From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 80: The Lord of the Great Tomb!

TL: Sungmin

The Tian Kuang Tribe.

A large group of goblins lined up, pulling carts, and transporting a vast amount of supplies back.

Food, drinks, treasures, clothes, weapons, equipment, defensive facilities, and so on.

They brought back everything they could carry.

As soon as Lin Tian returned, he noticed the Cannibal Eagle had been waiting in the tribe for a long time.

Seeing him come back, the Cannibal Eagle immediately said sternly, “Little Tian, the lord has ordered me to take you into the Great Tomb. Let’s go, don’t be too nervous.”

Go inside?

Lin Tian’s eyes lit up. He wanted to take a look.

He was now a valuable piece they couldn’t afford to lose.

“Alright, Gobu Yue, arrange and handle the supplies. Keep an eye on Alicenia.”

After saying this, he mounted the flying dragon and followed the Cannibal Eagle to the Great Tomb.

As they went deeper, the oppressive atmosphere around them filled every pore.

On the ground, there were more fifth and sixth-tier monsters, even many eighth-tier ones!

Although the Cannibal Eagle was also eighth-tier, it was an intelligent species.

At this point, there was a huge clearing in the distance, with a city built within, housing many buildings.

It looked quite prosperous, about twice the size of Bright Town.

Lin Tian couldn’t help but ask, “Lord, what tribe is that? It seems so prosperous here.”

“That is a castle built by the werewolves. The Wolf King is a tenth-tier monster, but it is oppressed by the Church and has to survive here, not under the Great Tomb’s control.” The Cannibal Eagle explained.

Hearing about the werewolves, Lin Tian suddenly thought of vampires, specifically the green-haired, bald Dracula.

After all, there was some deep connection between the two races. Some said the progenitor of the werewolves and the progenitor of the vampires were twin brothers.

Others said werewolves were a mutant branch of vampires.

Just like how goblins also had mutations.

Lin Tian could only find out by asking later.

However, he did learn that in the Great Tomb, the top combat power wasn’t just the four lords and the monsters within.

There were many other different races.

Lin Tian responded with an “Oh” and didn’t ask more, “Let’s continue.”

After a long while, they arrived at the deepest part of the Great Tomb, known as the end of the world.

A huge black building, resembling the gates of an ancient Roman palace with intricate carvings, sat at the foot of a large mountain on the desolate, dark ground.

And the most shocking sight was the endless abyss behind the mountain!

No, it wasn’t accurate to describe it as an abyss.

Because the other side couldn’t be seen at all, only a void and black mist surrounded it.

It extended to the distant horizon.

No one knew what lay on the other side of the void or if there was another side at all.

No one knew if the void abyss had a bottom or what was at the bottom.

“That is the Great Tomb.”

The Cannibal Eagle pointed to the mountain.

At first glance, Lin Tian thought the Great Tomb looked more like a tombstone for the void abyss behind it.

At this moment, the Cannibal Eagle hurriedly pushed Lin Tian, “Don’t stare at the void abyss, you might get sucked in.”

“Ah, oh?!”

Lin Tian shook his head and snapped out of it, feeling a bit scared.

The feeling just now was strange, as if a pair of eyes in the void abyss were staring at him.

Was this what it meant when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back?

But Lin Tian was sure those were the eyes of a living being, not a literary metaphor.

Without thinking much, he parked the flying dragon at the entrance and followed the Cannibal Eagle into the Great Tomb.

Just after entering the gate, they saw white bones scattered everywhere.

Cobwebs were all over.

The smell of mold hit them.

However, the passage was quite spacious, at least over ten meters high.

It must have been built by very tall monsters.

After passing through the passage, they finally arrived at a place similar to an underground palace.

Several stone pillars stood, the place was empty, yet grand.

The Cannibal Eagle pointed to the center and said, “Let’s go, the lord is waiting for you below.”

In the center of the hall was a slightly sunken round platform, carved with strange patterns.

As they stepped onto it, the platform started to descend.

It was like an elevator.

Who knew how many levels they went down. When the scene before Lin Tian’s eyes appeared, his heart tightened!

A giant eye was staring at him!

It was as big as Lin Tian himself.

This giant’s head had only one eye, but it had a nose and mouth, and its body was at least four or five meters tall.

A cyclops.

Lin Tian checked the information through the system and learned its strength was three thousand.

Not particularly strong.

The cyclops bent its waist as if welcoming them.

Looking around, Lin Tian felt an intense sense of oppression!

This wasn’t a great tomb; it was a monster farm. Even though he had seen much of the world, these creatures frightened him.

The environment was similar to the first layer of the underground palace.

It was vast and high.

But here, many monsters gathered.

There were minotaurs with hard, armored skin, indescribable monsters full of tentacles.

Three-headed dogs, hydras, various beastmen, and several ragged, eyeless old women fighting over a single eye.

It was as bizarre as it could get.

The sight made Lin Tian feel uncomfortable both mentally and physically.

He was a goblin and found these creatures repulsively ugly.

However, there were also beautiful women.

Standing at the front left of this group of monsters was a tall, curvaceous woman with an enchanting and pure face.

Her every expression was full of provocation and disdain.

She wore only a sheer, light gown that barely covered her private areas, making her beauty both hidden and visible.

Her white legs and jade feet were exposed, causing a stir in one’s heart.

Sharp black nails added a hint of sinister evil.

Lin Tian immediately recognized her kind: a succubus.

A tenth-tier monster, mysterious and powerful.

Those iconic black horns, heart-shaped tail tip, and demon wings.

Her red heart-shaped pupils could melt anyone with a single glance.

Lin Tian quickly looked away. Staring at a succubus would lead to temptation and loss of self-control, making one a puppet to her will.

He then looked to the right.

That figure seemed more normal, a man in his thirties.

But there was a wealth of information within.

He wore a golden cross robe, a garment only the Pope of the Church had!

But it was tattered, filthy, with corpse spots on his face, and his eyes were ghostly white, eerie and terrifying.

Lin Tian quickly checked with his system: “Enzo · Corpse Lv100.”

Level 100!

However, he was in a corpse state, likely a former Pope revived as a corpse.

His strength greatly weakened, but still a formidable 5900.

Everyone stared at Lin Tian with contempt, curiosity, or indifference.

Finally, Lin Tian looked at the large throne in the center.

It resembled a skull with an open mouth.

The person sitting there wore a black and gold coat, with a thorny crown on their head, looking quite frightening.

But their appearance was a completely pale skeleton.

Much larger than a normal skeleton, matching a human in height and width.

Except for the red flames in their eye sockets, there was no other information.

Not much distinguished them.

However, when Lin Tian used his system, he understood the power gap!

No wonder this person was the master of the Great Tomb!

“Bone King Lv100,” overall strength 9999!

Nearly ten thousand!

Wasn’t this insanely powerful?

How did the Church’s elders ever defeat him?

Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Lin Tian felt embarrassed under their stares and immediately flattered, “Good evening, honorable and handsome lord…”

The Cannibal Eagle trembled. How could this guy be so familiar right off the bat? They were doomed.

The succubus covered her face, mocking, “Little guy, our Bone King is a woman.”

A woman?

Lin Tian was full of question marks.

How could one tell with just a skeleton? Only a medical professional could determine gender from bones.

Seeing Lin Tian’s shock, the succubus found it amusing.

Finally, the Bone King spoke, “It’s fine. I heard you captured Clin Castle and brought the Sword Saintess into the tribe? I’m very impressed.”

Upon hearing her mature and seductive voice, Lin Tian felt his brain shrink a bit.

It was unscientific!

What did she use to speak? And it was a mature woman’s voice!

Seeing him not respond, the red light in the Bone King’s eyes flared up, scaring everyone.

Lin Tian quickly answered, “My lord, it was just luck.”

“Hmph, a lowly goblin achieving such feats, do you think I would believe it was luck? Rest assured, I’m not here to punish you; I intend to reward you.” The Bone King continued.

The succubus interjected, “To receive the favor of the lord is your honor.”

Hey, this guy sure talks a lot.

Lin Tian thought to himself and then thanked, “Thank you, my lord.”

“I also know about the Iguana Lord. The Cannibal Eagle reported it was done by one of your subordinates. I know your little scheme.”

The Bone King spoke, eyes full of disdain.

As if nothing could be hidden from her.

Lin Tian felt awkward and could only smile bitterly.

Then, the Bone King pondered for a moment and said, “Since you want to plunder the resources of my Great Tomb, I will allow it. But, you must become the lord of the southern region and the leader of all the monsters in the Great Tomb.”


At this moment, the other monsters, who were previously bored and playing with their fingers, all changed their expressions!

The Cannibal Eagle was dumbfounded. What was happening?

This favor was too excessive.

The succubus exclaimed, “Honey~ have you gone mad? Even though we don’t care about the outside monsters, letting a lowly goblin manage them is inappropriate.”

Lin Tian, who was previously happy, now had a gloomy expression.

This woman, who seemed fine just a moment ago, was now undermining him!

He vowed to make her pay if he got the chance!

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