Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 514 - Punishment she has declared for herself.

Chapter 514 - Punishment she has declared for herself.

"Mr Feng, it was really nice to see you here. You know your advice is still a treasure that could be used in the longer run." A middle-aged man chimed as he accompanied Feng Yu Hao out of a conference hall. "No doubt your son has also been capable. He must have taken his lessons from you. I have heard that under his managerial guidance, the Feng Internationals has been prospering at even greater heights".

The old man Feng felt his c.h.e.s.t puffed out with some pride. He knew his son was a capable one out among everyone. And whenever he heard someone praising him, he would feel like they are praising his luck. "Haha … Feng Shufen has always been brilliant in his streams. Don't worry, your son would also soon catch up soon and get the grip of the market".

"Oh yes, yes, Mr Feng I can really hope for that. But you know these young generations are still all full of their own thoughts and enthusiasm, not everyone's nature to adapt in the environment is as fast as your son. Fathers like me could only hope that after them, their heirs could manage the company better", the middle-aged man said as he forced a helpless smile over his lips.

Feng Yu Hao smiled slightly as he turned around to pat the man's shoulders lightly, "Don't worry too much Mr Ling. Have some faith in your kid, he would definitely do better."

The man nodded with a forced smile. Then looking a little desperately, he said, "Yeah! But Mr Feng, can I request you for something?"?Feng Yu Hao's expression instantly went poker. Of course, he could guess what was coming along.

Before even the request could be presented forward, he shook his head and then said, "Mr Ling, after giving my responsibilities on the shoulders of my son, I am no longer getting involved in the company's stuff and even if I have a say there, I believe in the thoughts and decisions of Shufen, the best. Tell your son to work hard, and his hard work would definitely not go amiss. He would not need other's support to climb up the ladder"

Mr Ling's expression instantly went embarrassed but he could not help it. After all, not everyone's son could be like the Feng Shufen.

Feng Yu Hao did not wait for the man to say anything. He just turned around and left. But just when he was about to take a turn to the next corridor, the corner of his eyes caught a familiar silhouette of a woman at a distance, but by the time he turned to look at her clearly, it was just her well-shaped, fitted lean back on the show.

"Yuchun!" he murmured under his breath as his eyes kept waiting for her to shift or turn a little so that he could confirm the things his eyes had seen. Though he could see the woman talking and laughing with a man, he could not hear what was all that about. She seemed quite elegant and professional in her ways.

Could this really be the woman he was thinking of? Though elegance and professionalism have been one of the commendable features of the character of the woman, he was thinking about; but with the show of happiness, going at the front … he had doubts about that.

On the other side, Yun Yuchun, who was also at the same hotel, looked back inside the room where people were already celebrating the success. She has managed to get another deal for her company. It has been almost a decade now since she has started this culinary service company in Australia.

She has usually been cracking the deals in the same country her company was situated, keeping her work all domestic and not on the international line. She feared that if the name moved out her identity would again get on the surface, revealing to everyone that she was not dead but very much alive in this world.

But since she has been back to Chiboa and would not be returning to Australia anytime soon, she could only do this to keep the functions of her company going. After all, work has become the essence that has helped her in escaping from loneliness and she could not leave it behind.

"Mr Derek, I am happy that we will soon be working together. I am really sorry I have got some work later and would not be able to accompany you all to dinner. But on the day we sign the contract, the meal would be on me." She said to the man, who has come all the way to the exit to accompany her out.

"Ms Yun, we can understand. You might be busy. In future we will depend on you then", Mr Derek said politely, before exchanging a last handshake and then leaving back to reach the corner room, they had been all this time.

The woman also smiled and was about to turn to walk off when suddenly felt someone's gaze on her back. She would have turned to look who was there but that's when she heard someone calling from a distance. "Mr Feng!"

And that call itself was enough to let her know who could be the person standing behind. Her spine became a little stiff, while her expressions gave a vibe like she has been caught red-handedly for some crime.

Why was he here? Though she knew that the world was too small and people, who are once acquainted do meet repeatedly, still there was some meeting that people d.e.s.i.r.e to avoid. And to her, meeting this very person was the same.

Hiding her identity was not an option for her but a compulsion she has forced herself into, more like a punishment she has declared for herself. So, there was no way in which she would want to get caught here by him.

Keeping her thoughts and cautiousness in check, she turned just a little to find the man busy with the talk of the others. Taking this as an opportunity, she escaped. But little did she know that her plans were not so perfect to avoid the things she was planning to. When she thought she had escaped, the man's eyes had already caught her look all perfectly in both his mind and heart.

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