Chapter 60: Artifact

"N-O W-A-Y!!" said Angus at a slow pace in mocking expression.

"You ungrateful brat!!" as Balrug took his hammer and was ready to smack Angus.

"Wait… Boss." while Bail hold Balrug

"Don't hold me back, Bail. I need to teach this ungrateful brat a lesson." said Balrug furiously.

Looking at the situation, "Brother, stop being stubborn and lend master Balrug some money." as Vergil tried to persuade Angus's mind before the situation escalated.

"Tch… fine. But, on one condition." said Angus like he was losing in this matter.

"What is it?" asked Balrug grumpily.

"Simple, just build me a new weapon from this Manatium ore." said Angus calmly

"Haa.. In your dream." replied Balrug immediately.

"Then, I will not lend you any money." counter Angus.

During this time the announcer kept the auction continuing, "15000 gold coins once… "

"Damn… Fine, you win this time, brat." said Balrug before pushing the bid button.

"Eighteen thousand gold coins." bid Balrug.

"Oi.. Old man, I can only lend you ten thousand gold coins. Don't go overboard." said Angus.

"Yeah-Yeah… I know it. Just shut up." grumble Balrug.

"Eighteen thousand gold coins. Is there anyone who wants to bid higher than this?" entice the announcer.

"Tch… twenty thousand gold coins." said the from one of the VVIP rooms.

"Twenty-one thousand gold coins." replied Balrug immediately as trying to provoke the other party.

Meanwhile at the other room VVIP room, "Tch… Twenty…"

However before the man could push the bid button, "Hold on.. Brother. We still need the money for buying that item." said the girl beside him.

After thinking for a while, "Tch.. Fine." as he released his hand from the bidding button.

Looking at this the girl beside him released a sigh. Then, she looks at the VVIP room direction that just won the Manatium.

'That's the same room as the kid that bought the mysterious box before. I don't know why but the kid's voice sounds familiar.' thought the girl.

While the man beside him, "Darius, are you sure that an artifact will be auctioned here?" asked the man towards the old butler behind him.

"Yes, I am certain of it, the third prince. an item such as an artifact will become the last item to be auctioned. This is also the reason why not a lot of people fight over this huge Manatium ore." said the old butler politely.

"Since that is the case, I will just let them win over this Manatium ore." said the man.

"Twenty-one thousand once… Twice… Sold." said the announcer.

Although he is kind of regretful since usually Manatium such as this sold over twenty thousand gold coins or even reached thirty thousand gold coins but nobody bid for it anymore.

So, he could only concede and close the bidding time this time. Besides, the next item is the main event where everyone is waiting for.

"Alright, everyone. Now, is the final item. It is last but not least. This item is found in the Olven Mountain ancient ruin." as a staff member, bring a tray with a blanket over it.

Everyone immediately looked at the tray that was covered with a blanket.

After gathering everyone's attention, "Everyone looks at the one and only. The newly found artifact." as the announcer took the blanket and showed a short spear on it.

The moment the spear is uncovered by the blanket, it releases a powerful majestic aura towards the surroundings. Feeling the aura, everyone feels like being suppressed by it.

"Woahh… what an aura." [The Audience]

"A-A real artifact!!" [The Audience]

"Such a strong aura. So, this is the artifact" said the third prince inside the VVIP room.

'This artifact… is not ordinary.' thought Darius silently.

"Woaahh… Brother, this artifact you must get it." exclaimed the girl.

"Don't worry my little sister, I will get it with all the money I brought."

On the other hand, at Angus's VVIP room. Everyone was also surprised by the artifact's appearance.

"Woahh.. Brother, look that's an artifact. *Sigh* Unfortunately, we didn't bring a lot of money this time." said Vergil

"What an aura… So, this is an untamed artifact's aura." commented Balrug after finishing his transaction.

"What do you mean by untamed artifact?" asked Angus curiously.

"Most of the artifact has a sentient spirit on it. Because of this reason, you need to tame it first before you can use all of its capability. This is also one of the reasons why all of the people that have artifacts are strong people with high grades." explained Balrug.

"But, this is the first time I feel such a strong aura from an artifact. Moreover, it is also in a sealed state. Who knows what kind of aura it produces if it's unsealed." added Balrug.

"Huhh… It's in a sealed state? what a strong artifact?!" exclaimed Vergil.

Meanwhile, Angus only looks silently at the artifact, 'This spear… is thirsty like a desert. It will dry everything. No.. It will consume everything. What a troublesome spear.' Thought Angus silently.

As a natural weapon master, Angus could somewhat guess the nature of the weapon just from one look. Now, he feels that the artifact is drying like a desert that will dry everything.

"Alright everyone, let's not waste any more time and start the auction. The starting bid price is ten thousand gold coins with each increment 1000." as the announcer starts the auction.

"10000… 11000… 15000… 20000… 25000... " as the price keeps increasing at a fast rate.

"50000 gold coins." as the third prince bidding the price.

"Woaahh.. it's 50000. How much money is that?" [The Audience]

"It's probably all the money that I will gather for my entire life." [The Audience]

"60000 gold coins." bid the orc in the VVIP room.

"70000 gold coins." counter the third prince immediately.

"Urgg… 80000 gold coins." Bidded the orc.

"Tch… One hundred thousand gold coins." Counter the prince.

"Arrgg… *Blam*" a ruckus heard from the orc room.

"120000… Gold coins." said another person from the VVIP box.

"Woahh… It's over 1000000" [The Audience]

"Tch… Sister, how much money do you bring now? lend me your money." asked the third prince towards his sister.

"I only bring around 30000 gold coins now." said the princess.

"Good, lend me all of them. 130000 gold coins." as the third prince pressed the bid button immediately.

"Does anyone want to bid higher than 130000?" said the announcer while the third prince looks at the stage anxiously.

But, after a while. None of them try to bid for it. "130000 once… Second… Sold." as the announcer closes the auction.

"Fiuuhh… Luckily, I didn't bid for Manatium ore before. Otherwise, I don't have any money to buy this artifact." said the third prince

"Yeah… You need to treat me later for it, Brother." comment the princess.

"Alright, my little sister. Later, I will treat you. Now, let's go and retrieve the artifact." as the prince went outside the room towards the backstage area.

"Hey, we could just wait here." said the princess but her brother was already gone.

Meanwhile in Angus's VVIP room, "130000 gold coins. That's an enormous amount of money even for our family. To think of an artifact sold for that kind of price" comment Vergil.

"Yeah… But, I don't think it is worth it. That spear is… Well, forget it. It's not our matter anymore. Let's go home Vergil." said Angus while back to his usual apathetic attitude.

"Ahh.. Yes.. Let's go." said Vergil as he followed his brother.

"Alright, old man. Don't forget your promise and debt. see ya at the academy." said Angus while walking out the room without waiting for Balrug reply.

"Damn brat…" shout Balrug but Angus is already outside the room.

After exiting the Golden Trade's Auction hall, they found that it's already evening. Many magical lamps in the street already lit up and brighten the street. They also found their carriage already in front of them waiting for them.

Fortunately for the two brothers, one of their guards brings the carriage over so they don't need to walk towards the carriage location.

Inside the carriage, "Today is really fun. We should tour around the capital more often." said Vergil.

"Yeah, you are right." replied Angus absent-minded.

Looking at his brother's short reply, "Is something wrong, Brother?"

"Nahh… I just feel that the artifact buyer is truly unlucky." said Angus.

"Ehh.. what do you mean by that?" asked Vergil.

During this time, the carriage stops at the Victory townhouse manor. Since the distance between the townhouse and the auction hall is not too far, they could arrive quickly.

Moreover, the carriage they use is a special carriage that is powered by a magical engine. This way the carriage is moved faster and could carry more load than an ordinary horse carriage.

"It's nothing important. Ahh.. we have already arrived. Let's get inside. I am quite hungry and tired." said Angus

"Yeah… me too." replied Vergil.

During his way, Vergil finally remembers something, "Wait, brother…" said Vergil.

Suddenly, Vergil feels an ominous aura behind him. Angus also noticed this but he pretended to not notice it and keep walking to the inside manor.

"Vergil, I think you need to explain something" said the person behind Vergil.

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