Chapter 389: This Is My Wife

When Grandma Xi saw that Xi Chenxiao had come, she was quite satisfied. Her grandson was still obedient. Even though he was unwilling on the phone, he was still here. She and Grandpa Xi still had the last say in the Xi family. She responded quickly,

“You are here. Sit there. Shangguan went to the bathroom. She’ll be back shortly, and then we’ll eat.”

Xi Chenxiao was unhappy when he heard this. He did not come here to eat, but to let them know that he was already married and had a wife. He pulled Su Jin in front of him and said coldly,

“This is my wife, Su Jin. Don’t try to set me up with Shangguan anymore.”

Su Jin was still checking out people curiously. When she heard Xi Chenxiao’s straightforward introduction, she blushed. It was her first time here, was it really okay to be so straightforward? She smiled shyly and mouthed her words silently,

“Hello, Grandpa.”

Grandpa Xi was stunned when he heard Xi Chenxiao’s words. Then, he looked at Su Jin and his eyes instantly turned cold. How could such a girl be worthy of his grandson? He asked Su Jin coldly,

“Which family’s young miss is this?”

Xi Chenxiao hugged Su Jin when he heard this, his eyes filled with love. This girl was his wife. He had come back today to tell them. He hugged Su Jin possessively as he replied,

“She’s not a young miss from any family. She’s the woman I love.”

When Grandpa Xi heard this, he laughed scornfully and looked at Su Jin mockingly. How could this girl be called a woman? She didn’t look that old, and she wasn’t from a noble family either. He said disdainfully,

“Woman? I’m afraid this girl isn’t even an adult yet, right?”

Xi Chenxiao looked at Su Jin’s baby face when he heard this. Even though she looked young, she was an adult. Furthermore, the two of them had already received their marriage certificate. He held Su Jin’s hand tightly and replied calmly,

“She’s an adult, and we’ve already received our marriage certificate.”

Grandpa Xi’s face froze when he heard this. His grandson had received a marriage certificate? Why didn’t he know about it? This brat actually dared to keep this from him? Did he think that his grandfather was dead? He said angrily,

“What? I didn’t even agree to it. You just got married so casually? Go and get a divorce now!”

Su Jin’s face darkened when she heard this. She had expected them to disagree, but she did not expect them to say it out loud in front of her. Wasn’t this a little too disrespectful? She did not say anything, yet they were already so dissatisfied?

Xi Chenxiao had no intention to back down when he heard this. Instead, he hugged Su Jin’s waist even tighter albeit with an emotionless face as he spoke coldly,

“I won’t get a divorce.”

Grandpa Xi was furious. No one in the entire Xi family dared to disobey him. Everyone in the Xi family would do as he said. He slammed the table angrily as he said,

“Since you’re not going to get a divorce, then I’ll make you lose your wife.”

Su Jin’s face was full of surprise when she heard this. She could not help but take two steps back. She remembered that when they got married, the devil had said that there was no divorce in their marriage. There was only loss of spouse. Could he have brought her here to behead her?

Xi Chenxiao was a little surprised when he saw Su Jin turn pale and took two steps back. This girl was usually a fearless person, why was she afraid today? He said coldly to Grandpa Xi,

“This is my wife; you can’t hurt her.”

Grandpa Xi was even more furious when he heard this. The spouses of Xi family sons must be ladies from noble families. She definitely could not be a nobody like this girl. He pointed at Xi Chenxiao’s nose and scolded,

“Who does she think she is? How could she be worthy of being your wife? Let me tell you, your wife can only be Shangguan. Shangguan and you were childhood sweethearts. Moreover, whether it’s family background or talent, Shangguan is extremely outstanding. Only Shangguan is worthy to be your wife, Madam Xi.”

Xi Chenxiao did not care about Shangguan’s family background or talent. He only cared about his wife. He brought Su Jin to the sofa at the side and sat down. He casually picked up an orange and placed it in Su Jin’s hand.

“My wife is also very outstanding.”

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