624 Smart but Not Smart Enough

After ensuring no traps or other dangers were lurking, Liu Yan felt relieved almost immediately.

It seemed to him that the Whirlwind Turtle King had intended to lure him and the rest of Team Origin to their habitat and shift the battle to a safer place—one they were familiar with.

The Whirlwind Turtle King seemed to have some IQ, but that was the extent of it.

However, Liu Yan also clearly understood that the Whirlwind Turtle King did not need to consider much as it believed that they could easily defeat Liu Yan and Team Origin.

Team Origin was lacking in power and speed when compared to the turtles.

If they were to fight a head-on battle, Team Origin would not be able to win against the turtles. Because of the difference in speed, Team Origin would also be unable to run away from the turtles.

As of that moment, Team Origin had been lured away from the territory barrier. As a result, they would not be able to do what they did for the past two days, where they could escape into the barrier if they were in danger.

To the Whirlwind Turtle King, the plan was perfect, as they would be able to defeat Team Origin back in their own habitat.

It firmly believed that without the territory barrier, not only could Team Origin lose any chance of defeating the turtles, but they would also lose their only means of escaping.

Liu Yun smirked. The turtles were smart, but they weren’t smart enough, as they had completely ignored him as a variable.

Liu Yan had decided that when the fight began, he would not take down the Whirlwind Turtle King first. Instead, he would wipe out the entire group of turtles before confronting the king.

The reason was that if the king were taken down from the start, the rest of the turtles would start running away in all directions.

As the turtles could outrun the humans, if they were to spread out, Team Origin would not be able to catch all of them.

That was why he had to devise a plan to ensure that would not happen.

In the end, the turtles were too fast for them.

They were a type of fierce beast that had mastered the wind attribute. In terms of speed alone, they were leagues above Team Origin.

Even if Liu Yan and the elites were faster than the turtles, it was impossible for a dozen of them to catch all the turtles.

After making sure that there was no trap, Liu Yan returned to notify the five squad captains that there was no danger ahead and that the Whirlwind Turtle King was just trying to lure them away from the territory barrier for a final battle.

Liu Yan ordered the five leaders to continue to lead their squads and prepare for the battle with the turtles. They quickly formed a formation to surround the turtles instantly, cutting off any chance for them to escape. Their goal was to make sure that they could completely annihilate the turtles.

Within a few minutes, Liu Yan, Xu Han, Ye Yifan, and the five captains spread out in different directions and trapped the turtles in the middle of their formation.

The Whirlwind Turtle King and the rest of the turtles noticed what was happening, but none showed any sign of worry.

The turtles still firmly believed that Team Origin was weaker than them, which resulted in them not worrying about being surrounded. Once the battle began, they could easily break past the formation.

When the Whirlwind Turtle King saw Liu Yan arriving with Team Origin, it glared at him as if it were expressing its dissatisfaction.

Although Liu Yan was not able to read what the Whirlwind Turtle King was thinking, he could still roughly guess that it was angry about how Liu Yan had only been stalling it for the past few days instead of fighting it head-on. On the other hand, Liu Yan had also killed a lot of the normal and elite turtles.

That caused the Whirlwind Turtle King to loathe Liu Yan to the point where it wanted to rip him apart. However, since Liu Yan had been flying all those times, its attack could not reach him, which only infuriated it even more.

As the territory barrier was too sturdy, the turtles could not break through it. On the other hand, members of Team Origin could enter and leave as they wished.

When the humans emerged from the barrier again, their wounds were mostly healed, and their combat strength had recovered.

Team Origin would only go after the turtles that were separated from their party each time. A dozen humans would surround a turtle and brutally kill it. When the rest of the turtles finally caught up, the humans would once again run back into the territory barrier.

After having that happen to them in the past two days, the turtles were completely furious. Their hatred toward Team Origin was at a new height.

The turtles even started to wonder if they were the turtle beast because the humans behaved more like turtles than they did. They would hide in their indestructible barrier whenever they were in danger, rendering all the turtles’ attacks useless.

However, the turtles believed that they were in a better position now that they were far away from the territory barrier. They felt that they finally had the chance to wipe out the weak but spiteful humans.

The turtles roared to boost their morale.

Team Origin clearly understood that they would not be able to defeat the turtles in a head-on battle, but that changed after they heard that Liu Yan was going to help them. So not only could they win, but they would win by a huge mile.

They had seen how powerful Liu Yan was. He was strong to the point where he alone could fend off an attack from a large group.

Liu Yan had the full trust of Team Origin. That gave the team the courage to face the Whirlwind Turtles, who outnumbered them. They were all mentally prepared for the battle.

The Whirlwind Turtle King suddenly stepped forward. It roared as it glared at Liu Yan. It wanted to fight a one-on-one battle with Liu Yan.

Liu Yan only chuckled. “You aren’t strong enough to challenge me to a one-on-one battle. Why don’t you fight the team first? I’ll take care of you once I’ve taken down all the turtles.”

The man then turned to look behind him to choose a person to face the Whirlwind Turtle King first.

Murong Xue noticed it and got excited. “I’m the best at stalling someone! I’ll do it!” she yelled.

Liu Yan also knew that Murong Xue was extremely good at stalling someone. During the gambling duel on the fifth floor, Murong Xue was able to stall Ye Yifan, who was stronger than her.

Ye Yifan had reached 8-star combat strength and was way stronger than Murong Xue, who was still a 7-star. Therefore, fundamentally speaking, there was no way Ye Yifan would lose. In fact, he should win without even breaking a sweat.

However, Murong Xue’s defense was just too powerful. She was able to stand her ground against Ye Yifan’s attack and even stalled him. Being able to stall someone stronger than her surprised everyone.

Unfortunately for her, Liu Yan felt that it was a waste for Murong Xue to stall the king since the rest of the team would have a hard time facing the turtles. Therefore, they would need Murong Xue to stall the turtles instead of the king.

With that in mind, Liu Yan turned to look at Allen Smith and said, “Allen, why don’t you go and face the king? It would be great if you could kill it, but if you can’t, just stall it.”

“Alright,” Allen Smith replied.

He drew the S-grade weapon Blood Flame Sword out and donned the SS-grade armor Dragon-scaled Fiery Armor.

The truth was that Allen Smith had longed to fight the Whirlwind Turtle King. He didn’t know about the evaluation of combat strength until they had reached the sixth floor. It was natural that he wanted to fight opponents who were at the same level as him or even stronger than him to grow.

The 8-star combat strength Whirlwind Turtle King was a good opponent for him.

Murong Xue glared at Liu Yan as if she was complaining.

Liu Yan quickly apologized and explained, “We need you to fight the turtles head-on. The members will have a hard time if you aren’t there to stall the rest of the turtles. Go and look for Xu Han. You just have to follow his orders.”

Liu Yan understood that with Murong Xue stalling the turtles and Xu Han’s wide-range attack and control skills, it would take a lot of pressure off the members’ shoulders.

In the end, most normal members of Team Origin were only around 4- or 5-star combat strength, while their opponents, the turtles, were all at least 6-star combat strength.

The difference between each star was huge. So even stalling someone one star higher than themselves would be a huge challenge.

Murong Xue was able to accept the explanation. She nodded and led the first squad to group up with Xu Han to join the fight on the front line.

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