to refine several million units of dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection.

“Now, I only want a few units of dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection extracted from the spinal fluid of ordinary Tyrant Mammoths. It would amount to a few thousand units at most. I’ve queued up several times, but I can’t buy them no matter how hard I try!

“Why? Why?! Where did the cultivation resources that belong to us go?”

The bald man voiced out everyone’s thoughts.

All the superhumans felt the same way and could not contain their anger. At the counter, the staff member’s smile turned stiff.

He secretly gestured to his colleagues to call for backup.

At that moment, the bald man discovered something from the name tag on the staff member’s chest.

“Your surname is Gu, and you’re from the ‘heart’ generation. You’re from the Gu family of Sea Blue!”

The bald man stared at the staff member’s face as if his eyes were on fire.

Sea Blue Group, like Sky Pillar Corporation and Universe Corporation, was a large-scale mega corporation.

The Gu family that created Sea Blue Group was one of the nine noble families of cultivation, one of the wealthy families.

More importantly, the dragon elephant bone-strengthening drug was developed and produced by the pharmaceutical company under Sea Blue Group.

“I don’t believe it!”

The bald man slapped the tempered glass and indignantly said, “The descendants of the Gu family need to use the dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection in their cultivation as well. You need to queue up, draw lots, snap up purchases, and run to the black market like us low-level superhumans too. You’ll be butchered like pigs!”

“Obviously they don’t need it!”

Another indignant voice came from the crowd. “I have a friend who works at Blue Sea Pharmaceutical. He’s in charge of cleaning up the medicinal waste. Apparently, the bones of the Tyrant Mammoths that are boiled down are secretly transported out by truckloads every day in the middle of the night!

“Don’t believe any nonsense about ‘force majeure’ or ‘shortage.’ Blue Sea Group has refined countless dragon elephant bone-strengthening injections. They are in stock but they’re unwilling to bring them to the Supernatural Tower and sell them cheaply to the poor without any background.

“The newly refined dragon elephant bone-strengthening injections are either completely consumed by the Gu family disciples or the internal employees of Blue Sea Group. They could also be sent to the other eight mega corporations in exchange for all kinds of scarce resources.

“If there are more, they secretly send them to the black market and sell them like scalpers!

“Once the public pressures them, they only send a bit of it to the Supernatural Tower to put on a show when they can’t hoard the drugs anymore!”

“I’ll testify!”

Another voice, hidden deep in the crowd, spoke through gritted teeth. “I have a classmate whose mother works for the Gu family as a sweeping lady. She said that she saw with her own eyes that the warriors of the Gu family were bathing in Tyrant Mammoth spinal fluid!”

“That’s right. This is a secret that the entire city knows!”

A fourth voice rang out from a corner like a rat scurrying through the sky. “The Gu family discovered a ‘mammoth graveyard’ deep in Monster Mountain Range. It was filled with the remains of the Tyrant Mammoths. Even if they were to supply the entire city’s superhumans, they wouldn’t be able to use it up in three years!

“Yet, the Gu family stole this ‘mammoth graveyard’ for themselves. They refuse to admit it at all. They want to monopolize the market for the dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection. With no effort at all, they could earn money that we would never be able to earn even if we risk our lives fighting monsters on the front lines!”

The many low-level superhumans spoke one after another. The more they spoke, the more worked up they became. The more they spoke, the angrier they became.

Of course, all they threw out were groundless rumors. There was no real evidence to their claims.

However, while the majority of the disciples from humble families could not buy the cultivation resources at the original price and were forced to be slaughtered by others on the black market, the disciples of the wealthy families remained radiant and refreshed. They needed to break through and heal their injuries, but it was also a fact that they were not troubled by the lack of cultivation


As long as that fact existed for a day, those rumors that sounded ridiculous would always have the power to convince people because they were not necessarily groundless.

In the end, someone finally pointed the finger at the Supernatural Tower.

“Don’t count on the Supernatural Tower. They’re all liars!” someone shouted.

“The Supernatural Tower was originally built with the support of the nine great cultivation families. To this day, the key posts in the various critical departments of the Supernatural Tower are still controlled by those nine families. If you wish for the Supernatural Tower to uphold justice, wouldn’t you be asking these fat fellows to investigate and catch themselves?

“No one can help us!

“We can only help ourselves!

“Today, we have to demand that these guys hand over the cultivation resources that should belong to us in the first place!

“If we can’t buy the dragon elephant bone-strengthening drug, we won’t leave. We won’t leave!

“We want to cultivate. We want the resources!”

That last sentence was like a wildfire infected with a virus. It soon spread to the mouths of all the superhumans.

The sound waves that were magnified by more than ten times were so loud that the tempered glass, the surrounding windows, and even the reinforced concrete floors started to crack.

The commotion caused by superhumans had attracted the attention of everyone above and below them.

The security guards and staff on several floors rushed out of the safety passage one after another.

However, they did not expect the situation to go so out of control.

Facing hundreds of irrepressible superhumans, the cans of mace in the security guards’ hands were no different from toothpicks.

The security guards were very wise. They put away their mace and riot batons as fast as they could.

They raised their hands high to show that they had absolutely no ill intentions. They could not even turn their hips around. Just like that, they stiffly retreated step by step, returning to where they came from.

Meanwhile, a few fearless ordinary citizens, mainly the big sisters and aunties who were buying vegetables on the first floor, did not run away when they saw the scene. Instead, their eyes shone with a welcoming gleam. They held the arms of the superhuman individuals and asked with concern, “Young man, what happened? Don’t be anxious. Tell Aunty about it. Aunty will be the judge!”

Ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

Many older ladies and aunties stood on tiptoes and raised their cell phones, as well as crystal communicators, taking photos and short videos. They rushed to send them to their family groups, video websites, various forums, and social networks.


Following that was the sound of the rapid stamping of boots.

The secret police that belonged to the disciplinary forces of the Supernatural Tower finally appeared.

The secret police were professionals who dealt with crimes that were in the extraordinary realm.

Due to the danger and special nature of superhuman crimes, the secret police’s weapons, equipment, combat strength, and methods were far stronger than that of ordinary law enforcement personnel. They were even stronger than many special forces. Among them, the heavy-armored secret police, who were also known as terrifying adjudicators, had the authorization to take lives if they deemed it necessary. They had the privilege of killing first and reporting later.

However, even the adjudicators with a “murder license,” who wore armor and resembled tanks in human form, felt troubled when they saw the scene before them. It was like a high-pressure reaction cauldron about to explode.

The secret police were also human.

Human beings had emotions and standpoints.

The secret police were also divided into humble families and wealthy families according to their origins.

Needless to say, the secret police officers who came from humble families were also troubled by the lack of resources. They had deep sympathy for the superhumans who were causing trouble.

The secret police officers who came from wealthy families did not dare to poke the big bomb that would explode at the first touch. The conflict was already so tense, and the target was their own company.

Even if they did not do anything, just the appearance of fully armed people was enough to pour a bucket of boiling oil on the raging flames.

“Look, it’s the secret police!”

The bald man, who was the first to jump onto the counter, spoke with a strange laugh. “When we were in the depths of Monster Mountain Range, we had to rely on our secret police brothers to help maintain law and order in Dragon City!

“Why? Are they protecting the law and order today?

“Sure, I’ll accept responsibility for what I’ve done. I’m the one who started it. Come on, take me to the Supernatural Tower and put me on trial!”

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