I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 190: Unbreakable Shield

Chapter 190: Unbreakable Shield

"Don't be cocky, kid!!" yelled Rendy as he brandished his fire sword widely.

Before the fire sword swung, Angus already retreated a few meters back, leaving the range of Rendy's sword. He also shoots more Firebolt during this time to Rendy's body. *Bum* *Bum*

"Urgh.." as Rendy staggered back.

Rendy pulled another scroll from his space storage, "Take this!! [3rd Circle - Fire Blast]."

The same huge Fireball is coming rapidly at Angus. Angus feels dread at this time since his mind is still exhausted and can't cast Earth Wall fast enough to protect him. His escape was also cut short by the surge of fire.

'Guess this is my limit.' thought Angus as he planned to use his rune magic card.

Suddenly, Angus remembered something in this split second.

"When you are in your limit, belief, have faith, it will protect you. Make you invincible among others." said one of the Ancient Kings inside the chamber.

"Yes, there is that!! [Ancient Power - Unbreakable Shield]" yelled Angus.

Suddenly, a solid silvery white shield appeared in front of Angus. *BAMM* the Fire Blast and [Unbreakable Shield] clashed one with the others. After the dust settles down, a strong shield hovers in the air in front of Angus without any damage.

[Unbreakable Shield] one of the ancient powers Angus and Jayna get from the Ancient King of Devotion or also called Queen of Faith. This is an ancient power based on faith, belief, willpower. As long as there is unwavering faith, the user will be invincible.

If [Hellfire] is called the ultimate weapon power, [Unbreakable Shield] is the ultimate defense power. A power that protects the user as long as there is an unwavering belief.

According to the Ancient King, this power is a strong yet fragile power. As long as there is unwavering belief, it will become an indestructible shield. But, with a bit of wavering belief, the shield will crumble like a sandcastle.

However, looking at the silvery-white shield that managed to withstand the Fire Blast, Angus couldn't help but be proud of this ancient power.

At this time, Rendy couldn't help but be surprised that Angus managed to defend his last trump card. Then, the silvery-white shield begins to diminish completely. As the shield is gone, Angus gathers the leftover fire mana from the Fireblast in the air into his finger.

Normally, he needs a high degree of fire mastery to do this. However, he also received an Ancient Power [Hellfire] from the Firelord. [Hellfire] not only could raise the temperature of Fire skill, but it also controlled the fire mana in the air to a certain degree.

Usually, this kind of ability is rare and hard to achieve since it needs very high attainment in fire mastery. Even in the whole Heart Kingdom, where most people have fire affinity, only Duke Jacob Victory, the fire dragon duke, managed to do this feat.

Of course, compared to his father's [Firecast], Angus's current control over fire mana still lacks even with the help of [Hellfire]. But, it is still enough for his current situation.

Looking at the concentrated fire mana in Angus's fingertip, Rendy feels a dreadful feeling about it and immediately charges towards Angus.

Rendy appeared in front of Angus and brandished his sword, "Got you." said Angus with a smirk.

Before the sword touched Angus, A silvery-white shield appeared in the air and blocked Rendy's sword [Unbreakable Shield]. *Clang* Because of the strong momentum and Rendy's powerful charge, the clash creates a strong wave towards the surrounding area.

Still, the shield managed to defend Angus while he was still gathering more fire mana and overcharged his spell. Facing the strong shield, Rendy begins to put more strength into his sword.

Suddenly, the shield disappears out of thin air, and Rendy loses his balance forward. In this split second, Angus already sidestepped, dodging Rendy's sword while keeping the spell on his finger.

Using Rendy's lack of control of his body, Angus pointed his finger to Rendy's head and released his overcharged spell [1st Circle - Overcharged Firebolt]. *Piuuu* *Splash* The fire concentrated Firebolt shot towards Rendy's head at point-blank range.

At the last second, Rendy managed to cover his head with strong [Fire Armor]. But, it still didn't even last a second against Angus's strong overcharge Firebolt.

It managed to completely obliterate Rendy's head and keep flying until it hit the arena barrier. Because of its strong force, the arena barrier even has a minor crack.

Looking at Rendy's headless body and strong firebolt, the silent audience couldn't help but surprise and start cheering loudly.

"Damn, can that even be called a Firebolt anymore?"

"Yeah, it's more like a strong high circle spell."

"What an absurd attack is that?"

"Did that kid gather the fire mana from the air?"

"What's with that shield? It managed to block strong [Fireblast]."

Various comments erupted from the audience as they witnessed Angus's prowess. Compared to all the previous fights, this is the most exciting fight and shows Angus's true capability.

As for the hidden hired mercenary, they couldn't help but feel fear at Agnus. Fourteen grade three combatants died under Angus's hand even one of their prominent experts died. Now, they didn't know if they should keep challenging Angus or not.

At this time, with a ragged breath, Angus said, "Huft.. Huft.. Alright, Who's next?!!"

Hearing that Angus still wanted to continue the fight, the audience couldn't help but cheer for him.

"Untouchable!! Untouchable!! Untouchable!!" as the audience said Angus's title.

Looking at Angus's rough breath, the hired mercenary couldn't help but feel that they still have a chance. Soon, they decide to send another man to challenge Angus.

After Agnus completes the procedure before the fight, he suddenly takes out a few vials of potion bottles and drinks them without hesitation before coming to the arena.

Looking at this, the hired mercenary finally realized their blunder. All this time, Angus never takes a potion even once. So, once he takes the potion, it will completely recover his strength and stamina. They feel tricked by the kid in front of them.

"Alright, Let's start the fight." said Angus.

Angus immediately shoots multiple Firebolts at his opponent as the fight starts, preventing him from surrendering and moving. With his refreshed mind, Angus casting speed is back to the top-notch.

Moreover, as he keeps using Firebolt, his casting is also getting faster and better than before. Combining that his opponent is not as good as Rendy, he obliterated his opponent right away and won the match.

After looking at this, the hired mercenary feels that it is impossible to injure or even kill Angus in a one-on-one frontal battle like this. Not wanting to lose any more men, they decide to call out their people.

Seeing that no hired people got baited and challenged him, Angus also decided to call out of the day. As he leaves the arena, a muscular orc is waiting in front of him.

"You are strong, kid. Let's fight." said the orc in a rough voice.

Looking at the orc's badge that has already accumulated at some point, he knows that he is not part of the hired man.

"Nah, I'm already too tired." replied Angus casually.

Hearing Angus reply, "Are you satisfied?" asked the orc.

"Huh??" asked Angus back in confusion.

"Are you satisfied fighting all those weaklings??" said the orc.

Hearing this, Angus begins to think something, "Hmm.. Of course not. But, do you think you could satisfy me? How about this? I will fight you if you manage to reach the final stage." said Angus before ignoring the orc and going towards Jayna.

Angus knows that the orc race is a battle maniac. From the rumor, they even thought that it is honorable to die in a fight. A race that is clearly quite a headache to deal with but also interesting at the same time.

'It seems the final stage will be quite interesting. I hope someone could force me to go all out.' thought Angus.

Angus decides to call off the day and back for tomorrow. Although he already won fifteen matches and his first match, most of the people he killed were mercenaries with only one point. In total, he only got 21 points.

With this point, he already reached first place in the ranking point. But, the difference with the second-ranking is also not too far. So, he will need to gather more points again tomorrow.

Looking that Angus called off the day, the Sur village group also dispersed and went back to their camp. The audience also feels disappointed, but they couldn't force Angus either.

Along the way, Angus and Jayna decide to shop for something with the loot he got from the arena.

It will be a waste to let all the mana core they got rotting in their space storage. It is better to trade it for a more valuable item.

Angus decides to buy some overpriced potions. Although it is overpriced, Angus has a lot of funds to worry about it.

He also buys some rune magic scrolls with ridiculous prices and few rare ingredients. After buying all these, he still has a lot of surplus mana core.

Now, he knows why people in this place sell everything at a high price. It is because the one that buys in this place is people with a lot of money or mana core.

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