From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 125: Wild Growth, the Rise of the Empire!!

TL: Sungmin

“Then you all find a place to hide. When it’s time to attack the Sword Kingdom, I will inform you.”

Lin Tian felt joyous in his heart.

Thankfully, these were undead souls. If they had been ghouls, there would have been no way to communicate, as they were mindless.

Lawrence waved his hand, and the army of undead began to slowly dissipate.

“When you need me, just call my name…”

Finally, hundreds of thousands of undead disappeared.

Lin Tian finally felt relieved; he had really struck a good deal.

Not only did he gain more than two hundred thousand experience points, but he also acquired such an army of undead.

“Gulp, gulp…”

At this moment, he heard a frenzied swallowing sound.

Turning his head, he saw Gobu Kuang devouring the corpse he had been holding earlier like mad.

Even when chased by the undead army, he hadn’t let it go.

He wanted to quickly evolve into a Goblin King.

Everyone returned outside the city to continue dealing with the corpses, watching Gobu Kuang devour nonstop.

With his four arms, it seemed like a glitch, devouring seamlessly.

Even faster than an assembly line.

“Burp! Boss, how much longer do I have to eat before I can evolve? It feels like I’ve eaten tens of thousands already!” Gobu Kuang said in distress.

Even he, despite his gluttonous nature, felt nauseous now.

Lin Tian checked his attribute panel—level 100!

It turned out he really had eaten to the maximum level.

No wonder, even though these soldiers were only at levels thirty to forty, eating so many was quite impressive.

Looking at him, Lin Tian said, “That’s strange. At level one hundred, you should have evolved. Could it be that your aptitude isn’t sufficient for evolution?”

But upon careful thought, Gobu Kuang’s aptitude was more than enough.

The races he had mated with were countless.

He had no dietary restrictions.

He had even mated more than Lin Tian, though not matching Lin Tian in quality.

At least he won in terms of quantity.

He could only wait to ask Goblin Slayer later; she might know the reason.

After piling up all the corpses, Lin Tian used the skill Blizzard Domain, creating a natural refrigerator.

To prevent rot.

Back in the square, Gobu Kuang looked dejected.

“Goblin Slayer, can you check Gobu Kuang? He’s met the conditions for evolution, so why hasn’t he evolved?”

Lin Tian couldn’t help but ask for him.

Though this guy was slow-witted and couldn’t accomplish much.

He was uniquely loyal.

Goblin Slayer was stunned and said in surprise, “Isn’t it obvious? Because you, in a sense, are the Goblin King now. Gobu Kuang has no intention of challenging and killing you, so he can’t evolve into a King variant.”


Lin Tian suddenly understood why this was happening.

At this moment.

Gobu Kuang laughed foolishly, scratching his head, “Boss, then forget it. I won’t be a King variant. It’s not bad this way, hehe…”

“You guy… Goblin Slayer, is there no other way?” Lin Tian asked with some pity.

Goblin Slayer thought and said, “There is another way. He could go to another King variant tribe, kill and devour that Goblin King, and then he can evolve.”

Upon hearing this.

Lin Tian nodded. As long as there was a way.

But first, he had to take care of domestic matters.

“Gobu Kuang, in a while, I’ll take you to another King variant tribe. Can you hold on?” Lin Tian said calmly.

Gobu Kuang nodded, “Thank you, Boss. You’re the best! I wish I could get smaller too!”


Katheryn continued to announce the regulations of the Goblin Empire.

There were still five days before they could simulate life again.

After Little Black returned to the ancient dragon clan under Scar and the others’ escort, Lin Tian began cultivating seeds and livestock.

In the future, he needed to prepare for an army of at least several million goblins.

Food supply issues needed early resolution.

The method was simple.

Selecting seeds from the best and largest grains, fruits, and vegetables.

These were considered relatively superior seeds, to be replanted.

After cycling through this process dozens of times, while not causing qualitative changes, there would be a significant increase in yield.

Of course, it couldn’t compare to modern radiation mutation, cell improvement, and DNA recombination methods.

In the royal city.

Lin Tian gathered a large number of human residents in a vegetable plot.

“What’s happening? Are they going to kill us? Help…”

“Isn’t the Holy Mother here? I’m a little scared…”

“Why gather in a vegetable plot? Are they planning to kill us and use our bodies as fertilizer?”

A group of residents trembled.

They were deeply terrified of Lin Tian.

With the collapse of the government and the church, the residents secretly chose new leaders.

After all, humans were also social animals.

Lin Tian looked at them and directly said, “Who is your current leader?”

A middle-aged man with a thick beard gathered his courage and stepped forward.

“Greetings, Your Majesty. My name is Charles. I was a minor noble and merchant in the kingdom. May I ask why you have gathered us?”

“Charles, right? Don’t be afraid. I’m just here to help you improve crop and livestock yields.”

Lin Tian examined him for a few moments. His strength was very weak, only over a thousand combat power.

Charles’s legs trembled as he stood, clearly terrified, but he had courage.

He could serve as the human leader, making management easier.

Hearing this, Charles sighed in relief and asked in mild surprise, “Crop and livestock? You came to teach us?”

Not only Charles, but everyone else was also bewildered.

It felt like they had heard the most unbelievable thing.

There were records of goblins stealing human farming and husbandry techniques, but never goblins teaching humans.

It seemed like a joke.

However, Charles could only force a smile.

Lin Tian took out the best seeds he had found earlier.

In front of everyone, he planted them in the soil.

The varieties included wheat, soybeans, sweet potatoes, and potatoes.

These were main food sources with low yields.

Unlike vegetables like cabbage and cucumbers, these crops had poor genetics, resulting in low yields despite fertilization.

Vegetables only needed heavy fertilization.


Everyone was bewildered.

Was he teaching them how to plant?

It seemed absurd.

Then Lin Tian called out, “Ifreya, use healing magic on these seeds.”

“Super-tier Magic · Healing Rain!”

Ifreya quickly complied, flipping through her spellbook.

As green, glowing raindrops fell into the vegetable plot.

In an instant, the seeds began to sprout and grow rapidly!

Within a minute, the wheat had formed, and the soybeans were flowering.

The sweet potatoes and potatoes were lush with leaves.

Healing magic essentially accelerated growth, which was why people avoided getting injured even with a healer present.

Each healing depleted life force, shortening one’s lifespan.

Super-tier healing magic could accelerate growth equivalent to one or two months.

Lin Tian said, “Do it again. I brought this for you.”

He took out the Endless Holy Grail, already filled with magic power.

No fear of draining Ifreya.

In no time.

After the second Healing Rain.

The crops had all matured.

Lin Tian touched the golden wheat, shaking his head, “Only a few grains are plump, some are even shriveled.”

Soybeans, sweet potatoes, and potatoes.

Each plant had only a few, and they were small.

Lin Tian then selected the best seeds and replanted them.

He had Ifreya continue using Healing Rain.

Everyone spent three days in shock and disbelief!


After two hundred experiments, a completely plump wheat stalk emerged!

Charles couldn’t help but exclaim, “My God, wheat can grow like this? If we planted this every year, one harvest could feed my family for three years!”

The residents widened their eyes, taking turns to examine it!

They were astounded!

“This isn’t wheat; each grain looks like a plump pearl!”

“I never thought magic could be used like this!”


Amid the astonished voices, Lin Tian dug up sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Although not all were large and plump, over half were, and each plant yielded seven or eight tubers.

Each weighing five to six pounds!

Soybean yields also increased severalfold.

Charles was almost in tears with excitement, “Goblin Majesty, you, you’re simply incredible! Long live the Majesty!”

He knelt down and began kowtowing.

Seeing this, the other residents followed suit.

Lin Tian didn’t refuse, thoroughly enjoying the feeling. At least they could become his devoted slaves.

Although there were other methods, this was simpler and more convenient.

If word got out that the residents of the Lionheart Empire willingly produced for goblins.

Even raised goblin offspring.

It would shock the continent for years.

“Don’t get too excited. Gobu Kuang, what about the wild boars I asked you to catch? Did you get them?” Lin Tian asked nearby.

Gobu Kuang responded, dropping a few blackened creatures from his hands.

They were wild boars.

But they were already dead.

Lin Tian felt speechless, “I asked for live ones! Hurry up and get them!”

Gobu Kuang, Gobu Tian, and Gobu Shan quickly left.

Soon, a few sturdy wild boars were captured and placed in a newly repaired stone enclosure.

Charles asked curiously, “Goblin Majesty, what are you planning? Wild boars can’t be domesticated. They’re extremely aggressive, often escape, and their meat isn’t as plentiful as cows or as tasty as sheep.”

They had attempted to domesticate them before but failed miserably, ending up reeking of pig stench.

Sure enough, the wild boars in the stone pen started to become restless.

They crazily rammed against the enclosure, almost breaking free.

Lin Tian coldly laughed, “You’re quite foolish. You can’t domesticate them because you give them the power to rebel.”

Saying this, he jumped into the pen.

Sensing Lin Tian’s evil and terrifying aura.

The once aggressive wild boars instantly turned into little pigs.

They retreated to the corner, trembling in fear.

Lin Tian moved swiftly, breaking the leg of one wild boar, then did the same to the others.

“If their legs are broken, can they still be aggressive and escape? Now they’ll behave.” Lin Tian said.

As long as they were bred for a few generations this way, their offspring would be much tamer, becoming domestic pigs.

Moreover, the most important thing was that cows and sheep typically bore one offspring, sheep up to two.

Pigs could produce over a dozen.

With increased numbers, the meat supply problem would be solved.

Some residents, who understood, were ecstatic!

“Long live Goblin Majesty!”

“I even feel like he’s a god sent to save us!”

“How touching! Goblin Majesty, I want to bear twenty goblin offspring with you!”

“I’ll bear thirty!”

“A hundred!”

Idk guys, Goblin Majesty seems weird but it seems most smooth from the options available in the English language.

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