Seeing several bodies in a spot next to his property, Lothur quickly used his visual ability to locate each person who was supposed to be there to watch him; they all passed out.

He used his medical knowledge to check the vital status of some of them, quickly concluding that these people would not wake up anytime soon.

With that, he wasted no time and soon collected the spatial rings from each of these people and observed the faces of all of them.

'Were these people here to spy on me?' He asked as he recognized some of his enemy family members in that location.

Since he could not eliminate any of these people, nor would it be interesting for him to do so, Lothur restricted himself to stealing the 15 individuals there.

Besides collecting the spatial rings from them, he left the bodies where they were. Then he returned from whence he had come, intending to stay away temporarily.

It would be good to eliminate opponents, but it was better not to attract any significant problems. But, at the same time, something or someone had knocked out all these people and the others he saw passed out in his neighborhood, so it would not be good for him to push his luck.

If he only stole, probably no one would suspect him, and he would be in profit. So Lothur quickly went back on his way, preparing to visit Elke.

He had made an appointment with this woman to go out and visit some alchemy stores in this city in search of the pills he wanted. Meanwhile, it was time for him to learn something about this profession to use it to his advantage.

Therefore, as he would not stay long at his residence, having come there to pick something up, he was soon walking through the streets of Peters City, heading for Elke.

But Lothur wasted no time and soon counted the gifts that someone had 'sent' to him from 'heaven.'

'Not bad. I got another million bronze coins and almost 500,000 silver coins...' He smiled as he saw that he had more than recouped his investment in that house in a matter of days living there.

'But the most important thing is those resources.' His smile became more exuberant. 'Armor, weapons of various kinds, techniques, pills, medicines, in short, there's a bit of everything here.'

Previously, rarely did an opponent Lothur looted after winning have items valuable to him other than coins. So, usually, he would sell such hard-earned resources.

But in this situation, those people's belongings were so valuable to him that this young man could not help but see the advantages of him keeping such resources.

Many of them could be helpful in his professions, and he could even learn new techniques!

Thus, Lothur could not help but be happy with the results of this early evening.

'I'll see what to do with these items later.' He thought about it when he finally saw Elke at the door of the Becker family estate, from where they would depart.

"Why are you smiling so much? Did something happen?" Elke smiled back at Lothur as she asked him this, the two already walking on one of the sidewalks on the way to the stores they would pass.

Lothur paid attention to that young woman who was already almost level 7 and began to explain the situation. "Today, when I went by the house to..."

"What? That happened?" She questioned him after hearing the whole situation Lothur found in the surroundings of his new home.

"Hmm, it happened. I was surprised too, but I took the opportunity." He laughed, imagining that this would pay for pills he might find on this walk with Elke.

"But that's too dangerous!" Elke said. "What are we going to do now? These people will blame you and try to cause trouble for you!"

"Then my situation is the same as before." Lothur commented, not the least bit concerned about such a thing.

The enemies were in the vicinity of that estate, probably to attack him in the future. So even if they found out what he did, nothing would change.

After all, was there any way his enemies' will to kill could get any stronger? What difference would it make to him?

On the other hand, Lothur had no idea how those individuals had ended up in the previous situation. But he was sure that such a thing had no relation to him since he could not do so.

That way, he was not worried and said. "Don't overthink about it. They will probably be more afraid to act than you are now, Elke. So, for now, I'm safe."


As Lothur talked with Elke and walked toward one of the local alchemy stores, what he was saying was actually coming true.

After Lothur left his property, minutes passed, and some of those spies fled from where they were, still afraid of the previous situation.

Because of this fear, those who first woke up left for their headquarters, not wanting to wait to see what the worst could be on that estate.

As they did so, some noticed that they had been looted, but no one was angry.

The enemies who had harmed them were so strong that each of them was quick to accept their losses, thanking heaven that their lives remained intact.

But some were so terrified that they soon left to find their leaders and report what had happened.


At the Waldauer estate...

"Patriarch, while we were watching that place, out of nowhere, two experts appeared. They faced each other, but we couldn't understand the situation or their level. Only their spirit collision was able to take us down." One of the Duke's family spies said in an agitated tone.

The Duke of the province heard this and found the situation strange, not thinking it possible that either of the two individuals in that place had been there for Lothur. But, at the same time, it was undeniable that few could bring down his subordinates so easily. Thus, this man could not help but worry.

He clenched his fists and thought about what to do, unwilling to risk offending someone stronger than him without understanding the situation properly.

"We will observe this place calmly, but we will refocus our actions against Lothur outside Peters City." He commented after a while. "I have heard that this young man constantly goes out to do missions for the academy before. So we will use one of those future opportunities."


On the other hand, the Baier patriarch was unhappy about this, extremely angry about yet another defeat.

"Damn you, Lothur!" He roared as he slammed one of his fists against the table in front of him.

"What will we do now, patriarch? It might be dangerous to attack that place..." One of that man's subordinates said.

"Never mind!" Alric's father commented. "We will act against that bastard one way or another! Then keep an eye on his damned house, and I'll plan how to handle this situation after that."

"Yes, patriarch!" The men there said simultaneously, a little afraid and worried but relieved that the patriarch was no longer impulsive and still willing to investigate.

But this man was truly frustrated, and if it were not for his fear of losing his own life, he would not have agreed to take that step back.

'Damn! Who could these people be in my way?'

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