Chapter 400: Ultimate Show-off

When Xi Chenxiao saw this, all he could think about was what he should do, how he should get treatment. Should he go to the hospital or have their private doctor at the manor treat him? Xi Chenxiao typed a reply,

“The patient isn’t me. It’s a friend of mine, male, in his twenties.”

The doctor’s face went blank when he read this. Wasn’t this person just toying with him? How could he not understand when he’s in his twenties? When he saw that there were many patients waiting in line, he did not want to continue arguing with Xi Chenxiao. So, he came up with a treatment plan,

“The treatment is very simple. Have your friend marry the girl and everything will be fine!”

When Xi Chenxiao saw this, he did not quite understand. How was this possible? He had already married Su Jin but his symptoms were still there. This treatment plan did not work at all. He quickly replied,

“Doctor, my friend has already married that girl. When they lie together at night, he’s always a little impulsive and always wants to kiss this girl. Moreover, whenever the girl was intimate with him, his heart will palpitate. Sometimes when it’s serious, his heart will beat really fast and loudly. Is my friend terminally ill?”

When the doctor on the other end saw this, he wanted to slap this person to death. This guy was too detestable. Did he purposely say that because he knew that the doctor was single? This was the ultimate show-off!

But the doctor was at work right now. If not for the fact that this guy was a VIP member, he would have ignored him long ago. If these questions were asked by free account users, he would have run after them with a 60-meter long machete, giving this idiot a 40m head start.

The doctor was furious as he stared at the chat box. He wished he could ignore Xi Chenxiao and move on to the next patient, just so he could avoid hearing more about this guy’s love life. He definitely didn’t want to be angered to death!

Xi Chenxiao waited for a long time, but the doctor did not answer. More nervousness and worry appeared on his face. If the doctor didn’t reply, did it mean that he really had an illness, and one that was incurable?

What would happen to Su Jin if he died? Wouldn’t she have no one to take care of her? When the time came, she might end up on the streets, and she would be bullied by many people. Xi Chenxiao panicked as he thought about this. He must not die. He must take good care of this girl, so he immediately typed,

“Doctor? Why aren’t you answering me?”

When the doctor saw Xi Chenxiao’s question, he ignored it completely. He did not want to continue answering this idiot’s questions. This person was just bored, so he deliberately came online to find trouble. Otherwise, why would he ask such idiotic questions?

Xi Chenxiao waited a while more but the doctor still did not answer. His expression turned cold. He was a VIP member who paid yet he was being ignored. He sent another message quickly,

“You, doctor, how could you not answer my questions? You’re being very irresponsible by neglecting your patient. I’ll file a complaint and request for a refund of my membership fees.”

The doctor, who had decided to ignore this person, couldn’t take it anymore when he read this. He’s being irresponsible? And he neglected the patient? It was ridiculous. It was the patient who was looking for trouble, so he replied,

“Let me tell you, even though I’ve been single for many years, I still have my pride. You’re f*cking showing off that you have a wife, and you are in love. If I continue to pay attention to you, I’m the crazy one!”

Xi Chenxiao was stunned when he saw this. When did he show off that he had a wife? When did he show off his love? It was a serious medical consultation! He replied innocently to the doctor,

“When did I show off? I’m seriously seeking medical advice!”

The doctor was even angrier when he saw this. Hadn’t this guy gone far enough? He was already dangling his lovey-dovey in front of him, short of stuffing him to death with it, and he’s still complaining? The doctor replied angrily,

“You are not sick, you moron! You f*cking came online in the middle of the night to show off your loving status, and now you want a refund?”

When Xi Chenxiao saw this, he naturally would not let the doctor off. It was clearly the doctor himself who had a problem. He ignored the patient and insisted that the patient was showing off, so he must give him a refund. He replied firmly,

“Firstly, I wasn’t showing off anything. I’m really here for medical consultation. Secondly, you’re being irresponsible by ignoring the patient. Of course, I want you to refund my membership fee right now!”

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