Ye Fan looked at the two girls in front of him who each had their own strengths and weaknesses, and muttered to himself in his heart, 'These women really have meticulously thought things through.'

He wasn't stupid, and knew that the women were worried. He was afraid that if he was lonely, he might find another woman, so he intentionally found two of his own people to watch over her.

Ye Fan didn't care, since Qing He and Jie Long also had the strength of a Heavenly King, whether it was inside the ring or outside, it couldn't be considered a burden.

If he insisted on refusing, it would cause the women to become suspicious and think that he wanted to do something.

"Hubby, are you not satisfied? "Do you find the two too little?" Ning Xuemo mischievously asked.

Ye Fan hurriedly smiled and nodded, "Satisfied, satisfied. Of course I will accept the good intentions of the ladies."

Qing He and Jie Long were also overjoyed when they heard this. To them, being able to travel far away was something they yearned for even in their dreams.

Furthermore, they were here to accompany the Sword God on his journey.

"Originally, I wanted to send Mo Lan and Bamboo Peach over to keep you company, but I still need to leave behind two stewards for Hundred Flowers Hall.

"Just take it easy, the two of them should be more than enough to serve you." Ling Yuwei said with a faint smile.

Ye Fan didn't know what to say. He was originally going to do some serious business, but after being told by a few women, it seemed like he was going for a sightseeing trip.

If it wasn't for the fact that these women were busy, they would probably have to follow him on a trip to be at ease.

Despite the joke, the women were still reluctant to part if they really had to part again.

Ye Fan also didn't dare to look straight into their eyes, for fear that his heart would soften and stay for another two days, so he quickly flew in the direction of the Wilderness.

Looking at the sky where Ye Fan had disappeared into, Xiao Xin'er pouted and said, "How lucky for him. He even brought two personal maidservants with him when he went out."

"At least Qing He and Jie Long are our people. It's better than having him bring back a few unfamiliar girls from the Wilderness, right?" Ning Xuemo shook her head and sighed.

"That's right, Xin'er, do you really think he can resist from attacking the flower immortals from Blossom Valley? Isn't it just a matter of time? " Ling Yuwei said confidently.

Nian Ru said helplessly, "Why do you all want Darling so much? Isn't it just two personal maids? It's only natural for Darling to bring you along."

Ling Yu Wei couldn't help but extend her hands to hold up Xiang Ru's delicate face. "A-Jiao, how did you do that? How could you be so innocent at the age of several hundred?"

Xiang Ru's face couldn't help blushing, not knowing what to say. The girls at the side couldn't help but laugh, diluting the sentimental atmosphere.

On the other side, after Ye Fan had sent Qing He and Jie Long into the storage ring, they flew all the way.

Although the two flower fairies wanted to see the scenery along the way, but their flying speed was slow, and they would still delay the journey. Ye Fan could only let them understand a little.

They would wait until they arrived at the destination before thinking about letting them out.

Fortunately, Qing He and Jie Long were already used to being servants, and didn't complain at all. Moreover, just looking at the items in the ring was enough to make them excited.

Ye Fan didn't go directly to the Wilderness, but instead went first to the main city of the Xuanming clan, Beiming City, where the northern army resided.

After all, the Wilderness was incomparably vast, comparable to a great expedition.

Although the population count was less than one-third of that of the Great War, it was also because the tribes of the Wilderness roamed all over the place, making it difficult to produce true statistics.

To investigate blindly was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The caravan of the Flying Crane Trading Company would pass through Beiming City. In other words, as long as they followed the caravan's route and searched in the reverse direction, they would have a higher chance of finding the clues.

In addition, Ye Fan also had some other preparations to complete in Beiming City.

Beiming City was covered in snow all year round, and the city walls were a hundred feet high. They were like a huge black dragon, surrounding the huge city from inside.

After all, this was an important military place, so Ye Fan didn't want to risk arousing some attention. After landing early, he released the two flower immortals.

Because he was a cultivator, even the temperature below zero did not affect him.

"Wah!" "Is this the legendary snow?!" Zhang Qian could not help but exclaim when he saw the white goose feathers covering the sky.

Qing He also held the snowflake in her hands, an excited smile appearing on her cold and beautiful face.

"We have reached Beiming City, let's go in." Ye Fan turned his head and said with a smile.

Only then did the two girls suddenly remember that they were here to accompany the God of Swords' Sect Leader on his journey, and thus they quickly followed behind Ye Fan while restraining their excitement.

Even so, the two girls couldn't help but look around.

Gradually, he saw carriages, caravans, passersby, as well as all kinds of thick clothing and goods from the north. He had never seen anything like this before in the Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, which was as warm as spring.

Ye Fan discovered that although there was still a few miles of distance between him and Beiming City, there were already a large number of merchants on both sides of the road, setting up stalls and starting their business.

After all, this was the border region, and trade was flourishing.

Some of them, tall and big, dressed in animal skins, dark bronze, braided, with strange accents, were obviously not from the Great Conquest.

"Chaka! Cha Ka! Delicious Cha Ka! Fresh! "Tianzi!"

Smelling a thick sweet smell, Ye Fan couldn't help but look at a big man's stall.

When he went over to take a look, he found that it was a kind of cuisine.

"This is called Zha Ka? What is it made of? " Ye Fan asked.

"Right!" Cha Ka! It was made from the milk of Black Cove sheep on our grassland. It's very delicious! Would the guests like to try it? " The burly man with earrings laughed as he took out a plate of sliced food.

Ye Fan pinched a bit of it and tasted it himself, feeling that it was full of milk and oil, sweet to the point that it didn't smell bad at all.

When he turned around and saw Qing He and Jie Long swallowing their saliva and not daring to make a sound, he could not help but laugh, "You two should try it as well."

The moment the two girls were allowed, they hurriedly smiled and said, "Thank you, Mistress."

Before they left, they were told to go out and hide their cultivation. They couldn't call for the Sect Leader to prevent others from asking them about it, so they could call him "Master" or "Master".

It was obvious that the two girls were used to calling each other 'master'.

After tasting the two small pieces, the two girls' eyes lit up with happiness.

"Is it delicious?" Ye Fan asked.

"Mhmm!" Jie nodded vigorously.

"Mistress, is this the taste of milk?" Qing He seemed very surprised.

Ye Fan was speechless, thinking that was right. The Ten Thousand Flowers Valley was full of nectar, so where did the goat's milk come from? There had to be. And only …

As expected, most women still liked to eat sweet food. Ye Fan simply turned his head and asked the big man, "How are you selling it?"

"One check card for one coin!" Or two tugs! " The big man pointed at a price tag on the side.

Ye Fan was puzzled, "Tu Ge..." Savage currency? Are you from the Wilderness? "

"Yes, I am of the Argouna race!" The big man laughed.

"I didn't mean... Is the war going on with the Wilderness? Why are you doing business here? " Ye Fan was confused.

The big man sighed and smiled bitterly, "The ones fighting are soldiers. We are just commoners. We do business."

We went around Beiming City and climbed over the mountains to come here. We wanted to earn some money and buy some supplies to go back home.

However, we can't enter Beiming City. The city guards will beat us …

"We can only set up our stalls here. We're very pitiful here, so you should just buy some …"

Ye Fan suddenly came to a realization and thought about it carefully. This was such a long border, how could it all be sealed?

To bypass this and enter the great battle was actually not a problem.

The northern army mainly obstructed the cultivators, not the commoners.

Ye Fan took out ten coins and directly bought ten cards.

"Ouch!" Thank you for coming! Come back when you're free! " The big man lowered his head and bowed.

Ye Fan turned around and gave the two bags to the two maids, "Here, let's go eat."

The two girls were flattered and quickly waved their hands, "No way! "Master, you want to eat …"

"I bought it for you. You won't give it to me?" Ye Fan pretended to be unhappy.

When Qing He and Jie Qian heard this, they hurriedly and carefully took it. Their faces were filled with gratitude and joy. "Many thanks for the gift, master …"

The two sisters looked at each other and smiled before happily eating.

Ye Fan couldn't help but sigh. Even eating a piece of cheese would make him so happy. These women from the Ten Thousand Flowers Valley were indeed pitiful.

Just as he was about to take a few steps forward, he suddenly saw a few horned demonic beasts riding on horseback aggressively towards him!

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