Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2244: Battle of Genius

The air around Rajh was crackled with electricity, the atmosphere growing thick with the charged energy of his transformation. Shinta, sensing the rising threat, was already prepared for Rajh's relentless onslaught. With a deep breath, she activated her [Immortal Gate Stage 4], a technique that bolstered her strength and speed, evening the gap between them. But she knew brute force alone wouldn't be enough to hold Rajh at bay. Drawing upon her mastery of nature-based magic, she cast the [Verdant Vine] spell.

In an instant, thick, thorny vines burst from the ground, writhing and twisting through the air like serpents. They coiled around Rajh, blocking his path and lashing out from all directions, seeking to entangle and restrain him. Shinta maintained a defensive stance, her eyes sharp and focused as she controlled the vines with precision, forcing Rajh to contend with her tactical advantage.

It was a brilliant strategy. The vines kept Rajh at a distance, limiting his movements and creating a buffer between them. The battle became a prolonged contest of endurance and skill, with Shinta carefully maneuvering to avoid Rajh's strikes while her vines constantly harried and attacked him. The crowd watched in tense anticipation, marveling at Shinta's ingenuity and control.

Yet, despite being bombarded by the relentless onslaught of vines, Rajh showed no signs of weakening. If anything, the fierce resistance seemed to fuel him even more. Rajh's innate ability, [Tempest Charge], thrived under pressure, and his raw, unyielding spirit synergized perfectly with it. The more challenging the battle became, the more Rajh's power surged.

With another ferocious roar, Rajh's strength visibly increased. His blades, now crackling with intensified lightning, slashed through the vines with ruthless efficiency, cutting them down as if they were nothing. His relentless advance continued, inching closer and closer to Shinta with each powerful strike.

But just as she prepared to strike, something went horribly wrong. The mysterious energy within her core, the dark power of Khaos that had fueled her so far, suddenly surged uncontrollably. It was as if the energy had reached a critical point, and instead of empowering her further, it burst forth in a chaotic wave, overwhelming her senses. In an instant, Shinta lost control of her spells, the once-dominant vines faltering as her focus shattered.

Rajh, sensing the sudden shift, seized the opportunity with ruthless precision. With a feral roar, he charged forward, his short blades gleaming with deadly intent. Shinta, caught off guard by the sudden loss of control, could do nothing to defend herself as Rajh unleashed his attack.


The sound of the blade-piercing flesh echoed through the arena, followed by a collective gasp from the onlookers. Blood splattered across the ground as Rajh's blade found its mark, critically wounding Shinta. The pain was overwhelming, and before she could even register what had happened, her vision blurred, and darkness consumed her. She collapsed to the ground, unconscious, her body limp and bloodied.

The arena erupted into chaos as the instructors rushed forward, trying to reach her in time. But before anyone could react, a portal suddenly opened in the middle of the battlefield, and a figure stepped through with blinding speed.

It was Emery, Shinta's father, his expression a mix of fear and fury as he immediately moved to his daughter's side. With a wave of his hand, a healing aura enveloped Shinta, its warmth and light contrasting sharply with the grim scene.

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