647 Back to Their Territory

Just then, Second Squad’s captain, Ye Yifan, walked up to Liu Yan with a calm expression on his face. He started to report on the status of Team Origin’s Second Squad in the battle against the Whirlwind Turtle herd.

“The Second Squad’s situation was simpler. We just fought against the Whirlwind Turtle herd with our raw power while waiting for the First Squad to reinforce us. After that, we managed to deal with the Whirlwind Turtle herd that we were in charge of quite smoothly,” Ye Yifan said calmly.

The other squads’ captains all felt a little jealous upon hearing what Ye Yifan said.

Battles that their squads went through were easier than what the Second Squad had experienced. The Fifth Squad was even able to reinforce the Fourth Squad.

However, the Fourth and Fifth squads still had to get help from Liu Yan’s reinforcement. The Fourth Squad depended on the enchanted puppet, while the Fifth Squad relied on the Ice and Fire Draconic Wolf.

If they were on their own, the two squads wouldn’t be able to defeat the Whirlwind Turtle herd. In fact, it would probably be difficult for them to defend themselves against the Whirlwind Turtle herd.

They could ask Liu Yan to help them a few times, but they couldn’t rely on Liu Yan forever.

Even if Liu Yan was willing to do that, they didn’t want to trouble him like that. Because if that happened, they would become a burden in Team Origin.

The two captains, He Yang and Jin Cheng, looked at each other. They could tell what the other was thinking.

Their squads were in similar positions. They both needed to increase their combat strength as soon as possible. They didn’t need to become stronger than other squads, but they should at least be able to catch up to them and not be a burden.

Hans Wilson heard Ye Yifan and felt a little envious as well.

The Third Squad’s situation was pretty decent and managed to deal with the Whirlwind Turtle herd without asking for reinforcements.

But they did have to depend on their fusion skill to achieve that.

After wiping out the Whirlwind Turtle herd, all of the members of the Third Squad barely had any energy left. They were extremely exhausted and couldn’t really fight anymore.

In contrast, the Second Squad depended entirely on its members’ raw power, which made them a lot more flexible. In the future, when they encountered other battles, the Second Squad would be a lot more flexible than the Third Squad.

Flexibility could transform into more possibilities, which was always a good thing.

Hans Wilson had made up his mind to get the members of the Third Squad to raise their combat strength as fast as they could.

If the Third Squad members’ combat strength could be on par with the Second Squad’s, they would be extremely powerful with their fusion skills. They would become much more potent than the Second Squad.

While the other squads’ captains were feeling a little envious of the Second squad, the captain of the First Squad, Xu Han, appeared very calm and impassive.

The First Squad’s situation was a lot better than the Second Squad’s.

In the ultimate gambling duel on the fifth level of the tower, the Frist Squad won against the Second Squad. In terms of raw combat strength, the First Squad was actually slightly stronger than the Second Squad.

After entering the sixth level, the combat strength of the First Squad members rose at a decent pace.

In the battle with the Whirlwind Turtle herd, the Frist Squad was mainly dependent on Sun Wen’s Array Technique and Xu Han’s large area frost spells.

Xu Han had a great understanding of the First Squad’s members. Based on their combat strength and willpower, even if they didn’t have Sun Wen’s Array Technique, they could still defeat the Whirlwind Turtle herd. Still, it would be a bit more difficult.

That was the reason that Xu Han was very confident in the First Squad’s capabilities.

With Liu Yan leading them, the First Squad’s combat strength had risen to a decent level. More importantly, their morale had been elevated as well.

All the members of the First Squad were quite certain that they would become powerful individuals and wanted to follow in Liu Yan’s footsteps.

Even if they weren’t thinking about catching up to Liu Yan, they wanted to move forward and follow Liu Yan.

That was the reason why the First Squad’s willpower was very strong. They dared to charge forward in battle. They didn’t hold back during cultivation and training and kept pushing themselves.

Xu Han firmly believed that with such a mindset, the First Squad was destined to become a powerhouse in the future. They would become the strongest among the five squads.

Liu Yan nodded after hearing Ye Yifan’s report. The Second Squad’s situation was roughly the same as what Liu Yan had expected.

The Second Squad’s strength and power were indeed quite impressive.

As for the other squads, most of them were made up of members with 5-star combat strength, and a small number of the members had 4-star combat strength.

Even in the First Squad, there were a few people with 4-star combat strength.

But the Second Squad was different.

When they just arrived at the sixth level of the tower, there were a few people in the Second Squad with 4-star combat strength.

But in the past two days, the combat strength of the Second Squad had been rising rapidly.

At that moment, all of the Second Squad members had combat strength at or above 5-star. There wasn’t a single person in the entire squad who had 4-star or 5-star combat strength.

Even the members who took healing or supporting roles in the battle had reached 5-star combat strength.

Given that the entire team was made up of people who were obsessed with power and strength, naturally, the team’s overall combat strength would be impressive.

After Ye Yifan reported on the Second Squad’s situation, Xu Han came forward to report on the First Squad’s situation as well.

“Things went quite smoothly with the First Squad. Sun Wen’s Array Technique, together with my large area frost spells, was surprisingly effective. We managed to restrict the Whirlwind Turtle herd’s movement and caused a large amount of damage to them. By the time our squad dashed forward, the Whirlwind Turtles were already wounded. We managed to wipe them out without putting in much effort. After that, we went to reinforce the Second Squad and ended the battle,” Xu Han said in a calm and casual tone.

Sun Wen’s expression was a little odd. He knew very well that the main reason why the First Squad had such an easy time was because of him and Xu Han.

But in fact, every member of the First Squad was rather powerful and extraordinary. They were all eager to charge forward. They were brave and courageous.

However, Xu Han and he had such a great impact to the point that the battle ended before the First Squad members could deal any meaningful damage.

Liu Yan was a little surprised by Xu Han’s report.

Back then, He told Sun Wen to look for Xu Han and fight alongside him because he thought that they would make a good combo. Sun Wen’s Array Technique and Xu Han’s area of effect spells had affected large areas, so he thought they could have a greater impact by working together.

But Liu Yan didn’t think that there would be a special reaction between their spells and result in such formidable power.

Liu Yan took mental notes of this. He decided to let Sun Wen and Xu Han work together more in the future to explore different combo possibilities.

After hearing about the Five Squad’s situation, Liu Yan felt at ease.

Overall, the battle went quite well for the five squads.

“Alright, you guys should go and help out with the loot and material gathering. It’s almost time,” Liu Yan said as he looked toward the setting sun, then he dismissed the meeting.

Soon, the captains and the squad members dispersed and started collecting their rewards.

Other than a few people who were in charge of standing guard, the entire Team Origin gathered loot from their battle.

Their tasks included collecting the loot from killing the Whirlwind Turtles, cleaning up the corpses, as well as gathering the vast amount of rare materials in this area. All of them were extremely important to Team Origin and the Origin Territory. It would help them to become more powerful and develop their territory further.

However, the sky was turning dark. They didn’t have much time left. They had to prioritize collecting all of the loot and gathering as many materials as they could. They had no choice but to return again the next day to explore the rest of the area and gather other materials.

Soon, the sky turned completely dark. Liu Yan and the captains brought Team Origin back behind the territory barrier.

At night, the Wind Barrier would cause all sorts of fierce beasts, monsters, and other strange species to become more active. Hence, for the sake of safety, Liu Yan told all of the members of Team Origin not to leave the territory barrier at night and stay within the bounds of the barrier to rest, cultivate, and raise their power levels. Besides, they needed to take a break.

They were really running tight on time and needed to improve their combat strength.

But it could become counter-productive if they spent every minute exploring outside and raising their power levels. They needed some time to rest and recuperate as well.

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