I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 67: Spring Dorm Resident

Chapter 67: Spring Dorm Resident

"So, you are saying there are more intruders and they are already being knocked out by someone?" asked Antonio.

"Exactly, headmaster." replied one of the teachers.

"Hmph.. How dare they?! Do they think Royal Academy is their playing ground? I want a full search around the academy." Command the old headmaster.

"Right away, sir." replied the teacher in front of him.

Royal Academy is not only famous for being the number one academy among the human race but it is also a place where various kinds of strong people gather and become their employees.

Normally, this place is also a kind of powerhouse that nobody dares to mess with. After getting infiltrated for a second time, the headmaster truly angered.

As the headmaster of the royal academy, he feels insulted by this accident and will make the preparator pay. Fortunately, this time they successfully caught all the cloaked men.

They could gather some information about their origin and the way they could enter the academy unnoticed.

Although the headmaster already guessed there is a traitor among his employees, it will be difficult to search the other party as there are hundreds of employees working at this royal academy.

Besides if he pushed the other employee too much, some employees with high prestige like Balrug could feel dissatisfied and get out of the academy. If this happens, it will be the loss of the Royal Academy.

The Royal Academy is not only a place for students to study but also a place where some masters do their research and get funded. Some of this research may be personal and often not for public purpose.

For the headmaster, it will be like poking the bee nest if he somehow disturbs these masters. The headmaster is like to maintain some freedom policy.

As long as the employee is not doing something unethical and does something detrimental to Royal Academy, the headmaster will leave them alone with their research.

This is also one of the selling points for many famous and influential masters to work at the Royal Academy.

They could do their research without any distribution as long as they fulfil their obligation. Sometimes, they could also have a chance to get funded by the academy itself.

In terms of power, the Royal Academy is not less powerful than the royal palace if they didn't count the king himself. Of course that if all the employees are united together.

While the headmaster gathers intelligence from the cloaked man, the class tournament is stopped for the time being until further notice.

All the teacher is busy keeping and maintaining the safety of students in case there are more intruders.

Because of this, all the students are instructed to go inside their dorm. Since the students are from the same year, most of them are going together towards their dorm.

"Tch… All these intruders should just surrender themself and die." said Jayna haughty

"Yeah, especially we are on the winning side, isn't that right LOSER?" taunting Ian.

"What do you say to the commoner?" asked Jayna angrily

"I said that we could win the tournament since you are D-I-S-Q-U-A-L-I-F-I-E-D." mocked Ian towards Jayna.

"Get over here!!" as Jayna ready to [Fire Punch] Ian away.

Looking at the two kids' behaviour, "*Sigh* You two lovebirds should just find a spot?" said Angus casually.

"Lovebird? What did you mean by that?!" said Jayna and Ian.

"Isn't that right, Millie?" replied Angus

"E-Eh.. I-I am not sure." replied Millie as she was surprised by suddenly being called away.

"Angus, how many times I said don't casually talk to Millie!!" replied Mia as she tried to help her friend.

"Ehh.. But I just talk. Besides, Millie herself never complained about it. Right, Millie?" said Angus.

"Eh.. Eh.. Yeah, I think it's okay." replied Millie.

"Millie!! *Sigh* You are too kind. I already said many times before, Angus is a bad influence for you." said Mia.

"M-Mia.. That's rude. Although Angus is a kinda lazy bum, you should not say that in front of him directly." rebuked Millie.

'Err.. You just say that I am a lazy bum yourself.' thought Angus while feeling being stabbed in his heart.

While Angus is chatting by himself, Jayna and Ian feel being ignored. But, before long they once again had an argument one with the others. Meanwhile, Axel could only stay silent in the background as he is feeling being ignored by everyone.

'Why nobody talks to me? Did I also join the talk with them? But, what should I talk about? Even Angus, that lazy bum could easily talk with our Angel, Millie.' thought Axel while he is getting more depressed.

Over the past two years, everyone in the dorm already realized the character of their dorm mate. First is Ian, a muscle head that likes to challenge everyone including some upperclassmen. He is ranked second among the third year of Royal Academy.

Then, Jayna is the fourth princess of the Heart kingdom. She is a spoiled princess with a bad temperament. Even after learning [Heart of Perseverance], she is still somewhat moody and will beat anyone that in her way except for Angus.

Next is Millie who is hailed as Angel among the other students in Angus's year. She has a kind and caring temperament. Combined with her cute appearance, she is a perfect model of good girlfriend material. Some of the upperclassmen are even attracted by her.

Fortunately, they still have a sane mind to not disturb the Spring Dorm as Jayna stays in there.

Mia is Millie's childhood friend that is always together with her. She is the last defence of Millie from the evil mind of some lustful boys in puberty. She also likes to act like the mother of Millie, since Millie herself is kind of an airhead.

Next is Axel, a wealthy son of a famous merchant. He is quite smart and stronger than other normal students but compared to other people in his dorm. His achievement is somewhat lacking.

Finally Angus Victory, the famous lazy student throughout the Royal Academy. If it is not because he is the son of Duke Victory, he is already getting bullied by a lot of students.

However, despite his lazy nature, no one could expect that he is also one of the busiest students that fill all his schedule with many courses. He is also famous for being weak since his practical test always scored below average almost not getting passed.

Only a few people know about his true strength. Not even his brother Vergil knows his full capabilities.

After chatting for a while, they finally arrive at the Spring Dorm safely. Even though they are walking casually towards the Spring Dorm, there are few teachers hidden in the surrounding area protecting them.

None of the students notices this except for Angus. But, he also didn't care about it since he didn't feel any ill intent from the surrounding teacher.

Since the one class tournament that is being targeted is Jayna. The headmaster speculated that their target is Jayna again after the previous assault from two years ago failed.

After entering the dorm safely, everyone immediately rests in their room. It's because they already reach the age to form their mana core.

For untrained people, the ideal age to form a mana core naturally is 13 to 15. For trained people like students in the Royal Academy, it could start early when they reach the age of 10.

Forming mana core is an arduous task yet also easy according to one talent. Some could easily form, but some need years to form it. Either way, there is no difference be it forming it naturally or not except the time they form it.

At the age of ten, trained children could try to form their mana core by meditation and controlling their mana inside the body into one point.

Normally, people could not control mana precisely unless they have mana control. The only reason Angus has superb control over his mana is that he usually controls chi who is more volatile and aggressive than mana.

For Angus controlling mana using his years of experience is like riding a normal car despite having the capability to drive an F1 car.

There are various ways to form mana but most of them are kept secret since it is kind of important. Some of these techniques could form mana core faster than others.

The Royal Academy also teaches a standard way to form mana to each of their students. But, most of the students already have their special technique to forming their mana core.

As for Angus, he wants to form his mana core since his mana is stagnant from two years ago but he is also intrigued by the technique of forming mana core that his father will teach him.

A few weeks ago, his father was already back from Roundel city. Because of the long and dangerous mission, the duke got a few weeks of time off. He told Angus to be ready to be taught by his father during the next break.

Entering his room, Angus immediately flares up his mana to the maximum [Great Mana Echolocation].

"Hmm… Time to catch a rat."

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