Chapter 188: Little Scheme

While Angus and the others keep watching the tournament, a group of people has a secret gathering near the battlefield tournament.

"How is it?" asked one of the people.

"They decide to protect the youngsters carefully. If there is a sign of losing, they will interrupt the battle as soon as possible and pay the compensation." replied the other person.

"How about the Mana Ball kid?" asked the other person.

"He… I am not sure. I can't see his depth. However, there is one certain thing. He has a great combat sense. He could defeat Boulder without getting a single scratch. Furthermore, he only does it using Firebolt and Fireball spells to defeat him." explained the other person.

"During his fight, I could only sense first-grade mana core. However, I think he concealed his true strength. Based on his age, he should be in second grade at most. I think he is more dangerous than Neil brat." added the other person.

"Hmm… I see. Is there anything else?" asked another person.

"Yes, there is this girl around the same age as the Mana Ball kid. I don't know how but she has a high degree of fire mastery and excellent combat capability.

"From some of the battles, she could easily cut down and destroy all her opponents using her fire sword only." explained the other person.

After thinking for a while, "Huft.. It is really a shame they are from the Sur village. It doesn't matter. Stick to the plan. Don't let them notice our movement." said the other person before disappearing in the darkness.

Then, the others walk back to the battlefield arena and give someone a note along the way before blending in with the surrounding crowd.

The person that gets the note immediately reads it before burning it. Then, he notified a few other people with a silent nod.

One by one, the people begin to move and start challenging all the Sur village youngsters, even Jayna, who just finished her battle.

Because of this strange movement, Angus managed to see them from the audience seat and know that these people must be planning something, especially trying to challenge Jayna, who is ranking number three among the other participants.

Rather than fighting Jayna, who has high fire mastery, It is better to fight the other top-ranking people to gain points. Angus speculated these people might plot something. Before he could react, a person with full metal armor approached Angus.

"Hey, Mana Ball kid. Let's fight." said the person while flashing his one-point badge.

Looking at this, "Alright, let's get this over with." said Angus.

"Cousin, be careful." said Gilford, who also noticed the strange movement in the crowd.

"Don't worry, I will show them how to play this game properly." replied Angus before going down to the arena.

On the way to the arena, Angus silently cast a spell [2nd Circle - Telepathy], a spell to send information towards someone telepathically. Despite the spell's usefulness, it has many restrictions such as the distance, marked person, number of people, etc.

Still, it is a helpful spell to share important information to the ally like now.

"Jayna, be careful. The person that challenges you may be plotting something." said Angus towards Jayna telepathically.

"Yeah, I also realize they are a little bit weird." replied Jayna.

After Angus and the full metal armor man fulfill all the procedures to battle, they go towards one of the arenas. Once the referee is done explaining and doing some introduction, They start the match.

The metal armor man takes out two swords coated with strange liquid and charges towards Angus rapidly. Looking at this, Angus also didn't stay still. He shot a bolt of lightning towards the approaching armored man [1st Circle - Spark].

The armored didn't expect Angus to instacast another elemental spell beside fire elemental and immediately get electrocuted on the spot. Since he wears normal metal armor, not the enchanted one, the spark managed to electrocute him longer.

The man tries to withstand the pain and keeps approaching Angus. But Angus kept sending another [Spark] towards the man, making him stagger on the spot.

After a few more [Spark], the armored man kneeling on the ground feeling the numbness in his entire body. Without wasting any more, Angus shoots an enhanced Firebolt towards his eyes to completely blind him.

"Arrghh!!" screamed the armored man.

While he screamed, the armored man exposed his mouth, and Angus shot another Firebolt towards it, ultimately killing the man. Looking at this, the audience begins cheering at Angus's decisive attack. Some people even give him the title the Untouchable.

Angus ignored all of this and began looting the armored belongings from his corpse. He also sees that Jayna managed to kill her opponent without problem using [Fiery Burst] and her fire sword.

Before Angus could approach Jayna, another person challenged him the moment he got out of the arena. Since the other person also has one point, Angus couldn't refuse his challenge. At the same time, Jayna also gets the same challenge.

"I see.. So, that's how you want to play. Let's see how many men you have." said Angus before getting back to the arena after doing all the necessary procedures.

During this time, Angus warns his uncle about this childish scheming. They decide to wear out Angus and the others by continuously fighting.

Although they could refuse the challenge after getting challenged three times, fighting multiple times against the opponent with the same power will eventually exhaust them. However, they miscalculated the huge mana capacity both Angus and Jayna had.

Knowing this childish plot, Angus decides to accept their challenge. He wants to know his current limit and how many people he could fight without external help. Furthermore, he also wants to see how many people are ready to die at his hand.

Although the other party is mercenary and a big village, they still have a limited number of third-grade strength people. Below the third-grade level, Angus could quickly kill them using his enhanced firebolt to break their defense.

Besides, killing all these people also means cutting the other party's hands for the Sur village. This will also be retaliation against the plot they did during the inner area incident.

Sharing this news with Jayna, she immediately agrees and turns this into a competition. The one that could kill more people will be the winner.

Hearing this, Angus couldn't help but think again about his lovely girlfriend's mindset. She seems to become more violent and ruthless lately, but Angus is not a kind and merciful person. He already killed countless people that he even couldn't remember.

So, he is not in a position to judge his girlfriend's behavior. Fortunately, Jayna seems only getting ruthless when she fights against an opponent like this.

Furthermore, this is the world where the strong will devour the weak. Only the strong have the luxury to decide death and life.

Soon, another battle started, and Angus didn't show any mercy towards all his opponents. Angus managed to win all his fights without being touched even once. He also kept being challenged even after more than three challengers.

Now, he is already in his seventh match along with Jayna. Both of them didn't even get hurt and still have more than half of their mana during this time. Compared to all the training they got, this kind of feat is like a child's play for them.

After winning the seventh match, the other party began to hesitate to send more people. Be it the participant or the village behind them. They will be reluctant to send their people to their death meaninglessly like this.

Moreover, these people are in grade three, which takes around long years to cultivate them. Furthermore, Angus and Jayna are still completely fine without any sign of exhaustion at all.

As for the audience and the staff of the tournament, they also realize this little scheming. But, they decide to let it be since it will attract more people and attention.

Looking at some of the people getting nervous challenging Angus, "Is that all?? Does no one else dare to challenge me??!" said Angus with an enhanced mana voice to be heard by everyone.

The crowded audience becomes silent hearing Angus.

Then, after a moment of pause, "So.. Weak!!" said Angus in his normal voice.

But most of the people could hear what Angus said. Hearing all this, the audience immediately reacts. Some cheering, booing, and cursing, but the hired group that plots against Angus and Jayna feels like being mocked directly by Angus.

Even though they know that this is only a provocation, being called weak by a kid who only in his teenage age hurt their pride, be it a mercenary group or the other villages as the mastermind.

Hearing all of Angus's provocation, some of the prideful mercenaries and hired people immediately approach him to challenge him.

Most of these people are already at the third grade, the border between lower grade and high grade, a veteran with much combat experience, yet Angus mocked all of them. It feels that Angus is saying that all their hard work over the years is useless in front of him.

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