From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 36: Perverse Goblin Virtue!

TL: Sungmin

Upon seeing the goblin, Cecil and his companions immediately tensed up!

They waded through the river without hesitation, pursuing into the forest on the other side.

On the other side, Lin Tian’s lips curled into a smile, “Very good, the prey has taken the bait, though it seems to be aiming to be the oriole after the cicada…”

In the dense forest behind, a mysterious figure in heavy armor approached slowly.

The figure reached the riverbank.

Upon seeing who it was, Lin Tian frowned slightly.

In his plan, he intended to deal with those two idiots first, but he didn’t expect Goblin Slayer to follow as well.

At this moment, Goblin Slayer emitted strange noises from his mouth.

It sounded like he was very pleased? Extremely excited and thrilled, “Great, hehehe, wonderful, so beautiful!”

Under that armor, his eyes were glowing!

This confused Lin Tian, “Is this guy having a mental orgasm, what’s he laughing at?”

Goblin Slayer then untied the weapon on his back and slowly removed that mysterious helmet with his hand.

The revealed appearance wasn’t that of a bearded man or a scar-faced brute.

Instead, it was a striking woman with jade-like fair skin and slightly curly long hair. Her deep green eyes were like a lush, enchanting forest.

Her red lips and white teeth were just like an angel from a medieval painting.

However, upon closer inspection, one could notice her ears were slightly pointed.

Lin Tian thought his eyes were deceiving him, “No way? A woman? Wearing such heavy armor just to conceal her gender? And what’s with those ears?”

Immediately after, Goblin Slayer started removing her leg armor.

Those legs were so beautiful they took one’s breath away, too white and long, with clearly defined muscle lines.

Probably developed from years of wearing heavy armor, they were as exceptionally beautiful as ancient Roman sculptures.


When the heavy chest armor hit the ground, what came into view was a bra bound with circles of white bandages.

Exposing her graceful collarbones and navel.

“Bandages? This hits my kink too hard! Can’t imagine how fragrant this person must be! I must capture her and make her my exclusive breeding tool!”

Lin Tian swallowed, tempted to act immediately to subdue her!

But in the end, reason triumphed over desire.

Her strength was unknown, and he didn’t dare to act rashly.

Better to deal with those two idiots ahead first.

He even suspected she had discovered him and was deliberately trying to lure him out.

At this moment, Goblin Slayer had shed all her clothes, like a fallen angel bathing in the river.

She started washing every part of her body in the clear river water.

She was like a scorching pure white lotus, making one’s blood boil.

Lin Tian had never felt this way before, as if he were mesmerized by her!

After watching for a while, he finally chose to leave, as the fight ahead was about to start.

“What kind of intelligent variant is this? I really want to have a good taste~”

In the river, Goblin Slayer muttered to herself expectantly.

Her eyes were full of longing, her expression excited and hard to contain.

Her face had turned red.

That big goblin was still running wildly, only stopping after covering several dozen miles in one go, collapsing from exhaustion.

He ran so far to create a misleading impression.

Making everyone think the tribe was in the forest several dozen miles across the river.

“Damn it! Is that guy a dog? Running so fast and so far!”

Gru couldn’t help cursing, even the carnivorous horses couldn’t catch up.

Fortunately, the carnivorous horses had far more endurance than goblins.

Cecil’s nerves tightened, “He stopped. Everyone, be careful, the goblin tribe must be nearby.”

Hearing this, everyone became vigilant.

Suddenly, the sound of something cutting through the air rang out!


An arrow flew from an unknown direction, hitting the horse under Gru, causing it to struggle frantically.

Throwing him off in the process.

Gru got up and wielded his red crystal magic staff, launching an attack towards the dense forest ahead.


A violent explosion occurred, accompanied by blazing flames!

“Boom, boom, boom!”

One after another, wild blasts shattered most of the surrounding trees, opening up the view.

Cecil quickly shouted, “Careful! Goblins are attacking!”

Gobu Kuang stood up from behind the bushes, holding a black iron sword and a large battle axe, which were the weapons of Kasimov and the Battle Roar Captain.

Seeing this, Gru fired a fierce attack at him, “Die!”

Flames instantly engulfed Gobu Kuang’s massive form.

“That guy is likely a hero variant, focus fire!” Gru continued shouting.

The Gray Hat members all used fireball magic, bombarding Gobu Kuang ferociously.

If it were a human, not even ashes would remain.

Cecil felt a bit embarrassed watching, “That’s enough, Old Man Gru, that guy has long been reduced to ashes.”


When the flames dissipated, Gobu Kuang stood there unscathed.

His four hands were raised in front of him, and combined with the blocking battle axe, he was almost unharmed.

Only the skin on his four hands had peeled back, looking quite painful.

Instantly, Gru’s heart trembled, “What! He isn’t dead? It seems he is indeed a hero variant. Keep attacking!”

From a distance, on a large rock, Goblin Slayer stood straight, observing everything ahead.

She couldn’t help but sneer, “They don’t even know that Four-Handed Goblins have magic resistance. They’ll probably all meet their end here.”

“Look around! Goblins are approaching, and they’re all big variants!” At this moment, Cecil exclaimed.

A group of heavily armed big goblins was rapidly approaching, at least dozens of them!

Gru then realized they were surrounded, “Damn it! Why do these goblins have iron armor and iron swords? We must not let them get close! Cecil, it’s up to you now! High-level magic · Life Spring!”

Immediately, he activated his skill, creating a spring emitting blue light at everyone’s feet.

In this area, they could continuously recover their strength.

It was equivalent to sustained mana regeneration, allowing for continuous spellcasting.

Cecil and his team guarded the group of Gray Hat mages.

“Mid-tier magic · Ice Spike!”

“Mid-tier magic · Quicksand Field!”

“Mid-tier magic · Rain of Retribution!”

For a moment, all sorts of dazzling magical attacks appeared.

There was ice, water, sand, fire, and so on.

They truly managed to suppress the group of big goblins, preventing them from approaching.

However, only three had died so far.

Because it was a wheel battle, one or two hundred fully armed big goblins took turns surrounding and approaching.

The injured ones would retreat behind the big rocks for treatment by Ifreya.

Once healed, they would continue fighting.

But this was not a sustainable method. Lin Tian instructed, “Gobu Tian, try to create an opportunity for Gobu Kuang to charge in.”

“Yes, boss!”

From the top of a large tree, Gobu Tian descended directly from the sky!


He jumped onto Gru’s head, who was casting Life Spring.

He continuously tore at Gru’s face with his claws, making it a bloody mess in an instant!

Gru screamed in pain and quickly interrupted his spell, “High-level shield!”


A shockwave erupted from him, forming a blue shield that blasted Gobu Tian away.

But it also created an opportunity for Gobu Kuang and his companions.

Mindless charge!

Gobu Kuang roared, constantly swinging the weapons in his hands.

Cecil and his group were so frightened they visibly took half a step back, shouting, “Don’t be afraid! Shield bearers! Where are the shield bearers?”

Two knights pulled out large silver shields from their backs!


A harsh sound of metal collision rang out, actually blocking Gobu Kuang!

But it only blocked Gobu Kuang.

Everyone else was instantly overwhelmed by a large number of goblins!

Screams echoed!

Seeing the dire situation, Cecil placed his longsword before him and began chanting, “Holy Lord, I shall use Your power to drive out the demons, super-level magic · Holy Light Enchantment!”


The ordinary longsword was instantly covered in a golden holy light!

It now looked like a two-meter-long golden greatsword.

“Your Highness, save me!”

A knight was pinned down by a goblin, who was frantically tearing at his armor. Seeing the exposed flesh, the goblin bit into his arm.

A large chunk of flesh was bitten off just like that.

The big goblin was still chewing when suddenly, the holy light-covered longsword pierced through it!

The goblin lost all reaction.

Cecil commanded, “Everyone, gather around me! Don’t scatter! Old man Gru, how long until your attack magic is ready?”

“Almost there, I just got ambushed, why didn’t you pay more attention!”

Gru could no longer worry about attack magic, first casting healing magic to heal the wounds on his face.

Any later and it would have been too late.

Cecil’s Blizzard Heroes finally reacted.

They began using the ‘Blizzard Formation’.

Seven people formed a hexagonal snowflake shape.

In the center was another healing-type paladin in the team, responsible for restoring everyone’s strength.

And Gru and the other mages who were recuperating.

Cecil, holding the holy light sword, stood alone against the side with the most goblins, forcing the goblins to stay away.

“Oh? A paladin, quite unexpected.”

From a distance, Goblin Slayer spoke in surprise, but then her tone shifted, “Unfortunately, they underestimate goblins, such a beautiful and powerful species.”

Gru couldn’t help but be satisfied, “Indeed, I chose the right team to join forces with. I’m ready too, let’s kill them all!”

He then reactivated the Life Spring.

The Gray Hat members were ready to continue their unlimited firepower.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tian couldn’t help but sigh, “Indeed, a Diamond-level adventurer team, their level is much higher than expected.”

Qualified output, qualified defense.

If it were any other goblin tribe, even with ten hero variants, they probably wouldn’t stand a chance.

What a pity they came to the wrong place.

“Gobu Shan, what are you waiting for?”

As soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, a goblin covered in bone spikes and armor stepped forward, “Boss, then I won’t hold back! Kekeke!”

“What is that thing, a goblin?!”

Seeing Gobu Shan, Cecil and his team were shocked.

It was their first time seeing such a strange creature.

Covered in bone spikes and bone armor!

Gru sensed something was wrong, his pupils constricted as he realized, “Damn it! It’s a mutant variant! Focus fire on that mutant goblin!”

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