The mermaid ignored him and continued to head out.

Seeing this, Ye Fan had no choice but to run up and grab the mermaid's shoulder.

However, this action seemed to make the male dragon-man think that Ye Fan was trying to hurt him!

The mermaid turned her head and scolded him harshly. She raised her hand and a stream of water immediately condensed in the air and gushed towards Ye Fan!

It was like a high-pressure water gun. If it was a normal person, they would have been sent flying!

Although Ye Fan's strength was greatly reduced, his body's toughness was still there. Stunned by the water pillar, he frowned and said, "I have no ill intentions!" I just want to go out and communicate with you guys! "

As Ye Fan spoke, he gestured with his hand, hoping that the Dragonfish would understand.

Seeing that Ye Fan was actually holding up the water column and was unwilling to give in, the mermaid's eyes suddenly flashed with anger, and she opened her mouth...


A sound wave was released from the mouth of the shark, Ye Fan's whole body seemed to have been blocked by a wall, and was sent flying seven or eight meters back!

If it was in the past, Ye Fan would directly disintegrate, and this guy would completely be unable to harm him.

But now, Ye Fan didn't dare to use the technique of disintegrating his whole body and mind. It was extremely active, and his brain was in so much pain that he wanted to faint.

After being struck down by the sound wave, Ye Fan could only lie on the ground in pain, trying his best to calm the pain in his head.

The merperson snorted, his eyes revealed a hint of disdain, as if he felt that Ye Fan was overestimating himself, and turned around to leave.

"Ye Fan, what are you doing?" Aren't you injured in the Primordial Spirit battle, and you still want to fight the Drake?

Draconians are born proficient in soul attacks, similar to the Sea Demons. Just by shouting, they are able to make you wish you were dead! "

Gillian was awakened by this, scratching her body and muttering as she walked toward the food.

Ye Fan sat up in frustration, "I just want to know how the people who came with me are doing, but I don't know how to communicate with them."

"Heh heh …" Gillian picked up a piece of potato cake and chewed it while smiling. "Are you angry? If you weren't injured by the soul of the Siren before it died, you wouldn't be in such a miserable state, right?"

Ye Fan rolled his eyes at him, "You shouldn't be angry, right..." Because of some trouble, I lost all of my cultivation base. No matter how miserable the situation might be, I have experienced it before.

Even if you were to be angry and anxious, it wouldn't solve the problem. You still have to think of a solution slowly. "

"Oh wow, you're in a good mood, hey! I'll let you have a taste, but I won't be eating it alone this time! " Gillian threw a piece of cake to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan took it and took a bite, discovering that it really was filled with the flavor of nature, and indeed had a very special and delicious taste.

"How is it? I said taste is okay, right? " Gillen laughed.

Ye Fan nodded his head and couldn't help but smile, "You stayed here for more than a month just to eat the food here?" Don't you want to go out? "

Gillian blinked. "Get out? "I can go out."

"What!?" Ye Fan was startled, "You can go out?" How do I get out? "

When Jiran reached the deepest part of the cave, he waved at Ye Fan from behind a rock.

Ye Fan walked over in confusion, but when he arrived behind the rock, he was suddenly startled!

There was actually a hole here that was just big enough for a human to pass through?!

"This... You dug this up? " Ye Fan was puzzled. How could this hole not be discovered by the merfolk?

Jilun shook his head, "No, it was dug out by my friend, Tuo Tuo's family! I don't have this kind of skills! "

"You have friends here?" Ye Fan was even more puzzled.

"That's it!" "Come with me. I'll take you to meet my friend."

Ye Fan naturally wished to get out earlier. Although digging in this underground cave would be a disgrace to his Sword God's prestige, at this stage of the game, how could he still have that much power?!

Lun Lun was the first to get in, followed by Ye Fan.

"The merfolk have only a fixed time of day to deliver their meals. If the other times didn't come, I would have Tuo Tuo help me dig this secret passage.

As for me, I came back to sleep at night. When I was bored, I would hang around outside for a while and chat with Ta Ta Ta.

"I had intended to visit some other places in a few days, but you've come at the right time. I'll let you live in this good place then..."

Hearing this, Ye Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I don't have that much free time..." [Since you have a hole to go through, why didn't you say so earlier!?] It caused me to be attacked by restrictions, and then attacked by the merfolk! "

Gillian innocently said, "Then you didn't ask me! "We didn't talk much. You just started cultivating yesterday..."

Ye Fan twitched his mouth, as if what he just said was his own fault.

After nearly twenty minutes had passed, Ye Fan was slightly stunned...

"Just how long is this underground cave …?" Is it that far? " Ye Fan is crazy, he still hasn't climbed out?

"Don't worry... I was the one who told Tuo Tuo to keep the exit a little further away, to get to the top of the mountain of the Naga Tribe.

Otherwise, if they were discovered by the tribe, wouldn't they be destroyed? "Then I won't be able to stay here and eat and drink for nothing," said Gillian.

"Don't you just want to eat their food? Must you live in a cell? " Ye Fan asked curiously.

"I want to go somewhere else, but I don't know the language of the merfolk. They think I'm an intruder, too.

Anyway, this cave is pretty good, it's just right next to the sea, after dinner, listen to the mermaid singing at the seaside, sleep quietly, how comfortable. "

Ye Fan was really impressed by this savage biologist, his life was really leisurely.

After crawling for nearly half an hour, the two of them finally came out of the burrow and emerged from a clump of grass.

This was a mountain slope with dark shadows. Ye Fan looked around and saw a sea in the distance. There were a lot of buildings on the beach.

Upon closer inspection, these buildings seemed to be giant shells, directly transforming them into buildings.

"That's the Fallen Dragon Tribe. You should have been caught by them near the beach over there. As for the friends you mentioned, I didn't even see them." Gerrin shrugged.

Ye Fan frowned. In his current state, if he went to the Dragon Clan, he would probably be treated as an 'escaped criminal'. If he couldn't find the person, then he would be gone.

Just as he was thinking about what he should do, he saw Gillian shouting in all directions, "Tuo Tuo! "Tuo Tuo …"

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from a patch of grass.

Soon after, a small round marmot with a round body came out!

"Haha!" "Tuo Tuo!"

Gillian lay down on the grass again and put her arms around the marmot, laughing stupidly.

"What is it? You miss me? I miss you too... It's just that a new friend came, so I didn't come out yesterday … "

Ye Fan touched his forehead, trying his best to blink, to make sure that he didn't see any illusions.

"Gillian, the friend you're talking about, family. The Groundhog family? "

"Dwarf!" Dwarf! Where did you hear this weird name? "And it's called Tuo Tuo. Although I gave it a name, it was very fond of it. I was planning to give it a name for all of its children …"

As he spoke, he said to the marmot, "Tuo Tuo, this person is called Ye Fan. Say hi to him!"

Tuo Tuo sniffed with his nose, ran in front of Ye Fan, and then clasped his hands in front of him, chirping a few times.

"Total said they would welcome you here, but unfortunately, they don't have any fruits to eat today. Next time, I'll treat you to some berries here," Gillen translated.

Ye Fan's face twitched, "You..." He really could follow the earth … "The Rat spoke?"

"Yeah, this is my unique skill. I can talk to a lot of small animals!" Gillian raised an eyebrow.

"You can talk to both the alligator and the alligator, but you can't talk to the alligator?!" Ye Fan felt a little dizzy.

"It's not the same. Although they're all living creatures, the merfolk have strong psychic powers. How could they be able to communicate with them so easily?"

Ye Fan was unable to say anything, and could only smile and wave to Tuo Tuo, then turned around and walked up the mountain.

"Ye Fan, where are you going?" "It's no joke to be found out by the merfolk," said Gillen.

"Don't worry …" I will observe the nearby situation. "Ye Fan planned to walk to the top of the mountain so that he could have a better understanding of his surroundings. Only then would he be able to think of his next plan.

Jiran didn't bother to care too much about it. He held onto Ta Ta and began to communicate with him cordially. As they chatted, he even took out his notebook, as if he was going to take notes.

Although Ye Fan was curious about this strange new 'fellow prisoner', at the moment, he didn't have the leisure to study his background.

Once they reached the peak, they stealthily looked around the stronghold of the Pu Zi Tribe. They carefully examined every nook and cranny in an attempt to find the traces of Xiao Jin, Tang Yuan, and the two maids …

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