Chapter 45: Alchemy

As soon as the history class is done, Angus immediately goes outside towards the cafeteria afraid it will become too crowded.

However, in the middle of his way, Princess Jayna approached him. Without wasting any moment, the princess approached and launched an attack towards Angus.

Still calm like a water without ripple, Angus dodge the attack by a hair breath and make it look like he 'accidently' dodge the attack by luck.

Anticipating this, the princess gathers her mana and is ready to do some follow up attack. Before she could launch another attack, her hand was grabbed by someone. She stopped her attack while looking for the perpetrator.

"Ms. Heart, although the school didn't forbid students to fight one with each other, it didn't mean you could start a fight anytime you want. Besides, do you perhaps forget your promise to not involve in any kind of fight for the time being?" glare teacher Elis.

"Eh.. But.. It's Angus's fault. He is the one..." as Princess Jayna tries to justify her action.

During this time a loud shout hears through the crowded people, "Finally found you, Brat."

Hearing the familiar sound, Angus immediately has a bad premonition. Using the confusion of the others, Angus blends in with the student crowd and escapes. Then, a dwarf came out and searched for Angus only to find the person himself already gone.

"Tch… Where is that slippery brat?!!" As the dwarf frantically searches Angus without giving the others any explanation.

Meanwhile, the others who saw this incident finally also realize that Angus has already gone from his spot.

Looking at Angus already gone during the commotion, "Tch.. once again he is gone like that." said the princess that somehow already adapted to Angus's behaviour.

Before the break, Angus often dodge her approach and always 'disappear' like thin air before appearing when she gives up to search for him more.

After that she is being lectured by teacher Elis for a while before being let go. As for Angus himself, he has already managed to escape successfully from Bail and arrive at the canteen area.

While eating his lunch, He just realized and remembered that the crazy old dwarf ordered him to come to his smith early in the morning. But, Angus forgot about it and he also has a class in the morning.

'Since I am already late, there is no difference if I come or not. Besides, I also have an alchemy course in the afternoon.'

After his hearty meal, Angus goes towards his alchemy class ignoring his problem with the crazy old dwarf.

Like the smithing course, the alchemy course also receives a huge amount of demand on their product. But, the demand is on another scale. Alchemy is a job that needs a lot of research, knowledge, calculation, resources, etc.

Compared to smithing, the amount of resources and manpower quality is like earth and sky with Alchemy as sky and Smithing as earth.

Because of this, not many people could become alchemists. The only place that has a vast knowledge and resources usually is an institutional place like the Heart Royal Academy.

Since it is the top academy in the human race, the amount of order they receive is also many times higher than other academies.

Unfortunately, Angus is still a beginner in learning alchemy. During the beginner pace, the student is forbidden to create a product. They need to focus more on theoretical knowledge.

Alchemy in this world is almost the same as chemistry on earth. But, they use mana in their production technique rather than just combine elements under certain conditions.

The product of alchemy itself is variety but the most in demand is usually potions. A unique liquid with many kinds of use. It is often used as a sort of drug be it for healing purposes or enhancement for a certain period of time.

Before making a potion, Alchemists need to have a vast knowledge of its ingredients. Not only that, they also need to learn some calculation about the chemistry itself.

The production method of alchemy is a very complicated yet fragile process with almost zero tolerance of mistakes.

Although with the help of high tech machines and runes they could easily mass produce the potion, but to get a better product, it is still better to get crafted by personal hand.

Handmade potion and mass product potion are different depending on the one that creates it. It is almost the same as noodles made from the machine and noodles made from the master noodle chef.

The latter may have better quality but low in quantity while the prior could produce in more quantity with standard quality.

Using this same principle, unless it is a product from a master of alchemist, people usually choose to buy the mass product of potion.

Because of this, master alchemist in this world is regarded as a high status job with rich pay. Still not everyone could become a master alchemist, since the job itself requires a lot of resources and vast amounts of time to practice.

As for Angus he chose this particular course because he knows the importance of alchemy. Hell, even his dismissal in his previous life is because of poison which by product of alchemy itself.

Many people underestimate the poison in this world since people could cleanse it easily using their mana.

However, Angus believes if people in this world get the same poison like he did in the past life, he speculated that none of them could live for a second later.

Maybe the fifth grade or above people could survive but that's also uncertain. This shows how terrifying alchemy can be.

It will be a fool if he didn't use his time to try learning this subject after his hard lesson in his previous life. Moreover, he also has all the resources along with the time to study this subject carefully.

Along with the help of his enhanced intelligence, he could do all the complicated equations that the teacher gave.

Different from the smithing course, he didn't get a chance to do some practical things since everyone only thought him as a kid despite his high intelligence. But, they allowed me to borrow some books for my further studies from the alchemy course personal library.

This kind of habit is normal for others to see since Angus himself got a nickname as 'untouchable scholar'.

After the course hour is passed and returns the book he borrowed, Angus walks back to his dorm to end his day.

He noticed that in the entrance of his dorm there are two people standing waiting for him. One is the princess Jayna and the others is the dwarf named Bail.

Noticing two of them, Angus prepares to escape like usual. But, he underestimated the perception of the third grade dwarf himself.

Before he could move a single step, "Caught you!! Brat, did you know how much trouble I get just to find you?!!" said Bail while releasing his mana.

Being caught easily, Angus immediately surrendered his way to fight back.

'Haa… it's better to follow him and get done with it.' thought Angus while being dragged away with Bail's strong arm.

As for the princess who is being ignored, she could only grumble looking at this. Especially after she realizes that she is waiting all day for Angus like a good girl but in the end he is being snatched by someone else.

"Grr… Angus, just you wait!!" grumble the princess

Soon, Both of them are arriving into the empty smithing area. The worker and student that worked here during the day already leave at this time.

In the middle of the smithing area, Balrug was already waiting for both of them. Looking at Angus, Balrug immediately attacked Angus furiously.

Because of the distance, Angus managed to react quickly and dodge the incoming sledge hammer attack. The hammer soon clashes towards the ground and makes the ground crack.

Using the hammer momentum, he redirects the force and manipulates it [Yin - Yang Balancing]. Manipulating the force, Angus managed to grab the hammer and slapped Balrug's hand.

He also launched a counter attack by kicking the old dwarf that seems like a dozen of kicks at once [Dynamic Torrent]. Left with no choice, the old dwarf could only defend with his hand and release his hammer.

Then, Angus managed to seize Balrug's sledge hammer. "Fiuhh… What a good hammer you got here." said Angus causally.

"Brat, Give me back my hammer!!" as the dwarf launched towards Angus again.

But, during this time Angus suddenly lifted the hammer. He bash it towards the ground using all strength and create a shockwave towards the surrounding [Hammer Art - Thunderclap]. The smithing area was immediately damaged by it.

Balrug launched backward because of this sudden shockwave. He was surprised that Angus could lift up his heavy weighted hammer and use it to create a huge shockwave attack.

"So, Old man. Ready to talk or you want another round. Because I can do this all day." As Angus smiles evilly.

Looking at the surrounding destruction, the old dwarf finally gives up to beat up the kid. He knows that by using his own hammer, Angus could create more destruction towards the surrounding.

"Alright, kid you win this time. Now, follow me to the inner room." said the old dwarf, not wanting to waste any more time.

"Huh.. Why should I?" replied Angus nonchalantly.

"Why?!! Of course to start your training!" [Balrug]

"I see… But, no thank you. Besides, I never agreed to become your student in the first place." said Angus.

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