From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 51: One Palm Scatters Your Youthful Vigor!

TL: Etude

“Mr. Hero, can you tell us what happened during this period?”

Stantmont calmly inquired.

The Wandering Hero recounted everything he knew, focusing mainly on his dragon-slaying exploits.

Of course, he added some embellishments.

Felomon didn’t care about that, dismissively saying, “Hmph, no matter how powerful a goblin is, it will fall before the imperial lion. Count Stantmont, when shall we act?”

“Everyone’s tired from the journey. We’ll clean them up tomorrow,” Stantmont thought for a moment and said.

However, from the direction of the enchanted forest, a vast goblin army was silently approaching.

Lin Tian rode a wyvern, watching the movements of the Beast King tribe’s army.

If they wanted to check the cave, they would have to draw the soldiers from Bright Town.

Fortunately, everything was developing as expected.

As the army approached the cave, the Beast King Goblin couldn’t help but glance at it, since it had been their home before.

At this moment, the Beast Goblin quickly said, “Boss, there’s nothing in there anymore. Let’s go. The human army’s territory is just ahead.”

“Don’t interrupt! Everyone, stay alert! The news of this operation has already reached the Great Tomb! We can only win, no losses allowed! There’s no retreat!” The Beast King Goblin roared!

The sound echoed through the sky!

Even the people in the cave heard it, the echoes lingering.

They were so scared their hearts tightened!

Just hearing the voice, one could feel the terror of the speaker.

Then, led by the Beast Goblin, the Beast King Goblin’s army moved towards Bright Town.

The sky gradually darkened.

In the dead of night.

The Wandering Hero suddenly woke up from his bed, having dreamed he was killed by goblins, and it was a gruesome death!

Later, he became an Epic-level adventurer, but it was a joke.

He felt himself, lit an oil lamp, and was relieved, saying, “Phew! Just a dream.”

But suddenly, he noticed a strange shadow by the window, small and not quite human.

When he opened the door, the shadow quickly fled.

“What’s that…?”

The Wandering Hero wondered, but when he saw goblins scurrying around the town square, he was dumbfounded!

Was this a dream?

No, it wasn’t!

He immediately shouted, “Enemy attack!!! Goblin invasion!!!”

Instantly, the dim town lit up, and soldiers and newly arrived adventurers rushed out.

Counts Felomon and Stantmont also quickly ordered, “All soldiers, assemble!”

While speaking, they sliced through a small goblin with a sword.

In less than three minutes, all the resting soldiers had donned armor and gathered with weapons.

Bright Town was nearly empty, with enough rooms for several soldiers each.

Although sentries were arranged, they almost caused a catastrophe.

Felomon stared at the distant forest, seeing numerous pairs of scarlet eyes, densely packed and terrifying!

Stantmont looked at the watchtower and understood, “They managed to silently eliminate the sentries. Thanks to Mr. Hero, or we might’ve suffered heavy losses.”

“Hmph, useless.” The Wandering Hero said arrogantly.

In the distance, the Beast King Goblin’s eyes flashed coldly, “So many soldiers. Good thing we didn’t launch a direct attack. In such a dense environment, we’re no match.”

Small goblins in narrow spaces were easy to cut down in droves.

They had some fighting power in open areas.

The Wandering Hero felt an ominous premonition and stepped back a few steps, sensing something amiss.

Felomon saw the cavalry had remounted and signaled with his sword, “Charge! Crush them, imperial lions!”

The sound of iron hooves pounding the ground roared continuously!

Eight hundred spearmen, holding shields high, charged into the darkness!

Everyone’s hearts were tense!

Inside, the clash of weapons, goblin screams, human agony, and horse whinnies could be heard!

At this moment, strange winds blew away the dark clouds.

The moonlight shone down.

It was Lin Tian riding his wyvern, watching everything below.

He saw the warhorses scatter the goblins gathered together!

A bloody, beautiful slaughter!

Then, the infantry began to advance!

The scattered goblins were easily dealt with like chopping vegetables.

Felomon snorted, “I told you, goblins are nothing but low-level trash. Why consider them a threat?”

At this rate, the battle would be over in less than an hour.

But suddenly, the situation changed.


A batch of warhorses was thrown over by something unknown!

They heavily crashed beside Felomon and the others.

One could see the carnivorous horses along with their riders crushed together, dead in a twisted and horrific manner.

It was the Beast King Goblin!

He had made his move, like an enraged gorilla, grabbing a rider and smashing them together with their carnivorous horse!

Other hero variants also began to resist.

The cavalry was forced to keep their distance.

Moreover, that mutant variant had even taken control of a dozen soldiers.

“What is that thing? Goblins are too disgusting.”

Lin Tian cursed as he watched this scene.

The mutant goblin, about 1.6 meters tall, appeared to be decaying and mushy all over.

From its sensitive body parts, long tentacles extended, piercing the soldiers’ heads.

These soldiers were controlled like puppets.

Seeing the situation quickly reverse, Stantmont immediately ordered, “Retreat!”

All the soldiers began to fall back, their previous high spirits greatly diminished.

The Beast King Goblin’s oppressive presence was too overwhelming!

Under the moonlight, his huge figure, blood-red eyes, and the scene of him devouring a carnivorous horse in a few bites were too shocking!

He seemed like a wild beast that no one could control!

A Beast King!

Felomon, with a vigilant tone, said, “It seems indeed difficult to deal with. What is that thing? Is it an overlord variant?”

“Not sure. Leave it to the family experts,” Stantmont said gravely.

From behind, a dozen people stepped forward, all dressed in high-quality armor.

They were true nobles, like Cecil and Loder, and quite powerful.

“Father, we’ll distract that thing. Leave the rest to the soldiers.” A girl with a golden ponytail solemnly said.

She was Loder’s cousin, Lorna.

She wasn’t an adventurer, but she hadn’t neglected her training.

She was far more powerful than Loder.

Stantmont nodded, “Be careful. For the honor of the Stantmont family, don’t be a disgrace like your brother!”

“Yes, sir!” Lorna replied and swiftly led the dozen people into action.

They skillfully avoided the small goblins’ harassment and the hero variants’ attacks, reaching the Beast King Goblin.

One of them used magic, launching an explosion at his head!

However, the effect was minimal.

But it effectively enraged him, causing him to roar and chase after the dozen people!

Lin Tian thought to himself, this isn’t good. If they keep running, they’ll run into his group.

Fortunately, they didn’t get far before the Beast King Goblin stopped. He wasn’t too stupid and realized they were trying to lure him away.

Lin Tian curiously checked their attributes.

[Beast King Goblin: Lv79

Race: Goblin

Profession: None

Title: Beast King, Tomb Apostle, Extreme Sin, God’s Blessing…

Health: 2000

Strength: 630

Defense: 570

Skills: Beast King’s Roar, Brutal Strike, Armor Skin…

Equipment: None

Overall: 2800]

He didn’t expect this guy’s power to be so monstrous.

Lin Tian was slightly surprised. Even he couldn’t beat him in a one-on-one fight.

No wonder he was a monster from the enchanted forest, far more brutal than imagined.

“Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity. That golden ponytail girl is doomed.” Lin Tian sighed regretfully.

Her overall strength was only 1700, and the others were around 1000. They stood no chance.

Combat strength wasn’t additive; two at 2000 couldn’t match one at 4000.

The difference was too vast.

The young magician wanted to launch another explosion spell at the Beast King Goblin, laughing arrogantly as he approached.

Lorna hurriedly stopped him, “Don’t go. We need to work together to restrain him!”

“It’s fine, sis. I’m attacking from a distance; he can’t hit me!”

The young man relished the thrill, finding it exciting and fun.

From about ten meters away, he began to chant a spell, the red crystal ball in his hand gradually charging.

This magic attack had a long range, but it took about a second to cast, not an instant strike.

The Beast King Goblin locked his cold, creepy eyes on him!

In the next moment, the young magician, who had been laughing, suddenly felt something was wrong!

Goosebumps rose all over his body, and his legs seemed weak, about to collapse.

In a blink!

The Beast King Goblin dashed in front of him!

A large, dark hand reached for him! Closer and closer!

He could see the palm lines and rough calluses.


A gruesome sound rang out.

The young magician, barely a teenager, was smashed to pieces! His body flew back to Lorna and the others.

A hand here, a head there.

Parts were scattered everywhere.

The Beast King Goblin licked the blood on his hand, “Such a tender taste, hehehe…”

His large mouth grinned, revealing sharp teeth.

“Brother! Brother!!! I will avenge you!”

A young man angrily shouted, drawing his longsword to attack.

They were all from the same family, all relatives. Watching his brother get killed made him furious.

Moreover, the young magician was a promising talent, a new star of the family.

He had been recognized by a grand mage, expected to inherit his white magic hat.

Now, he couldn’t even be pieced together.

TL: In China/Chinese, people call friends “brother” as in “bro”. However, it’s also fine to call cousins “brother” and “sister”. I don’t know why Lorna is his daughter though. Just ignore it.

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