“This letter is a warning, and an introduction.” The skeleton let out a rough exhalation.

“You have no lungs… and also I can’t stress enough how the arrows all missed. I do not understand why you are dying.”

“Not… all damage can be seen on the surface.” He gasped.

I guess that made sense. They had to have some kind of mana or spiritual body since their physical body wasn’t enough to keep them going. Those attacks must have been more than just physical. I needed to be more careful in the future.

“That doesn’t explain the breathing though…” I thought out loud.

“Will you just come here and take this!” The skeleton cried in annoyance.

I looked at him cautiously and then sighed, reaching out to grab the rolled-up message in his hand. As soon as my fingers wrapped around it, his other hand shot out and grabbed my wrist tightly. I cursed, as I felt some kind of energy entering me. I tried to rip my hand away, but his eye shone with intensity as my wrist started to burn. Only after some struggle did I finally pull away. When I looked back at the skeleton, the light within his eye sockets had burned out.

{You have been inflicted with karmic debt. You now must assume the role of Drakus Lightking.}

Just when I was wondering what he had just done, those words popped up in front of me. However, I had no clue what they meant. What was karmic debt? Whatever he inserted inside me felt a bit like miasma. I had a feeling that if I still had my blessings, that there was no way that this attack could have worked. It said I had to assume the role of some person. Was this skeleton that person? Did that mean that for the sake of this dungeon, I would now be seen as this messenger, Drakus?

I already started to feel some kind of compulsion. It was like a need to continue to deliver that message. Was this what happened to other people who became absorbed by dungeons? Was that another way that souls were claimed? I cursed myself for being so careless, but I had never experienced anything like this before. I had never heard of anything like karma being a thing in this world, and dungeons being able to inflict Dungeon Divers was something I didn’t expect. Furthermore, I was a White Mage! How could I be so easily taken over by some miasmic curse?

That was right! I was a White Mage! I immediately equipped the job and started going through the list, desperately looking for anything that might enable me to overcome this curse. Every second I had it made me feel even more compelled to just go along with the narrative. I should pass this message along. I had to protect the princess. The princess was what was important!

My eyes finally landed on a skill that sounded useful. “Ablution!”

Level 40 White Mage spell Ablution. I had no clue what this spell did. I had even cast it once and seen nothing happen, so I had more or less forgotten about it. However, now, I thought I had an idea. Once I scanned it, the feeling of needing to deliver the message went away, but even without that, I knew I had succeeded.

{You have manipulated karmic debt. You have unlocked the job: Mimic.}

{Karmic Espionage has been unlocked.}

“Now, that is kind of interesting.”

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