Chapter 505 - Double-edged sword.

Chen Rui's lips only curled with some disdain when heard the woman saying the most typical words, she has heard people saying since the traditional times. Her eyes stared at the girl at her front with warm love as she brought her hands to lightly pat her cheeks.

"Motherly love is not something out of the blood. If any child is capable enough to pull the heartstring of a woman to bring out the motherly care or love for himself then that lady can easily be the mother to that child. It's not about blood, but more about feelings and emotions. And for Xiao Xue, I feel the same" she mildly said but the impact it left was quite high.

Li Xue almost felt her eyes teared up at those words. She doesn't know what was so overwhelming about those words but feeling the warm touch on her cheeks … She assumed that to be a reason to make her heart feel that way.

Li Xue stared at the queen with a warm grateful smile, while Chen Rui turned around to look at the woman. Though earlier she has said that she has not known Liu Hua, that was just to humiliate her identity in a more dignified way. After all, stooping low at the level people like others was not the thing of the royals. They have got their own ways to do things.

"Furthermore, I especially think a mother like you has no standing to guide any other around," Chen Rui said, giving a blatant mocking smile at the lady.

"What do you mean?" Liu Hua's brows jutted together in a frown. Her eyes went to stare at Li Xue with some accusation to which the girl remained all silent, portraying a child who was innocent to the things going around. "You ungrateful girl, what are you rumouring about me around? You must be the one to say the things about me but didn't you say what type of shame you have been on our face? Have you pretended to be an innocent flower in front of Your Highness?"

Li Xue shrugged her shoulders in nonchalance as she said, "What's the use to say anything about a stranger, Madam Li? If I start doing that, won't I be all confused with so many strangers around? After all, I am not the one living alone in this populated world."

"You …"

Chen Rui was amused by the girl's words. Lowering her head a little, she pretended to hide her smile. And then lifted her head to say, "I am not the person to go for rumours. Furthermore, Xiao Xue doesn't need to say anything to me. Your motherly love is already well written everywhere in the news. One's understanding is what that is needed".

Saying her words halfway, she turned to Li Xue and continued, "After hearing about all that on the news from years ago, I can only pity this sweet child. It's right when people say, 'Jewels are only treasured when handed in trusted hands'. I really feel like Heaven has been unfair to our Xiao Xue in the past, for giving her in the hands of the people who cannot treasure her. But now in the present and future, I am sure she will be treasured all well among us. We will together make sure of it"

"Yes, I am sure of that Yo …" Li Xue started but paused. She was about to address the Queen in a formal greeting but when she saw the lady raising her brows at her, she smiled and quickly changed her words. "I am sure of that, Ma. With you and others around, I will definitely stay well and happy". She chimed gratefully.

"You …" Liu Hua's face darkened with anger but before she could say anything, Wen Sying standing at the side, stood for her.

"Your Highness, you are misunderstanding my Aunt. She is really a nice mother. It's just that Li Xue has caused some disgrace in the past that made my Aunt all so cold to her. Otherwise, being a mother, she has always been caring and loving".

Li Xue brows got tugged upwards in amus.e.m.e.nt. She really wanted to clap her hands for the show. Loving and caring for her? When? How come she does not remember even an ounce of it?

"And who are you?" Chen Rui asked. Though the Queen has often been involved in the management of various cultural traditions of Chiboa and has also kept the trending fashioners in mind, she was not sure of their names too much.

Wen Sying was instantly fl.u.s.tered. This was her first time getting introduced to the Queen and being known by her would definitely serve as an advantageous win to her career. So, she wanted to leave a good first impression on her. Smiling slightly with her words, she began, "My apology, Your Highness, I didn't get time to introduce myself. I'm Wen Sying. I have been the model in the …"

"Aren't you the one who falsely played the victim card here to accuse our Xiao Xue now?" The Queen instantly interrupted her before even the woman could reach her full stop.

Wen Sying instantly felt tongue-tied. She was a victim but there is no way, she could accept it on her own. "Your Highness, that … I …"

"Woman should hold some integrity in themselves. Otherwise, their beauty is of no use. No make-up will be able to hide the maliciousness they hold in their heart" Chen Qui said, totally being savage at the situation. Then tugging Li Xue with her hands, she said, "Xiao Xue, let's go. Though one should never ignore the knowledgeable stuff around. It's not necessary that all nonsensical words would have some knowledge in them to grab. Sometimes, it's preferable to ignore"

Li Xue wanted to laugh. The Queen was really a woman to learn from! A double-edged sword that knows to give both sweet and bitter injuries at the same time. It was really fun countering the enemies with her. She nodded and was about to leave but before they could Liu Hua came forward.

The royal guards around instantly ran in front to push the woman back, preventing her from getting near to their lady but the flick of Chen Rui's wrist stopped them in the middle. That action of her also very well let the woman at the front know her place.

Liu Hua gritted her teeth. "Y – Your Highness, I can understand that you find this girl good. But you cannot speak wrong to my daughter. Wen Sying is the best filial child any parent could have!" she said, forcing her tone to get all restrained and polite. Her eyes showed both agitation and envy. The power and name of the Queen is something, she has always d.e.s.i.r.ed but …

Her eyes went furiously to look at Li Xue, blaming her existence for everything. She was the cause of all her despair and suffering. If not for her then she would have not been this pitiful. She cursed in her heart, gazing viciously at the girl but her glares were soon snapped back to the original person when heard the string of cold words getting shot at her.

"As I said, gems are not identifiable by everyone. Only a jeweller knew its value. Now, if you have got enough insults, please excuse us. If not, then unwantedly, I would have to ask the help of my people in doing so" She said, snapping her fingers lightly in the air. And the men were all ready to drag the two women out.

That was ruthless! Truly ruthless! But it's not necessary to be all kind to everyone. Tic should always be treated with a tac.

Once Li Xue was left alone with the Queen, she quickly bowed in respect of the Queen. "Your Highness, I didn't get time to formally greet you. Thank you for helping me out today. I am really grateful to you" She said with a sincere grateful smile. But that smile did not remain on her lips when saw the woman pulling her lips in a straight line.

Did she do something wrong? She has been sufficiently polite …

"Umm did, I say something wrong, Your Highness?"

Chen Rui at once nodded. "Yes, you did. You changed your way of addressing me without feeling any bothered".

"Oh that, wasn't it in front of those two? How could I call you so informally?"

"Why am I not capable of being addressed as a mother? "

Li Xue instantly shook her head, "No, no, I didn't mean that. It's the other way. You are Queen and …"

"And your Godmother too, like I said. So, it doesn't matter. Call me the way you have called me before if you want to thank me", Chen Rui said firmly.

"But, Your Highness …" Li Xue swallowed her words halfway when saw the brown eyes of the woman show the glint of disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. "Ma! Are you sure, I can call you this way? I mean won't it be a problem"

The Queen smiled and then shook her head. "Do you not believe me?" She asked and Li Xue shook her head. How could she question the Queen's words? Furthermore, as far as she has known the Queen, she has found her a very ideal woman in every way. But what was confusing her of the thing was that … it was just their second meeting. Why was the Queen so warm and good to her?

Before she could even ponder more of it, suddenly a sharp rude voice from a distance paused her.

"Thief! You are nothing but a thief!"

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