Episode 107.

“Okay, let’s go to the Grand Canyon.”

Soon after pushing his bike to a high altitude, invoking the option of transparency and slipping away with the rest area key, Soo Ah-rin squinted at the words that popped out of Jung Si-woo’s mouth.

“You’ve had hours of meetings and a battle with that super-massive monsters. Didn’t you say you were tired earlier, Oppa?”

“I’m definitely a little exhausted…but I want to take care of everything since I came all the way to America. It just happened to be an opportunity to finish everything.”

He was glad there was nothing left in the Grand Canyon, but what if there happened to be a pathway left to another world? Jung Si-woo thought there was no need to let others know that he could travel to other worlds.

“I wish I could take the others with me, but that’s impossible.”

“But the people left behind seemed quite upset. They look like they’ve been abandoned by their lover…”

“Why are you smiling like that?”

“It’s nothing.”

Jung Si-woo drove his bike, ignoring Soo Ah-rin, who was grinning unpleasantly. One thing that was unfortunate was that he had to hide this from Marina, so he couldn’t use the gate to Silicon Valley, which was close to the Grand Canyon.

“If you go at full speed…will it take about an hour and a half?”

Fortunately, the Phantom Bike was extremely fast. It was faster than sports cars, players, and jets. Jung Si-woo couldn’t feel it, but if there were someone who could see through the bike’s transparency, they would only see a blue line drawn in the air.

“Then shall I practice more of my combat charge skill? I felt when we were fighting that it was possible to synchronize our skills and rides. Thanks to that, the hammering speed was really fast earlier, right?”

“So fast I got motion sickness.”

“You sympathize with the combat-riding skills, and not with your own body…did you turn the Phantom Bike into an extension of your body?”

Yong Se-ha also had a serious look. Perhaps it was because he was a former assault soldier who was learning the skills of the sprinting team. Jung Si-woo nodded to him and continued.

“This is also the basis of a battle that deals with weapons. When you charge with a lance, you focus all your strength on the lance, right? I applied the same to the bike. It’s possible as long as you get the direction of the force to work with the bike.”

“I’m sorry, Hyeong-nim. I don’t know much about martial arts because I’m not well versed…”

“If you don’t know, you can learn. Well, I mean…”

Jung Si-woo thought about it for a while and then opened his mouth again.

“Start with the control of your body. Identify muscle movements and read the flow of mana. Instead of just focusing on the release of power, you are thinking about where to focus and spread it. Keep in mind that all human bodies are connected. The nerve and cells of the whole body affect when you move your fingers or even when your ears flap…”

What? Jung Si-woo tilted his head instead of explaining to Yong Se-ha. A great realization just passed through his mind.



He ignored Yong Se-ha and went back over his words. The body was organic, it was a living thing, so it was natural. Then, the nerves and cells of the whole body affect moving parts of the body…

‘Some, all…Ah.’

It was only then that he was able to restore his thoughts during his flight to New York. The error he was making so far was limiting the five senses to specific parts of his body. Smell with the nose, hearing with the ear, tasting with his tongue…his senses interacted and exchanged all the information, but the five senses that came from it were scattered and fixed, so could you call it normal?

Of course, in order to deeply feel the five senses, he had no choice but to create skills in this form, but he shouldn’t stop now. The creation of the five senses skill was nothing more than a process of creating a single skill.

“Now I know.”


A big smile formed on his lips. Only then that the five senses skills, which had been stuck in their respective areas, began to resonate with each other. But that wasn’t all. If he didn’t connect all five senses with the intuition skills that were shining deep in his heart, he couldn’t achieve true unity. And it wasn’t only possible with the realization of one’s own body, but also with the realization of mana, his skills, and harmony with the body.

“I’m sorry, Se-ha. I’ll explain it again.”

“Oh, okay.”

But not now. A fierce battle was needed to feel and resonate with the five senses more deeply. It wasn’t a battle with a monster who appeared and died so easily, but a battle that made it seem like his neck would fly away if he were careless. Jung Si-woo taught Yong Se-ha about the sense of battle while launching a Combat Charge, focusing on pushing the Phantom Bike faster. There was an overwhelming distance of thousands of kilometers from New York to the Grand Canyon, but Jung Si-woo managed to cross it in just an hour and seventeen minutes.

“If it weren’t for the player’s enhanced body, I wouldn’t have been able to stand it.”

“Let’s say that’s true. But anyway, I’m cold, Oppa…”

“Stay inside.”


Soo ah-rin was basically a supporter who treated or assisted him, so there was virtually no problem if she just stayed inside his arms. As her level rose rapidly, she could accept Mana from nature, and she was able to recover and grow. So now she was able to endure for a few hours outside as a human being, but she didn’t want to appear in her human form. It was her way of competing after much thought. But she didn’t know what the competition was yet.

“By the way…are you sure it’s here, Hyeong-nim?”

“I think the odds are pretty low if Setnak’s fragments had been sleeping all this time and just suddenly woke…it probably didn’t come from the Sky Castle or an Ant Cave, but from a connecting passage that even the dungeons couldn’t stop. The temple of Otaru was the same. I think there’s a chance.”

“Unstoppable connections…”

Yong Se-ha’s voice became a little dark. He recalled the appearance of the giant monster in New York that has never been seen in the Sky Castles. It must have come out through a new passage on the ground. The Sky Castle alone could no longer stop the invaders. And the Ant Cave couldn’t back them up. They began to aim directly at the earth’s surface. This was information that Jung Si-woo received when he was transferring his job to the breaker, so it was nothing new to him.

“But Hyeong-nim, the passage where the Luinos Lizard appeared is also…”

“That means there was no pathway left in New York. There were no signs of god left in him. Maybe it’s because of that.”

It was also the reason why it was easy to kill him compared to its huge size and level. The vitality and Mana of those who were protected by god were clearly different from those who weren’t.

“The traces of god…it doesn’t just depend on the level of mana, but the power of god to and from that passage determines the existence of the passage.”

“I don’t know that much. There are

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