Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Chapter 1049: It’s Not Illegal To Spank Your Wife

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Chapter 1049: It’s Not Illegal To Spank Your Wife

Dongfang Shuo’s comment made Luo Tian tremble.

Luo Tian turned to him and asked, “Big Brother Dongfang, you’ve heard about the Soul Poison?”

This was the main reason he came to the Ancient World.

He was thinking of Li Xue’er every single day.

Dongfang Shuo looked at Luo Tian’s nervous expression and replied, “I know a little bit about it, but how could the Soul Poison appear in your Tianxuan Continent? It’s theoretically impossible for it to appear there because this kind of poison is rarely seen, even in the Ancient World. As for the method of remedying it, barely anyone here knows.”

Dongfang Shuo felt this was very strange.

Luo Tian didn’t know much about the Soul Poison.

The only thing he knew was the Soul King put the poison on Li Xue’er.

How did he do it, or what did the poison look like? Luo Tian had no clue.

But no matter how hard it was to find the antidote, Luo Tian couldn’t give up.

Luo Tian asked with some excitement, “Do you know anything about it? I will find an antidote no matter how difficult the task is!”

Dongfang Shuo replied, “I know very little about it. When my father was still alive, he spoke about the Soul Poison with another person. I wasn’t really paying attention when they were chatting about it. The only thing I remember is that it is very difficult to remedy the poison.”

Luo Tian quickly asked, “Who was the other person?”

“Do you think he knows the formula to make the antidote?”

“Big Brother Dongfang, quickly tell me, please.”

Luo Tian finally had a glimpse of hope.

Luo Tian was like a headless fly in the Ancient World, scurrying around and searching everywhere. But he asked a lot of people, and they didn’t know the antidote to the Soul Poison. Most of them hadn’t even heard of the poison’s name before. 𝑓𝓻ℯ𝑒𝑤𝘦𝑏𝑛ℴ𝓋ℯ𝑙.𝘤𝓸𝓂

The Tianxuan Continent was an origin world.

Even though it was a lower level realm, it was still able to give birth to powerful treasures.

Dongfang Shuo then said, “I don’t know that person’s name. I just know that he’s from Misty Cloud Academy, and he’s an alchemist. His age was over fifty years old, and he only showed up in the Dongfang family once. This happened when I was a child, so I don’t know whether or not he’s still in the Misty Cloud Academy anymore.”

“Misty Cloud Academy?”

Luo Tian’s mind tightened before turning to Bai Qi, “When is the Misty Cloud Academy’s disciple selection going to start? I need to head there.”

He didn’t want to wait.

Luo Tian knew very well the only way to step foot into the Misty Cloud Academy was to become a student of theirs. Otherwise, he would be barred from entering the academy. In order to find that man, Luo Tian had to be strong enough to get in.

Bai Qi stuttered in surprise, “A, a, a, another three days before it starts.”

“Good! I will definitely become a student of the Misty Cloud Academy!” Luo Tian said with confidence.

Bai Qi laughed, “Hahaha… I believe in you! You will not let me down!”

As long as Luo Tian becomes a student of the Misty Cloud Academy, then the Bai family will truly have a foothold in Towering Cloud City, just like the Deng family. The other families can forget about having nefarious thoughts against his family then. Moreover, he truly believed Luo Tian could do it.

To be able to scare a peak Martial Void realm expert like Hai Yulong into imprinting a psychological shadow, Luo Tian had infinite potential!

For three days straight, Luo Tian stayed behind closed doors to cultivate.

He was leveling the proficiency of his skills and planning for various matters.

Yang Qi came by once during these three days. He came to say goodbye after knowing Luo Tian was going to the Misty Cloud Academy. He didn’t try to dissuade Luo Tian and just gave him the Undying Medal of the Undying Old Man. As long as he encounters devil sect disciples going after him, he can take out the medal, and they will not dare to make a move against him anymore.

Luo Tian tried rejecting it, but Yang Qi insisted that he accept it.

Luo Tian had no choice except to take it.

Just before Yang Qi left, he asked Luo Tian if he was the big green muscle guy.

Luo Tian nodded in acknowledgment.

Yang Qi left with an excited smile.

Luo Tian held onto the medal carved with a hideous-looking face on it. He could feel a cold aura coming from the medal, like an evil energy coming from the depths of hell. He didn’t think too much further and put it away in his spatial ring.

Three days later, Luo Tian left the courtyard.

Dongfang Shuo and Yao Hai followed behind him, “Luo Tian, you can definitely do it. Believe in yourself.”

Luo Tian replied with a smile, “I can definitely do it.”

When Luo Tian left, Dongfang Shuo exhaled and said, “After so many things happening, I can now say that I have seen the true face of the current Dongfang family. Since they have treated me like this, I won’t be Dongfang Shuo if I don’t show them what I’m capable of.”

“Big Brother Yao, let’s make some preparations before we head to the Misty Cloud City as well.”

“Let’s try to get to the Misty Cloud City before Luo Tian so we can celebrate with him there.”

Yao Hai smiled, “Let’s do it!”

During the time they were imprisoned in the Bai family, the two had formed a strong friendship.

Yao Hai didn’t have anywhere to go, so the two of them ended up grouping together.

After packing up their things, Dongfang Shuo and Yao Hai left the city in the direction of Misty Cloud City. Dongfang Shuo was thinking about one thing, which was the Power of Blood Spirit. The Misty Cloud City was the number one city in the Central Continent, and it had several large-scale auctions. There will surely be some high grade blood spirits available.

“Dongfang Xiong! You just wait until I come back!”

Luo Tian walked out of the Bai family.

Bai Lingling and Bai Xiong were waiting for him outside the Bai manor.

Upon seeing Luo Tian, Bai Xiong greeted him with a grin, “Master.”

Luo Tian replied with a smile, “Don’t call me master in the future. Just call me boss.”

The age difference between them wasn’t that large, so Luo Tian couldn’t handle the strangeness of being called master all the time.

Bai Lingling looked at Luo Tian in disdain, “Cheh~, what a scoundrel. You’re basically a gangster who likes others calling you boss.”

Luo Tian didn’t respond and just slapped Bai Lingling’s butt.



Luo Tian raised his voice, “What kind of attitude is that? Is your butt feeling itchy again? Why aren’t you calling me good big brother after seeing me? Did you forget what you promised me a few days ago? You have to call me good big brother for the rest of your life!”

Bai Lingling clenched her teeth in hatred and replied, “You dare to hit me?! You, you, you, smelly scoundrel, dare attack me?! Do you know where we are? This is the Bai family, my territory! You dare to smack me…”

Not letting her finish, Luo Tian slapped her butt again with unparalleled accuracy and said, “What’s wrong with me smacking you? Who’s going to do anything to me when I’m slapping my wife’s butt? Go get the Bai family to come out if you can. Is it against the law to slap my wife’s butt?”



Bai Lingling was so angry that smoke was coming out from her head. The two consecutive slaps on her butt were incredibly painful, but Luo Tian’s words made her both angry and happy. She was angry because Luo Tian smacked her butt in public and happy because Luo Tian called her his wife.

But there was more anger than joy.

Bai Lingling’s eyes flickered before shouting, “Other people are afraid of you, but I’m not afraid of you!”

Immediately after, her aura underwent a change.

Luo Tian was briefly stunned before saying, “Oh? Condensation Element realm?”


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