Immortality begins with Becoming an Alchemy Grandmaster

Chapter 124 - Chapter 124: Chapter 99 Qi Refinement Experience, Auction (Complete Tens of Thousands, Requesting Initial Subscription! )_3

Chapter 124: Chapter 99 Qi Refinement Experience, Auction (Complete Tens of Thousands, Requesting Initial Subscription! )_3

Translator: 549690339

After the meeting, Luo Chen sought out Mi Junping.

From her, he received five bottles of Qi Nurturing Pills, a box of Calming

Incense, and a dividend of seven hundred and fifty Spirit Stones.

At that moment, Mi Junping’s face did not look good.

Even when she was cultivating, she never enjoyed such treatment. Her father seemed to favor Luo Chen more than her, his actual daughter.

She even started to suspect if Luo Chen was her half-brother by the same father.

Luo Chen didn’t care about all this.

He had shed blood for the Broken Mountain Gang, and strained himself for Mi Shuhua. He deserved these rewards!

Blissfully stuffing the items into his storage bag, Luo Chen then turned to Gu Caiyi, bidding her to return to the Inner City for a major shopping spree. With a new month starting, they needed to purchase medicinal materials for the Nourishing Origin Liquid.

A box of Calming Incense would only last about twelve days, and he would have to spend his own money for a new purchase.

After purchasing everything, the wallet he had painstakingly built up deflated again.

He was only left with seven hundred Spirit Stones in savings.

But it was all worth it. He would need to put in extra effort to advance quickly on the path of cultivation.

Now that he had procured his resources, Luo Chen was very excited for the view from the Late Stage of Qi Refinement in a month!

In the open courtyard, a copper pot was set on the stove, bubbling in anticipation.

Today, Luo Chen was the host again.

Somehow, after Fu Xiuxiu’s departure, Luo Chen took over her role in fostering neighborhood unity.

Once a month, he would invite everyone for a meal to promote a harmonious relationship among the neighbors!

However, this time, everyone else also contributed some ingredients.

Qin Liangchen was the most generous, and directly brought over a large chunk of meat from a One-Horned Sheep.

This demonic beast was said to be different from the common green mountain sheep, possessing a volatile nature and formidable power.

The strength of this beast was determined by the horns on its head, a single-horned beast was a First Order, a two-horned beast was a Second Order.

When it grows four horns, it can become a genuine Emperor of Beasts Seven-horned Sheep.

Under Luo Chen’s skilled knife work, everyone enjoyed a warm sheep meat hotpot on this slightly chilly autumn night.

“The Great River District is really different now. Who dared to hunt the One-Horned Sheep before? It’s one of the powerful beings among the First Order demonic beasts.”

“Exactly, those few strong cultivators on the Sky Pride List, not only fight against human cultivators on the Dao Debate Platform but also often go into the mountains to train.”

“I can’t tell whether they long for immortality or simply like fighting.”

“Probably both, each has their reasons.”

In these casual conversations, Luo Chen also learned about some recent changes in the Great River District.

The Foundation Establishment Family progenies were the most famous ones on the Great River District’s Sky Pride List.

Their competitions involved not just their individual Dao, but also represented the prestige of their respective families.

If someone remained undefeated for a long time, their family could gain more fame, getting an advantage in business battles or territorial conflicts.

Luo Chen curiously asked about the follow-up news regarding the death of the Late Stage Foundation Establishment Cultivator from Ailao Mountain.

But no one could give an accurate answer.

Qin Liangchen and his wife said that the matter just fizzled out.

Gu Caiyi heard from some friends at the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion that the Golden Core Ascendant Master from Ailao Mountain returned to his sect in a rage.

Most believable yet absurd was Bai Mailing’s statement that the Supreme Elder of Ailao Mountain went to the Yu Ding Sword Sect to seek redress.

It is logical to seek redress from Yu Ding Sword Sect, but how could a mere Golden Core Sect like Ailao Mountain dare to provoke a Nascent Soul Great Sect?

Hence, Luo Chen did not get a definitive answer.

He didn’t concern himself either, after all, matters involving Foundation Establishment Golden Cores and even Nascent Soul Sects had nothing to do with his life.

During the casual chat, the door to the courtyard was pushed open.

A man with sword-like brows and eyes strode directly into the courtyard. Perhaps he had never seen such a scene of a sheep meat hotpot, he was rather hesitant for a moment.

Did he enter the wrong courtyard?

Wasn’t this a place where cultivators lived, instead of ordinary rural homes?

While others were undecided on how to start a conversation, Luo Chen had already stood up.

“Brother Duan, coming back so late!”

“Come, sit down to eat and get to know our neighbors!

Not just in words, Luo Chen even took action – he firmly pulled Duan Feng down to sit.

Duan Feng felt uncomfortable, as he usually spoke with cold words, sitting there like on pins and needles.

Under Luo Chen’s introduction, everyone got to know Duan Feng, who didn t keep to himself awkwardly, but simply told them about his family background.

“Try some of this mutton, it’s from a ‘One-horned Sheep’, Big Brother Qin specially bought it.”

“I know, because it’s the sheep I slaughtered.”


Everyone’s chopsticks stopped moving, while Duan Feng seemed unruffled.

“If it was bought from the western city butcher shop, then it should be the one

I slaughtered.”

Qin Liangchen nodded, indeed, he had bought it from the western city butcher shop.

The atmosphere turned cold for a moment, but quickly warmed up again under Luo Chen’s auspices.

“Brother Duan is quite strong, even able to kill a One-horned Sheep.

“I checked last time, you were ranked nineteenth on the Sky Pride List, you truly have impressive combat power!”

“Now I’m the fifteenth.”


Luo Chen stiffened momentarily before casually chatting with the others again.

Through several interactions, he finally figured it out.

This new neighbor named Duan Feng, only seems aloof on the surface.

In reality, he’s a good-hearted guy who just happens to have a cool exterior.

He says thank you without hesitation, doesn’t flat out reject others’ kindness, and after getting to know him he’ll even chat a bit, though he might be blunt at times.

Such a person is perfect for a friend.

Although they usually appear cool and detached, they wouldn’t hesitate to lend a helping hand at crucial moments.

Of course, you couldn’t really understand a person’s nature from just two or three exchanges.

Nevertheless, after eating for a while, Duan Feng felt a bit embarrassed about not contributing anything.

He went inside his house and came out with several raw eggs.

Even as he was closing the door, they all heard a rooster crowing.

“This is?” Qin Liangchen half-doubted and spit out a name, “Yang Wu Egg?”

Duan Feng hummed in acknowledgment and cleaned the eggs before throwing them into the pot.

Qin Liangchen and Murong Qinglian looked at each other and clicked their tongues.

“This is pretty valuable, it is said that it costs one Spirit Stone per egg, you’ve really gone all out.”

“It’s no big deal, that ‘Yang Wu’ Chicken was part of the inheritance my mother left me, and I can only eat one egg per day anyway.”

Duan Feng’s tone was ordinary, Luo Chen, however, looked incredulous.

That chicken isn’t a rooster?

It crows every morning!

How could my handsome rooster lay eggs?

Evaluating Duan Feng’s generosity, Luo Chen nonetheless gave his approval. The first time he attended a gathering, he didn’t bring anything.

Indeed, the honest people were always thin-skinned.

Later, while eating the Yang Wu Eggs, he felt even more delighted, these were eggs laid by his rooster.

The task of cleaning up after the meal was handled by Murong Qinglian and Feng Xia.

Gu Caiyi helped a bit and sighed as she looked over at the three men drinking and chatting.

“I initially thought that the tradition of courtyard gatherings would be lost after Xiu Xiu left.”

“Unexpectedly, Luo Chen continued it.

Murong Qinglian brushed her dangling hair behind her, and smiled softly. “That’s how little Luo is, he seems easygoing normally but is actually sensitive. He probably really likes the simple atmosphere in the courtyard and doesn’t want it to become like the Broken Mountain Gang where everything is about profit.”

Thinking back to the scene at the Bright Moon Hall guild meeting today, Gu Caiyi could only remain silent.

The interactions between cultivators were indeed too complex.

Benefits, power, cultivation resources, as well as various opportunities and so on; no one would willingly give them up, everyone was always fighting for every penny.

Therefore, these interactions would seem cold, naked and even ruthless. Compared to that, their courtyard, even though the neighbors hailed from all over, was much simpler and pure when they were together.

In the room, Luo Chen emerged from the brass stove.

He casually put on his clothes, and under his wet hair, his gaze was cold.

The cultivation environment at home was not as good as the Spirit Vein Cave in Crescent Valley.

Even with Nourishing Origin Liquid and Calming Incense, the progress of a night’s cultivation was nowhere near as good as in the cave.

“Looks like, I will have to find more excuses to stay on at the Pill Hall..’1

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