Chapter 161: Family Reunion

A few hours later, Angus and Jayna keep following the group wrapped in cloth until they can see the settlement. Rather than a settlement, it is more like a village. However, all the buildings are made out of tents that could withstand the sandstorm and the heat.

Angus could find that the tent is enchanted with various enchantments that are not lost to their special tent. Otherwise, all these tents will not survive in this hot temperature and harsh environment.

Arriving at the village's border, the group leader says something in their language towards the nearby guard and its leader. As they chat with the others while occasionally looking at Angus and Jayna, They wait for them patiently.

"Angus, did you think this is okay?" asked Jayna.

"It's fine. I also want to know about this Clan Head they are talking about. Besides, we could escape anytime we want." said Angus.

According to their knowledge, there is no civilization inside the Endless Battlefield dimension. Yet, now they found one which picks Angus's interest.

After waiting for a while, the guard leader approaches Angus and Jayna. Looking at the two kids for a moment, the guard leader opened his cloth that wrapped his head and revealed a man with a scaled face.

"Sorry for the wait. My name is Abet, a lizardman, and leader of the Sur clan guard. I hear you come from the Firuman. What is your purpose coming towards this treacherous land?" said the lizardmen straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Jayna wants to say something, but Angus already cuts her off.

"We are travelers in search of certain herbs." replied Angus shortly.

"Herbs? What kind of herbs?" asked the Abet.

"Fire Dragon's Tongue herb. Have you ever heard of it?" asked Angus.

"Hmm… Never heard of it. But maybe the Clan Head knows about that. Alright, I will guide you to meet the Clan Head. Welcome to the Sur Village." said Abet.

Then, Angus and Jayna enter the village while following Abet. On the way, Angus and Jayna could see that the village consisted of mixed races. But, the relation of one race with others is very harmonious.

Moreover, Angus also found that most of them are high-grade combatants while only children are low-grade level.

After walking for a while, they arrive at the biggest tent in the village. Arriving at the entrance, Abet talks to the guard beside the tent. Suddenly, a deep voice was heard from inside the tent.

"Abet, bring the two guests inside." said the voice.

Angus could feel the strong mana imbued in the voice he heard.

'A strong combatant.' thought Angus inwardly.

Then, all of them entered the tent. Inside the tent, A man without upper clothes and blonde hair looking at Angus and Jayna. The man's gaze is sharp and releases pressure towards the surrounding. Abet approaches the man and whispers something towards the man.

Looking at the man in front of him, Angus knows that this man is strong. He guesses he is in the middle of sixth or seventh grade.

His instinct tells him that he is stronger than his father but weaker than King Leon. Whatever it is, Angus is confident that the man in front of him is powerful and could kill both of them in the blink of an eye.

After looking at Angus and Jayna for a while, especially Angus, "I hear you search for the Fire Dragon's tongue herb. Why did you search for such a rare and almost extinct herb?" said the blonde-haired man.

"We need it to cure Frozen Sleep disease." replied Angus.

"I see.. Unfortunately, we didn't have such a rare herb. If I am not wrong, you are coming from the Heart Kindom. Who is your current king?" said the man.

"King Leon Heart." said Angus shortly.

Hearing this, "Kuhahaha…." the man laughed very hard and made the air tremble.

"That bastard really did it. It seems my hard sacrifice is worth it." said the man while touching the black-colored wound in the lower stomach.

After a while, the man looked again at Angus and Jayna.

"Anyway, judging by the high-quality clothes you two wear. It seems you are two parts of the noble. Which family are you coming from?" asked the man.

"Why do you want to know that?" asked Angus nervously.

"Well, there are two reasons for people entering this treacherous land. First, they are completely mad and desperate. Second, they are in search of power."

"Although you said that you are in search of Fire Dragon's Tongue herb, you two didn't look like desperate people. Rather you two belong towards the second category, people that crave power." explained the man.

"So, tell me which noble you belong to?" asked the clan head once again.

Both Angus and Jayna look at each other before nodding. They are already sure that the man in front of them has some relationship with King Leon.

"My name is Angus Victory, the third son of the Duke Victory. This is the Fourth Princess of the Heart Kingdom, Jayna Heart." said Angus.

"Victory!? Tell me, kid, who is your father?" asked the man.

"Err.. Jacob Victory." replied Angus.

"Hmm.. Never heard of it. Probably, he was born long after I entered this world." said the man.

"Hold on, don't tell me. Y-You are…" said the man.

"Yeah, that's right. If I am not wrong, I should be your uncle, kid. My name is Jade Victory, the previous right hand of King Leon." said the man proudly.

"Uncle Jade…" said Angus.

"I-Impossible.. you are uncle Jade." said Jayna.

Everyone in the room was also surprised at the guest relation with their clan head.

"Hahahaha… This is a good day. Abet tell others, we are going to have a feast today." said Jade happily.

Then, both the nephew and uncle begin to exchange some stories about the Heart Kingdom. Jayna also tells the current condition of the Heart Kingdom.

Based on the Jade story, Angus found that the Heart Kingdom in the past was very weak and at war with various small kingdoms nearby. Unlike the current prosperous Heart Kingdom, in the past, they didn't have any seventh-grade combatants.

The strongest combatant in the kingdom is only two six-grade combatants who often clash because of power struggle. In this desperate situation, King Leon and Jade entering the Endless Battlefield in search of power.

Since King Leon rose as the seventh-grade combatant and destroyed few other nearby hostile kingdoms, the Heart Kingdom rose and finally became the strongest human kingdom in Firuman.

After talking for a while, "Say, nephew. Neither of you seemed to be in a bad situation. Why did you search for power? Based on my observation, the two of you are incredibly talented. I suspect that you could reach sixth or possibly seventh grade in the future."

"So, why did you come to this treacherous land? Didn't you hear the rumor about this place?" asked Jade curiously.

"Actually, we…" said Angus.

Before he could finish his sentence, "It's because of me." said Jayna.

"Jayna… You.. " said Angus.

"No, it's okay. Uncle Jade needs to know about this matter." said Jayna.

Then, Jayna begins to tell Jade about the soul-bound contract between other countries. She also tells him her predicament of not wanting to become a plaything for others. Hearing this, Jade could only release a sigh.

"Haa… Even after Leon managed to become the seventh grade, our past still haunts you, the future pillar of the kingdom." said Jade.

After being silent for a while, "Alright, I have decided. I will accompany you two and survive in this world." said Jade.

Hearing this, the surrounding people panic, "Clan Head.. You can't possibly…."

"Enough!!" as Jade raises his hand and makes everyone silent.

"My old wound starts to gnaw my body and makes me weaker. I guess in a few years. My strength will keep deteriorating. Now, my body and strength are at their peak. I want to do the last thing for my race, pride, and kingdom." said Jade resolutely.

"B-But… Clan head.. I mean, father, if you are gone, who is going to lead us?" said a woman in red-colored skin and long blonde hair.

"Jane, didn't you already prepare all your life for that?" said Jade.

"But, father... I am still.." said Jane.

Before she could finish her sentence, "Don't worry, Jane. Nobody is born ready. When I was your age, I also didn't know anything about the clan and leading people. However, I always improve, adapt, and overcome." said Jade.

"Alright, enough of this sad discussion. Now, let's have a feast to welcome my nephew and the fourth princess." said Jade.

"Yes, Leader." said all the people in the room.

Then, Jade went back, looking at Angus and Jayna.

"Sorry about this." said Jade.

"No problem, uncle. Besides, they seem to respect you a lot as the leader." said Angus.

"Hahaha.. I am just a small clan head in this treacherous land." replied Jade.

"Anyway, did you know where the exit portal is?" Asked Jade.

"Yes… we.." before Angus finish his sentence *Brak*

"Father, I hear there is a guest. Who are they?" said a teenage boy that suddenly entered the tent.

At this moment, the teenage boy notices Jayna, who is sitting beside Angus. The boy immediately started looking blankly at Jayna and ignoring the others while drooling.

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